페이지 이미지


[blocks in formation]

industrial policies limit pow-
tion and management of,
industrial policies, limit pow-
ers of, 282

law pertaining to, 416-424
liability of, to principal for
injury occasioned by mis-
conduct, 424
misrepresentations by, with
reference to disability in-
surance, 289–290
necessity for, 429-430
oral waiver by, effectiveness of,

organization and management
by, 332-340

policy provisions pertaining to,
in industrial policies, 421-




in ordinary life policies, 421-

powers of, 423-424

professional view to be taken
by, 427-437

state statutes in relation to:
appointment and licensing,

definition of term 66



prohibition of misconduct,

Aggregate mortality tables, 136
American Experience table. See
Mortality tables.

Annual level premium, definition
of, 48

nature of, 143

Annuities, classification of, 58-59
cost of, illustrated, 113
deferred, 59, 114-115
definition of, 24, 58, 111
guaranteeing a minimum num-
ber of payments, 114
immediate, and their advan-
tages, 112-114
last-survivor, 115
manner of paying for, 48
net single premium computa-
tions in, 164-173

purpose of, 23-25

whole-life and term, 58

Annuity contract,

copy of, 462


Annuity payments, disability
clause providing for, 301
Anderson, Stewart, citations
from, relative to, use of
life insurance as a means
of protecting credit, 34
volume of business life insur-
ance, 29

Application, age of applicant as
stated in, statements re-
lating to, 374-375

definition of, 372

legal interpretation of, general
rules underlying, 369-372
part of contract, 372-373
specimen copy of, 449
statements in, as to family re-
lationships and family his-
tory, 374

as to health, habits and medi-

cal attendance, 373-374
relating to other insurance
and rejected applications,

Assessment associations, assess-
ment plans used by, 272-

business, 271-272
reorganizations of, 271
Assessment plans, flat, 266–267
fraternal insurance in, 266–268
graded, 267-268

See also Assessment associa-

Assignee, insurable interest of,


Assignments of policies, by as-
signee, 414-415

by beneficiary, 413-414
law pertaining to, 409-415
policy restrictions relating to,
and interpretation of, 410-

reasons justifying, 410

Beneficiary, assignments by, regu-
lated by state statutes,

cessation of interest of, effect
of, 407-408

claims of creditors in relation
to, 397-404

clauses relating to, 397-398
designation of, 406-407
industrial policy requirement

relating to, 282-283, 402
law pertaining to, 394-408
methods of revoking, 397-398
reserving right to change, 397-

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Child endowment policies, 52, 88
Collateral loan investments, 352
Commissioners of insurance,
duties and powers of, 357-
358, 360
Commissions, methods of pay-
ing, to agents, 334-335
Committees. See Home office or-
Companies. See Stock com-
panies, Mutual companies
and Mixed companies;
also Home office organiza-
tion and Agency organiza-

Conservation of health and life
promoted by life insurance,

Contingent or survivorship insur-
ance, 57

Contingent interests made mar-
ketable through life insur-
ance, 45-46

Continuous-installment policies, | Disability insurance, age and time

advantages of, 54, 102-103,

nature of, 102-103
premiums compared of, with
those on a whole-life pol-
icy, 104-106

Contribution plan of apportion-
ing surplus, 249-250
Conversion privilege, advantages
of, in term policies, 70
Corporation bond investment, 26,
345, 348-349

Craig, James M., citation from,
relative to stock com-
panies, 317

Credit, life insurance as a means
of strengthening, 36, 38-

Creditors, insurable interest of, in
life of debtor, 386-388
rights of, to life-insurance pol-
icies, 402-404

Dawson, Miles M., citations from,
relative to, assessment as-
sociations, 273-274
çontribution plan, 249
endowment policies as invest-
ments, 90-91

law of average in life insur-
ance, 6

necessity of accumulating in-
surance funds, 7

saving from mortality, 247
Debenture bonds, 55

Deferred annuities, advantages of,

definition of, 114-115
net annual level premium com-

putation in, 183-185
net single premium computa-
tions in, 168-173
return premium feature applied
to, 59, 173

Deferred dividend plan, 253-258
Deferred dividend policies, 250
Dexter, George T., citations from,
relative to, mutual com-
panies, 318

stock companies, 317
Direct-agency system, 335

limits to the application
of, 297-299

benefits granted in, 299-301
causes of disability in, 295-

definition of disability in, 290,

development of, in Europe,

in the United States, 286
disability statistics in, 290
dividend payment in, after dis-
ability, 301-302

nature of protection in, 58
nature of risk in, 287-288
objections urged against, 288-


[blocks in formation]
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