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VOL. LXXIV., PART II.-Extra Number, 1908.

Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula.-By SIR GEORGE KING, K.C.I.E., LL.D., F.R.S., late Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, and J. SYKES GAMBLE, C.I.E., F.R.S., . late of the Indian Forest Department.

No. 21.

THIS Part contains two Families, No. 86 Gesneracea and No. 90 Verbenacea, and completes the account of the Gamopetala. The account of the Gesneracea was prepared by Mr. H. N. Ridley, F.R.S., Director of the Botanic Garden at Singapore, and was published in the 'Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1905.' The material used by him was that of the Herbaria of Singapore and Penang, together with that belonging to the Royal Botanic Garden of Calcutta, and chiefly got together by collectors employed by Sir George King, lent to Mr. Ridley for the purpose. The account in the 'Straits Journal' not being quite in the form used in the 'Materials,' published under the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, has been edited by Mr. Gamble, with the kind help of Lt.-Col. Prain, of Kew, but he has been careful to make no more formal alterations than could be helped; so that the work is one for which Mr. Ridley alone is responsible. Only numbers personally verified or quoted by Mr. Ridley have been entered under the different species. Mr. Ridley, who has sanctioned what has been done, has himself furnished a few notes and additions, among them being descriptions of 3 new species, one of them the representative of a new genus. The number of species of Gesneracea herein described is 131, belonging to 20 genera, 1 genus and 2 species.eing new, besides 1 Sumatran species newly described.

The Verbenacea have been done by Mr. Gamble.

It comprises 15 genera and 72 species, of which 16 species are new to science. Two Malay Islands species are also described.

In accordance with the Rules adopted at the Vienna Conference, Latin diagnoses are appended to the new genus and the 3 new species of Gesneracea, those for Verbenacea have been published in the Kew Bulletin.


Herbs or shrubs, usually pubescent. Leaves opposite or apparently alternate, one of each pair being much reduced, simple entire or lobed. Inflorescence axillary, cymose or racemose or panicled; bracts small or large. Calyx of 5 sepals, often connate. Corolla tubular or campanulate, more or less distinctly bilabiate, 5-lobed; lobes oblong or rounded. Stamens 4 or 2, rudimentary or absent, didynamous when four; filaments linear or filiform, or short and thick; anthers linear or oblong, or scutiform, connivent in pairs, 2-celled; cells splitting on the inner face. Disk cylindric or annular or absent. Ovary cylindric or oblong ; style slender, simple; stigma capitate, cordate or bilobed. Fruit a capsule, linear, cylindric, fusiform or oblong, splitting dorsally. Seeds very numerous, minute, plumed in epiphytic species, elliptic and not plumed in terrestrial species; or a fleshy berry (Cyrtandra).-DISTRIB. Species about 600, all tropical with a few in subtropical climates.

Seeds with one or more hairs from near hilum, and a single

hair from apex; fruit dehiscent, a cylindric capsule :

Stamens 4 perfect

Stamens 2 perfect

Seeds without hairs:

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Fruit dehiscent, a capsule, follicle or pyxidium:

Capsules or follicles cylindric or rarely (Loxocarpus)

[blocks in formation]




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