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Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula.-By SIR GEORGE KING, K.C.I.E., LL.D., F.R.S., Tate Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, and J. S. GAMBLE, C.I.E., F.R.S., late of the Indian Forest Department.

No. 16.

The present contribution commences with an account of the genus Psychotria, which concludes the Natural Order Rubiacea. In addition, it contains accounts of the Natural Orders Valerianea and Composita (prepared by Sir G. King); Stylidiea, Goodenovica, and Campanulacea (prepared by Mr. Gamble); Vacciniacea and Ericacea (Sir G. King); Epacridea and Plumbaginea (Mr. Gamble). For the new genera and species proposed in these Orders the authors are jointly responsible. The account of the Order Monotropea has been supplied by Lieut.Col. Prain, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta; and that of the Order Gentianea has been added, having been drawn up by Mr. C. B. Clarke, F.R.S., late President of the Linnean Society of London. It is somewhat out of its proper sequence, but has been included, as the descriptions were ready for publication.

In addition, therefore, to the account of the Rubiaceous genus Psychotria, with 29 Malayan Peninsular species, of which 11 are new to science, this fasciculus contains accounts of the Malayan members of 11 Natural Orders, including 48 genera and 81 species, of which 2 genera and 17 species are new to science.



Shrubs or small trees, erect or occasionally climbing or twining; rarely herbs. Leaves opposite, rarely in whorls of 3 or 4. Stipules free in pairs, or connate, often with glands or hairs, deciduous or persistent. Flowers rather small, in terminal, rarely axillary, cymes





Flora of the Malayan Peninsula.

corymbs or fascicles, bracteolate or not, never involucrate (in the Malayan species). Calyx-tube short; the limb persistent in part or deciduous. Corolla-tube straight, short; the throat naked or hairy; the lobes of the mouth 5, rarely 4 to 6, valvate in bud. Stamens as many as the corolla-lobes, inserted on the throat or mouth; anthers linear or obtuse, attached dorsally near the base to short or long filaments. Ovary 2-celled; style long or short, bifid; ovules often cuneiform, solitary, erect from the base of each cell. Fruit small, baccate or drupe-like, ovoid globose or oblong, smooth or ridged, composed of two plano-convex, 1-celled, 1-seeded pyrenes; or didymous and separating into two cocci. Seeds plano-convex, the ventral surface grooved or plane, the dorsal smooth, ridged or sulcate; testa thin, albumen hard; embryo small, basal; cotyledons broad, thin; radicle inferior.—DISTRIB. Species about 550; tropical or sub-tropical.

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Seeds with 4 ridges on the dorsal surface, the ventral
surface plane :-

Flowers sessile in small capitula at the ends of the
branches of the cymes:-

Leaves ovate to oblong-elliptic, 1.75 to 2.5 in. broad;
inflorescence puberulous

Leaves narrowly elliptic, less than 1.25 in. broad;
inflorescence coarsely pubescent

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1. P. laxiflora.

2. P. morindaflora.

3. P. Maingayi.

Flowers pedicellate in cymosely branched cymes
Leaves elliptic-oblanceolate to elliptic, the midrib
sometimes pubescent on the lower surface, otherwise
glabrous; main-nerves 7 to 10 pairs; petioles 4 to
.75 in. long; fruit 25 in. long
Leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong, main-nerves 4 to 6
pairs; petioles 4 to 8 in. long; fruit 35 in. long.. 5. P. Kunstleri.
Leaves broadly obovate or sub-ovate; main-nerves 5

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4. P. sarmentosa.

to 10 pairs; petioles 5 to 1.5 in.; fruit 4 in. long.. 6. P. penangensis. Seeds with 3 ridges on the dorsal surface, the ventral

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8. P. pilulifera.

Leaves and stems glabrous; fruit subglobose, 2 in.
Leaves and stems and inflorescence rusty-pubescent 9. P. ovoidea.
Seeds with more than 4 ridges on both dorsal and ventral


.. 10. P. Ridleyi.

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