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Sold only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,

Washington, D. C.




HIS VOLUME represents the first attempt on the

part of the Department of Commerce to collect and publish a classified list of existing commodity specifications formulated not only by public purchasers throughout the United States, but also by the nationally recognized trade associations, technical societies, and public utilities.

Criticisms and suggestions are desired from all interested persons, so that the commodity classification may be made most nearly universally satisfactory and that the collection of existing specifications and classification thereof may be kept as complete, accurate, and up to date as possible. All recommendations for improvement received will be given careful consideration when future editions of the book are issued.

N.S. Yout, 11-5-1925


WASHINGTON, December 30, 1924.


Secretary of Commerce, Washington, D. C.

SIR: Submitted herewith is the manuscript copy of the Directory of Specifications, compiled according to the plans approved by you which were formulated with the cooperation of the following organizations:

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The collection of material for the directory by the Department of Commerce has been in charge of A. S. McAllister, of the Bureau of Standards, and F. R. Wadleigh (later succeeded by John Matthews, jr., and W. H. Rastall), of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The work of compilation was done by and under the supervision of Doctor McAllister with the assistance of members of the Bureau of Standards and of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.

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The members of the Advisory Board, which has been cooperating with the Department of Commerce in the preparation of the National Directory of Commodity Specifications, take this opportunity not only to express their thorough indorsement of the undertaking but to record the need for the services rendered by the department.

Those who have had to do with the detailed work of producing or purchasing commodities have for some time felt the need of an authoritative directory of the specifications that are in actual use with the names of the organizations that have formulated or are sponsoring these specifications.

The preparation of such a directory could scarcely be carried out successfully by any one organization, and there was therefore very cordial approval of the interested organizations when Secretary Hoover offered the services of the Department of Commerce in the compilation and publication of the directory on a cooperative basis.

The successful accomplishment of an undertaking of this character and scope depends upon the thorough cooperation of the numerous organizations vitally interested in specifications. In bringing about this cooperation, the Department of Commerce has given another example of its desire and ability to meet the needs of commerce and industry.

We wish to put on record our appreciation of the opportunity afforded by the Department of Commerce for all interested organizations to participate actively in the undertaking.

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