페이지 이미지

OFFICIAL REPORTS FROM WHICH WAGE DATA WERE SECURED-Cont'd. [The "Report No." as given here is that used in the table instead of the full title, for which sufficient space could not be given.]

Report No.

Title of report and date of publication.

532 Germany: Kaiserlich Statistisches Amt-Kommission für Arbeiter Statistik: Zusammenstellung der Ergebnisse der Ermittelungen über die Arbeitsverhältnisse in der Kleider- und WäscheKonfektion. (1896.) 533 Germany: Minister für Handel, Gewerbe und Öffentliche Arbeiten-Die Einrichtungen zum Besten der Arbeiter auf den Bergwerken Preussens. (1875.) 534 Germany: Minister der Öffentlichen Arbeiten und des Innern-Denkschrift über die Untersuchung der Arbeiter- und Betriebs-Verhältnisse in den Steinkohlen-Bezirken. (1890.) Germany: Königliche Centralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel, Württemberg-Jahresberichte der Handels- und Gewerbekammern in Württemberg, 1891. (1892.)


536 Germany:



.-Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1891. (1893.) -Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1892. (1894.)





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-Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1893. (1895.) -Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1895-96. (1897.) -Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1897-98. (1898.) -Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Grossherzogthum Baden, 1899. (1899.) 542 Germany: Statistisches Bureau der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1873.


543 Germany: Statistisches Bureau der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1875.


544 Germany: Statistisches Bureau der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1878.



545 Germany: Statistisches Bureau der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1879. 546 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1880. 547 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1884.



548 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1885.


549 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1888. (1890.)

550 Germany; Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1889 und 1890. (1893.)



Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1891. (1893.)

Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1893. (1895.)

553 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin, 1897.


554 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Ermittelungen über die Lohn-Verhältnisse in Berlin, Mai, 1882.


Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Ermittelungen über die Lohn-Verhältnisse in
Berlin, Juli, 1883.

556 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Ermittelungen über die Lohn-Verhältnisse in Berlin, Februar, 1884.

557 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Ermittelungen über die Lohn-Verhältnisse in Berlin, Mai, 1887.

558 Germany: Statistisches Amt der Stadt Berlin-Ermittelungen über die Lohn-Verhältnisse in Berlin, September, 1888. (1889.)

559 Germany: Verwaltungsbericht des Rathes der Königlichen Haupt- und Residenzstadt Dresden, 1897. (1899.)














Germany: Senats-Commission-Arbeitsverhältnisse im Hamburger-Haven. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1854-56. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1856-58. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1858-60. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1859-61. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1860–62. 566 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1863-65. (1866.) Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1865-67. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1868-70. (1872.) Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1871-73. (1875. Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1873-75. (1879.) 571 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom, 1876-79. (1883.) 572 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Returns of Wages published between 1830 and 1886. (1887.) Great Britain: Board of Trade-Second Report on Trade Unions, year 1887. (1888.) Great Britain: Board of Trade-Third Report on Trade Unions, year 1888. (1889.) 575 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Fourth Report on Trade Unions, years 1889 and 1890. (1891.) 576 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Report on the Strikes and Lockouts of 1890. (1891.) Great Britain: Board of Trade-Report on the Strikes and Lockouts of 1891. (1893.) 578 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Report on the Strikes and Lockouts of 1892. (1894.)

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579 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-First Annual Report, 1893-94. (1894.) 580 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Second Annual Report, 1894-95. (1895.) 581 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Third Annual Report, 1895-96. (1896.) 582 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Fifth Annual Report, 1897-98. (1898.) 583 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. I. (1893.) 584 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. II. (1894.). 585 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. III. (1895.) Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. IV. (1896.)



[The "Report No." as given here is that used in the table instead of the full title, for which sufficient space could not be given.]







Title of report and date of publication.

Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. V. (1897.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Labor Gazette, Vol. VII and No. 1, Vol.
VIII. (1899 and January, 1900.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-First Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1893. (1894.)






Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Second Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1894. (1896.)
Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Third Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1895. (1897.)
Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Fourth Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1896. (1897.)
Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Fifth Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1897.
Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Sixth Annual Report on Changes in Rates
of Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom, 1898. (1899.)




Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-First Annual Abstract of Foreign Labor
Statistics, 1898–99. (1899.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade-Report on the Sweating System at the East End of London,
1887. (1888.)

597 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Report on the Sweating System in Leeds.


Great Britain: Board of Trade-Rates of Wages in Belgium. (1888.)


Great Britain: Board of Trade-Returns of Expenditures by Workingmen.



600 Great Britain: Board of Trade-Return of Rates of Wages in the Principal Textile Trades of the United Kingdom. (1889.)







Great Britain: Board of Trade-Return of Rates of Wages in the Minor Textile Trades of the
United Kingdom. (1890.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade-Return of Rates of Wages in the Mines and Quarries of the
United Kingdom. (1891.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade-Return of Rates of Wages Paid by Local Authorities and Pri-
vate Companies to Police and to Work-people employed on Roads, etc., and at Gas and Water


Great Britain: Board of Trade-General Report on the Wages of the Manual Labor Classes in
the United Kingdom. (1893.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade-Report on the Relation of Wages in Certain Industries to the
Cost of Production. (1891.)

Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Report on the Statistics of Employment of
Women and Girls. (1894.)

607 Great Britain: Board of Trade, Labor Department-Report on the Money Wages of Indoor Domestic Servants, 1894-1898.
















Great Britain: Board of Trade-Reports on the Volume and Effects of Recent Immigration from
Eastern Europe into the United Kingdom. (1894.).

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Reports Respecting the Condition of the Industrial Classes in
Foreign Countries. (1870.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Further Reports Respecting the Condition of the Industrial
Classes in Foreign Countries.


Great Britain: Foreign Office-Further Reports Respecting the Condition of the Industrial
Classes in Foreign Countries.

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Reports Respecting Factories for the Spinning and Weaving of
Textile Fabrics Abroad. (1873.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Reports on Manufactures, Commerce, etc., Commercial No. 18,
1875. (1875.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 211, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Italy. (1891.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 212, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Germany. (1891.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 220, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Netherlands.


Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 246, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Spain. (1892.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 248, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Netherlands. (1892.)

Great Britain: Foreign Office-Miscellaneous Series No. 250, Reports on Subjects of General and
Commercial Interest, Austria-Hungary. (1892.)

Great Britain: India Office-Employment of Women and Children in Mines. (1893.)

Great Britain: Local Government Board-Report on Proposed Changes of Hours and Ages of
Employment in Textile Factories. (1873.)

Great Britain: Local Government Board-Condition of the Working Classes living in Certain
Selected Districts of London, in March, 1887. (1887.)



Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Factories Inquiry Commission: First Report of Commissioners on the Employment of Children in Factories. (1833.)



Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Children's Employment Commission. 2 vols. and appendixes. (1842, 1843.)




Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Factories Inquiry Commission: Supplementary Report of Commissioners on the Employment of Children in Factories.

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Report of the Commissioner Appointed to Inquire into the Condition of the Frame Work Knitters. (1845.)

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Children's Employment Commission, 1862. 6 vols.

OFFICIAL REPORTS FROM WHICH WAGE DATA WERE SECURED-Cont'd. [The "Report No." as given here is that used in the table instead of the full title, for which sufficient space could not be given.]

Report No.






Title of report and date of publication.

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Report of the Commission on the Employment of Children, Young Persons, and Women in Agriculture, 1867. 4 vols. (1868-1870.)

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Returns of the Number of Manufacturing Establishments in which the Hours of Labor are Regulated by any Act of Parliament. (1871.)

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Report of Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruction. (1884.)

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Sweating System. 5 vols. (1888-1890.)

Great Britain: Houses of Parliament-Royal Commission on Labor. (1892, 1893, 1894.)

633 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annali di Statistica: Saggio di Statistica delle Mercedi. (1888.)

634 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annali di Statistica: Industria della Lana. (1895.)

635 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1886.


636 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1887-1888.




Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1889-1890. 638 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1892.


639 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1895.


640 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1897.


641 Italy: Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio-Annuario Statistico Italiano, 1898.


642 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 1.


643 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 2.


644 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 3.




645 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 4. 646 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 9. 647 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 11. 618 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 12. 649 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 13.




650 Japan: Bureau Général de Statistique-Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon, No. 14. (1900.)




Netherlands: Statistisch Instituut der Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland-Jaarcijfers over 1887 en vorige jaren, No. 7.

Netherlands: Statistisch Instituut der Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland-Jaarcijfers over 1888 en vorige jaren, No. 8.

Netherlands. Statistisch Instituut der Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland-Jaarcijfers over 1889 en vorige jaren, No. 9.

654 Netherlands: Statistisch Instituut der Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland-Jaarcijfers over 1890 en vorige jaren, No. 10.




(1893.) (1894.)



Netherlands: Statistisch Instituut der Vereeniging voor de Statistiek in Nederland-Jaarcijfers over 1891 en vorige jaren, No. 11. 656 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1892 en vorige jaren. 657 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1893 en vorige jaren. 658 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1894 en vorige jaren. 659 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1895 en vorige jaren. (1896. 660 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1896 en vorige jaren. Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Jaarcijfers, 1897 en vorige jaren. (1898.) 662 Netherlands: Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek-Bijdragen tot de Statistiek van Nederland, III, Overzicht betreffende de Loonen en den Arbeidsduur bij Rijkswerken en 1894. (1896.) 663 Netherlands: Departement van Waterstaat, Handel en Nijverheid-Verslagen van de Inspecteurs van den Arbeid in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden over 1892 (Derde Jaargang). Netherlands: Departement van Waterstaat, Handel en Nijverheid-Verslagen van de Inspecteurs van den Arbeid in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden over 1894 (Vijfde Jaargang). 665 Netherlands: Departement van Waterstaat, Handel en Nijverheid-Verslagen van de Inspecteurs van den Arbeid in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden over 1897-98. Netherlands: Staats-Commissie van Arbeids-Enquête, 1890-Verslag. 3 vols. (1891.) New Zealand: Bureau of Industries-First Annual Report, 1891. 668 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Second Annual Report, 1892-93. (1893.) 669 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Third Annual Report, 1893–94. (1894.) 670 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Fourth Annual Report, 1894-95. (1895.) 671 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Fifth Annual Report, 1895-96. (1896.) New Zealand: Department of Labor-Sixth Annual Report, 1896-97. (1897.) 673 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Seventh Annual Report, 1898. 674 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Eighth Annual Report, 1899.

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[The "Report No." as given here is that used in the table instead of the full title, for which sufficient space could not be given.]


port No.


677 678

Title of report and date of publication.


New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. I. 676 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. II. New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. III. (1895.) New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. IV. (1896.) 679 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. V. (1897.) 680 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. VI. (1898.) 681 New Zealand: Department of Labor-Journal of the Department of Labor, Vol. VII. (1899.) 682 New Zealand: Registrar General-The New Zealand Official Year Book, 1894. (1894.) 683 New Zealand: Registrar General-Report on the Statistics of New Zealand. (1890.) 684 Norway: Bureau Central de Statistique-Annuaire Statistique de la Norvège, 1879. (1879.) 685 Norway: Bureau Central de Statistique-Annuaire Statistique de la Norvège, 1881. (1882.) 686 Norway: Bureau Central de Statistique-Annuaire Statistique de la Norvège, 1896. 687 Norway: Bureau Central de Statistique-Annuaire Statistique de la Norvège, 1899. (1899.) 688 Norway: Statistiske Centralbureau-Officielle Statistik No. 228. (1895.) 689 Norway: Statistiske Centralbureau-Officielle Statistik No. 258, 1892-1893. 690 Norway: Statistiske Centralbureau-Officielle Statistik No. 315, 1891-1895. 2 vols. (1899.) Portugal: Direccão geral do Commercio e Industria, Ministerio das Obras Publicas, Commercio e Industria-Inquerito Industrial de 1890. 5 vols. (1891.)









Russia: Ministry of Finance-World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, at Chicago: The Industries of Russia. 5 vols. (1893.) Russia: Comité Central de Statistique, Ministère de l'Interieur-Annuaire Statistique de la Russie, 1890. (1890.) Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Mouvement de la Ville de Moscou, monthly. (1890.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Mouvement de la Ville de Moscou, monthly. (1891.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1892.)

697 Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1893.)




Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1894.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1895.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1896.)

701 Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1897.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1898.)

Russia: Bureau de la Statistique Municipale, Moscou-Bulletin Statistique Mensuel de la Ville de Moscou. (1899.)

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-Bidrag till Finlands Officiela Statistik II Öfversigt af Finlands
Ekonomiska Tillstånd, Femårsperioden, 1876-1880. (1884.)

-Bidrag till Finlands Officiela Statistik II Öfversigt af Finlands


-Bidrag till Finlands Officiela Statistik II Öfversigt af Finlands




Ekonomiska Tillstånd, Femårsperioden, 1881-1885. (1890.)

Ekonomiska Tillstånd, Femårsperioden, 1886-1890. (1894.)

-Bidrag till Finlands Officiela Statistik II Öfversigt af Finlands
Ekonomiska Tillstånd, Femårsperioden, 1891-1895. (1899.)
Sweden: Kongl. Kommerskollegium-Arbetsstatistik I, Undersökning af Bagerierna i Sverige.

Switzerland: Secrétariat Ouvrier Suisse-8e Rapport Annuel, 1894. (1895.) 710 Switzerland: Secrétariat Ouvrier Suisse-9 Rapport Annuel, 1895. (1896.)



Switzerland: Société Suisse de Statistique avec le concours du Bureau Fédéral de Statistique-
Journal de Statistique Suisse, 10 Année, 1874. (1874.)

Switzerland: Societé Suisse de Statistique avec le concours du Bureau Fédéral de Statistique-
Journal de Statistique Suisse, 11 Année, 1875. (1875.)

713 Switzerland: Société Suisse de Statistique avec le concours du Bureau Fédéral de StatistiqueJournal de Statistique Suisse, 13 Année, 1877. (1877.)


Switzerland: Eidgenössische General commission für die Wiener Weltausstellung-Arbeiterverhältnisse und Fabrikeinrichtungen der Schweiz, II Band. (1873.)




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