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the ordinary custom and limited opportunities of American gentlemen at that early period; but the formation of his character upon the solid foundation of virtue and religion, was the object of an interest that knew no intermission; and the success of the result is now deeply graven on the fairest page of the world's whole history.

The bent of his mind towards the profession of arms exhibited itself so strongly before his fifteenth year, that a midshipman's warrant was then obtained for him through the influence of friends. To this project insuperable obstacles were opposed by maternal tenderness, and three years afterwards he appears to have been employed as a public surveyor, by Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia. In his nineteenth year he received a commission appointing him an adjutantgeneral of the province, with the rank of major, and from that period his military career was no longer to be restrained or impeded.

The movements of the French, which began at this period to unveil their vast design of connecting Canada and Louisiana by a regular chain of fortified posts, attracted the jealous notice of Governor Dinwiddie, and deeply excited the apprehensions of the inhabitants of the provinces. The responsible duty of visiting the French commander, and of conveying the remonstrance against his proceedings, was consigned to Major Washington, then barely twenty-one years of age; but the mission was executed with a prudence, courage, and ability, that would have honoured the maturest judgment, and which greatly elevated the character of the young envoy among his countrymen. The journey was undertaken at the most dangerous season of the year, and exposed to such perils from floods and concealed enemies, as could scarcely be conceived at the present day by the peaceful inhabitants of those flourishing regions. Washington's journal, which was regularly kept for the information of the governor, gave brilliant promise of his qualities for public service: his military observations on the country through which he passed, exhibited sagacity and knowledge far beyond his years and limited experience, and were afterwards of eminent service in the difficult wars waged with the French and their Indian allies. It was he who first invited attention to the commanding position now occupied by the city of Pittsburgh: though the enemy afterwards anticipated the provincials, by the erection of the famous Fort du Quesne, for so many years the source of all evil to the British colonies.

The continued invasions of the French rendered it necessary to make active preparations for defence, and a regiment of three hundred men was therefore raised, under the authority of the Virginian assembly. Of this force, the command was conferred upon Colonel Joshua Fry, and the Lieutenant-colonelcy given to Washington. No regular declaration of war had yet passed between England and France, but the troops of both parties already treated each other as enemies, whenever opportunities of collision were presented. In April 1754, the lieutenant-colonel advanced with two companies to the Great Meadows in the Alleghany mountains, for the double purpose of protecting

the frontier and watching the progress of the French. He there received notice from a friendly Indian, called the Half King, of some recent acts of aggression, and of the proximity of a French detachment, which then lay encamped and concealed in the neighbourhood. As no doubt could possibly exist in relation to their hostile intentions, Washington determined at once to anticipate the movement, knowing that in war none are so open to surprise as those who meditate the same upon their adversaries.

He marched the same night towards the French camp, and his measures were so well concerted, that after a short contest the whole party (with the exception of one man) were either taken or killed: among the latter was M. de Jumonville, the commander. This skirmish attracted great attention at the time, because the pretended murder of his officer was one of the main complaints of the king of France at the declaration of war; but it is now chiefly remarkable as the first martial exploit of one who afterwards filled so large a space in the history of modern warfare.

The death of Colonel Fry shortly after these transactions, devolved the command of the Virginian regiment upon Washington; and he was farther strengthened by the junction of two addi tional companies of regulars. With this force he immediately marched to dislodge the enemy from Fort du Quesne; but learning on his advance that a body of eight hundred French and four hundred Indians were on their way to meet him, he was compelled to fall back upon his little post at the Great Meadows, called Fort Necessity. To this position he was very soon followed by Monsieur De Villiers, who commenced at once a warm and vigorous attack. An extremely gallant defence was made by the Americans, and when the superiority of the enemy at length rendered a capitulation necessary, Washington retired with all the honours of war for his garrison, and with the highest personal character for courage and conduct. The legislature of Virginia expressed the gratitude of the province in a public vote of thanks to the commander.

In the course of the following winter (1754-5) orders were transmitted from England, regulating the comparative ranks of regular and provincial officers. The general and field officers of the colonies were divested of all rank while serving with the same grades commissioned by the king; and company officers of equal rank were directed to give precedence to the regulars, without regard to seniority of date. Professional pride and dignified self respect were always among Washington's most marked characteristics. Notwithstanding his ardent devotion to a military life, he resolved at once to resign a station which he believed was no longer to be held without personal dishonour, and his commission was immediately returned into the hands of the governor of Virginia. He retired to Mount Vernon, a seat on the Potomac, which had descended to him from his eldest brother, lately deceased: and he there resided until a new call was made upon his services, in that name to whose appeal he was never deaf or wanting.

An army composed of two English regiments and some corps of provincials, raised for the purpose of striking a serious blow at the enemy, was placed under the orders of General Braddock, a brave soldier, but otherwise of unfounded reputation. The military talents and local knowledge of Washington were considered essential to the success of the expedition; and he was consequently invited to join it, with the rank of aid-de-camp to the commander.

Great delays occurred from the difficulty of obtaining wagons, which, according to the rules of European warfare, were deemed indispensable. It was long in vain that the experienced aid-de-camp advised the substitution of pack-horses; but at last the reason of his counsel became too strong for the prejudices of the regular commander, and Braddock marched for Fort Du Quesne, with the confident expectation of driving the French from their strong hold on the Ohio. Celerity was considered by Washington the secret of success; for the French force assembled to oppose them was known to be small, though there was reason to apprehend its immediate and formidable increase. Advice to this effect was urgently repeated to the general, but his council of war regularly overruled it as rash and contrary to established custom. When rapidity was at length determined upon, four days were occupied in advancing nineteen miles; and according to a letter written by the aid-de-camp, "they were halting to level every mole-hill, and to erect bridges over every brook." This ridiculous delay was unaccompanied by even ordinary caution. The army marched without advanced guards or scouts, and the whole force of French and Indians was embodied in their front, without the least suspicion, on the part of the English commander, of the approach of a single enemy. It was on the 9th of July 1755 that the British army was suddenly attacked on the Monongahela, and a battle was fought long memorable in the annals of the colonies.

Within a very short time after the commencement of the fight, from the advantageous position and deadly fire of the French, the whole duty of transmitting the general's orders devolved upon Washington, who was the only aid-de-camp alive and unwounded. Trying occasions, however, were those in which his remarkable qualities were best developed; and it was in the midst of the carnage and horrors of Braddock's defeat," that men first began to prophesy the glorious career prepared for him in the wisdom of an all-seeing Providence. Two horses were shot under him, and his coat pierced by four balls, but he escaped without a wound. Five horses were also killed under General Braddock, and when at last that gallant but unfortunate commander fell mortally wounded, the whole British force fled outright, leaving the care of their general to Washington and two other individuals. The provincial troops bore the whole brunt of the day, and suffered dreadfully: in two companies, every officer but one was killed, in cluding the very corporals. The regulars saved their lives by their disgraceful panic, but they

never regained in the provinces that renown for military invincibility, which formed one of the strongest bands of colonial dependence.

The reputation of Washington, both for conduct and courage, was greatly increased by the campaign of the Monongahela: it was generally known. among the troops, that his advice would have saved the army from defeat, and perhaps conduced to ultimate success, while his coolness in battle was the theme of universal panegyric. The legislature of Virginia, at this period of public distress, ordered a regiment of sixteen companies to be formed, and the command was immediately bestowed upon Colonel Washington, with the additional title of "commander in chief of all the forces raised or to be raised in the colony of Virginia." The power annexed of selecting all field officers, was an extraordinary exhibition of the confidence and respect with which he had already impressed his countrymen.

The duties of Washington's new station were arduous and responsible, without any of the corresponding gratifications. He was called upon to protect an extensive and exposed frontier, against the predatory incursions of an enemy subdivided into small parties, and formidable from their activity and skill in the warfare of the wilderness; while the forces of Virginia where wholly inadequate to the results expected from their harassed commander. It is needless to enter into the details of his history at this period, for they present little more than a series of laborious exertions for the welfare and discipline of his soldiers, mixed with constant remonstrances to the government of Virginia, which was not always well advised in its resolutions. In the way of active hostilities, the provincial troops had frequent skirmishes with the enemy, in all of which they exhibited the fruits of their strict training; but no conflict occurred of sufficient consequence to deserve special commemoration. At length, in 1758, Fort Du Quesne was captured without resistance by the advanced guard of General Forbes's expedition, commanded by Colonel Washington: and thenceforward the middle colonies were freed from the terrors of French and Indian hostility. Our hero (and surely no man was ever better entitled to the appellation), now felt himself at liberty to return to that enjoyment of private happiness, which had for some time been the object of his warmest aspirations; and he laid down his commission amid the general regret of his countrymen, who treated the resig nation as a public loss. He shortly after was married to Mrs. Custis, a lady possessing personal merits more than equal to her extensive estates, and who contributed largely during the whole of her husband's after life, to his domestic quiet and felicity. He was not, however, entirely withdrawn from public duties, for about this period he took his seat in the General Assembly of Virginia, as a member for the county of Frederick.

The life of Washington is wholly identified with the service of his country-always tranquil while she remained at peace, and active only when her rights or territory were threatened with invasion.

rendered in his station; he expected no more than a mere indemnity for expenses actually incurred, of which his intention was to keep a regular and exact account. It was unanimously resolved, that

We find no remarkable event in his history, until the commencement of the colonial difficulties with the mother empire, when he was among the first in the Virginia legislature to offer a firm resistance to the unconstitutional pretensions set up by par-Congress would maintain, assist and adhere to liament. When measures of defence were considered requisite, he was chosen to command the independent companies raised by his native province; and he was afterwards elected, in the year 1774, one of her representatives in the continental congress. He was appointed in this body, upon all committees relating to military preparations: but a moment soon approached pregnant with the most important consequences to Washington and to the world.

Bloody conflicts had taken place in the north, which in their results had excited the provincials to enthusiasm and revenge, while they inspired them with new confidence in their military efficiency. The spirit of insurrection spread through all the land, and the British, notwithstanding their sanguinary success at Bunker's Hill, were closely besieged in Boston by an overwhelming American force under General Ward. It now became imperiously necessary for Congress to settle some definite organization of their army, calculated to fix the floating confidence of the country at large; and the question of the selection of a proper commander was therefore one of engrossing interest to the assembled patriots. It was felt sensibly by the New England delegation, that in point of direct interest and aggression, the cause of the provincial hostilities had been hitherto entirely local. Their natural sagacity taught them that it was of material consequence to adopt some measure tending to strengthen the ties of union with the southern colonies: and they were disposed to acquiesce in any nomination of a general, which might contribute to render resistance universal. Then it was that a few words from John Adams determined the fate of America, and advanced the cause of liberty throughout the world. In an able and eloquent speech, he set forth the numerous and peculiar difficulties of the country and the army; and when all his hearers were deeply engrossed in the subject, and anxiously awaiting the remedy to be suggested, he nominated as commander of the forces, "a member of the house, George Washington of Virginia." On the 14th of June 1775, by an unanimous vote of the delegates of the provinces, the motion was adopted, and Washington was appointed "General and Commander-in-chief of the army of the United Colonies, and of all the forces now raised or to be raised by them, and of all others who shall voluntarily offer their service." When this election was announced to the new generalissimo by the president of congress, he exhibited the modesty, patriotism, and disinterestedness which were ever the prominent characteristics of his life. He expressed the distress he felt from a diffidence in his abilities and military experience, but at the same time a firm determination was declared to exert every power for his country's service, and the success of her glorious cause. He declined any pecuniary reward for the duties to be

him as the general and commander-in-chief of the forces raised for the maintenance and preservation of American liberty, with their lives and fortunes." Washington prepared at once for the execution of his high duties; and amid the general acclamations of all classes and sections of the country, he assumed the supreme command of the army then engaged in the siege of Boston.

The American force numbered fourteen thousand five hundred men, lying on both sides of Charles river, and scattered along an extensive line of at least twelve miles. The right was posted on the hills about Roxbury, extending towards. Dorchester, and was commanded by Major-general Ward: Washington fixed his head quarters, and personally directed the centre and reserve: Majorgeneral Lee lay with the left wing near the river Mystic.

The garrison of Boston exceeded twenty regiments. Bunker's Hill was the post fortified and held by the main body under General Sir William Howe-another division was intrenched on Roxbury neck-and their position was further strengthened by a battery on Cop's hill, three floating batteries in Mystic river, and a twenty gun ship.

The American forces were very far from possessing an efficiency by any means equal to their numbers. The commander-in-chief found"the materials for a good army-a great number of men, able bodied, active, zealous in the cause, and of unquestionable courage"-but in all military requisites he soon perceived radical and almost irremediable deficiencies. A few days after his arrival, it was discovered that the whole quantity of ammunition on hand could barely supply nine rounds to each man: and in this situation, an army without bayonets, remained for two weeks, when a small supply of powder was received from Elizabeth Town in New Jersey. A siege was to be conducted without engineers, and with a scarcity of working tools: and the rigours of winter were to be supported by troops without tents or sufficient clothing.

But there were other difficulties lying at the root of military government and organization, greater and more important even than these. Each province had levied its own quota of troops, according to regulations established by itself: and hence arose evils, of which the least was a dangerous want of uniformity. As an example, the soldiers of the Massachusetts line lived on a footing of perfect equality with platoon officers elected by themselves; and this sort of sociability was a greater recommendation to promotion than individual fitness. The creation of discipline in an army is, even under the most favourable circumstances, a work of time and attention: the embarrassments of a general may therefore be conceived, when placed at the head of such a host, all of whom were to be discharged and replaced by new levies before the end of the succeeding month of December. An over

ruling Providence had provided the only instrument that was fitted for the time and the occasion. Washington applied himself indefatigably to the subduing of the difficulties around him. He organized his army into brigades and divisions, and proceeded to drill them with untiring perseverance. Through his recommendation, Congress was induced to appoint a paymaster, quartermastergeneral, and other regular staff of a military estab


Towards the close of the season, the whole Ame; rican army, officers and soldiers, was to be disbanded and renewed in the face of their be

leaguered enemy. In the beginning of January, owing to discharges and unavoidable furloughs, the total of the forces scarcely exceeded nine thousand men, though the number was afterwards increased to about fourteen thousand, when congress, at the instance of their general, offered a bounty upon enlistment. It was with deep mortification that the commander-in-chief felt himself compelled to submit to a state of comparative inactivity, by the utter inadequacy of his means to the purposes of offensive warfare: but he never neglected to make advances upon the enemy, when a favourable opportunity was presented. Ploughed Hill, Cobble's Hill, and Lechmere's Point were successively occupied by the Americans: and the floating batteries were driven from their moorings by the cannonade to which they became exposed.

About the end of February 1776, Washington resolved by a decisive movement to bring the siege to some determinate conclusion. For this purpose, during the night, he occupied the commanding position of Dorchester heights with a strong force; and the besiegers were thus enabled to annoy the fleet in the harbour, and the army in the city of Boston itself. The British commander had now the alternative of dislodging the Americans by main force from their new post, or of wholly evacuating the place. A plan to effect the former purpose was frustrated by a violent tempest, which scattered the vessels containing Lord Percy's chosen division: and evacuation was rendered inevitable by the increased strength of the American intrenchments. On the 17th of March, the retreat of the enemy's legions to their ships was witnessed by the undisciplined array of the besiegers; and shortly afterwards the British fleet bent its sails and was borne from the neighbourhood of the capital of New England. The glorious conquest thus achieved was hailed with joyful triumph throughout the colonies. A golden medal, commemorative of the occasion was struck by order of Congress, and a vote of thanks was passed to Washington and the army," for their wise and spirited conduct in the siege and acquisition of Boston."

In anticipation of the early retreat of the besieged, and the probability of a hostile attempt upon New York, the commander-in-chief had already detached a strong force for the protection of that important city. The main American army was now marched southward, and reached New York on the 14th of April: batteries were erected,

and every exertion used to strengthen the defence of the place. In consequence of the earnest representations of Washington, Congress was induced to vote a reinforcement of thirteen thousand eight hundred militia, and to form a flying camp for the purpose of repelling any attempt of the enemy to land on the Jersey shore; but it was long before other deficiencies, equally important, could be remedied, or even partially supplied. The sinews of war are not to be created by the prudence and experience of a commander; comforts and necessaries for an army require something more than vigilance and courage; and the fatal errors of short enlistments and incomplete regiments, could only be arrested by time and misfortune.

Upon the evacuation of Boston, the British army retired to Halifax, at which place reinforcements from England were expected by Sir William Howe. He at length, however, re-embarked his forces and sailed to Staten Island, where a landing was effected on the 3d and 4th of July. Ample supplies were immediately procured, owing to the extreme disaffection of a great portion of the inhabitants of those parts; and the intrigues and popularity of Governor Tryon even collected a considerable force of loyalists, as they were termed, who were embodied under his own immediate command. The machinations of these concealed foes severely tested the vigilance of the American leader. Among other things, a conspiracy was discovered in the city of New York, headed by its mayor, to excite an insurrection upon the landing of the British, and to deliver into their hands the post and the person of the general. The design was fortunately defeated, and some of the most guilty brought to condign punishment; but the spirit of disaffection still remained to cripple the progress of liberty, and to assist the movements of its more open adversaries.

Meanwhile the great change was advancing, which was to affect the whole character of the war, and to build the foundations of a new empire out of the massive materials rent from the crumbling structure of the old. The banners of the colonies had hitherto only been unfurled for the redress of tyrannical grievances inflicted by arbitrary acts of the British parliament, without impeachment of the sovereignty of George III.: national independence was an experiment too daring and uncompromising to meet with early and welcome acceptation. But the bitter animosities engendered by protracted warfare, had slowly undermined the kindly feelings of origin and kindred. It was generally acknowledged that no reconciliation with the mother-country could be cordial or lasting-no greater or more dangerous struggle was necessary, even if independence were to be the meed of triumph-and the tempting advantages of self-government, compared with a distant controul exercised for the commercial benefit of the rulers alone, gradually led the minds of men to this great and important contemplation. The progress of popular feeling was regularly exhibited in the successive resolutions of congress; the measures adopted became more and more vigorous, and the tone of the

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