
Applications in any other form will not be considered. The attorneys authorized to be admitted to practice by section 311 (f), Act of June 10, 1921 (42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 52 (f)), are defined as embracing


I am
We are

familiar with the laws, rules, and regulations of the General Accounting Office and

am are

qualified to act as the representative of others and render them valuable service, particularly in matters relating to----my ---because of education, training, and business experience,


which have been respectively as follows: (State in chronological order, giving dates.)



[blocks in formation]

been rejected or suspended or disbarred

We and each of us have never from appearing as attorney or agent, or in any other representative capacity, before any branch of the Federal or any State Government or municipality, or court thereof, except---




4. We and each of us have never been an officer or employee of the United

States, except as follows: (State name of office or nature of employment and dates.)



5. have read and noted paragraph 5 of General Accounting Office Circular No. 3, dated November 1, 1921, and particularly the following clause thereof:

"The Comptroller General regards as unethical advertising in any form which represents the fact of enrollment as a solicitation for employment, and particularly any suggestion of acquaintance with officials of, or prior connection with, the Government of the United States."



6. have made no previous application to be recognized as attorney-- or agent-- before the General Accounting Office, except_



I we

do solemnly swear (or affirm) that. will support and defend the ConWe stitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I we



will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that we will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which

[blocks in formation]

Paragraph 2 should be filled out only where the applicant is not a member of

the bar of a court of record.

Page 3

rum. The committee shall receive and consider applications to be recognized as attorney, agent, or other representative before the General Accounting Office; receive complaints against those enrolled; conduct hearings, make inquiries, perform other duties as prescribed herein, and do all things necessary in the matter of proceedings for enrollment or disbarment of such attorneys, agents, or other representatives, pursuant to the regulations in this part; and submit recommendations therein to the Comptroller General for approval.*†

*§§ 1.1 to 1.9, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 52 (f).

In 88 1.1 to 1.9, inclusive, the numbers to the right of the decimal point correspond with the respective section numbers in Circ. 3, General Accounting Office, Nov. 1, 1921.

ABBREVIATIONS: The following abbreviations are used in this chapter:

Bull. Bulletin, Comptroller General.
Circ. Circular, Comptroller General.

Regs. General regulations, Comptroller General.

1.2 Applications for enrollment. Applicants for enrollment pursuant to the regulations in this part shall submit to the Comptroller General an application, properly executed, on the form provided therefor.1

'Form of application.

General Accounting Office.
Office Comptroller General.
Form 25.


Application of Individual or Firm for Admission to Practice Before the General

Accounting Office.

[blocks in formation]

I am

now in active practice and in good standing in said court. We are

[ocr errors]

Paragraph 2 should be filled out only where the applicant is not a member of the bar of a court of record.

hereby apply for __to repre

(Attorney--or agent----)

of the bar of_

I we

and attach hereto certificate__

Page 2

Applications in any other form will not be considered. The attorneys authorized to be admitted to practice by section 311 (f), Act of June 10, 1921 (42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 52 (f)), are defined as embracing


I am
We are

familiar with the laws, rules, and regulations of the General Accounting Office and

am are

qualified to act as the representative of others and render them valuable service, particularly in matters relating to-----because of education, training, and business experience,


which have been respectively as follows: (State in chronological order, giving dates.)



[blocks in formation]

been rejected or suspended or disbarred

We and each of us have never from appearing as attorney or agent, or in any other representative capacity, before any branch of the Federal or any State Government or municipality, or court thereof, except--.




4. We and each of us have never

been an officer or employee of the United States, except as follows: (State name of office or nature of employment and dates.).



5. have read and noted paragraph 5 of General Accounting Office Circular No. 3, dated November 1, 1921, and particularly the following clause thereof:

"The Comptroller General regards as unethical advertising in any form which represents the fact of enrollment as a solicitation for employment, and particularly any suggestion of acquaintance with officials of, or prior connection with, the Government of the United States."



6. have made no previous application to be recognized as attorney-- or agent before the General Accounting Office, except‒‒‒‒





will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which

do solemnly swear (or affirm) that will support and defend the ConWe stitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I we

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(Residence or address.)



(Name of member.)

Paragraph 2 should be filled out only where the applicant is not a member of

the bar of a court of record.

Page 3

those who appear in a representative capacity for others before the General Accounting Office. Persons members of the bar of a court of record will apply for enrollment as "attorney"; all others will

[blocks in formation]

[By two persons not related to applicant and who have known him more than one year.]


We hereby certify that we have known the within-named firm

[blocks in formation]

him them

respectively; that during

all that time we have known as of good moral character and worthy of the trust and confidence of claimants and of the General Accounting Office.


The attached application of

[blocks in formation]

be recognized as

to represent others before the General Accounting Office has been examined, and after consideration it is recommended that the application be---.


Committee on Enrollment and Disbarment General Accounting Office.


Comptroller General.

Leave blank if a member of the bar.

Page 4

apply for enrollment as "agent". Members of a firm may apply for enrollment either individually or collectively. In the latter case application should be made in the firm name, giving the name of each member and the required information as to each, and the application should be signed in the firm name and by each member of the firm. The Comptroller General may in any case require other and further evidence of qualification. Applicants will be notified of the approval or rejection of their application.**

1.3 Restriction of right to be heard. The committee on enrollment and disbarment shall maintain in the office of the chief clerk, General Accounting Office, a roll of attorneys and agents entitled to practice before the General Accounting Office. It shall likewise maintain lists of those whose applications for enrollment have been rejected and those who have been suspended or disbarred. The chief clerk shall furnish copies of the said roll and lists, with such additions thereto or subtractions therefrom as may be made from time to time to the divisions of the General Accounting Office.

All divisions of the General Accounting Office are hereby prohibited from recognizing or dealing with anyone appearing as attorney or agent unless the name of such attorney or agent appears upon the list of those entitled to practice before the General Accounting Office. Nothing herein contained shall preclude individual parties or members of firms or officers of corporations from appearing, upon proper identification, as representatives of their own interests or of their respective firms or corporations in any matter before the department in which such person, firm, or corporation is concerned as a principal; but attorneys, counsel, or solicitors or other agents for such persons, firms, or corporations must be enrolled.

It shall be the duty of the divisions of the General Accounting Office to ascertain in each case whether the name of one appearing before them in a representative capacity appears on the roll of those entitled to practice. In any case where such enrollment does not appear, the requirement therefor shall be brought to the attention of such representative. The head of such division may, in his discretion, temporarily recognize such representative pending applica

A corporation will not be admitted to practice before the General Accounting Office, but any officer of a corporation, or member of its staff, may enroll individually, provided he possesses the requisite qualifications for enrollment as set forth in General Accounting Office Circular No. 3. All members of a firm are required to join in the execution of an application made in the firm name.

The enrollment of a firm also enrolls all of its members individually, but members of a firm may enroll individually regardless of whether or not the firm itself is enrolled.

The enrollment of a firm does not give members of its staff, or others associated with it but not members, the right to practice before the General Accounting Office. To be admitted to practice such persons should make individual applications for enrollment.

A firm having an alien member will not be admitted to practice as a firm. However, all members of such a firm who are qualified to take the oath of allegiance to the United States and to support and defend the Constitution, and who possess the other requisite qualifications for enrollment, may enroll individually.

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 1.1.


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