WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Urala-Ketaburawa-Unanvitiya Road 8/57. Mr. D. S. Goonasekera asked the Minister of Transport and Works: (a) Is he aware that Rs. 2,280 has been budgeted as the maintenance grant for Urala-Ketaburawa-Unanvitiya road this financial year; that about one mile of this road has been metalled and tarred two or three years ago, leaving about two miles of gravel road but that no work has since been done on this road up to date? (b) What exact amount has been spent from 1st October to 10th June, 1957 ? (c) What are the details of the work already performed on this road such as deepening and clearing side drains, jungle clearing, repairing of culverts, filling washed away places, supplying and spreading and consolidating gravel on the road surface, etc? (d) Has the department spent any portion of the money allocated for this road on the payment of the salary of the overseer in charge and what is the amount? (e) What is the balance left from the estimated amount ? (f) Will he take steps to get the road maintained immediately? The Hon. Maithripala Senanayeke: (a) The Urala-Ketaburawa-Unanvitiya Road is 3.50 miles in length, of which 1 mile has been tarred four years ago, and 2.50 miles is being maintained as a gravel road. The sum of Rs. 2,280 allocated during the year 1956-57 is for maintenance of the road and no provision has been made for improvements. (b) Rs. 629.09. (c) (1) General upkeep of road sides, tarring in patching, picking loose metal and raking and blinding (October, 1956) (2) General upkeep (November, 1956) Rs. c. 52 86 8 99 (3) General upkeep of road sides, tarring in patching, 629 09 (d) No. (e) Rs. 1,650.91. (f) The requisite maintenance work will be carried out up to the balance available in 1956-57. Mutur Electorate 12/57. Mr. Mohamed Ali asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Home Affairs: Will he state, (a) the total number of registered voters in the 1956 General Elections within the Mutur Electorate; (b) the total number of voters assigned to each polling booth and the number of voters who cast their votes in each polling booth in the Mutur Electorate during the 1956 General Elections? Mr. Samaraweera: The Answer is as follows: 04 The total number of votes cast was 12,565. A record of the number of votes cast in each polling station is noted in the Presiding Officer's journal which is one of the documents relating to an election which is sealed along with others required by the Order-in-Council. As these seals can be broken only on an order of the Supreme Court, the information is not available. No. 8 4th July, 1957 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICIAL REPORT PRINCIPAL CONTENTS PAPERS PRESENTED [Cols. 565, 570 & 628] SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE [Col. 572] APPROPRIATION BILL, 1957-58 Second Reading Debate adjourned TOBACCO TAX [Col. 629] DUTY ON MALT LIQUOR [Col. 629] SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLY [Col. 630] WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [Col. 643] Annual Subscription Rs. 28.50 (Uncorrected copies Rs. 31.50) and |