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willed by the late Dr. Barlow for this purpose. He also left to the college all his books relating to Dante and Italian history.

-THE most interesting article in Scribner for February, is an article by Henry Baldwin, a signal officer in the "Port Royal" at the battle in Mobile, entitled Farragut in Mobile Bay" in which the inaccurate statements of Lossing are corrected.


-THE Winter Term of Otterbein University, at Westerville, Ohio, opened the 10th of last month. On the 22d, 130 had returned of the 162 in attendance last term. The President, Dr. H. A. Thompson, was Wm. N. Edwards's successor as Superintendent of the Public Schools of Troy, Ohio.

-THE Medina-County Teachers' Association met at Lodi, Jan. 13. W. C. Dawson of Westfield lectured on "Theory and Practice in School Teaching." The next meeting will be held the 10th of this month at Seville.

-THE following numbers represent respectively the enrolment, daily attendance, cases of tardiness, enrolled in German-English classes and enrolled in colored school in Hamilton, Ohio, for the term ending December 22:-1,570, 1,353, 939, 648, and 47, all of which show an increase over

last year.


-THE Hamilton-County Teachers' Association met in Cincinnati, Jan. 13. Music was furnished by the Mt. Healthy Schools. C. E. McVay spoke on Experimental Philosophy" and Wm. M. Bennett of Cheviot, read a paper on "Teaching." Rote Teaching was discussed by several members.

-THE winter term of Marietta College opened January 18. The present senior class is the fortieth. If all the members of the class shall receive degrees the whole number of classical graduates will be 435. Notwithstanding the slurs often made in reference to Ohio colleges we have several of high character, and Marietta is one of them.

--THE Springfield (Mass.) Republican of December 27, 1870, contains in full W. T. Harris's Address delivered on the evening of the 26th before the Massachusetts State Teachers' Association, on "The Educational Significance of the Centennial Exposition." It would give us great pleasure to publish this masterly address in full.

--THE enrolment of the Public Schools of Wilmington, Ohio, is 431, and average daily attendance of 384 an increase over any previous year.

-THE following is the scale of salaries paid to the teachers in these schools. Superintendent (W. H. Grove), $1,500; Principal of High Schol (S. H. Fish), $1,000; teacher in Grammar School (Miss H. E. Moore), $600; in A Intermediate (Carrie Dugan), $500; in B Intermediate (Josie Carman), $450, which is also the salary paid to Mrs. L. C. Scott, Mary E. Browne, Alice Outcalt, and Kate E. Boyd, teachers of the A, B, C, and and D Primary. Jesse Newsom, teacher of A Division of the Colored School receives $650, and Miss Georgie Whyte, of the B Division $450. We shall be glad to learn the salaries paid this year in other towns of Ohio. Such items are valuable by way of comparison.

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-The Earlhamite for last month says that "Harper's Magazine is fiftythree years old." We have been a subscriber to the magazine ever since it began, and we did not begin until we were about twenty-two years of age and we lack five years of being fifty-three. The first number of the magazine was dated June, 1850. The November number of 1876 completed the fifty-third volume, not year.

-IT is said that the average salary of the county superintendents of Nebraska is $300. We hardly blame those who want to abolish the system because a system that costs so little cannot be worth much. The county-superintendency system in every State, except Pennsylvania, that has such a system is a disgrace to what pretends to be enlightened legislation. Even in Pennsylvania the second State in rank in population with only about sixty-five counties the salary of the superintendent is in one county as low as $500. The highest salary is only $2,250.

THE Union-County Institute held in Lewisburg, Pa., about 70 miles north of Harrisburg the holiday week was a very pleasant one. The regular instructors were W. D. Henkle, of Ohio, and Prof. Montgomery, of Millersville Normal School, Pa. Evening lectures were delivered by Dr. Loomis, Prof. Hill, and Col. Armes. Speeches were made by several visitors from other counties, Professors Coffin, Schneider, and Rev. Mr. Hays, Principal of the Shippensburg Normal School, and by Mr. Gahan, Supt. of Lycoming Co.

THE Erie-and-Huron-County Teachers' Association meets the third of this month at Monroeville. Supt. Collier of Fairfield, Supt. C. W. Butler and Miss Reed of Plymouth, Emma Butler of Wakeman, Supt. C. R. Chittenden of Oberlin, L. C. Laylin of Norwalk, Supt. C. W. Scroggie of Fitchville, I. E. Morey of Milan, are on the programme. Corporal Punishment is to be discussed by C. W. Oakes, E. E. Phillips, L. C. Laylin, A. J. Michael, C. E. Roberts, and Joe. P. Owen; and Music by Prof. Collins, of Sandusky.

-THE Butler-County Teachers' Association met in Hamilton, Jan. 13th. Emma Paddock read a paper on "Hope that you may be useful and happy," and Jas. B. Berry, one on "Symmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres," which was discussed by Alston Ellis. Miss Orris R. White read an essay on "Useful Employments," and R. M. Mitchell of Monroe, a payer on "How shall I cultivate Reasoning Power?" which was discussed by Mr. Ellis. “The Burial of De Soto," as read by Julia Woodmansee of Jones's Station elicited considerable applause. The usual excellent music was by Louis Miller, W. Aiken, N. Gray, and Pauline Straub. The next meeting will be held in Hamilton the third Saturday of this month.

-THE Colorado Teachers' Association met in Boulder in the first week of January. Addresses were delivered by Aaron Gove of Denver and Attorney General Sampson, and papers were read by Miss Frona Randall of Denver (“Written Work in Schools"), Prof. Dow of Boulder ("Woman's Place in School”), Miss Washburn (“Essential Incentives to Labor"), D. Boyd of Greeley ("Higher Education in Colorado”), and C. E. Parkinson ("Country Schools"). A portion of Mr. Gove's address printed in the Boulder-County News of Jan. 12, shows that it was full of good sense.

-The Reunion of the Logan-County Teachers' Association took place in Belle Centre, Dec. 26 and 27. About 80 teachers were present to enjoy and profit by the exercises. The address of Pres. Williamson was on "Take Time." "What shall I teach my Pupils" was the subject of an essay by Wm. Hoover of Bellefontaine, "History," of one by John MacKinnon, "What doest thou," one by Maggie McAra. County Superintendency was discussed by Messrs. Surface, G. W. Snyder of Caledonia, Marion Co., Kuhns, Hoover, and others; Compulsory Education by Messrs. McFarland of Quincy and G. W. Snyder; and Mental Arithmetic by Messrs. Snyder, Kuhns, MacKinnon, and others. The evening of the 26th was devoted to an address by the Rev. Mr. Kalt on the subject"Who made you," and a Sociable. The exercises were interspersed with music. The Association adjourned to the first Monday in August next to continue in session as an Institute for four weeks.

-WE regret that no one has sent us an account of the proceedings of the Ohio College Association at Delaware in holiday week. The only account we have seen is one mixed up with a Musical Teachers' Educational Association, published in the Cleveland Weekly Herald of January 6, in which the College-Association Proceedings are spoken of as proceedings of the Musical Association. It is said that Marietta College was represented by Pres. I. W. Andrews, Western-Reserve College by Pres. Cutler, Morley, and Kennon, Buchtel by Pres. McCollester and Knight, Otterbein University by Pres. Thompson, Haywood, and McFadden, Denison University by Pres. E. B. Andrews, Ohio University by Pres. Scott, Wittenberg College by Pres. Helwig and Geiger, Oberlin by Shurtliff, Ellis, and Ryder, Wooster University by Pres. Taylor, Kenyon College by Dr. Tappan, the Agricultural College by McFarland and Tuttle, the University of Cincinnati by Eddy, Clark, and Warder, Ohio Wesleyan University by Pres. Payne, Williams, Merrick, McCabe, Nelson, Lacroix, Perkins, and Richard Parsons, and Ohio Female College by Pres. Richardson.

-THE following is a condensed account of the proceeding of the seventh annual session of the Northwestern Ohio Teachers' Association, in Wapakoneta, Dec. 26, and 27, 1876 :

The President, J. A. Pittsford of Mt. Blanchard, delivered an inaugural address, subject, "Notes on Reading," which was discussed by J. D. Flenner of Cairo, H. S. Lehr of Ada, and J. S. Staley of Bluffton. W. F. Torrence of St. Mary's read a paper on "The Wants of Country Schools" which was discussed by H. S. Lehr and others. C. F. Palmer of Findlay read a paper on "The Study of English," which was discussed by A. G. Smith of Perrysburg, W. O. Brown of South Toledo, H. S. Lehr, Gen. Amos of Sidney, C. W. Williamson of Wapakoneta, and others. S. F. De Ford of Ottawa read a paper on “Utilized Power" which was discussed by J. W. Dowd of Troy, J. W. Zeiler, H. S. Lehr, and C. W. Williamson. An evening address on "How to achieve Success" was delivered by the Hon. Jas. McKenzie. On Wednesday J. B. Peaslee of Cincinnati spoke an hour on "How to teach Arithmetic," G. W. Walker of Lima read a paper on “Examinations," and J. D. Flenner read a paper which had been prepared by

J. Fraise Richard of Ada, A. B. Cole one on "Verify your Credentials," and J. B. Peaslee spoke on "Methods of Teaching Spelling," closing with the reading of the poem entitled "The Old Man at School." Resolutions relating to the death of S. C. Crumbaugh of Toledo were passed. The session is said to have been the largest and most entertaining of the seven that have been held. The papers were of a high order. The next meeting will be held in Ottawa. Officers elected:-Pres., G. W. Walker, VicePresidents, A. B. Cole, A. G. Smith, and J. D. Flenner, Sec., W. O. Brown, Treas., J. A. Pittsford, Ex. Com., S. F. De Ford, C. F. Palmer, and W. F. Torrence.


-W. C. THOMAS is Superintendent of the Public Schools of Utica, Ohio. -P. O. PHILLIPS is Principal of the Public Schools of Collamer, Ohio. -J. F. WHITELEATHER has charge of the Public School at Moultrie, Ohio.

-MARTIN FRIEDBERG is the teacher of German in the Toledo High


-MISS ALLIE COFFEEN is Principal of the Public Schools of Bell Brook, Ohio.

-John WherreLL is Superintendent of the Public Schools of Leavenworth, Kansas.

-E. S. Cox is Superintendent of the Public Schools of Parkersburg, West Virginia.

H. N. MERTZ is Principal of the Ritchie School of Wheeling, West Virginia.

-Dr. WashingtoN HASBROUCK is Principal of the New-Jersey State Normal School at Trenton.

-R. A. PREACE has been elected Superintendent of Drawing in the Public Schools of Baltimore, Md.

-WM. LOCKE has succeeded D. T. Ramsey as Superintendent of the Public Schools of Miamisburg, Ohio.

-PROF. R.B. MARSH is now serving his tenth year as Superintendent of the Public Schools of Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

-LEWIS FORCE, the special teacher of elocution in the Cleveland Public Schools, receives a salary of $1,000 a year.

-FRANCIS COGSWELL has been re-elected Superintendent of the Public Schools of Cambridge, Mass. Salary $2300.

-ROBERT CURRY of Pennsylvania, has succeeded S. R. Thompson as Principal of the Normal School at Peru, Nebraska.

ALEXANDER BAIN, the well-known Scottish philosopher and author, died last month in the sixty-second year of his age.

-SAMUEL N. SWEET, author of Sweet's Elocution and Oratorical Reader, died recently in Albion, New York, at the age of 71.

-CHAS. TUFTS, founder of Tufts College (Universalist), Mass., died about a month ago at his home in Somerville, in his ninety-fifth year.

-MISS ELIZA MERRIAM, who died in Lowell, Mass., December 24, 1876, had for thirty-eight and a half years taught a primary school in that City. -J. C. MURRAY, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Lebanon, O., was fiercely assaulted on the 9th of last month by a large and muscular pupil.

—D. T. RAMSEY, late Superintendent of the Public Schools of Miamisburg, Ohio, is now representing Jones & Bros., Publishers of Ridpath's Histories.

-C. W. VON COELLN, State Superintendent of Iowa, promises to publish his official opinions in the American Journal of Education, published in St. Louis.

-ALSTON ELLIS, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Hamilton, Ohio, received last month a New-Year's gift from the Hamilton teachers. It was a handsome arm-chair.

-DR. Wм. L. BRECKENRIDGE, formerly President of Centre College, Kentucky, died December 26, 1876, on his farm at Raymore, Mo., in the seventy-third year of his age.

-I. N. GEORGE of Neville Institute has succeeded the Rev. Mr. Riggle as Superintendent of the Public Schools of East Liverpool, Ohio. Mr. Riggle has gone to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

-J. H. GROVE has been connected with the Public Schools of Wilmington, Ohio, for six years, the first three as Principal of the High School, and the last three as Superintendent.

-D. W. DE LAY in the issue of the South-Charleston Courier, dated January 10, gives a report of the Public Schools for the preceding week and appends to it some wholesome advice to parents.

–-R. H. HOLBROOK, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Vineland, N. J., discussed "Methods of Teaching beginners to read" before the Cape-May-County Teachers' Institute last November, held in CapeMay City.

-MOSES T. BROWN, of Tufts College, Mass., formerly Superintendent of the Public Schools of Toledo, Ohio, recently read before the Massashusetts Teachers' Association, a paper entitled "Elements of Expression in Speech."

-AT the same Association Dr. Wm. T. Harris, of St. Louis, delivered an address on the "Educational Significance of the Centennial Exposition."

-J. H. SAMPSON, formerly agent for A. S. Barnes & Co., at Columbus, Ohio, now is general Ohio agent for the map publications of Rand, McNally, & Co., also for National School Furniture Company. He also represents several other specialties.

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