페이지 이미지

The above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Sworn to before me this 16th day of June in the year 1972 A.D.


Notary Public, State of New York.

Qualified in Nassau County, Commission Expires March 30, 1973.

ATTACHMENT No. 1.-Check No. 6944-dated January 25, 1971: Payee: Cy R. Snyder; Amount, $50,000

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ATTACHMENT No. 2.-Check No. 6945-Dated January 25, 1971: Payee: Cy Reeves Snyder Agency, Inc.; Amount, $35,000

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ATTACHMENT No. 3.-Check No. 20523-Dated September 22, 1971: Payee: Viscount Agency, Inc.; Amount, $25,000

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ATTACHMENT No. 4.-Check No. 21145-Dated October 18, 1971: Payee: Viscount Agency, Inc.; Amount, $20,000

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I, Henry Brown, 2185 Valentine Avenue, Bronx, New York, having been advised of my rights, make the following statements voluntarily and freely to John Tschirhart and Michael Cesario who have identified themselves to me as investigators for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the United States Senate Government Operations Committee. I have not been coerced or intimidated in any way.

Mr. Louis C. Ostrer or Mr. Seymour Greenfield contacted me concerning the cashing of Kings Lafayette Bank cashiers check #103-001918. This check which was dated January 27, 1971 was for $25,000 and was made payable to me (See Attachment #1). Mr. Michael McEnroe signed this check on behalf of the Kings Lafayette Bank. At Ostrer's or Greenfield's direction, I cashed the check; giving the money to them or one of their associates either Mr. William Kilroy, Mr. William Felner, or Mr. Sonny Ratoff. I gave Ostrer or his associates the cash either a few days before the check was presented to me or the same day it was presented. In a similar manner, I also cashed Sutter Agency Inc. check #186 for Ostrer or Greenfield. This check which was dated April 14, 1971 was for $5,000 and was made payable to me. (See Attachment #2). At Ostrer or Greenfield's direction, I gave the cash to either of them or to one of their associates (Messrs. Kilroy, Felner or Ratoff). This cash was given to the above named parties either a few days before the check was presented to me or the same day it was presented. The above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Sworn to before me this 28th day of July in the year 1972 A.D.


Notary Public, State of New York.

Qualified in Nassau County, Commission Expires March 30, 1973.

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