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hath ever been the curfed thought of a mans heart to think fo, as was used in the time of the Prophet Malachy: it is loft labour to ferve the Lord: And what good cometh there by ferving of God? O then! let fuch be warned betimes, that if they look to have any comfort in Death, and after Death, that now they labour to be appro ved for fheep of the Fold of Chrift.

Secondly, the Papifts which keep poor men in ignorance and blindness: And all others, which fek by all means poffible,to hind.r Chrifts Sheep from endeavouringto be taught, which otherwife. would enquire, Where Chrift feedeth his Sheep; where the Word is truly preached and taught, and the Sacraments duly adminiftred. These are like the Scribes and Pharifees, who shut up the Kingdom of Heaven, that will not enter themfelves, nor fuffer thofe that would:. Whereas the Scriptures do require of all men the Spirit of dif cerning, 1 Joh. 4. 1. Try the Spirits, whether they be of God; that fo they may allow of thofe things which are good, and be without offence till the day of Chrift; Otherwife, if they follow their falfe Teachers, they are fure to perish. Mat. 15. 14. For if the blind leads the blind, they both fall into the ditch.

Then thirdly, All carnal and fecure World. lings, who although they do enquire where they may buy a good bargain, or get a good purchase, and labour for that,yet never enquire where Chrift feeds his Sheep. Oh,it is a wonder to fee how men cover pleasures, profits, and preferments; these they fe.k with might and main; furely by this


they declare to the World, that they are none of Chrift's Sheep: for if they were, they would bear his voice, and follow him, Joh. 10. 27.

Seeing the true Church of God doth here feek unto Chrift Jefus to he taught and directed, we learn that it is the Duty of the true Church of God to acknowledge Chrift Jefus alone for their great Paftor and Shepherd, the only Head and chief Bishop of his Church, and therefore to be ruled by him, and his Word alone, to be content to be led and governed by this great Paftor and Shepherd of the Church, John 10. 14. I am the true Shepherd, and know my Sheep, and am known of mine. This is acknowledged by Peter, in the behalf of his Difciples, Joh.6 68. Mafter, to whom shall we go? Thou haft the words of eternal life. Mat. 28. 20. And Chrif bath pro mifed to be prefent with his Church, even to the end of the world. And again he faith, That where two or three are gathered together in my Name, I will be in the midst of them.

. And the reafon to be marked and well confi. dered, which ferves likewife for the confirmati on of this point of Doctrine unto us,is because the work of Salvation is wholly and only wrought by him, and no part thereof referved to any Creature, as the Apoftle wineffes, when he faith, That amongst men there is no other name given under Heaven, whereby we must be saved, but only by Fefus Chrift. And likewife St. Paul faith, wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to the uttermoft that come unto God by him.

This condemns the Church of Rome, as no


true Church of God, firft, because they will not content themfelves with our Saviour Chrift to be their great Paftor and general Shepherd, but they fet up the Pope as his Vicar, and prefer him before Jefus Chrift: Nay, they will not be content with that Pafture which Chrift alloweth for his fheep, the green pasture of his Sacred Word, and clear ftreams of his bleffed Gofpel, but they will feed upon the trash and filthy diegs of their own devifings, the foolish devices, inventions and traditions of Men, of the Popes and Cardinals and by this they de clare to the World, they are no Sheep of Chrift, in that they will not hear his Voice, and follow him, John 10. 27. Nor be content with the food he hath prepared for them, but feed upon filthy Puddles of Mens Traditions.

This may ferve to admonish all the faithful Minifters of Jefus Chrift, which fand in his ftead, that they teach nothing but the truth of God, wholfome Do&trine, not their own Devices and Dreams to please their Auditories Ears but not profit their Souls: So on the contrary, you that are the hearers, muft content your felves with the pitures of God's Word, the plain and pure Preaching of the Word of God, and not to be carried away to liften after frange Shepherds, that teach erroneous Doctrine, that may corrupt, or the devices of Man, which may tickle the Ear, and not work Grace in the Heart. And fuch are the wicked Doctrines of the Church of Rome, which will poyfon Mens Souls, rather than edifie them; as their Do

arine of Merits, Invocation of Saints, and praying for the Dead, &c. Which because they have no footing in God's Word, are here con demned as no wholfome Pafture for God's Sheep to feed upon. And thus much for the Churches firft Requeft; the fecond follweth.

And where thou makejt thy Flock to reft at Noon.


OR the better understanding of these words, we must know that it was the cuttom of the Shepherds in thofe hot Countries, to drive their Sheep to the Paftures in the Morning; and when the Sun waxed hor, to drive them to the Water, and at Noon to carry them to fome Shade, where they might reft in the heat of the day, left they fhould be annoyed with the fcorching heat, and Beams of the Sun.

So here the Church of God, and the Spouse of Christ, compares Chrift Jelus to a faithful and true Shepherd, and entreats him to tell her where he feeds his Flock, that is, his faithful People, to find thelter and comfort in the heat of Perfecution, when the Sun is hotteft at Noon-day; that is, in the greateft and hot. teft. Perfecution of the Church of God, in the moft dangerous and troublefome Tryal, and Times of great Extremity, as it was in Queen Maries Days: which is here meant by Noon-day, when the Sun is moft hot and fcorching, according to that of Saviour, fpeaking of a fort of evil Hearers: And when the Sun was up, they were Scorch


ed, and for lack of rooting, it withered away.

From whence we obferve a two fold InftruЯtion. 1. That the Church of God fometimes is in the very heat of Perfecution. 2. That Chrift the good Shepherd, even then forfakes not his; but at Noon-day, even in the extre mity of the fame, provides a fhade and place of comfort, and refreshing for all thofe who are his fheep.

First, we are taught here, that it is the Will of the Almighty, that his Church fometimes fhould be tryed. And it is his Will that fome. times his own People fhould undergo perfecu tions, according to the rule of the Apostle St. Paul, whofoever will live Godly, in Chrift Jefus, maft fuffer perfecution. 2 Tim. 2. 12. This is ex fly taught by the Prophet David, Pfal. 55. 19. Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of all.


This was the condition of the Ifraelites in Æ gypt, Exod.1.1 2.who remained a long time in crael bondage under Pharach And in Queen Eftbers time. H fea 2. 22. how were the Children of God in the heat of the Perfecution? This was the eftate of the whole Church of the Hebrews, defcribed thus; That fome were wracked and would not be delivered, that they might receive a better Refurrection, and others have been tryed by mockings and fcou›gings; yea, moreover by bonds, and imprisonment: They were toned, they were hewnafunder,theywereburned flainwiththe Sword wandring up and down in Bear skins, and inGoatskins, being deftitute, afflilled, tormented, whom


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