INDEX. - THIRD SERIES. -VOL. IV. [For classified articles, see ANONYMOUS WORKS, BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, EPIGRAMS, EPITAPHS, FOLK LORE, A. A. on Queen's memorial to the Prince Consort, 45 A. de F. on wand of Grand Master of Templars, 307 A. (A.) on binding a stone in a sling, 96 Boleyn (Anne), a term of opprobrium, 404 Cleanliness next to godliness, 419 Devil, a proper name, 418 Foxhangre, a proper name, 419 Gundulf (Bp.), and his architecture, 321 Wellington a cannibal, 412 Abdy (Rev. Wm. Jarvis), epitaph, 227 Anonymous works, 11, 48, 371 Ancient custoin, 313 Archidiaconal visitations in Ireland, 267 Booterstown, near Dublin, 339 Campbell's "Hohenlinden " parodied, 209 Dublin Magazine, 372 Dublin University Review, 110 Exempt jurisdiction of Newry and Mourne, 351 Gomme (Sir Bernard de), 338 "Letters on Literature," the author, 110 "Memoirs of Nine Living Characters," 411 Mulready (Wm.), his birth-place, 324 Notes on Sermons, 110 "Periodical Press," its author, 326 Plunket (Lord), letter, 278 Political economy, 288 Sefton (Earl of), a Roman Catholic priest, 198, 317 St. Helen's, Abingdon, account books, 478 Tenures of land in Ireland, 395 "Thoughts on the early Irish Nation," 248 William III., anonymous works on, 230 Alfred (King), of Northumberland, 324 Bowden (Rev. Samuel), 504 Fowke (Joseph), 360 Leighton (Abp.), his library, 131 Alleyn (Edward), actor, 367 Alliteration: "Siege of Belgrade," 88, 315 Allworth family, 268 Almanacs, ancient, 184 Alréennes, les Trois, 374 America and the see of London, 84 Anonymous Works: - William III., a True History of the Designs and Woolsonbury Nymphs, 373 Anspach (Theodore), his tomb, 473 Antiquarius on the Knights Hospitallers, 11, 30 Apothecaries' Company, arms on a seal, 69, 99 Apsley, Strickland, and Wynne families, 6 Archidiaconal visitations in Ireland, 267 America, British regiments there in 1755-1760, 29, Architectural Publication Society's alphabet, 292 135 Puritan turned Jesuit, 131 Round Preacher, 27 Secret History of Europe, 476 Serious and Comical Essays, 111 Thoughts on Early Ages of the Irish Nation, 248 Three Letters on the Present State of Italy, 164 Tudor, a Prince of Wales, 326 Vaccine Phantasmagoria, 13 Whole Duty of Man, 231 Arden, account of the Forest, 120 Arnistead (Edwin) on Vixen, 389 Armorial bearings, right to continue, 229, 312, 381 Arnauld (Antoine), Port-Royalist, 63, 131 Arnold (John), chronometer-maker, 527 Ashfield (C. J.) on Cloudberry, a plant, 39 Cowthorpe oa's in Yorkshire, 69 Ashmore (John), translator of "Odes of Horace," 112. Aspland (R. B.) on Joseph Hunter's biography, 432 Astley church, co. Worcester, carved head in, 228 Astrolabe and Jacob's staff, 70, 113, 197, 239 Atkinson, governor of Senegal, 185 Aubrey (John), Staffordshire ghost story, 395, 524 Auctions in Cumberland, 410, 526 Audley (Lord) of Walden, London residence, 449 Aurerell (William), noticed, 166 Austrian motto, the five vowels, 304 Authors, their Christian names, 164, 258 Axtell (Nathaniel), noticed, 497 B. B. on merchants' and tradesmen's marks, 463 B. Hull, on Alex. Selkirk's cup and crest, 348 Pseudo-Shakspeare confession, 168 B. (A.) on merchants' marks, 413 Baal worship, 168, 251, 318 Badges for learned and other societies, 244 Bagendon (W. D.) on blood thicker than water, 174 Baily (Michael), the original of Westall's Woodman, 392 Bainbridge family, 15, 178 Bainbridge (Card. Christopher), 16 Bainbridge (Dr. John), physician and astronomer, 16 Bairn's (i. e. child's) piece, 82 Baker-legged, a provincialism, 27 Baker (Richard Westbrook), 78 Baldifout from Ashantee, 166 Ball (Rev. John), noticed, 39 Ballads, counterfeit, 284 Ballsbridge, near Dublin, its derivation, 203 Visit to Dublin, 529 Balmoral memorial cairn, 45, 217 Banqueting-house, Whitehall, 196 William III., An Impartial History of the Plots Ban, or Bari, of the Hindoos, 166 Baptism of bells, 246, 381, 440 Baptismal names, objectionable ones, 508 Barbour (John) Hart's edition of "The Bruce," 1 Barefoot (John), letter-carrier at Oxford, 434 Barkwood (Lord), inquired after, 127 Barley wine, 399 Barn, mossing one, 28, 59 Swing (Capt.), rick-burner, 398 Barnard (J. H.) on collection of Peter's pence, 49 Barnes (Juliana), "The Book of St. Albans," 368 Barnes (W.) on Huish, a local name, 128 Baron-Bailie Courts in Scotland, 515 Barrett family, 410 Barringtons, epigram on the two, 245 Bede (the Venerable), "Commentary on the Penta- teuch," 127; his "Circuli," 497 Bedford (Jacquetta, Duchess of), her mother, 259, 260 Barry (Rev. Richard), Rector of Upton Scudamore, 227 Bedwell (Rev. Wm.), date of his death, 228 Barthelemy (Dom), his Life, 63 Beefington (Milor), in "The Rovers," 452 Bartholomew (St.) church, Smithfield, 308 Beggars punished at Bath, 47 Bartlet (Sir Thomas), date of his death 228 Beisly (S.) on Dark House, 308 Beamont (W.) on song of the battle of Hexham, 56 Bean feasts, their origin, 186, 260 Beattie (Dr. James), work on " Scoticisms," 225, 272 B. (E. C.) on Mirabeau a spy, 278 Bede (Cuthbert) on Baker and Walsall-legged, 27 Boone (James Shergold), 138 Dossity, its derivation, 349 Heath beer, 383 Kemble's version of the Tempest, 44 Mulberries, a Shakspearian club, 474 Oxford jeu d'esprit, 47 Pen-tooth, 491 Pershore bush-houses, 141 Eglantine honeysuckle, 305 Beke and Speke families, 86, 156 Bell inscriptions, 208 Bell literature, 52, 96 Bell motto, 325 ell (Dr. Wm.) on Gresham arms at Ilford, 175 Proverb in Apuleius, 157 Ptolemy on Africa and the Nile, 105 Treacle and oyster grottoes, 192 Bellas (George), inquired after, 146, 219, 256 Berne, four Dominican friars burnt, 498 Berry, or Bury, a field at Bignor, 304, 401, 482, 529 Beta on satirical epitaph on Charles II., 189 Bethel (Slingsby), sheriff, 186 Bethel (Slingsby), Lord Mayor and M.P., 186 Bewitched, relief for the, 184 B. (F. C.) on Fast, a provincialism, 363 Bishops' mitre, 419 Bishops' robes, 267, 359 Bishopstone church, its sun-dial, 230 Bivouac, its orthography, 86 B. (J.) on Bishops' robes, 267 Greek pronunciation, 216 B. (J.), jun. on early paper mill, 298 B. (J. MC.), Tasmania, on Sir Anthony Browne, 355 Blackbeard (Isaac) of Whitby, 372 Blackguard, its meaning, 295, 339 Blackloists, noticed, 64 Black Monday, 6, 58 Blackwood's Magazine, author of "The World we Live Blades (Wm.) on a bibliographical anecdote, 368 Indulgences printed by Caxton, 387 Blair (D.), Melbourne, on Blackwood's Magazine, 410 Crabbe's poem "The Levite," 375 "Eikon Basilike Deutera," 410 Van Etten's Mathematical Recreation, 355 Blair (Rev. David), father of the poet, letter, 426 Blair (Robert), plagiarism in "The Grave," 392, 442; letter of his father, 426 Blast furnace, strange production from, 146, 217, 298 Blomfield (Bp.), Greek phrase in his Glossary, 167, 197, 240, 255, 319, 339, 442 Blotting-paper, its early use, 497 Bloxam family gathering, 409 "Josephine's Address to Napoleon," 411 "Boadicea," a play, 69, 139 Provincial newspapers, 38 Bochart, its pronunciation, 109, 157, 217, 361 Dudley family of Coventry, 7 Boggle, a provincialism, 108 Bohun (Mary), wife of Henry IV., wardrobe accounts, 188. Boleyn (Anne), a term of opprobrium, 245, 404; her Bombastes Furioso, origin of the name, 451 Bone (J. W.) on London University, 317 Book Exchange, 40, 79 "Book of St. Albans," the adventures of a copy, 368 "Book of Sports," its bibliography, 270 Books bought by the ton, 25, 253 Books, oil-stains removed from, 495 Books, three of the most popular in 1594, 470 Books recently published: Afternoon Lectures on English Literature, 423 Autograph Souvenir, 384 Bede (Cuthbert), Tour in Tartan Land, 40 Bruce's Wallet Book of the Roman Wall, 160 Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, 1558- Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Census of British Empire, 364 Chetham Society: History of the Chantries of Clarke's Shakspeare Characters, 200 Crossman's Young Man's Meditation, 200 Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, 530 Denise, by the author of Mademoiselle Mori, 40 De la Rue's Diary and Calendar, 463, 510 Hervey's Feast of Camelot, 363 Hoare's English Words from Latin Roots, 120 Home and Foreign Review, 320 Lirriper's (Mrs.) Lodgings, 484 London, Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs, and the French Chronicle, translated by Riley, 39 Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn, 423 Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, 320 Nicholls's Forest of Dean, 320 Novello (Vincent), Life and Labours, 444 Sir Guy de Guy, 510 Smiles's Industrial Biography, 444 Smith's History of the World, 483 Sussex Archæological Collections, 220 Walbran's Memorials of Fountains Abbey, 404 Worcester and Worcestershire Antiquities, 60 Bookbinding, ancient, 448 Bookworm on Mirabeau, a spy, 226 Epigram on Lord John Russell, 129, 217 Booth (Joseph), polygraphic exhibition, 393 Bowden (Rev. John), of Frome, 431, 504 Bowser (W. A.) on Alessandro Stradella, 9 Boyle (Charles), son of the first Earl, 496 Essex, 500 Bradmoor church, near Nottingham, 27 Brettingham (Matthew), architect, 458 Bridport, its local history, 27, 75, 138, 139, 176 Brodie (Deacon), name of his mother, 372 Browne (Sir Anthony), portraits, 355, 528 Browne (Claude Scott), Mrs. Hemans's brother, 324, 360 Browne (Lieut.-Col. George), youngest brother of Mrs. Bryans (J. W.) on herald query, 69 Bryndley family of Wistaston, &c., arms, 50 B. (S.) on James Burnet, landscape painter, 292 Braddon (Laurence), 500 Davy (John), musical composer, 396 Goose tenure, 268 Parody by Gostling, 244 Southcott (Joanna), works, 476 Thompson (Rev. Peter), 337 Yorkshire words and phrases, 108 Zincography, 339. B. (T. M.) on Cowthorpe oak, 432 B. (T. N.) on "Miller of the Dee," its locale, 49 Buckton (T. J.) on bed-gown and night-dress, 332 Bissextile day, 257 Boating proverb, 436 Bochart, its pronunciation, 157 Christiern (Prince) of Denmark, 96, 197 Coal at Oxford, 319 Codex Vaticanus, 528 Danish invasion, the first, 58 Duchtich, in Lord Hervey's Memoirs, 265 Fast swift, 158 French wine disused in 1749, 259 Mediatised German princes, 316 Myms, its etymology, 258 Oriental queries, 442 Scottish for Scotch, 523 Septuagint, authorised version, 379 Substantia, as used by Greek and Latin writers, 58 Buff, its meaning, 287, 337, 403, 443 |