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The ships intended for the Greenland and Davis' Straits fishery should be from 300 to 400 tons burden. They should be strengthened with an additional series of planks, and fortified by the application of timber and iron plates to the exterior, and a great number of timbers and stauncheons to the interior. To preserve the stem from the ice, it is provided with a false or ice-stem, and on the sides of this are placed the ice-knees, or angular blocks of wood, filling up the concavity formed by the stem and fore planks. The stem is also defended by ice-plates of half inch iron.

Each ship has generally six or seven boats, carver-built, they vary from 23 to 28 feet in length, and are capable of carrying six or seven men, and seven or eight hundred weight of whale lines, and various other materials.

The crew of the whale ships generally consist of forty or fifty men, including several classes of officers or harpooners, boat-steerers, carpenters, coopers, &c. together with foremast-men, landsmen, and apprentices. Every individual, from the master to the boys, has, besides his monthly pay, a gratuity for every size fish caught during the voyage, or a certain sum for every ton of oil produced from the cargo.

The weapons generally used in capturing the whale are the harpoon and the lance. The harpoon is made of iron, and is three feet long. It consists of three conjoined parts, the socket, the shank, and the mouth, the mouth includes the barbs, within each of which there is another small barb like the beard of a fish hook, in a reverse position. The lance is a spear of iron, six feet long. It consists of a hollow socket six inches long, swelling from half an inch, the diameter of the shank, to nearly two inches, into which a four-feet fir handle is fitted,—a shank five feet long, and a mouth of steel, very thin and sharp, seven or eight inches long, and two or two and a-half broad. A harpoon gun

is sometimes used for throwing the harpoon to a greater distance than it can be done by the hand. In its most improved form it is made of a swivel, with a barrel of wrought iron about twenty-five inches long, three inches diameter, and one and a-half inch internal bore. It is fired by two locks which act together.

Every boat is furnished with two harpoons, six or eight lances, and from five to seven oars.

When a whale is seen on the surface of the water, unconscious of being observed, the harpooner runs directly upon it, and buries his harpoon in its back; but, when the boat is at a little distance, and the whale is preparing to dive, the harpoon is thrown from the hand, or discharged from a gun, and will be effective, in the former case, at the distance of eight to ten yards, and in the latter at the distance of thirty yards or more. The wounded animal makes a convulsive effort to escape. The boat is subjected to the most violent blows from its head or its fins, but chiefly from its ponderous tail, which sometimes sweeps the air with such fury that both boat and men are exposed to imminent destruction. Harpooners have been struck dead with a single blow of a whale's tail. One of the crew of the John of Greenland had his foot separated from his leg, by slipping it through a coil of line in the act of running out; and a harpooner of the Henrietta of Whitby, having made a whale dart downward by a powerful stroke of his lance, the line caught him round the body, and he was almost cut asunder, dragged overboard, and never afterwards seen.

When the harpooner of the ship Resolution, commanded by Captain Scoresby, had struck a whale, it gave the boat such a violent blow with its tail, that the boatsteerer was thrown to some distance, and a fresh blow projected the harpooner and line-manager in a similar manner.

"A remarkable instance, says Mr. Scoresby, of

the power which the whale possesses in its tail, was exhibited within my own observation, in the year 1807. On the 29th of May, a whale was harpooned by an officer belonging to the Resolution. It descended a considerable depth, and, on its reappearance, evinced an uncommon degree of irritation. It made such a display with its fins and tail, that few of the crew were hardy enough to approach it. The captain (my father) observing their timidity, called a boat, and himself struck a second harpoon. Another boat immediately followed, and unfortunately advanced too far. The tail was again reared into the air, in a terrific attitude, the impending blow was evident, the harpooner, who was directly underneath, leaped overboard, and the next moment the threatened stroke was impressed on the centre of the boat, which buried it in the water. Happily no one was injured. The harpooner who leaped overboard escaped certain death by the act,-the tail having struck the very spot on which he stood. The effects of the blow were astonishing. The keel was broken,--the gunwales, and every plank, excepting two, were cut through--and it was evident that the boat would have been completely divided, had not the tail struck directly upon a coil of lines. The boat was rendered useless.

Instances of disasters of this kind, occasioned by blows from the whale, could be adduced in great numbers, cases of boats being destroyed by a single stroke of the tail are not unknown,-instances of boats having been stove or upset, and their crews wholly or in part drowned, are not unfrequent, and several cases of whales having made a regular attack upon every boat which came near them, dashed some in pieces, and killed or drowned some of the people in them, have occurred within a few years, even under my own observation.

The Dutch ship Gort-Moolen, commanded by Cornelius Gerard Ouwekaas, with a cargo of seven fish, was anchored in Greenland in the year 1660. The captain, perceiving a whale a-head of his ship, beckoned his attendants, and threw himself into a boat.

He was the first to approach the whale; and was fortunate enough to harpoon it before the arrival of the second boat, which was on the advance. Jacques Vienkes, who had the direction of it, joined his captain immediately afterwards, and prepared to make a second attack on the fish, when it should remount again to the surface. At the moment of its ascension, the boat of Vienkes happening unfortunately to be perpendicular above it, was so suddenly and forcibly lifted up by a stroke of the head of the whale, that it was dashed to pieces before the harpooner could discharge his weapon. Vienkes flew along with the pieces of the boat, and fell upon the back of the animal. This intrepid seaman, who still retained his weapon in his grasp, harpooned the whale on which he stood, and, by means of the harpoon and the line, which he never abandoned, he steadied himself firmly

upon the fish, notwithstanding his hazardous situation, and regardless of a considerable wound that he received in his leg in his fall, along with the fragments of the boat. All the efforts of the other boats to approach the whale, and deliver the harpooner, were futile. The captain, not seeing any other method of saving his unfortunate companion, who was in some way entangled with the line, called to him to cut it with his knife, and betake himself to swimming. Vienkes, embarrassed and disconcerted as he was, tried in vain to follow this counsel. His knife was in the pocket of his drawers; and, being unable to support himself with one hand, he could not get it out. The whale, meanwhile, continued advancing along the surface of the water with great rapidity, but fortunately never attempted to dive. While his comrades despaired of his life, the harpoon by which he held, at length disengaged itself from the body of the whale. Vienkes being then liberated, did not fail to take advantage of this circumstance; he cast himself into the sea, and, by swimming, endeavoured to regain the boats which continued the pursuit of the whale. suit of the whale. When his shipmates perceived him struggling with the waves, they redoubled their exertions. They reached him just as his strength was exhausted, and had the happiness of rescuing this adventurous harpooner from his perilous situation.*

In one of my earliest voyages to the whale fishery I observed a circumstance which excited my highest astonishment. One of our harpooners had struck a whale, it dived, and all the assisting boats had collected round the fast-boat, before it arose to the surface. The first boat which approached it advanced incautiously upon it. It rose with unexpected violence beneath the boat, and projected it and all its crew to the height of some yards in the air. It fell on its side, upset, and cast all the men into the water. One man received a severe blow in his fall, and appeared to be dangerously injured; but soon after his arrival on board of the ship, he recovered from the effects of the accident. The rest of the boat's crew escaped without any hurt.

Captain Lyons of the Raith of Leith, while prosecuting the whale fishery on the Labrador coast, in the season of 1802, discovered a large whale at a short distance from the ship. Four boats were despatched in pursuit, and two of them succeeded in approaching it so closely together, that two harpoons were struck at the same moment. The fish descended a few fathoms in the direction of another of the boats, which was on the advance, rose accidentally beneath it, struck it with its head, and threw the boat, men and apparatus about fifteen feet into the air. It was inverted by the stroke, and fell into the water with its keel upwards. All the people were picked up alive by the fourth boat, which was just at hand, excepting one man, who having got entangled in the boat, fell beneath it, and was unfortunately drowned. The fish was soon afterwards killed."

I give this anecdote on the authority of the author of the Histoire de Peches, who translated it from the Dutch. Part of the story bears the mark of truth; but some of it, it must be acknowledged, borders on the marvellous.

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The general practice of a whale that has been struck, is to escape from the boat by making under water, pursuing its course directly downward, and reappearing at a little distance. When the wounded whale disappears, a flag is elevated, and the watch in the ship gives the alarm by stamping on the deck, and calling out " a fall. At this sound the sleeping crew are roused, rush upon deck with their clothes in their hands, and crowd into the boats. The auxiliary boats take their stations about the place where the whale is expected to appear from the movements of the harpooner or "fast" boat.

The whale generally stays under water about thirty minutes, and sometimes fifty-six, but in shallow water it is said to have continued an hour and a half at the bottom after being struck. Immediately on its re-appearance, the harpooners of the auxiliary boats plunge their harpoons into its back. It frequently descends again after the second harpoon has struck it, and when it returns to the surface, lances are pierced through its body, and directed to its vitals. At last, exhausted with wounds and the loss of blood, which flows in copious streams, it discharges from its blow holes a mixture of blood along with the air and mucus which it usually breathes out, and at last jets of pure blood. The sea to a great distance around is dyed with its blood, and the ice, the boats, and the


are drenched with its gore. Its course is marked by a broad pellicle of the oil which has exuded from its wounds. The capture is sometimes preceded by a convulsive and energetic struggle, in which its tail, reared, whisked, and violently jerked in the air, resounds to the distance of miles. When dying, it turns on its back or side, and its death is announced with three loud huzzas.

Small whales sometimes exhaust themselves so completely in their descent downwards, that they are suffocated under water and are said to be drowned. In this case it is drawn up by the line. The captured whale is then towed to the ship by all the boats in a line, which is done in the case of a large whale, and with six boats, at the rate of nearly a mile per hour. It is then taken to the larboard side of the ship, arranged and secured for the flensing. This is done by partly extending its body, and raising it by means of a pulley about a fourth or a fifth part out of the water. When the fish is thus lying with its belly upwards, the operation of flensing is performed. The harpooners, with their feet armed with spurs, to prevent them from slipping, descend upon the fish, and as directed by the specksioneer, they divide the fat into oblong pieces or slips by means of blubber spades. A speck or tackle is then fixed to each ship, and it is progressively flayed off as it is drawn upwards. The blubber, in pieces of from half a ton to a ton each, is received upon deck by the boat-steerers and line-managers. The former with strand knives divide it into portable cubical pieces containing nearly a solid foot of fat, while the latter, furnished with pick haaks, thrust it down a hole in the main hatches. It is then received by two men

styled kings, who push it into a place called the flens-gut. The fat being removed from the belly, and also the right fin, the fish is turned on its side. The upper surface of fat is again removed together with the left fin, and a similar set of operations are carried on till the whole of the blubber, whale-bone and jaw-bone have been taken on board.

When the tackle is removed, the carcass or kreng as it is called, commonly sinks, but sometimes it is so swollen by the air produced by putrefaction, that it swims and rises three or four feet above the water. It thus becomes food for bears, sharks and various kinds of birds. The operation of flensing is accomplished in three or four hours when the fish affords 20 to 30 tons of blubber.

When the flens-gut is filled with blubber, or when the crew have leisure, the process of making off is carried on. This process consists in removing all the muscular part of the blubber, with such spongy or fibrous fat as is known to produce little oil. The blubber then cleared is stored in casks, and securely bunged up.

When the blubber is brought home, the oil is extracted from it by boiling in large copper boilers. The boiling is continued from one to three hours. In a ton or 252 gallons of blubber, there is from 50 to 65 gallons of refuse, the greater part of which is a watery fluid.

The following table shows the price of whale oil from 1800 to 1818, which, at an average, was about £34 158. per ton.

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Whalebone is found in the mouth of the whale. It forms an apparatus like a filter for collecting the minute animals on which the whale feeds, the sea water running through. When taken from the whale, it consists of laminæ or plates connected by what is called the gum, and ranged along each side of the mouth. The laminæ are about 300 in number. The average length of the blade is 12 or 13 feet, though it is sometimes found 15 feet long. Its greatest breadth is 10 or 12 inches, and its greatest thickness about half an inch. The general appearance of the laminæ taken altogether, resembles the form and position of the roof of a house. At first the price of whalebone was £700 per ton, but it now fluctuates between £50 and £150.

For the information contained in the preceding article, we are indebted to Mr. Scoresby's admirable Account of the Arctic Regions, the second volume of which is devoted to a history and description of the northern whale fisheries. See also Noel's Memoire sur l'Antiquité de la Peche de la Baleine par les Nations Europennes, Paris 1795, 12mo. brief account of the South Sea Whale Fishery will be found in our article ENGLAND, Vol. VIII, p. 605. See also POLAR REGIONS, Vol. XVI, p. 26.



WHEELS, ON the Teeth of. See MECHANICS, Vol. XII. p. 650.



Chap. VI. Vol. IV.


WHEELS OF CARRIAGES. and CARRIAGE. See also Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, vol. ii. Dr. Brewster's edition, and an admirable paper by James Walker, Esq. F.R.S.L. and E. published in Dr. Brewster's Journal of Science, Vol. I. p. 274.

WHIDAH, a kingdom of Africa on the Slave Coast, about ten miles long and seven broad. The whole kingdom has been compared to a great city divided by gardens, lawns, and groves instead of streets, the villages being scarcely a musket shot distant from each other, and so populous, that one village contains as many inhabitants as several entire kingdoms on the coast of Guinea. The year consists of a spring and autumn in constant succession, and as soon as the corn is cut, the fields are again sown. Whidah the capital is situated in East Long. 1° 24′ and 6o 25' North Lat.

WHIRLING TABLE. See Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, vol. i. where it is minutely described. Atwood's machine for the same purpose is described in our article MECHANICS, Vol. XII. p. 634. WHIRLWIND. See PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, Vol. XV. p. 581.

WHITAKER, JOHN, B.D. an eminent divine and antiquarian, was born in Manchester about 1735. He was educated at Oxford. His principal works are his History of Manchester, 4to. 1771, 1775, his Genuine History of the Britons asserted, 1771. Sermons on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. His Mary Queen of Scots vindicated, 1787. His Course of Hannibal over the Alps ascertained, 2 vols. 8vo. 1795. The Real Origin of Government, 1795. The Origin of Arianism disclosed, London, 1791. The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall historically surveyed, 2 vols. 1804, and a posthumous work entitled The Life of St. Neot, the eldest of all the brothers of King Alfred, Lond. 1709, 8vo.

Mr Whitaker died of a paralytic stroke on the 20th October 1808, at his rectory of Ruan-Lanyhorne, at the age of 73, leaving a wife and two daughters. See the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. Ixxviii. p. 1037, and Nichol's Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, vol. iii. p. 105.

WHITBY, a seaport town of England in the North Riding of Yorkshire, is situated on opposite declivities on both banks of the river Esk, which forms the harbour, and divides the town into two equal parts connected by a draw-bridge which allows ships of 500 tons to pass. The streets are in general narrow and steep, and the houses crowded together, but many of the houses are good, and those of the wealthier inhabitants large and elegant. Two or three new and handsome streets have been recently built on the west side of the town. The principal buildings are the town hall, a heavy ediVOL. XVIII.-PART II.

fice of the Tuscan order, a spacious poor's house, a dispensary, and a handsome school-house. The parish church stands on the verge of the cliff on the east side of the town, and is approached by 190 stone steps. There is a chapel of ease on the lower part of the town, and meeting-houses for the Methodists, who have two chapels, Presbyterians, Independents, Roman Catholics, and Quakers. There is also here a subscription library, and a commodious reading room. The Union Mill, belonging to 800 proprietors, is an imposing building on the west side of the town. On a high cliff on the east side of the town stand the ruins of the church of the old abbey of Whitby.

The principal manufactures of Whitby are canvas and kelp. Its commerce is very extensive, the inhabitants being largely concerned in the Greenland fishery, the coal trade, and the coasting and foreign trade. The quantity of alum rock, and the numerous alum works in the vicinity, alone support an extensive branch of trade. The harbour of Whitby, which is almost artificial, is formed by two stone piers, one of which extends 620 yards, and terminates in a rounded head with embrasures for a battery. In spring tides the depth of water is from 15 to 18 feet. The inner harbour above the bridge is secure and spacious. It is flanked with dockyards for building ships on both sides of the river, and has commodious dry docks. Shipbuilding is carried on to a great extent.

The vicinity of Whitby abounds with numerous fossil remains of great interest, an account of which will be found in Young's History of Whitby, 1816. Population in 1821 of the township; houses 1429, families 2131, ditto engaged in agriculture, 24, ditto in trade, 676. Total population, 8697.

WHITCHURCH, a market town of England, in Shropshire, is situated upon an eminence on the Wellington Canal, and consists of one principal street on the high road to Chester, intersected by some smaller ones. The church stands on the highest ground, and is a handsome stone building of the Tuscan order, with a square tower 108 feet high, and surmounted by battlements. It contains an elegant altar piece and two fine effigies, one of John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury. There is here an excellent free school, a charity school, six alms-houses and meeting-houses for protestant dissenters. Population of the town about 2600. It is not entered in the census of 1821.

WHITE, county of Tennessee, bounded by Smith W., Jackson N. W. and N., Fentress E., Cumberland mountain separating it from Bledsoe S.E, and Caney Fork river separating it from Warren S. and S. W. Length 42, mean breadth 16, and area 672 square miles. Extending in latitute from 35° 40' to 36° 17', and in longitude from 8° 10' to 8° 50′ W. from W. C.

The slope of this county is westward, and entirely drained by different branches of Caney Fork river. Chief town, Sparta. Population 8701 in 1820, but in that number were included a part of what is now contained in Fentress county. In 1830 the population amounted to 9967.

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WHITEHAVEN, a seaport town of England in country of the Delaware Indians in the southwestern Cumberland, is situated at the mouth of the Poe- angle of Missouri. Curving to east and southeast beck on the Irish Sea. The town, which is built 40 miles it enters the territory of Arkansas, within on a regular plan, is extremely handsome, not only which it pursues a course of S. E. by E. by comfor its spacious streets crossing at right angles, but parative distance 120 miles, joins Black river in from the houses being roofed with blue slate. The Independence county. In its entire comparative shops also are particularly elegant. The approach course of 220 miles, White river receives few tribufrom the north is singular, from the heights being tary streams of any considerable length or volume. so much above the town, that the slated roofs only The northwestern confluent, Black river, rises in are visible till the traveller is near the entrance to Wayne county, Missouri, interlocking sources with the town, which is by a fine portico of red freestone, those of Merrimac and St. Francis, flowing thence, with a rich entablature bearing the Lowther arms. by a general southern course, but an elliptical curve There are three chapels, St. James's, Trinity, and to the E., about 100 miles, unites with an equal if St. Nicholas. The interior of St. James's is par- not superior confluent, Current river. The latter ticularly handsome. There are also several meet- rises also in Wayne county, Missouri, to the westing-houses, a Roman Catholic chapel, a dispensary, ward of the sources of Black river, and interlocking a poor's house, a neat theatre, assembly rooms, a sources with the Merrimac and Gasconade rivers. free school, and several charity schools. The castle, The general course, curves, and length of Current a residence of the Earl of Lonsdale, contains some river is remarkably similar to similar phenomena fine paintings. The harbour of Whitehaven has in Black river. The now navigable Black river, been greatly improved, and accommodated to the assuming a southwestern course 15 miles, receives activity of its trade. Light-houses are erected on at Davidsonville, seat of justice for Lawrence counthe old and new quays, and the entrance to the har- ty, from the N.W. a large accumulation by the bour is defended by four batteries, containing 98 united streams of Eleven Points and Spring rivers. cannon, among which are twelve 42-pounders, and Below Davidsonville, Black river flows by compaeighteen 36-pounders. The principal manufactures rative courses 45 miles, entering in that distance of Whitehaven are shipbuilding, for which there Independence county, and joining White river beare six yards, sail-cloth, for which there are two low the influx of Black river, is a little E. of S. by establishments, and cordage, which is made in comparative courses 120 miles to its influx into the three roperies. The principal trade of Whitehaven Mississippi, receiving in the latter distance Red is in coals, great quantities of which are sent to river from the west, and Cache river from the east. Ireland. The coal works are near the sea, and Taken as a whole, the valley of White river lies some are wrought even beneath the town, in conse- between those of Arkansas to the S. W., St. Franquence of which eighteen houses were destroyed in cis to the E., the southern sources of Osage river 1791, by the falling in of some of the old works. to the N. W., and those of Merrimac to the N. Some of the pits are 960 feet deep, and the working The form of this fine valley approaches that of a extends some miles beneath the sea. About 80,000 triangle, 270 miles base; from the mouth of White wagons of coals are supposed to be raised annu- river to the sources of Black river 170 miles perally, each wagon weighing about 43 cwt. The pendicular; area 22,950 square miles; extending in coal staith, or magazine, on the west side of the Lat. from 33° 56′ to 37° 40', and in Long. from 13° town and near the harbour, contains 3000 wagon 20' to 17° 20' W. from W. C. Rising in a mounloads, and so perfect is the machinery employed, tainous region, the valley of White river exhibits that from eight to twelve vessels, carrying from 100 every variety of soil, from the barren rock, and to 120 tons, can be laden in one tide. Whitehaven almost equally sterile prairie, to the rich, but annucarries on a trade to Africa, America, and the ally submerged alluvion towards the Arkansas and West Indies, and in 1822 it had 181 ships, with a Mississippi rivers. The White and Arkansas have tonnage of 24,220, or 145 tons each at an average. their respective points of discharge within ten or Two weekly papers are published here, and in sum- twelve miles of each other, and are also connected mer a steam-boat plies between this port, Dum- by interlocking, and in seasons of high water, fries, and Liverpool. In 1821 the population of navigable streams, many miles above their mouths. the town was 2117 houses, 2749 families, 45 ditto engaged in agriculture, 1324 in trade, &c. and total number of inhabitants 12,438. The population is said to have decreased in 1819 and 1820 from the decrease of trade.

WHITE RIVER, a large stream of the state of Missouri and territory of Arkansas, formed by the confluence of two streams, White river proper, and Black river. The following description is founded on the delineation on Tanner's Map U. S. White river proper rises in Washington county, Arkansas, about 30 miles northeastward from the junction of Arkansas and Candian rivers; flowing thence about 60 miles to the northeastward it enters the

White river is navigable by both its great branches far above their junction. It is, however, an example of a stream greatly overrated, by estimating its length from the partial windings, in place of by the general comparative distances along the valleys. By that of White river proper, the valley is 340, and by Black river 280 miles long, pursuing the great curves of the rivers.

WHITE RIVER, Indiana, is the great southeastern branch of Wabash. It is formed by two branches, both rising about Lat. 40° N., and Long, W.C. 8° W. and near the W. boundary of the state of Ohio. Flowing by a general course S. W. about 70 miles, the two branches unite, and continuing below their junction 30 miles, joins the Wabash

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