General Court, to Wednesday, the 21st day of November next, then to meet at the Capitol, in Concord." And he withdrew. The President then declared the Senate adjourned to Wednesday, the 21st day of November next. CHARLES G. ATHERTON, Clerk of the Senate. Cocheco aqueduct association Counsellors-election of statutes granted to Chairmen of committees to swear witnesses Civil list-compensation of Assistant elected Claremont manufacturing co.-to incorporate Clarksville statutes given to Close of session-resolution concerning Committees-standing Committee to wait on Governor elect Committee rooms-committee to assign assignment of Convention for examining returns of votes for Governor for election of Treasurer Commissary General-election of Contoocook cotton and woollen factory to incorporate Collection of taxes in certain cases-bill to provide further for Contingent expenses-appropriation for committee to inform Governor of election of Crows, &c. premium for killing Crimes-bill in addition to act for punishing Deaf and dumb-appropriation for C 56 57 59 60 66 56 58 69 61 62 66 63 64 69 64 65 69 63 64 69 88 89 40 43 53 4 4 26 29 31 53 45 46 47 66 45 49 58 6 8 15 16 23 24 7 Secretary 27 Commissary General 27 27 49 37 38 40 44 58 Court of common pleas and superior court of judicature-jurisdiction of 33 70 Door-keeper-election of Door-keepers and chaplain-resolution in favor of 64 65 60 Meeting-times of 4 Meredith cotton and woollen factory-bill to repeal seventh and eighth sections of act to in- corporate 56 59 60 69 Message of Governor 9 printed 15 reference of subjects in 30 Military department-appropriation for 49 50 51 54 66 Metcalf Ralph and others-bill in favor of 56 57 59 60 69 Miner Daniel-address for removal of 61 65 Missouri-resolutions of 33 Mortgages of personal property 49 52 54 66 N Names-alteration of 49 50 54 57 58 60 61 62 69 N. H. Hotel and Portsmouth Pier-bill in addition to act incorporating 33 34 48 50 53 67 29 30 Newmarket-bill to extend police of Portsmouth to Savings bank-to incorporate North Effingham-statutes and maps granted to Officers in militia-removal of Pauperism-bill to repeal act requiring return of ranges in Stratford to annex to Pine river co.-to incorporate Piscataqua bank-bill in addition to act incorporating 68 31 32 35 31 32 66 53 54 59 61 65 70 33 34 35 36 55 49 52 54 66 37 38 41 62 37 38 41 44 53 49 50 54 55 33 34 42 48 47 53 Sheriffs to remove prisoners in the county gaols in certain cases State House and State House Yard-committee to nominate keeper of keeper appointed State Prison-resolution authorising purchase of land for appropriation for new wing of Stratford ranges in annexed to Piercy T Tariff, internal improvements, &c. resolutions concerning Times of meeting 32 49 50 55 27 30 45 46 51 25 48 51 52 54 61 69 23 56 68 69 60 61 65 66 37 38 41 44 53 67 4 Towns and places that have exercised corporate rights for twenty years-bill concerning 33 |