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To the Public.

ALTHOUGH a Title and Preface will be given, with the Index, in the Sixth Number, on completing our First Volume, we still think it necessary, on the present occasion, to say a few words to our friends and the public in general.

We shall endeavour to make the NAVAL CHRONICLE an useful and interesting library of itself to seamen, and an acceptable work to every one who partakes of the glory acquired by our brave countrymen on their own element, or experiences the security derived from their valour. Yet the subject, taken in this light, is so extensive, that we request those who honour us with their countenance, to look rather to the contents of a single volume, than of one number.

Our leading principle will be to adhere strictly unto truth; to render justice unto naval merit, present and departed, both when it has met with success, and also, which is of the greatest importance, when it has had to struggle with unfavourable events. We shall not, however, palliate enormities, should any such occur in the course of our labours; nor shall we permit prejudice, unnoticed, to overwhelm misfortune, when unaccompanied by misconduct.

We shall sometimes be obliged to continue an article in a subsequent Number, which our limits

did not allow us to conclude. In this respect we request indulgence, and hope no illiberal or improper motive will be imputed to us.

A literary work dedicated to the interests of the BRITISH NAVY, which should chronicle present events, and recal the noble achievements of past days, had been long desired.

The press of interesting matter is so great, that our intended Memoirs on Navigation and Commerce must be for a time delayed.

We return our thanks for the valuable communications we have received, which will be considered with the attention they merit; and are grateful for the liberal support we have already been honoured with.

Communications for this Work, with any corrections or additions to articles already published, are desired to be sent, post paid, directed to the EDITOR of the NAVAL CHRONICLE, at Messrs. BUNNEY, THOMPSON'S, and Co. Crane Court, Fleet Street.

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