페이지 이미지

hours each school day, in contrast to the Boston system of eight and nine hours.



The meeting was called to order by the President, Frank C. Richardson, M.D., and the records of the semiannual meeting, also the meetings of the Executive Committee, were read and approved.

The reports of the Treasurer and Auditor, showing in addition to the fund a balance of $1,410.35, were received and accepted.

Report of Necrologist, F. A. Warner, M.D. Owing to the press of business, Dr. Warner's papers were not read, but were referred to the Publication Committee and will appear in full in the volume of Transactions.

The following members passed away during the past


William C. Cutler, M.D., died May 1, 1899. Laura M. Porter, M.D., died May 2, 1899. William J. Winn, M.D., died June 21, 1899. Frederick W. Elliott, M.D., died June 25, 1899. I. Tisdale Talbot, M.D., died July 3, 1899. Joseph P. Paine, M.D., died September 23, 1899. William G. Ware, M.D., died December 25, 1899. Frederick D. Stackpole, M.D., died December 26, 1899. The President appointed T. M. Strong, M.D., and N. R. Perkins, M.D., to serve on the Election Committee, with Wesley T. Lee, M.D., Chairman.

J. P. Rand, M.D., reported for the Committee on Revision of By-Laws, and it was voted to accept the following amend


(I) To add to ARTICLE XXIV the words: “

Any member neglecting the payment of annual assessments for three years, and having been notified by the Treasurer of such fact, may by vote of the Executive Committee be dropped from the roll of Membership" (special cases mentioned in ARTICLE IV, Sec

tion I, excepted). "Any person thus dropped shall have the privilege of reinstatement upon action of the Executive Committee and the payment of all arrears."

(II) ARTICLE IV, Section I, Line xiv-to insert after the word "pay" the words "and to drop members for the non-payment of dues."

The following candidates were elected to membership:

Alice H. Bassett, M.D., Boston.
Anthony F. Booth, M.D., Boston.
Herbert D. Boyd, M.D., Boston.
Emma F. Bridge, M.D., Boston.
Amelia Burroughs, M.D., Boston.
Charles W. Bush, M.D., Newtonville.
William M. Colby, M.D., W. Somerville.
J. Tucker Cutler, M.D., Roxbury.
Alfred T. Dalrymple, M.D., So. Boston.
Florella Estes, M.D., Boston.
Walter H. Flanders, M.D., Melrose.
Ellen H. Gay, M.D., Boston.
Thomas R. Griffith, M.D., Cambridge.
R. Agnes Hartley, M.D., Pawtucket, R. I.
Lyman G. Haskell, M.D., Jamaica Plain.

E. R. Johnson, M.D., Wollaston.
John H. Lambert, M.D., Lowell.
Benjamin T. Loring, M.D., Boston.
William O. Mann, M.D., Boston.
C. Elizabeth McGovern, M.D., N. Dorch'r.
Theodore C. Merrill, M.D., Prov., R. I.
Mary R. Mulliner, M.D., Boston.
Carrie E. Newton, M.D., Fayville.
Willard A. Paul, M.D., New Dorchester.
Mary A. Pearce, M.D., Dedham.
Fred. S. Piper, M.D., Lexington.
Conrad Smith, M.D., Boston.

Robert F. Souther, M.D., New Dorch'r.

Harry O. Spalding, M.D., Waltham. Edward H. Wiswall, M.D., Wellesley. Albert W. Horr, M.D., Boston.

T. M. Strong, M.D., made a very interesting report for the Committee on Registration and Statistics, citing this as a record-breaking year in applications for membership, fifty new members having been admitted.

N. Emmons Paine, M.D., reported for the Fund Committee, stating that the committee believes "the purpose for which this fund was established will be best served by adding to the principal about one half the annual interest, and by the donation of $20 to the fund for the erection of the statue to Samuel Hahnemann in Washington, D. C." The committee called attention to the fact that one member, Dr. I. T. Talbot, had been removed by death, and a successor must be appointed. It was voted that the committee's recommendation be approved.

Dr. Richardson appointed to serve on this committee H. C. Clapp, M.D., two years; H. P. Bellows, M.D., three years.

T. M. Strong, M.D., speaking in behalf of the Hahnemann Monument Committee, made an earnest plea for contributions, stating that there remains to be raised $17,000, and it is desired that this be done immediately in order to have the monument dedicated at the meeting of the Institute in June. It was voted that the society appropriate $300 at once, in addition to $300 already contributed, for the Hahnemann Monument, and that the Executive Committee be authorized to add to this such sum or sums as they may deem advisable as shall make the aggregate sum of the society's contributions not more than $1,000.





11 A.M.


J. P. RAND, M.D., Chairman.


Therapeutics of Iron, Elmer H. Copeland, M.D.
cussion opened by F. P. Batchelder, M.D.
The Fever of Soldiers returning from Cuba, Conrad
Wesselhoeft, M.D. Discussion opened by N. L.
Damon, M.D.

Diabetes Mellitus, Edgar A. Fisher, M.D.


Case of Acute Dilatation of the Heart, J. P.
Rand, M.D.

Owing to lack of time, the last paper was read by title. At 1.15 P.M. the society adjourned for lunch, which was provided by Otis Clapp & Son and served in their laboratories, that the members of the society might have an opportunity to inspect the methods employed by the firm.

The meeting was again called to order in Steinert Hall at after two, by the President, Frank C. Richardson, M.D.




EDWARD P. COLBY, M.D., Chairman.

I. What Physicians should know about Hypno-Sugges

tion, Henrik G. Petersen, M.D.

II. Insanities occurring in the Adolescent Period, H. J. Klopp, M.D. Discussion opened by Ellen L.

Keith, M.D.

III. The Early Recognition of Insanity and the Proper Treatment, George S. Adams, M.D. Discussion opened by N. Emmons Paine, M.D.

3.30 P.M.


GEORGE H. EARL, M.D., Chairman.

I. The Maternity Hospital, Its Work and Aim, Henry E. Spalding, M.D. General Discussion.


Care of Pregnant Women, E. B. Cahill, M.D. Discussion opened by Helen S. Childs, M.D.

III. A Case of Tedious Labor, Carl Crisand, M.D. Discussion opened by Walter Wesselhoeft, M.D.

IV. Toxæmia of Pregnancy, G. H. Earl, M.D.

It was voted that a vote of thanks be sent to Otis Clapp & Son for their entertainment of the society at lunch.

The Election Committee reported the election of the following officers for the year 1900-1901

President, John L. Coffin, M.D.; Vice-Presidents, J. P. Rand, M.D., Winfield Smith, M.D.; Corresponding Secretary, Frederick P. Batchelder, M.D.; Recording Secretary, Frederick L. Emerson, M.D.; Treasurer, Winslow B. French,. M.D.; Librarian, J. Wilkinson Clapp, M.D.; Censors, H. C. Clapp, M.D., E. P. Colby, M.D., F. B. Percy, M.D., N. W. Emerson, M.D., Frank C. Richardson, M.D.

Adjourned at 5 P.M. to meet at Hotel Somerset, where dinner was served to one hundred and twenty-nine members of the society. At 8.30 an address, entitled "The Greater Obligation of the Physician," was delivered by the President, Frank C. Richardson, M.D.

The papers and discussions will be found in full in the volume of Transactions. FREDERICK L. EMERSON, M.D., Recording Secretary.

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[Read before the Boston Homœopathic Medical Society.]

It may be of interest to note the apparent benefit of the extract of thyroid in a case of puerperal mania.

In this case we may presume that the supply of glandular matter had become lessened or exhausted through the demands of maternity. For such deficiency, an artificial supply may need to be substituted as much as any substance required in the chemistry of the body.

The patient was 31 years of age. She had been an inmate of an Old School hospital for nearly four months. Her family history was good; past history showed emotional weakness, while at times she was subject to what her family. called fainting spells. Two normal parturitions preceded the one under consideration. The labor was of three days' duration and at the end of three days more she began to grow suspicious of the nurse in attendance. The family yielded to her notions and another nurse was procured. The latter dropped dead in the patient's room with heart disease at the

end of a week.

The disease began to manifest itself more prominently at While she remained in fair physical condition,

this time.

she was sleeping insufficiently, gradually growing more and more depressed. She was sure that she would never get

VOL. XXXV. - No. 6.


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