Subject E. O. Date Reference Transferring to the United States Housing 7732 Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, to permit 7736 Withdrawing certain lands in California for use of the War Department for military purposes. Transferring the control of certain lands in New Mexico from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior. Amending schedule A, subdivision I, paragraph 7, of the Civil Service Rules. Establishing a defensive sea area off the coast of San Clemente Island, California. Do.... Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, to permit 7796 certain employees of the Department of Interior to hold State offices to engage in Jan. 21 5 CFR 1.104. cooperative and related work with the Department of the Interior. Documents required of bona fide alien sea men entering the United States. Jan. 26 8 CFR 7.21.* |