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That this wealth and power has been acquired largely through bribery and cor. ruption. Mr. Gould testified in 1873 that he contributed money to control legislation in four States, and it was proven that the Erie road, in a single year under his management, disbursed more than $1,000,000 for this purpose. His interference with the administration of our courts of justice is illustrated by his telegraphing United States Senator Plumb, asking him to support Stanley Matthews for the United States Supreme Court. And the striking spectacle was presented of Whitelaw Reid, editor of one of the leading Republican journals of the country, and Henry Watterson, editor of one of the leading Democratic journals of the country, lobbying on the floor of the United States Senate to secure Mr. Matthews' confirmation as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. That a Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of New York recently held court in a stock gambler's office, and wrote his attorneys that he would " the very verge of judicial discretion to oblige them, and yet the Legislature refused to impeach him.

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That other judges and many legislators in this State exhibit a strong bias in favor of corporations, accept their "courtesies," and openly "speculate" in corporate securities on "points" furnished by corporate magnates.

That our great Boards of Trade and Commercial Exchanges are fast passing from the domain of legitimate business to that of gambling speculation, and the spectacle is exhibited to the young of the highest prizes of commerce and society being conferred upon its most unscrupulous and unworthy members.

That men who defraud the public, and even their friends, by selling, under false pretenses, stocks for which no money was expended, and accumulate enormous fortunes through professional misrepresentation, are called "financiers," and by doling out a little of their ill-gotten gains for religious or charitable objects, are able to purchase the commendation, or at least the toleration, of good men, and an influential portion of the pulpit and the press.

That because Senator Thurmau was active in compelling the Pacific railroads, in which Mr. Gould was interested, to fulfill their contracts with the government, that honest man and able statesman could not return to the United States Senate.

That E. D. Worcester, Treasurer of the New York Central Railroad, testified before the late Constitutional Convention of the State of New York that that road paid $205,000 one year, and $60,000 another, to obtain legislation, and that it was obtained.

That in the last United States senatorial contest in the State of New York, a member of the Legislature stated that he had been given $2,000 to vote for a railroad candidate for the United States Senate; that he had given the money to the Speaker, and asked for an investigation. An investigation was ordered, and a State Senator and two lobbyists were indicted; but they have not been tried, and it is stated that corporation influence will prevent their trial, or, if tried, secure their acquittal.

That, in 1877, the railroad riots in Pittsburg destroyed a large amount of property. The railroads refused to indemnify shippers, but endeavored to make the people of the State liable to the railroads. They tried to buy a bill through the Legislature saddling several millions of dollars upon the public. Their usual method of bribery was employed, but was detected, and E. J. Petroff, a member of the Legislature, with several accomplices, were tried and found guilty; but here political influence was brought to bear, United States Senator Don Cameron leaving his seat in the Senate and going home to look after things, and they were pardoned.

We like this method of giving, not only facts, but names. Let us know who the rogues and what their rogueries, and we shall perhaps know how and where to strike.

The following fact indicates one of the methods of reform:

When John Quincy Adams entered the House of Representatives he owned several shares of the United States Bank, but he immediately sold them on the

ground that no Representative should have an interest in any matter that might come before the House for legislation. Times have changed since then; now a large number of our Representatives are sent to our National and State Legislatures by corporations in which they are interested, or by whom they are 66 retained," either to make laws in their interest, or to prevent the people from making laws protecting the public interest; in short, to protect class interests-, taxing the many for the benefit of the few.

Has not the time come for the passing of a law or another amendment to the Constitution providing that no Representative shall vote upon a question in which he is pecuniarily interested?

Of the leading papers of New York, of both parties, the Post, the Graphic, the Journal of Commerce, the Tribune, and Brooklyn Eagle, speak in bold terms. The Republican Party has accomplished some of the noblest achievements in history. The query now is whether it will undertake this new emancipation. If it unites with the Monopoly, and becomes subservient to the new Oligarchy, its doom is sealed.

The following is the language of one great Republican:

The modern barons, more powerful than their military prototypes, own our greatest highways and levy tribute at will upon our vast industries. And, as the old feudalism was finally controlled and subordinated only by the combined efforts of the kings and the people of the free cities and towns, so our modern feudalism can be subordinated to the public good only by the great body of the people, acting through their government by wise and just laws.


And the following is from an eminent Democrat, Senator Beck, of Kentucky:

It is impossible to have an honest Legislature, State or Federal, so long as Representatives are sent who owe their election to, or are personally interested in, great moneyed corporations or monopolies. No matter whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans, they are not the representatives of the people; they are simply the agents and attorneys of those who seek, by taxing the masses, to enrich themselves, whenever they owe their election to monopolists, or are themselves interested in class legislation.

One of the admirable plans of this "Report" is its synopsis of votes given by the members of the last New York Legislature for or against each and every measure favoring monopoly, the former printed in appropriate black and the latter in red. This brings the whole story under one glance. The electors of the State know who are to be re-elected and who not. We advise every American citizen to whom this subject is new to write to Mr. Gardiner above-named, inclosing two postage-stamps for this pamphlet. On one of its pages will be found a list of the valuable publications of the League.


"Connectional Plan." A Plea in Behalf of Worn-out Preachers, Widows, and Orphans, with a Prayer to the General Conference of 1884. By JOHN L. SMITH, of the North-west Indiana Conference. 1883.

Although our denominational press is now all alive with the discussion of the time-limitation of our itinerancy, it seems to us there is a more important topic now before the Church. Since the publication of the statistics showing how small a minority of our ministers serves through a triennium in the same church, and how large a majority serves through but a single year, we have lost interest in that topic. Flinging off the limitation will scarce make any change. Bishop Hedding's wise and witty statement, heretofore quoted by us, proves itself true: "Don't feel bad, brethren, because we move you; for if we didn't the people would.” The people do move the ministry, and all the bishop does is to step in and see that the moving is done for the best good of all concerned. The more important question discussed in this pamphlet is the provision for our superannuate preachers and their dependents. And the surprise is, that our preachers in mid-life do not so realize the prospect before them of an old age of penury as to bring about some plan for affording a proper relief from such a sad result. Mr. Smith's pamphlet presents the details of such a "Connectional Plan as we think ought, by all means, to be adopted. It is simply to make the establishment of an ample fund for our superannuates the main object in our Centenary contributions in 1884.

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We vote for this proposition with all our heart and both our uplifted hands. Then let the profits of our Book Concern go to their legitimate object, the spreading a cheap Methodist and miscellaneous literature in all our Methodist families.

The Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Obelisk-Crab in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. A Monograph. By AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Greek in Columbia College. 8vo, pp. 49. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1883.

The Alexandrian obelisk, now placed in our city park, was originally based in Egypt upon four large sea-crabs, of which two, in a somewhat dilapidated condition, are now placed in our Metropolitan Museum. On one of these is an inscription stating the time of the erection of the obelisk and the name of the architect who performed the achievement. Professor Merriam here gives a detailed but very interesting narrative of his researches in

clearing the inscription of apparent discrepancies and obscurations, bringing to light its true reading. It was a pursuit of knowledge under great difficulties, with great perseverance, learning, and skill, and it brings out conclusive results. The obelisk was erected in the eighth year of the reign of Augustus, under Barbarus, Prefect of Egypt, by the hand of Pontius, the architect. Barbarus and Pontius are identified in history with thorough research and complete success.

Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology; or, Outlines of Plant Life. By Rev. J. H. WYTHE, M.D., author of "The Science of Life," "The Microscopist," "Agreement of Science and Revelation," etc. Small 12mo, pp. 94. New York: Phillips & Hunt. Cincinnati: Walden & Stowe. 1882.

A pleasing presentation of the elementary principles of vegetable life.

Dickinson College: The History of a Hundred Years. Alumni Oration delivered at the Centennial Commencement of the College, Wednesday, July 27, 1883, at 8 P. M. By the Rev. GEO. R. CROOKS, D.D., LL D., Professor of Church History in Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey. Dickinson's century of history is given in Dr. Crook's best style. Liquordom in New York City. By ROBERT GRAHAM, Secretary of C. T. S. New York: No. 47 Lafayette Place. 1883.

An appalling picture of grog-shop rule in our great metropolis. University of Michigan. A Memorial Discourse on the Life and Services of Rev. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN COCKER, D.D., LL.D., Professor in the University from 1869 to 1883. Delivered in University Hall, by request of the Senate, June 24, 1883, by ALEXANDER WINCHELL, LL.D. Published by the University, 1883. An eloquent memorial of a brilliant career.

HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY.-By the Gate of the Sea. A Novel. By DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY, author of "Joseph's Coat," "A Life's Atonement," "Hearts," etc. 8vo. pp. 29. New York: Harper & Brothers. Thicker than Water. A Novel. By JAMES PAYN, author of "By Proxy," "High Spirits," "A Beggar on Horseback,' ""Gwendolen's Harvest," "For Cash Only," "The Best of Husbands," "What he Cost Her," etc. 8vo, pp. 74. The New Timothy. A Novel. By WILLIAM M. BAKER, author of "Inside," "The Virginians in Texas," "His Majesty, Myself," etc. 8vo, pp. 71. The Romantic Adventures of a Milk-maid. A Novel. By THOMAS HARDY, author of "A Laodicean," Far From the Madding Crowd," "The Return of the Native." Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 23.

Laura Doone. A Romance of Exmoor. By R. D. BLACKMORE. 556. Harper & Brothers.

12mo, pp.

Philosophic Series-No. II. Energy: Efficient and Final Cause. By JAMES M'COSH, D.D., LL.D., D.L., author of "The Laws of Discursive Thought," "Emotions," etc., President of Princeton College. New York: Charles Scrib

ner's Sons. 1883.

The Cruise of the Canoe Club. By W. L. ALDEN, author of "The Moral Pirates," "The Cruise of the Ghost," etc. Illustrated. 16mo, pp. 166. New York: Harper & Brothers.


Presbyterianism. By JOHN MACPHERSON, M.A., Findhorn. 12mo, pp. 151. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clarke.

Fielding. By AUSTIN DOBSON. 12mo, pp. 184. New York: Harper & Brothers.



THIS well and favorably known New York layman, whose portrait accompanies this sketch, was born in Stamford, Conn., in 1823. His ancestors belonged to the sturdy yeomanry developed in the early history of New England, which gave Connecticut its positive and energetic character. The family had physical and intellectual vigor, and a strong moral and religious sense. Mr. Hoyt is one of seven sons, of whom six survive; all but one weighing not far from two hundred pounds and averaging nearly six feet in height. He was apprenticed to the trade of tanner, and went into business for himself, in New York, before he was twenty-two years old. To his own business, which he understands from the rudiments to the most complex mechanical and the most far-reaching financial operation, he has steadfastly adhered, having been connected with the firm of Hoyt Brothers from its origin. In this business he has accumulated a large fortune, the result of integrity, fidelity, and legitimate manufacture of goods necessary to civilization. Large as his fortune is, if his gifts to the Church, the cause of education, the poor, to his friends, his country, and his native town were added to it, they would vastly increase, if they did not double, its volume.

The great event of his life was his conversion. Though trained Calvinistically he was converted under the preaching of "Father Oldin," when the convert was a boy and the preacher in the prime of life. Since that period he has been devoted to the Methodist Episcopal Church. For twenty-five years he has been superintendent of the Sunday-school; his place in the prayer-meeting is rarely vacant, and his voice in prayer and exhortation in revival services is heard with moral power among those who have known him from his childhood. His interest in Lay Representation is too well known to need more than mention.

Both the Church and the State have recognised and worthily honored his integrity and ability: the Church, by electing him a Lay Delegate of the General Conferences of 1872 and 1876; the State, by electing him for several successive terms as a member of its Senate.

Stained by no excesses in youth, by no moral irregularities in manhood; his wealth accumulated by no doubtful transactions; the same honest man in public and in private; he has just passed his sixtieth birthday in the esteem of his acquaintances and the affections of his friends.

He has been for many years a Director of the National Park Bank; and for a quarter of a century one of the Managers of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has been the Treas urer and an active trustee of the Educational Fund from its origin in 1868.

J. M. B.

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