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Indian at first affected at his presence? 5. Describe the old Indian, 6. What is said of their intimacy after this? 7. How did he describe the Spirit-Land? 8. What would he do when he beheid the lightning, and heard the thunder? 9. Where was our young friend sent when spring came?

Which part of this lesson is descriptive, and which narrative ?


SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Inhaling, breathing. 2. Elicited, called forth. 3. Aborigines, first inhabitants of our country-the Indians. 4. Identi cal, sanie. 5. Unpopular, not pleasing to the people. 6. Incomprehens ible, not capable of being understood. 7. Requiem, funeral hymn. 8. Corroding, consuming. 9. Vital, relating to life.

The Old Indian-continued.

1. FIVE years were flown, and I returned to the village of my birth. At the twilight hour, a few evenings after this, I was seated at an open window with my mother, inhaling the fragrance of blowing flowers, and at times listening to the mellow tones of the sweet whip-po-wil. All the important incidents that had transpired during my absence, were affectionately and particularly related. Nothing, however, interested me so much as the following brief account of my old Indian friend, which I now write down in the words in which it was told to me.

2. "The summer after you left us, an Indian made his appearance in our village, whose poverty and old age elicited the kind sympathies and good wishes of all who knew him. Nothing was known of his history, save the fact that he belonged to the tribe of Potawatimies, a nation at this period almost extinct. Alas! for the poor Aborigines of our country. To them the earth is a dreary place, and their only joy is the hope that they will soon join their kindred in the land of spirits. One by one, like the linger ing sands of an hour-glass, they are passing beyond the grave.

3. "As I had heard you talk about an Indian, with whom you had become acquainted while hunting. I thought this new comer might be the identical one. While passing through the village one day, I chanced to meet him, and invited him to come up and sup with us that evening. did so and we were very glad to learn that he was indeed your friend, whom you thought dead. We discovered this fact from the way he spoke of a "boy hunter" who used to


visit him in his lonely home. From that day he was our particular friend, as he had been before the friend of the whole village.

4. "His dress was common, but in the true Indian style. He became a great favorite among the boys, in whose sports he often participated. It was his custom in summer to sit beneath the great "elm tree" on the green, and, gathering the children around him, rehearse to them wild stories about the red men of the forest. Sometimes he would spend a whole day in whittling out bows and arrows for his youthful friends; and they in return would bestow upon him various little presents, curious and rare.

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5. He had no particular abiding place There were a dozen houses where he was perfectly at home. He seldom alluded to his tribe, and never ventured beyond the limits of the county. This was indeed unaccountable; but as he seemed to possess so amiable a disposition, no one could believe he had ever been guilty of a crime. Rather than this. it was thought he had been banished from his nation on account of some failure in war-like exploits-or some similar cause.

6. "Perhaps, again, he was an Indian philosopher or poet, who had unfortunately drawn upon himself the illwill of his people, by expressing some unpopular opinion. Sometimes he would enter the school-house, and listen attentively to the boys reciting their lessons. A printed book he looked upon as a treasure, and when one was given him, considered it a sacred gift, though its contents he could not read.


7. "He would often enter the church on the sabbath, and in his seat near the pulpit, with his head resting upon hands, would listen with an anxious gaze to the preacher's words. He always left the house in a pensive mood. To his mind, the heaven of the Christian was utterly incomprehensible. Of all the truths which were read to him from the Bible, the most interesting and wonderful was the history of our Savior. When listening to this, he would often clasp his hands in an ecstasy of delight, exclaiming-" how good man! how good man!"

8. "On all occasions of festivity he was a welcome guest. Christmas and New Years' were always happy days with him. The little girls invited him to their pic-nic parties. The boys on Saturday afternoon had him to keep tally

when they were playing at ball. He was always the leader of the nutting parties in autumn, and a participator in the sleigh-rides of winter. In fact he was every where, and had a hand in almost every thing that transpired.

9. "About six weeks ago it was reported throughout the village that our old Indian friend was very sick, and at the point of death. This intelligence was no less unexpected than melancholy. He had so completely won the affection of every body, that it spread a universal gloom. In a few days he yielded up his spirit to his Father and his God.


10. "The next day was the Sabbath, and the one appointed for his burial. The sky was without a cloud, and the cool breeze, as it rustled among the leaves, brought health and refreshment to the body and soul of every one. meadow lark and the woodland birds sung louder and sweeter than they were wont to do. A good man had died, and Nature, animate and inanimate, seemed anxious to pronounce his requiem. A larger funeral than his I have seldom seen. Old men and women, young men and maidens, and children with tearful eyes, followed the old Indian to his grave. It is situated in the north east corner of the burying-ground, in the shadow of two beautiful willows, that seem the guardian of his silent resting place."

11. Last evening, an hour before the sunset, I stood beside the clay cottage of my old Indian friend. Green is the grass, and many and beautiful the flowers that flourish above his grave. I plucked a single harebell and placed it in my bosom, and its sister flowers I watered with my tears. Those tears, which were not the offspring of corroding grief, but of a mournful joy, were the only tribute that I could pay to one whom I dearly loved-who was born a benighted heathen but died a Christian. The mildly-beaming, and beautiful evening star had arisen, ere I departed from the 'Silent City;" but I felt that the flower I had plucked, though faded, would in after hours remind me of my friend, and I therefore came away in peace, repeating to myself these words:

12. "And I am glad that he has lived thus long,
And glad that he has gone to his reward;
Nor deem that kindly nature did him wrong,
Softly to disengage the vital cord.

When his weak hand grew palsied, and his eye
Dark with the mists of age, it was his time to die."


QUESTIONS.-1. How soon did our young friend return? 2. When was it told him that the Indian appeared in the village? 3. How id- his parents become acquainted with him? 4. Where did he live, and how spend his time? 5. Who was he supposed to have been? 6. What was his conduct in church? 7. What do you say of his amusements with the children? 8. How long had it been since his death? 9. Describe his funeral. 10. What is said of our young friend on visiting his grave? 11. What is meant by the "Silent City," eleventh verse?

What do the marks before the second verse, and after the tenth, signify? Who is represented as the author of the quotation? Why do Savior, Father, and God, begin with capitals? Why Indian, Christian ? Ans. Words derived from proper names.


SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Anonymous, wanting the name of the writer; nameless. 2. Mortal, that will perish, or, subject to death. 3. Tints, slight colorings. 4. Serene, calm. 5. Vernal, spring. 6. Peerless, not to be equaled. 7. Unutterable, not to be told, or described. 3. Philosophic, very wise; able to explain the reasons of things.

The World we have not seen.-ANON.

1. THERE is a world we have not seen,
That time shall never dare destroy,
Where mortal footsteps have not been,
Nor ear hath caught its sounds of joy.

2. There is a region, lovelier far,
Than sages tell, or poets sing,
Brighter than summer beauties are,
And softer than the tints of spring.

3. There is a world,-and O how blest!--
Fairer than prophets ever told;

And never did an angel guest
One half its blessedness unfold.

4. It is all holy and serene,

The land of glory and repose;
And there, to dim the radiant scene,
The tear of sorrow never flows.

5. It is not fanned by summer gale;
'Tis not refreshed by vernal showers;
It never needs the moon-beam pale,
For there are known no evening hours.

6. Nò; for this world is ever bright
With a pure radiance all its own;
The streams of uncreated light,

Flow round it from the Eternal Throne.

7. There forms, that mortals may not see,
Too glorious for the eye to trace,
And clad in peerless majesty,
Move with unutterable grace.

8. In vain the philosophic eye
May seek to view the fair abole,
Or find it in the curtained sky;—


QUESTIONS.-1. What is said of the world we have not seen? 2. Describe its beauty and glory. 3. Whence is its light? 4. What forms are there? 5. Where may it not be found? 6. What is it?

What poetical pause after world, first line? What pause should be made after is, in the last line, and why? (Les. XI. 3.) Why is a part of the last line printed in capitals? With what tone of voice should it be read? (Les. XI. 4.)

What evil arises from

syllables as you procced?


spelling long words without pronouncing the (Les. II. 6.)

SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Inveterate, deep rooted; old. 2. Subservient, yielding to the will. 3. Antidote, that which cures from pain.

The Indian Ichneumon.-ANON.

1. THE Indian ichneumon is a small animal, whose appearance is not unlike the weasel. It is of infinite use to the natives, from its inveterate enmity to serpents, which would otherwise render every footstep of the traveler dangerous. The proofs of sagacity in this little animal, are truly surprising, and afford a beautiful instance of the wisdom, with which Providence has fitted the powers of all creatures to their particular situations on the globe, and has rendered them subservient to the use of man.

2. The diminutive ichneumon attacks, without dread, the most fatal of serpents; and should it receive a wound in the combat, instantly retires, and is said to obtain an antidote from a certain herb, after which it returns to the attack, and seldom fails of victory.

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