such boards of county commissioners, of appointing for the term of four years from and after the date of such appointment, one indigent student to any one of the following named institutions, to be chosen by the student or by the parent or parents or guardian of any such student, to-wit: The New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, the New Mexico School of Mines, the University of New Mexico, the New Mexico Normal School at Silver City, the New Mexico Normal University at Las Vegas or the New Mexico Military Institute at Roswell. Such students, so appointed, shall be not less than fourteen nor more than twenty-three years of age. Such appointments shall be made on or before the 1st day of September, 1907, and shall be in force and effect for said period of four years thereafter. Sec. 30. Such students shall be subject to the same rules, regulations and discipline as are provided for other students of the institutions which they enter under such appoint ments. Sec. 31. The sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) per annum is hereby appropriated to pay the ex penses of such students in the respective institutions to which they may be appointed under the provisions of this act, for and during the said term of four years. Two hundred ($200) dollars per school year is hereby allowed to each of such students to pay actual and necessary expenses while in attendance at such institutions, and all such students so appointed shall receive board, lodging, matriculation and tuition without charge to them or to their parents or guardians; they shall receive instruction in the regular courses taught in any such institution the same as other students therein. Sec. 32. All actual and necessary expenses of such students, while in attendance at such institutions, shall be paid out by the president of any such institution, and the treasurer thereof shall forward to the Auditor of the Territory the certificates of appointment of such students, which certifi cates shall be vouchers for the sum of two hundred ($200) dollars for each of such students, and upon receipt of such certificates, said auditor shall draw his warrant on the territorial treasurer for such amount in favor of the treasurer of any such institution. Sec. 33. The treasurer of any such institution shall pay out such money upon requisitions by the president of such institution, and each of such requisitions by the president shall be accompanied by receipted bills showing the proper expenditure of the amount previously drawn for any such student. All such requisitions, together with such receipted bills, shall be filed and preserved in the records of the office of any such treasurer. Sec. 34. Should any money remain in the hands of the treasurer of any such institution to the credit of any student appointed under the provisions of this act, after the term of his appointment shall have expired, it shall be returned to the territorial treasurer and become a part of the fund appropriated for the expenses of such students at such institution. Sec. 35. In case any student appointed as herein provided fails to complete the four years course, another may be appointed in lieu thereof for the unexpired portion of such course by the board of county commissioners of the county in which the student so failing to complete such course resides. Sec. 36. The territorial auditor is hereby authorized and instructed, during the years 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910, to levy a tax on all the taxable property of the Territory sufficient to raise the amount herein before appropriated as the expense fund for students so as aforesaid provided for to be appointed to free scholarships in the several territorial institutions herein before mentioned, and to certify the same at the time and in the manner required by law to the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties of the Territory. Sec. 37. An issue of bonds of the Territory of New Mexico is hereby authorized and directed to be made in the sum of one hundred and twenty-tive thousand ($125,000.00) dollars, to be known as "Territorial Institution Bonds." Such bonds shall be issued in denomination of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, interest payable semi-annually, on the first days of January and July of each year until maturity, and principal and interest payable at such place as may be agreed upon by the purchaser of said bonds, in the City of New York, State of New York, or in the City of Santa Fe, in the Territory of New Mexico, but to be designated and mentioned on the face of said bonds; said bonds shall be signed by the Governor and Treasurer of the Territory, and countersigned by the auditor of public accounts, and shall be made payable in thirty years from July 1st, 1907, but redeemable at the pleasure of the Territory at any time after twenty years from their date. The same shall be dated July 1st, 1907. Sec. 38. The auditor of public accounts is hereby directed to levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds, and to give notice of such levy to the several officers who are charged with the duty of levying taxes in the several coun ties of the Territory, who shall assess and levy the same in the same manner that other taxes are required to be assessed and levied for territorial purposes; and for the final redemption of the principal of said bonds there shall be annually levied, after the expiration of twenty years from the date of the issue of said bonds, an annual tax sufficient to provide for the payment of such bonds on or before the maturity period thereof. Sec. 39. Said bonds when so issued shall be delivered, thirty-thousand ($30,000) dollars of the face value thereof to the board of regents of the University of New Mexico, twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars to the board of regents of the New Mexico Military Institute, ten thousand ($10,000) dollars to the board of regents of the New Mexico Normal University at Las Vegas, ten thousand ($10,000) dollars to the board of regents of the New Mexico Normal School at Silver City, fifteen thousand ($15.000) dollars to the board of regents of the New Mexico School of Mines, thirty thousand ($30,000) dollars to the board of regents of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and ten thousand ($10,000) dollars to the board of regents of the Miner's Hospital at Raton, and to be negotiated by the board of regents of each of said territorial institutions to the best advantage possible, and the proceeds thereof shall be used by the board of regents of each of said territorial institutions, from the amount of bonds so delivered to them, in the erection, completion, repairing and furnishing of suitable buildings and other improvements that may be made under the direction of said boards of regents, for the benefit of their respective institutions and for providing for the needed and necessary furni ture, furnishings and equipment of their respective institutons, in such manner as to the boards of regents may seem best; Provided, however, said bonds shall not be sold under par, but the necessary expenses of their negotiation may be deducted or paid from the amount realized from the sale of said bonds or any of them. Sec. 40. This act shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. CHAPTER 90. AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 97 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1905. H. B. No. 223; Approved March 21, 1907. CONTENTS. Sec. 1. Amending Sec, 12, Chap. 97, Laws of 1905. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico: Section 1. That Section 12 of Chapter 97 of the Session Laws of 1905 be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 12. In case the lands sought to be appropriated are held by any public utility corporation, the right to appropriate the same by a railroad, telephone or telegraph company shall be limited to such use as shall not materially interfere with the uses to which, by law, the corporation holding the same is authorized to use the same. Where no agreement can be made between the parties, the mode of assessing the damages provided heretofore as to private persons, shall be adopted; and if the lands to be appropriated lie in more than one county, an application may be made in any one county in which any of the lands lie, and the damages shall be assessed as to all the lands of the defendant corporation along the whole line in one proceeding. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER 91. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. H. S. H. B. No. 116; Approved March 21, 1907. CONTENTS. Sec. 1. Physician or other to furnish certificate relative to births. Physician or other to furnish certificate relative to deaths. Sec. 2. Sec. 3. Sec. 5. Fees of probate clerks for filing. Sec. 6. Penalties for failure to comply with provisions. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico: Section 1. Every physician or midwife who shall have professional charge of the mother at the birth of any child, and every attendant who may act as midwife at such time, where no physician or midwife is employed, shall, within thirty days after such birth, furnish the probate clerk of the county in which such birth may have taken place a certificate signed by such physician, midwife or attendant, stating, from the best information which can be obtained, the name (if such child have a name), the number; the maiden name of the mother; the name, age color and nationality of the parents; the occupation of the father; and the name and address of the medical attendant. Sec. 2. Any physician or other person who shall attend a person in his or her last illness shall transmit to the probate clerk of the county wherein such person died, a certificate of such death, which certificate shall state, from the best information which can be obtained, the date of such death; the name, age, sex, race, nationality and occupation of the deceased, and the place where such death occurred. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the probate clerk to keep a book, to be styled Register of Births, in which he shall register and index all births reported to him, and such probate clerk shall have printed at the expense of the county, blank certificates of birth, which may be in the following form: THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on of County of ...... in precinct number. in which has been named......, said child being the......child (Number) of said mother; That the name of the father of said child .; That he was born in the year 18... in the .., and his occupation is... is.... 18...., in the state of. reside was born in the year and that such parents physician midwife was present attendant Sec. 4. It shall also be the duty of the probate clerk to keep a book, styled Register of Deaths, in which he shall register and index all deaths reported to him, and said probate clerk shall have printed at the expense of the county, blank certificates of death, which may be in the following form: |