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Education, and there are nine editions of the American Journal of Education issued in nine places, St. Louis, Chicago, Atchison, Houston, Jackson, Monroe, La., Kirksville, Springfield, Mo., and Nashville. The exact dates of the first issues of the weeklies are as follows:-New-York School Journal, January 28, 1871; N. E. Journal of Education, January 2, 1875, and the Educational Weekly, January 4, 1877. The National Educator has been published part of the time as a semi-monthly. The issue for November, 1877 is called No. 2 of Vol. XVII. This periodical was first issued in July, 1860. The present name was adopted in 1872.

Of the 2-page list of monthly school journals given by us in Educational Notes and Queries, in January 1875, pp. 14 and 15, comprising 24, only 8 survive. Of the 28 given in our present list 15, or more than half, are not yet three years old, and 8, or more than half of these 15, are not yet a year old. School journals are as a general rule short lived. The asterisks in the table are to point out those periodicals that are issued only in ten months of the year. This practice ought to be adopted by all school journals.

-WE are preparing a list of all the Superintendents and Principals of the Public Schools in the cities and villages of Ohio. It is not yet complete, and hence we request some of our readers in each county in the State to send us, on a card or in a letter, as complete a list as possible of all the Superintendents or Principals in their respective counties.

-WE lack our usual variety of contributed matter this month on account of the length of the address of Mr. N. K. Royse, which could not be divided. This address was delivered before the Teachers' Institute of Cincinnati, at its last session. We have divided it however by topics, which really might have constituted separate articles. One contributed article, already in type, is necessarily deferred until next month.


-WHEN notified that a subscriber has failed to receive any number of this journal due him, we always remail it. All changes of address should reach us by the twentieth of the month preceding the one in which the change is to take effect. If a subscriber should delay the order for change of address until after a number shall have been sent to his former address, he should forward a two-cent stamp to the postmaster to pay for forwarding the number. Subscriptions should begin with January, April, July, or October.

-WE send the Parents and Teachers' Monthly with the Ohio Educational Monthly for $1.90 a year.


-THE Classical School at Oxford, Ohio is increasing in numbers.
-THERE are 1500 ladies attending the New-York-City Normal College.
-THERE has been a kindergarten in Atlanta Ga., for more than a

-THE College Olio of November 3, contains a humorous review of Olney's Algebra.

-No more Vice-Principals are to be appointed for the Public Schools of New-York City.

-THE Ohio Female College at Oxford, Ohio, has a larger attendance than at any time since 1872.

-THE Metric System is to be taught in the Zanesville Public Schools with the necessary apparatus.

-AFTER January 1, 1878 the teachers of Summit Co., Ohio, are to be examined in the Metric System.

-THE new building of Purdue University was announced to be formally dedicated November 21,

-THE Northwestern Ohio Teachers' Association will meet in Ottawa, December 27, and 28. A good meeting is expected.

-AN 8-weeks' Normal School was announced to open in Delaware, Ohio, Sepetmber 10, under the charge of J. W. Sharp.

-THE income of the Peabody Fund will be forty per cent less than last year, hence Virginia's share is to be reduced to $10,000.

-THERE are two Japanese students in the Law Department of Michigan University. There is one lady (a senior) in this department.

-HALF of the 116 applicants last June at West Point were rejected; that is 50 per cent; 58 was the per cent of rejections at Annapolis.

-THE teachers of New Jersey have been discussing the subject of procuring a building for a cheap seaside resort for them in the summer.

-MONTHLY Literary and Social Reunions have been inaugurated in Alliance for the purpose of procuring a reference library for the schools.

"SETH GREENBACK" and "Wanted: A Correspondent" are the titles of two school plays published by T. S. Denison, De Kalb, Ill. Price 20 cents.

-E. O. VAILE's paper on the Spelling Reform, read at Put-in-Bay last July, has been published by Burns & Co., of New York, in a 12mo pamphlet.

-THE Schools of Marlboro, Ohio, are said to be prospering under the management of J. E. Pollock. Marlboro has had an interesting educational history.

"THE NATIONAL TEACHERS' MONTHLY" has changed its name to "Barnes' [why not Barnes's] Educational Monthly." Its price has been increased to $1.50.

-THE Penman's Journal is a neat monthly published at $1.00 a year, by D. T. Ames, 205 Broadway, New York, N. Y. The eighth number was issued last month.

-SUP'T Ellis says in his report that great progress has been made in teaching music in Hamilton the last year in consequence of the efforts of the new music teacher, W. H. Aiken.

-THERE were enrolled in the Public Schools of Warren, Ohio, in October, 834 pupils. There were 64 cases of tardiness. The enrolment for October 1876, was 859, and the cases of tardiness 234.

-THERE is now a large attendance at the University of Mississippi, at Oxford, an institution with which F. A. P. Barnard, now President of Columbia College, New York, was formerly connected.

-THE Hon. Barnabas C. Hobbs, of Indiana, was to start for Europe November 22, on a religious mission. He is a minister of the Society of Friends, and was formerly State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana.

-AN Irish newspaper says that according to the assertion of scientific writers that the number of persons who have existed on the globe is 66,625,343,237,075,256. We have serious doubts as to the accuracy of the last figure.

-THERE were enrolled in the Public Schools of Defiance, Ohio, in October, 665 pupils; cases of tardiness, 13, truancy, 6. There were 262 perfect in attendance. The school census in September was 1521; 747 boys and 774 girls.

Ar the meeting of the Hamilton-County Teachers' Association in Cincinnati, November 10, M. S. Turrell read a paper entitled "One feature of my Graded-School work." We shall probably publish next month the chief points in this paper.

-THE next meeting of the State Board of Examiners will be held in the office of the State Commissioner of Common Schools, beginning at 9 A. M., December 27, 1877. Examiners, Alston Ellis, Hamilton, H. B. Furness, Cincinnati, and W. W. Ross, Fremont.

-THE North American Review has been moved from Boston to New York. It is the oldest review in the country. It is owned and edited by A. Thorndyce Rice, and L. S. Metcalf has the business management, but it is hereafter to be published by D. Appleton & Co.

-A MODIFICATION of the course of study in Cleveland has been agitated for some time, resulting in a Majority and a Minority Report and a subsequent analysis of the two by Sup't A. J. Rickoff. This analysis appears in the minutes of the regular meeting held Monday, October 29. "THE Scholar's Companion" is a new 3-column, 8-page paper, published at 17, Warren Street, New York City, by E. L. Kellogg & Co., and edited by Amos M. Kellogg. Price 50 cents a year. Its title suggests its purpose. The first number was issued in September, and was received with great favor.

-THE New-York Tribune says, "The total school receipts in Ohio for the past year was $347,298,86. The payments amounted to $270,323,11.” The State would be badly off if its school receipts were so low. If the receipts had been put at 8 millions of dollars the statement would have been nearer the truth.

-THE school census (6 to 21) of Cleveland was in September last 45,227, of whom 12,710 were over 16. It should be remembered that the

married whose ages do not exceed 21 are not counted in Ohio in the school enumeration. There were in the city 2,787 children between 5 and 6 years of age. Taking this census as a basis we estimate the population of Cleveland to be 133,372.

-THE Proceedings of the International Conference on Education held at Philadelphia, July 17, and 18, 1876, has been published by the National Bureau of Education, in a pamphlet of 92 pages. It contains much valuable matter. The conference was informal, hence the attendance was not large, being in all only 119. Several amusing inaccuracies occur in the list of names, especially as to titles.

"THE Practical Teacher" started off in fine style last month. It made a slip however in saying “The first newspaper in the United States was published in Boston, September 25, 1790." There were 37 newspapers printed in the United States at the beginning of the Revolutionary war. Dr. Franklin said that the "New-England Courant" established in Boston in 1721 by his brother, was the second newspaper published in America, but Sparks shows, in his Works of Franklin, that it was the fourth.

-THE announced programme for the meeting of the Eastern Ohio Teachers' Association at Bellaire, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1877, is as follows: "Introductory Address," by J. T. Duff; "Elementary Instruction," by Harriet L. Keeler; "The Examination Test," by J. M. Yarnell; “The Public Schools," by Harriet L. Keeler; "Mathematics," by the Hon. J. J. Burns; "The Cultivation of the Memory," by Miss M. W. Sutherland; "The True Place of the High School in a System of Public Schools," by Martin R. Andrews.

-THE number of pupils in the Columbus High School is about 475, and yet all these pupils enter and leave the chapel in such a systematic way that the time consumed by these movements and the exercises in the chapel do not occupy more than about 10 minutes. The Principal, E. H. Cook, is greatly aided by the electric arrangement fitted up by A. G. Farr, the teacher of physics, in all the rooms of the building with its new addition. The whole building is emptied of pupils in two minutes and five seconds.

-THE "Western Review of Science and Industry" is a neat 64-page covered octavo periodical, published by Theo. S. Case, at Kansas City, Mo. The October issue, No. 8, before us is an excellent number, the contents being comprised under the heads "Proceedings of Societies," "Chemistry," "Hygiene," "Geology," ," "Astronomy," "Medicine," "Anatomy and Physiology." "Scientific Miscellany," "Editorial Notes," and "Book Notices." One of the articles is on the "Mechanics of Ventilation." Price, $2.50 a year. Single number, 25 cents.


-"Good Times" is the name of a 12-page Monthly Original Magazine, published by Thos. W. Bicknell, of Boston, and edited by Mrs. M. B. C. Slade, of Fall River, Mass. Price $1.00 a year. The first number was issued in August. The contents of No. 3, October, now before us is divided into four departments entitled "Day-School and Parish Recrea


tions," "Sunday-School Exercises," "Mission Department," and Temperance Entertainments." The size of the page is 240 by 163 millimetres. -GIRARD College has been enlarged so as to accommodate 870 pupils. Before the enlargement only 550 could be accommodated. Heretofore only Pennsylvania orphans have been admitted. The yearly income of the college is $400,000. It may seem strange to those that know that Girard's will forbids the admission of any clergyman to the Institution that at the college there are both in the forenoon and afternoon short chapel services at which the Bible is read and prayers offered, and that grace is said at meals.

-THE Alliance Educational Association was announced to meet in Alliance November 24th. The following was the programme:— The Needs of the Schools," by the Rev. J. J. Davis, of Alliance; "How to teach Penmanship," by W. H. Beltz, of Limaville; "Thoroughness,” by ; and "How to teach Elementary Grammar," by J. F. Richard, of Alliance. The discussions of these subjects were to be opened respectively by Sam. Rockhill, of Canton, W. H. Morton, of Alliance; Prof. J. A. Brush, of Mt. Union; and J. E. Pollock, of Marlboro.

-THE Trumbull-County Teachers' Association met October 20th, in Warren. L. T. McCartney read a paper on “Uniformity of School Work," which was discussed by Messrs. Campbell, Moulton, and Hitchcock; H. J. Clark read one on "Failing to Govern," which was discussed by E. F. Moulton; Miss Gillmer one on "The Relations of Parent and Teacher," which was discussed by C. E. Hitchcock. Officers elected :Pres., C. E. Hitchcock; Vice-Pres., Sarah Shäffer; Sec., J. N. Dow; Treas., A. W. Kennedy; Ex. Com., E. F. Moulton, L. L. Campbell, and Mary Gaston. Editorial Com., T. E. Pickering and Miss H. W. Woodford, Warren, and D. C. Ghormley, Cortland.

-THE Clinton-County Teachers' Association met in New Vienna, October 20. It was welcomed by W. D. Moore. D. T. Bateman read a paper entitled "I am not prepared." W. D. Moore and T. J. Moon discussed the subject "How to govern a Bad Boy"; Messrs. Moon, Fish, Moore, Grove, Butler, Mrs. Henry, and Ruth Stotler, "How to prevent Prevarication"; Messrs. Zink and Fish "How shall we incite Dull Pupils to learn"; and Mr. Grove, "At what age should Children commence the Study of Geography and Grammar." Miss Morey gave an exercise in Primary Grammar, and Mrs. C. Ent read a paper on "The Teacher." The Association adjourned to meet in Martinsville at the call of the Executive Committee.

-THE following is the programme of the Northwestern-Ohio Teachers' Association to be held at Ottawa, December 27, and 28, 1877 :-Inaugural Address, by G. W. Walker; "Our Common Schools in Relation to the Future," by J. W. Zeller; "Reform of Education in Ohio," by E. W. Hastings; "The High School," by S. Steffens; "The Need of Tact in the School-Room," by H. H. Wright; "The Trinity of Success," lecture by J. W. Dowd; "The German Language in the Public School," by C. W. Williamson; "What is and what should be expected of Public Schools,' by A. A. McDonald; "Mensuration Taught Objectively," by W. W.

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