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ry, and all the holy Angels with him, then shall he fit upon the Throne of his Glory. And again, he intitles him by the name of a King, ver. 34. Then fhall the King fay to them on his right band, Come ye bleffed, &c. This is taught by the Apostle, 2 Cor. 5. 10. We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. And again, John s. 22. The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all Fudgment to the Son. Not that the First Perfon in the Trinity or the Third, is excluded from his Judgment, but appropriating his Judgment to the Second Perfon, the Lord Jefus Chrift, who in a visible Form, according to his Humanity, fhall execute the last Judgment upon all Flesh

Queft. But how is it faid, 1 Cor. 6. 2. That the Saints fhall judge the World? Anfw. That place of the Apostle and the like is to be understood as Affeffors, as fuch as fhall give affent or approve of the Judgment of that most righteous Judge, to whom shall be given at the last Day that Honour, to fit as Juftices on the Bench by the Judge,to approve of his righteous Judgment. Again, the Saints fhall judge the World, as Members of the Head, which is the Judge.

Now the Administration of the last Judgment is laid upon the Son for divers Refpects. Reafon 1. Why Christ must be the Fudge, First, In regard that he was the Perfon that was Redeemer of the World, and was himself judged in and by the World? It is therefore expedient that he fhould fhew the Power and Glory of that his Humanity,he being Judge of the World. Secondly

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Secondly, in regard of his Church,who have feen only his Humility to their Juftification, fo they may at last behold his Power and Glory at his fecond appearing to their Glorification.

Thirdly, and laftly, that in this last Act of his he might fully accomplish that his Kingly Of fice, and then deliver the Kingdom to God the Father; no more to rule and govern them by his Magiftrates and Ministers, as now he doth for the gathering together of his Saints, and to the perfecting of God's Body; and to nourish and cherish them, by his Word and Sacraments, fince the Lord himself, the Lamb, in the midft of the Throne, fhall be all these unto them.

True it is that our Saviour Chrift is King,Priest, and Prophet, a true Prophet, in whom was con. tained all the Secrets and whole Counfel of God, a true High Priest, whofe Sacrifice alone was able to put away the Sins of the whole World, but when he comes on the Throne of Majefty, to judge the Quick and Dead, he shall not come as a Prieft or Prophet, for the Offices of Christ are finished. For his prophetical Office, he hath fufficiently revealed the whole Counsel of God his Father, to his Church and People, first by his holy Prophets, then by himself, after by his Apostles and Minifters. And therefore feeing that this prophetical Office is finished, he calls not himfelf a Prophet, but a King. Again, Chrift Jefus our Priest having once for all offered up that propitiatory Sacrifice for the Sins of all the Elect, now this Office of a Priest is alfo finified, and the Sacrifice must be no more intreated and repeate

repeated. But now he cometh as a King in all Majefty and Glory. For tho' his Prophetical and Prieftly Office be accomplished, yet his Princely Office is not finished, but fhall in a fpecial manner fhew it felf at that Day, and Chrift Jefus the Judge of Quick and Dead, fhall manifeft himself to be King of all Nations, to Men and Angels. Now fhall he fhew himself to be a King of Kings,and Lord of Lords,full of Divine and Heavenly Glory. When our Saviour Jefus Chrift lived on Earth,he came in mifery, very poor and lowly, then every bafe Fellow, every finful Wretch durft mock him and fpit in his Face; Herod, Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, and the Rabble of the Jews durft then ufe him at their pleasure. But now he fhall come as a King full of Majesty and Glory, guarded and attended upon with many thousand of heavenly Soldiers, even all his holy Angels; and then he will make Herod and Pontius Pilate, yea the greatest Kings and Monarchs to stoop; nay, then all his Enemies fhall tremble and quake, Zach. 12. 10. and not dare to open their Mouths against him, as the wicked and rebellious Crew did once, when they cried, away with him, away with him, crucify him,crucify him, when the third part (I dare fay) did not understand what he was accufed for; but they the oftner cried, Crucify him, when the Judge could not find him any way guilty, but if it were not fo, his blood, fay they, light upon us and our Children, Which I think it hath done, for they are utterly depopulated, and are as Vagabonds on the Face of the Earth. These were

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1 hat faithlefs Generation of the Jews, which when they fhall behold him whom they have crucified, to become their Judge, and have that Power with him, and fhall fee his Side and his Hands which the Nails and Spear pierced : What then will they do? What then can they expect? Even that fearful Sentence,Go ye curfed into everLafting fire with the unbelievers, where is nothing but weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

This may ferve then in the first place for matter of fingular comfort and confolation unto the Godly, who may rejoyce in this, that Christ their Saviour and Redeemer fhall be their Judge; they need not fear the Judge nor any hard Sentence that he will pronounce against them at that Day; face the Judge is their Savicur, their Redeemer, their Brother, their own Flesh; yea their own Head. The confideration of this made Fob to hold up his Head, and in the midst of all Miferies to receive fome hope; I know that my Redeemeth liveth Go tell my brethren (faith Chrift) that I am rifen again: Words of joy and comfort, a Redeemer, a Brother: Why Should the Godly fear, when they are to deal with fuch a One? What Wife would fear her loving Husband to hear and to judge her Caufe? She need not doubt, but that the matter will go well with her; her moft dear loving Husband fhall both hear and judge and avenge her Caufe. Let all God's People then comfort themfelves in this the confideration of their Judge: It was he that was judged for thee on Earth,and redeemed thee with his own Blood, and hath ever fince made Interceffion

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ceffion to God for thee, that is to be thy Judge. Ufe 2. 2dly. What ground of Terror may this be to all wicked Sinners that live in Sin, to fee him come in that wonderful Majefty to be the Judge, whom they have condemned, whofe Members they have perfecuted, and whofe Word and Gospel they have not regarded, but trodden under foot? For he fhall come with a fharp two edged Sword to cut them in pieces, and a confuming Fire to burn up all ungodly Sinners, Heb. 12. 29. Surely the confideration of this, that Chrift fhall be the Judge, may daunt the Hearts and ftrike Terror into the Souls of all wicked Men; They shall fee him whom they have pierced, faith the Prophet, even him against whom all their Villanies have been committed. What a fearful Sentence may fuch expect from Chrift at that Day. Here is a Judge that will judge righteously, from whom there is none to appeal to; and because it is he whom they have rejected, condemned and defp fed, him whom they would in no wife fuffer to rule and reign over them: What can fuch look for, but Condemnation, and to be caft into utter Darkness.

Oh confider this betimes, ye that put from you the Thoughts of this Judge, and of this Judgment; for as a Snare in fhall come one Day upon all that are on the Earth; take heed of Abufing his Patience any longer: Why thouldeft thou thus treasure up to thy felf Wrath inft the Day of Wrath? Thou thinkeft it will go hard with Cain, Pharoah, Pilate and Judas, at that Day, and why not with thee, if thou remaineft BS

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