

The dress is of white glacé,
decolletée, with plain corsage and
pointed boddice.
The sleeves are

puffed, are short, and match the
skirt in style. A second jupe of
tulle illusion covers the taffeta;
for about one-third of its depth it
is festooned by broad bands of the
glacé, each of which, as also the
central portion of the festoons, are
graced by alternate clusters of
white moss-rose buds, orange-flow-
ers, and lilies of the valley.
deep fall of Brussels lace trims the
top of the corsage, the sleeves, and
the waist. The vail is of tulle il-
lusion; the coiffure is at pleasure,
with a wreath of orange-blossoms
and lilies of the valley. The brace-
lets are of pearl.



FIGURE 2.-This very pretty OUT-DOOR DRESS for a Young Lady, is composed of tarletan, with a canezou of black tulle gathered upon black satin bands, and edged with double lace. The sleeves are large and puffed, and are caught up with a noud of black satin ribbon. The hat is of fancy straw.

The GIRL'S DRESS (Figure 3) consists of a lace basque, with pink transparents through the bouillonées. The skirt, which is flounced, is of organdie. Upon the head is a straw flat, trimmed with flowers, and having a fall of lace.


FIGURE 4 is a SHAWL of black French lace, and is a remarkably pretty article of the kind. embellishments of costumes for the open air constitute almost the I only novelties which we have observed; there being nothing particularly new in fashion and construction.


The BERTHE (Figure 5) is adapted to be worn | ing edged with lace. Bows of pale blue or white with a low-necked dress. It is of gossamer lace, satin adorn the sleeves and the waist. The centre with rûches which form the border; the whole be- may be graced by a neat bouquet.

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Scraps from an
Artists NoteBook

THE CARIB SETTLEMENTS. AVING sent Manuel to Tulian with a note to the Carib chief to order a boat for us, and receiving a satisfactory reply, we commenced packing our luggage, which consisted of two large mosquito nets. Having finished this laborious task we retired to our hammocks to get a good sleep, that we might be fresh for the start in the morning, as we were to be off by daylight to get the favorable land-breeze.

We were aroused in ample time by the Carib boys, and our party being joined by the Doctor, whose portly, jolly body is well known through the Southern and Western States, we left our quarters for the beach, where, in absence of docks, we were "backed" to our boat. I can't

say that the addition of the "Doc." to our party was in the remotest degree desirable, as he weighed nearly three hundred pounds, and our 'dory," or "dug-out," was not so large as many I have seen used to carry much smaller loads; besides, we now numbered, all told, passengers and crew, seven mortals. Seven! mysterious number! Shades of the departed astrologers and Grand Street wizards! was it safe to start in face of these auspices?

I think it was unlucky, and it proved so on the start; for in dumping the "Doc." into the boat, which operation required the united strength of two Caribs, he dipped the boat and half filled her with water! They were obliged to reland him and bail her out.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by Harper and Brothers, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. VOL. XV.-No. 86.-K

Doc. quietly remarked that it was "all right; he had got a duck, and out of season, too." However, after little delay we started in high spirits, but when we reached the "Point" the wind completely failed us. Down came the sail, and out went the paddles, handled by four stout Caribs, who were built, as H-remarked, on the "Yankee Doodle plan-lean but very muscular," and away went the canoe skimming over the broad waves of the Caribbean Sea.

The manner of using the paddle is not unlike the North American Indian mode. It is held perfectly perpendicular in the water, carried along the side of the canoe very swiftly, and at the conclusion of the stroke it is turned inward or outward as they may desire the canoe to head. In this way they propel canoes of large size with a rapidity that would astonish some of our Whitehall boatmen.

Nor does the distance to make cause them to lessen their activity; frequently they paddle many miles in a rough sea perfectly content. On one occasion, an urgent one, it is true, three of them paddled a canoe three days and three nights, their only food the while being brandy and water.

| and the Caribs to swear (that is, I presume they did, their language being hard enough to lead one to imagine 'twas composed entirely of blasphemous ejaculations), but it wouldn't do; the norther came upon us harder and harder every moment, and we could hear the surf beating fearfully upon the rocky shore nearly two miles astern.


Keep her head to the sea!" shouted the old chief; and head to the sea it was-the sea heading us in a manner not at all congenial to our feelings. If we had been in a ship and made the "stern way" we were making in our old hollow log, we should have gone on a visit to "Davy Jones, Esquire," immediately.

But the dug-out was like a Roman sword, cutting both ways equally well. Away we went, she dipping the water in, and we dipping it out, when suddenly we found ourselves close upon a sand bar or "Cay," about one mile and a half from shore. Out went our paddle again to avoid it. "Bring her around under the lee of the Cay," said the old "King of the Cannibal Islands," as H-called the Carib chief. I gave one glance at the pure white sand which I thought would have looked much better on some country ball-room floor, and I within the same distance of it. Still we were dancing on toward it with the back-step, much afraid that the wind would give us a sort of waltz movement and compel us to change partners before we thought proper. But it turned into a regular stag dance, every man for himself, for in turning around she struck a rock and over she went!

We had not proceeded far on our journey when a sea-breeze sprang up.. This time Hdid not "engineer the ropes" as on a former occasion on Lake Nicaragua, but left that duty to the Caribs, than whom, in small boats, there are no better sailors to be found. He took out his "old banjo" from a mere desire to finger some strings, and gave us some "real old sea songs," regular sea dogs, daring and braving the The next step in our figure was a movement sea in song, and lustily inviting all his friends for the "Cay," which being near was soon acto follow in the footsteps of him, their illustri-complished-or, in other words, easily swum. ous predecessor. I think old Neptune must have heard him, and not liking his style or his sentiments concluded to give us a poke of his "iron," for soon after a squall came upon us that "blew great guns," to say nothing of the horse-pistols and revolvers.

Away we went taking a salt shower-bath every two minutes-once a week would have been more to our fancy. And the clouds began to lower, the thunder to rattle, the sea to roll,

H- declared that I walked ashore, and as there were two or three shells in the top of one of my boots, I couldn't well deny it.

Our canoe soon followed us, the smaller articles close upon it, with a box of cigars bringing up the rear. A stray bottle of old brandy was seen at this moment hesitating on a wave, evidently not wishing to come ashore, not having been invited. We pitied the poor fellow's modesty, and really wishing him with us in our pres

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ent plight, one of us went to him, took him by the neck, and gave him an ardent welcome. He came without hesitation, and we enjoyed his company amazingly.

One of the Caribs soon fished up our guns, the old banjo taking care of himself. In fact, when we set him against a tree in the wind, he commenced singing as if nothing had occurred out of his usual line. But then he had no babies to feed; why shouldn't he be jolly when he found himself safe on terra firma? But he was too merry for the rest of the party, and the rascal, instead of confining his merriment to old familiar tunes that might have touched a chord in our memories and enlivened us too, launched off into a lot of wild, extempore music, quite suggestive of a storm. The Caribs were greatly alarmed at this, and we had some difficulty in explaining to them that it was altogether on the Eolian principle, and that it could not talk, as they supposed.

The sun soon came out to look at us, the storm died away, and we made clothes-horses of ourselves to dry our garments on.

We were stocked with what somebody calls "hunger-sauce," but unfortunately had nothing to season therewith. All our biscuit was wet, sugar and coffee ditto. The Caribs took their spears and soon brought us a fine barracuda, but not until H- and myself had damaged our boots while chasing a flat-fish, which we were green enough to think we could catch. We did get a couple of craw-fish, but lost the sole of one of our boots against a projecting rock hidden below the surface of the water.

These and the fish we soon roasted in some plantain-leaves on the beach. For the benefit of future castaways, I will describe the method. First dig a hole; then build a fire in it. The Caribs did this in a novel way to me. One of them collected a quantity of dry brush, and lighting his cigarro, stood up in the wind, and placing a spark in the brush commenced swinging it in the breeze. Soon it was in a blaze, and in a few seconds more our "pit" was a mass of burning embers. Wood was heaped upon it until it was filled with coals. The fish were cleaned and wrapped in plantain-leaves, and the whole covered with the live coals. In a few moments they were taken out, beautifully roasted..

Those who boast of the cuisine Français would do well to taste of the Carib asado.

Before we had finished our meal the Caribs told us a storm was approaching, and, as we knew them to be good barometers, their advice was heeded. We got four stout sticks, and planted them firmly in the sand, rigging the sail over them after the style of a tent, fasten-ing the sheet-ropes to heavy bushes in the direction of the storm, to prevent the tent's making away, as this mishap would cause us to scud under bare poles for a time, which pleasant little amusement we very naturally objected to.

I knew well what it was, having been wreeked on the Yucatan coast only six weeks previous to our present adventure. There I was knocked about among the reefs for twelve days, sleeping à la chicken-eleven of us in a small open boat! While there, we dined sumptuously on cocoa

nut-water-when we could get the nuts; when | beach, waiting to receive us, a fine-looking we couldn't, we "chewed the cud of sweet and Spanish girl. bitter fancy," and thought of the good dinners we had had at home at Delmonico's, Florence's, and other benefactors of hungry men with money in their pockets. We thought of numerous "fries, with celery," "roasts, with 'Mumm's best,'" and wished that there might be flourishing restaurants established all along the coast.

But I am forgetting our present plight for my past misfortune. The storm came with a regular tropical rain, but our sail acted nobly in protecting us from its fury. After a short time the rain abated, and the sun again appeared in all his glory. We were fully requited for our accident by the appearance of a most wonderful atmospheric phenomena. Away, in the north, rose an enormous water-spout, over which were two magnificent rainbows! The water-spout rose to the clouds, the rainbows forming a perfect half-circle over it.

The inner rainbow was beautifully colored; while the outer, or reflected bow, was less brilliant, though almost as gorgeous. I think this a sight seldom seen even by old sea-captains, who, by-the-way, have always witnessed these wonderful sights at sea, while we were gazing at it with wonder and delight from our Robinson Crusoe-like position.

In an hour more we were in the town of Tulian, Honduras, seven miles east of Omoa, which, with the settlement of Seineguita, was the object of our visit. We had expected to find nothing but dark-colored Caribs at this place, and were most joyfully surprised to see on the

We shouted "Adios, mi alma" to her, long before she could, by any possible construction of the laws of sound, understand our affectionate addresses. I had forgotten that we were married men; but no matter-we were away from home, on a sketching expedition, and this was very much in our line. There was one, at least, we thought, who could appreciate our sentimental songs (all Spanish songs are sentimental), and knew something of the agreeable little courtesies of civilized life that one understands so fully when he sees it contrasted with nature, crude and rough. When we landed we found her pretty and intelligent-two great desiderata for a "note-book sketch"-so we immediately presented ourselves, introducing each other.

I thought (being the best-looking) that I had made an impression; but when she turned her lovely black eyes upon my companions with such winning smiles, it was all over with memy heart went back to its proper place immediately. Still, I liked "Juanita."

The Carib language is harsh, it must befor one of them, noticing the glances I threw toward the individual who had robbed me of my peace (I believe that is the usual mode of expressing it), he remarked, "She was a good wurrie for such a woogerie as myself!" That sent Tom Moore and his poetry out of my head directly, and I began to think I had got into some saw-filing establishment. We formed into line, the boys taking our luggage, and marched

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