
1 nearly as possible in accordance with the terms of the gift or 2 bequest.

3 (e) For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift

4 taxes, property accepted under section 4 (d) of this Act

5 shall be considered as a gift or bequest to or for use of the 6 United States.

7 (f) Upon the request of the Secretary, the Secretary of

8 the Treasury may invest and reinvest in securities of the

9 United States or in securities guaranteed as to principal and 10 interest by the United States any moneys contained in the 11 fund authorized herein. Income accruing from such secu12 rities, and from any other property pursuant to section 4 (d) 13 of this Act, shall be deposited to the credit of the fund author14 ized herein, and shall be disbursed upon order of the Secre15 tary of Transportation.



(g) The Secretary is authorized, upon the written request of any person, firm, or corporation, to make special 18 statistical studies relating to foreign and domestic transporta19 tion, and other matters falling within the province of the De

20 partment of Transportation, to prepare from its records

21 special statistical compilations, and to furnish transcripts of

22 its studies, tables, and other records upon the payment of

23 the actual cost of such work by the person, firm, or corpora

24 tion requesting it.


(h) All moneys received by the Department of Trans1 portation in payment of the cost of work under section 4 (g) 2 of this Act shall be deposited in a special account to be 3 administered under the direction of the Secretary of Trans

4 portation. These moneys may be used, in the discretion

5 of the Secretary of Transportation, and notwithstanding

6 any other provisions of law, for the ordinary expenses inci

7 dental to the work and/or to secure in connection there

8 with the special services of persons who are neither officers



nor employees of the United States.

(i) The Secretary is authorized to appoint such ad11 visory committees as shall be appropriate for the purpose 12 of consultation with and advice to the Department in per13 formance of its functions. Members of such committees

14 shall be entitled to per diem and travel expenses as author15 ized by the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (60 16 Stat. 808), for all persons employed intermittently as con17 sultants or experts receiving compensation on a per diem 18 basis.


19 (j) Orders and actions of the Secretary or the National Transportation Safety Board in the exercise of functions, 21 powers, and duties transferred under this Act shall be sub




ject to judicial review to the same extent and in the same manner as if such orders and actions had been by the agency originally exercising such functions, powers, and duties.



(k) In the exercise of the functions, powers, and duties 2 transferred under this Act, the Secretary is authorized the same authority as vested in the agency originally exercising 4 such functions, powers, and duties, and his actions in exer5 cising such functions, powers, and duties shall have the same

6 force and effect as when exercised by such agency.

7 (1) (1) Nothing in this Act or other law shall pre

8 clude appointment, detail, or assignment of a member on 9 active duty of the Coast Guard to any position in the De10 partment, other than Secretary, Under Secretary, and Assist11 ant Secretary for Administration.


(2) Nothing in this Act or other law shall preclude 13 appointment of a retired member of the Coast Guard to

14 any position in the Department.


(3) The provisions of section 9 (e) (1) shall apply to 16 persons appointed, detailed, or assigned under authority of 17 this subsection.




SEC. 5. (a) There is hereby established within the De20 partment a National Transportation Safety Board. The 21 Board shall exercise the functions, powers, and duties trans22 ferred to the Secretary by sections 6 and 8 of this Act with

23 regard to (1) determining the cause or probable cause of


24 transportation accidents, and shall report the facts, condi

25 tions, and circumstances relating to such accidents; and (2)

1 the review on appeal of the suspension, amendment, modifi2 cation, revocation, or denial of any certificate or license issued

3 by the Secretary. In exercising these functions, powers, and 4 duties, the Board shall be independent of the Secretary and 5 the operating units of the Department.


(b) The Board shall consist of five members to be ap7 pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent 8 of the Senate, and who shall continue in office as designated 9 by the President at time of nomination through the last day 10 of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth full calendar years, 11 respectively, following the year of enactment of this Act. 12 Their successors shall be appointed for terms of five years, 13 in the same manner as the members originally appointed 14 under this Act. Members of the Board shall be appointed 15 with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of 16 the functions, powers, and duties vested in and imposed

17 upon the Board. Members of the Board may be removed 18 by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or mal19 feasance in office.

20 (c) Any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring 21 prior to the expiration of a term for which his predecessor

22 was appointed shall serve only for the remainder of such

23 term. Upon the expiration of his term of office, except in

24 the case of a member removed for cause under section 5 (b),


a member shall continue to serve until his successor is ap2 pointed and shall have qualified.



(d) The President shall designate from time to time

one of the members of the Board as Chairman and one of

5 the members as Vice Chairman, who shall act as Chairman 6 in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman, or in the event 7 of a vacancy in the office of the Chairman. The Chairman 8 shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the 9 Board and shall exercise the responsibility of the Board with 10 respect to (1) the appointment and supervision of personnel 11 employed by the Board; (2) the distribution of business among the Board's personnel; and (3) the use and expendi13 ture of funds. In executing and administering the functions 14 of the Board on its behalf, the Chairman shall be governed 15 by the general policies of the Board and by its decisions, 16 findings, and determinations. Three of the members shall


17 constitute a quorum of the Board.


(e) The Chairman of the Board shall be compensated 19 at the rate provided for at level V of the Federal Executive

20 Salary Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 416), as provided in section

21 10 (d) (4) of this Act. Members of the Board shall be

22 compensated at the rate now or hereafter established for

23 grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act

24 of 1949 (63 Stat. 954).


(f) The Board is authorized to establish such rules, reg

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