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averages per member for the Church. This wi.. bring out speeches from the best friends of the benevolences, and suggest the way for securing responses from others before the next meeting. Each coming report will waken curiosity and interest, and tend to the formation of systematic and generous habits of giving. The number of contributors should be reported to the Annual Conference, classed under different standards. The Newark Conference adopted a system of standards as shown in the following form of the report required:

[blocks in formation]








These reports to the Conferences should be tabulated so as to show the degree of progress toward a proper contribution from every member in every part of the Church, and where efforts at improvement is most needed.

It is surprising what an effect reiterated reports will have on the habits when systematically made and brought home to those concerned.

It is as important to establish a system of minima as to get a contribution from every one. Every pastor who so presents the benevolences as to produce conviction has many a one coming to him and asking, "How much do you think I ought to give to this cause?" The average pastor would reply, “Give all you can," which adds nothing to the inquirer's information, and is interpreted, on the one hand, by a poor laborer to mean five dollars, and on the other, by a man ten times as able, to mean twenty-five cents. If, instead of saying, "Give all you can," the pastor should say, "Take 65 cents for your minimum if you are very poor, $1 30 if you have the ability of a common laborer of ordinary prosperity, $2 60 if you have the ability of the average mechanic, or if you are better off give such sums

as will proportionately correspond to your means, provided you mean to give the lowest admissible sum; but I want my people to give liberally, and not the lowest adınissible sum, and if you want to give liberally do not give less than one per cent. of your income." A pastor who will thus instruct his people, and show his sympathy with them and with his subject by adding to their offerings two per cent. of his own income, can soon have them doing full justice to all these benevolences and keep certainly within the bounds of moderation.

The missionary cause, which has about a two thirds interest in the claim of the seven collections combined, would be much the gainer by admitting a report on the other six at every monthly concert, and the meeting itself would be made more interesting and effective. A season of special prayer for God's blessing on the offerings and on the work contributed to, should always constitute a prominent part of the exercises.

Thus a little change in our system, introduced and improved by experience, would not be many years in adding another million to present receipts, and calling out the prayers of the Church for the work with tenfold the present power.

Then could we enter and occupy, more nearly as we should, the mighty and opening West, the needy but rising South, and the whitening harvest of the world.


American Reviews.

AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN AND ORIENTAL JOURNAL, January. 1883. (Chicago, IU.) 1. On the Interpretation of the Early Mythologies of Greece and India; by F. G. Fleay, A.M. 2. Indian Migratious, as Evidenced by Language; by Horatio Hale. 3. Native Races of Colombia, S. A.; by E. G. Barney. 4. Ancient Village Architecture in America-Indian and Mound Builders' Villages; by S. D. Peet, editor. 5. Description of an Ancient Aztec Town in New Mexico: by W. H. A. Reed. 6. Specimen of the Chumeto Language; by Albert S. Gatschet. 7. Mound Joliet; by O. H. Marshall. BIBLIOTHECA SACRA, January, 1883. (Andover.)-1. Proposed Reconstruction of the Pentateuch; by Rev. Edwin C. Bissell, D.D. 2. The Conception EKKAŋoa in the New Testament; by Prof. E. Benj. Andrews. 3. Positivism as a Working System; by Rev. F. H. Johnson. 4. The Argument from Christian Experience for the Inspiration of the Bible; by Rev. Frank H. Foster, Ph.D. 5. On some Textual Questions in the Gospel of John; by Henry Hayman, D.D. 6. The School-Life of Walafried Strabo; translated by Prof. J. D. Butler, Ph.D. 7. Some Notes on recent Catacomb Research and its Literature; by Rev. Prof. Scott.

CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1883. (Columbia, Mo.)-1. Worldliness in the Church; by J. T. Toof. 2. The Distinctive Peculiarities of the Disciples; by J. Z. Tyler. 3. The Foreknowledge of God; by John Tomline Walsh. 4. God Every-where; by G. R. Hand. 5. A Duty of Christian Parents; by J. W. Ellis. 6. The Philosophy of Pain-Hell; by Thomas Munnell. 7. Creation and Evolution; by G. T. Carpenter. 8. Will Morality Secure Eternal Life? by George E. Dew. 9. A Kingdom That Cannot be Moved; by H. Christopher.

JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY, January, 1883. (New York.)-1. The Arguments for the Being of God; by Prof. George P. Fisher, D.D., LL.D. 2. Christianity and Social Science; by Washington Gladden, D.D. 3. Revela tion; by Prof. George T. Ladd. D.D. 4. The Incarnation and Modern Thought; by A. J. F. Behrends, D.D. 5. Mind and Matter, their Immediate Relation; by President John Bascom, D.D., LL.D. 6. The Spiritual Life, a Fact and a Testimony; by Giles H. Mandeville, D.D. 7. Proceedings of the American Institute of Christian Philosophy.

LUTHERAN QUARTERLY, January, 1883. (Gettysburg.)-1. The Rise of the Episcopate; a translation from Dr. Heinrich Schmid's "Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte;" by Prof. E. J. Wolf, D.D. 2. The Law of Burial and of Burial Grounds; by Rev. William Hull. 3. How to Develop and Direct the Benevolence of the Church; by Rev. George Scholl, A. M. 4. The Question of Primeval Monotheism; by M. Valentine, D.D. 5. The Length of Our Saviour's Public Ministry According to the Gospel of St. John; by Rev. J. C. Jacoby, A.M. 6. What Are the Qualifications Necessary to Church Membership? by Rev. E. D. Weigle, A.M. 7. Christ and the Conscience; by Prof. W. H. Wynn, Ph.D. 8. The Liturgical Question; by Rev. F. W. Conrad, D.D.

NEW ENGLANDER, March, 1883. (New Haven.)-1. Goethe's Ethical Sayings in Prose; by Prof. R. B. Richardson, Ph.D. 2. Voices from the Spirit-Realm; by Dr. Robert Friese, Leipsic. 1879; translated by Rev. J. B. Chase. 3. The Importance of Experimental Research in Mechanical Science; by Prof. W. P. Trowbridge. 4. The Plan of Paradise Lost; by Prof. John A. Himes. 5. The Human Mind. 6. Recent Infidelity: Its Extent and Remedies; by Rev. D. F. Harris. 7. The Bible as a Book of Education; by Prof. H. M. Goodwin. PRESBYTERIAN REVIEW. January, 1883. (New York.)-1. The Teaching of Our Lord Regarding the Sabbath, and its Bearing on Christian Work; by Rev. George Patterson, D.D. 2. The Separation of Church and State in Virginia; by Rev. J. Harr's Patton, A.M. 3. The Revised Book of Discipline; by Rev. Elijah R. Craven, D.D. 4. A Critical Study of the History of the Higher Criticism, with Sp cial Reference to the Pentateuch; by Prof. Charles A. Briggs, D.D. 5. Darwinism and the Dakota Group; by Rev. William J. Harsha, M.A. 6. John Henry Newman and the Oxford Revival; by Prof. Archibald Alexander, Ph.D.

PRINCETON REVIEW, March, 1883. (New York.)-1. The Utah Problem; by Henry Randall Waite. 2. A New Experiment in Education; by Prof. Felix Adler. 3. St. Paul: by Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D., LL D. 4. The Hidden Heart; by the late Prof. Tayler Lewis, L.H.D. 5. Convict Labor and the Labor Reformers; by Hon. A. S. Meyrick. 6. American Manufactures: by Francis A. Walker, LL.D. 7. The Antagonisms. Between Hinduism and Christianity; by Samuel H. Kellogg, D.D.

UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY, January, 1883. (Boston.)-1. Scripture Exposition: by O. D. Miller, D.D. 2. Drifts in Religious Thought; by Rev. H. I. Cushman. 3. The Necessity of a Change in the Language of Our Creed; by Rev. E. C. Sweetser, D D. 4. The Attractive and Triumphant Cross; by A. J. Patterson, D.D. 5. A New System of Philosophy: by Rev. S. S. Hebberd. 6. The Catacombs of Rome: Their Teachings of Doctrine, Ritual, etc., (Part Third:) by Rev. A. B. Grosh. 7. True and False Ideas of Holiness; by Rev. A. G. Rogers.

English Reviews.

LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1883. (London.)—1. The Social Science Association. 2. The Relation of Kant to Speculative Philosophy. 3. Charity in the Early Church. 4. William Law. 5. Recent French Historical Literature. 6. Egypt. 7. Evolutionary Ethics. 8. The Doctrine of the Spirit in the Corinthian Epistles.

LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, January, 1883. (New York)-1. Archbishop Tait and the Primacy. 2. Progress and Poverty. 3. Private Life of Cardinal Mazarin. 4. Pawnbroking. 5. Sir Archibald Alison's Autobiography. 6. Corea. 7. American Novels. 8. Was the Egyptian War Necessary?

9. The True Position of Parties.

INDIAN EVANGELICAL REVIEW, January, 1883. (Calcutta.)-1. The Education of the Aborigines; by Rev. A. Campbell. 2. The Bengali Mussulmans and Christian Effort among them; by Rev. H. Williams, C.M.S. 3. Mussulman-Bengali. 4. The State of Hinduism at the Rise of Buddhism; by the Editor. 5. A Lady's Testimony to the Fiji Mission; by Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E. 6. The Education of the Aborigines.-II; by Rev. A. Campbell. 7. Muhammad Missari on Sufíism, with Introductory Note; by Rev. E. M. Wherry. 8. Missionary Reminiscences of 1882; by the Editor. 9. The Mission Work: Principles and Methods; by Rev. W. W. Howland.

German Reviews.

THEOLOGISCHE STUDIEN UND KRITIKEN, (Theological Essays and Reviews.) 1883. Second Number.-Essays: 1. PROF. A. DORNER, of Wittenberg, The Nature of Religion. 2. RYSSEL, A Letter of George, Bishop of the Arabians, to the Presbyter, Jesus. Thoughts and Remarks: 1. GRIMM, Luther's Translation of the Old Testament Apocryphas. 2. USTERI. The Original of the Marburg Articles in Fac-simile, rediscovered in the State Archives at Zurich. Reviews: 1. LECHLER, Analecta ad Fratrum Minorum Historiam. 2. FELICE, Lambert Daneau, His Life, Works, and Unpublished Letters; reviewed by EBRARD. 3. STADE, Journal for Old Testament Science; reviewed by SMEND. Miscellanea: 1. Programme for the Society of the Hague for the Defense of the Christian Religion for the year 1882. 2. Programme of the Tyler Theological Society in Harlem for the year 1883.

ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KIRCHENGESCHICHTE. (Journal for Church History.) Edited by THEODORE BRIEGER. Vol. 5. Fourth Number. 1883. Investigations and Essays. 1. HEIDENHEIMER, Correspondence of Sultan Bajazet II. with Pope Alexander VI. 2. BRIEGER, Complement to the History of the Reformation from Italian Archives and Libraries. Analecta: 1. LOOFS, The Surname of the Apostle of the Germans, together with a Communication concerning Boniface. 2. Miscellanea, by ROHRICHT, KосH, and KARL MULLER.

The first article in the "Theological Essays," by Prof. A. Dorner, of Wittenberg, on the "Nature of Religion,” is in two divisions a critical one, treating of the various views entertained at the present time, and a second one, which presents the leading traits of the "Nature of Religion" as the results

of the critical investigation. The article is very long and exhaustive, extending over sixty pages, and quotes scores of authorities from German Theologians and English Philosophers. It deals chiefly with the philosophical and religious methods of the present time, and reduces these mainly to four, namely, the historical, psychological, speculative-genetic, and the speculative-critical; and claims that, in general, the Nature of Religion is to be found in the sum of the results obtained from a . thorough investigation of all these phases.

Professor Grimm, of the Theological Faculty of Jena, and a member of the Commission for the Revision of the Bible of Luther, gives us his views, in the article on "Luther's Translation of the Apocryphas," as to the mode followed by the great German reformer. Grimm maintains that in this work Luther did not consider it wise or necessary to follow the text as closely as in the translation of the canonical books. He therefore, at times, assumed the rôle of the editor, critic, or exegete, because he hoped in this way to make the reading of these books more acceptable to the masses of the people, and also more intelligible. The author declares that Luther, in this view of his work, did not follow the Vulgate in all the books. Indeed, to some of them he distinctly gave the explanation that they were taken from the Greek, but seems in places to have followed the Vulgate as a species of commentary.

Dr. Brieger, of the "Journal for Church History," treats his readers to an interesting article on his zealous efforts to learn. all he could concerning the Reformation from Italian archives -certainly a new and valuable source of information. For this purpose he left his post and spent some eight months in finding out all the sources of information that he could command. His main object was to increase the knowledge regarding the epoch of Paul III., by unsealing fountains that had hither to been inaccessible. In this laudable endeavor he alludes to the friendly reception that he received from the directors of nearly all the libraries that he visited, although many of them could not have had much sympathy with the investigations of a Protestant theologian. Through this courtesy he was enabled to collect and arrange much material into large groups, tending in different directions, which he hopes, later, to examine closely and compare, confident that he will be thus in a

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