5 Superseded by Proc. 2265, Proc. 2266, and Proc. 2267 of December 29, 1937. Superseded by Proc. 2267, December 29, 1937. 7 Superseded by Proc. 2266, December 29, 1937. 8 Superseded by Proc. 2265, December 29, 1937. Introduction to Subchapters A, B and C. 10 Reservation known as Camp Scott was changed in 1862 to Camp Douglas. 11 Revoked by E.O. 7757, Dec. 1, 1937. 12 Appendix C. Page 330 Accounts and Deposits, Department of the Treasury: See Money and Finance: Treasury, 31 CFR Chapter II. SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLICATIONS Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States. Annual, v. 1—, 1921-. For list of the abbreviations used in this chapter, see note to § 1.1. PART 1-RECOGNITION OF ATTORNEYS, AGENTS, AND OTHER PERSONS 1.1 Committee on enrollment and dis- 1.6 Authority to prosecute claims. barment. 1.2 Applications for enrollment. 1.5 Causes for disbarment. 1.7 Substitution of attorneys and revo- 1.8 Withdrawal or amendment of rules Section 1.1 Committee on enrollment and disbarment. A committee on enrollment and disbarment is hereby created, consisting of the Chief Attorney, who shall act as chairman, the Chief Clerk, who shall have the custody of all papers, records, rolls, etc., and one member detailed from one of the auditing divisions. The members of the committee shall serve for the calendar year and shall perform the duties herein prescribed in addition to their other duties. The said committee shall meet regularly on the first Monday of each month, if a business day, and shall meet specially on other days at the call of the chairman or any member. Two members shall constitute a quo Page 1 [3791 rum. The committee shall receive and consider applications to be recognized as attorney, agent, or other representative before the General Accounting Office; receive complaints against those enrolled; conduct hearings, make inquiries, perform other duties as prescribed herein, and do all things necessary in the matter of proceedings for enrollment or disbarment of such attorneys, agents, or other representatives, pursuant to the regulations in this part; and submit recommendations therein to the Comptroller General for approval.** *88 1.1 to 1.9, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 52 (f). In 88 1.1 to 1.9, inclusive, the numbers to the right of the decimal point correspond with the respective section numbers in Circ. 3, General Accounting Office, Nov. 1, 1921. ABBREVIATIONS: The following abbreviations are used in this chapter: Bull. Bulletin, Comptroller General. Regs. General regulations, Comptroller General. 1.2 Applications for enrollment. Applicants for enrollment pursuant to the regulations in this part shall submit to the Comptroller General an application, properly executed, on the form provided therefor.1 Application of Individual or Firm for Admission to Practice Before the General Accounting Office. I am We are now in active practice and in good standing in said court. Paragraph 2 should be filled out only where the applicant is not a member of the bar of a court of record. to repre (Attorney--or agent----) of the bar of___ I we and attach hereto certificate__ Page 2 |