
Δαιμόνιε, ποτόν σε Γέπος φύγε ἕρκος ὀδόντων ;

What does he mean by disappearing? Have we not the express testimony of the ancient grammarian Trypho, that Alcæus wrote Fps for pis? Did he never hear of the Delian marble, in which are the words TO AFYTOAI@O? Has he heard nothing of the Elean inscription, found by Sir W. Gell, in which are the forms FPATPA, FAΛΕΙΟΙΣ, FETEA, ΛΙΤΕ ΓΕΠΟΣ, AITE FAPTON? Did he never see the Heraclean Tables, or the Sigean Marbles? It seems to be with philology as with philosophy, in which science, says Cicero, there is no opinion so absurd, but that some person or other hath advanced it. Mr. Dunbar seriously argues, that Homer could not have used the Eolic digamma because he wrote in the Ionic dialect! We crave leave to transcribe, for his edification, the following remark of Mr. Hermann from a small pamphlet printed at Leipzig, in 1807:

"Abhorret, inquiunt hi, ab Homera, scriptore Ionico, Æolica literæ usus, Id qui primus dixit, per jocum, ut opinor, dixit: sed arripuerunt alii, et vel conviciis pro ea opinione pugnant. Quid vero? Multis argumentis cognoscitur, ista litera non solos usos esse Æolenses, sed Dorienses omnes; et esse hunc usum adeo antiquum, ut initio universæ Græciæ communis fuisse videatur."

In p. 25, Mr. D. " thinks it 'extremely probable, that the ancients run the words more into each other than we do."

But we have already devoted to the consideration of this trifling and pompous production a larger share of paper than it deserves. After having recommended Mr. Professor Dunbar in future to stay at home, or to come abroad in a more modest guise, we consign him over to the friendly care of the Reverend Mr. Russel, who, may now assuredly, as far as Greek and Latin are concerned, substantiate his charge against his neighbours at Edinburgh, of having but "an indifferent apparatus for grinding.


ART. III. Magna Britannia; being a Concise Topographical
Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the
Rev. Daniel Lysons, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector
of Rodmarton, in Gloucestershire; and Samuel Lysons, Esq.
F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the
Tower of London. Volume the Third, containing CORN-
WALL. 4to.
£3 17s. Cadell and Davies.


642 PP.

IT is expected from the reviewer, that he communicate to the public, much more than a general idea of the book which he


undertakes to criticise. Not only the manner, in which a work is executed, but the distribution of its parts, as bearing a due proportion to the magnitude or importance of the subjects, should be taken into the question, and indeed marked with precision. If it be historical, the facts should be well considered, and the statements accurately examined, in order to determine its authenticity. Its dependence, also, on works of a similar description should be ascertained; and in some instances its comparative merit appreciated.

It is for these reasons that the task imposed on the reviewer of Provincial History, is attended with peculiar difficulties. Where all is one uniform piece, woven, as it were, "without seam throughout,"-from a very small pattern we may often form a correct judgment of the whole. Such is the case with National History, with Biography, with Poetry. Provincial works, however, at the present day, embrace subjects so multifarious, and at the same time so heterogeneous, and requiring so many distinct qualifications, such diversities of character in the writer, that even large and various extracts may be made, and yet be deemed inadmissible, either as specimens of the composition, or as samples of the general execution. With respect, also, to the sources of his information and the value of his materials, as estimated in comparison, we must rely, in a great measure, on the author's own report. For, however conversant with general literature, or however well acquainted with our native island, it cannot be presupposed, that our researches have had particular districts for their object; or that we have carried our observations so far, perhaps into a remote county, as to be able to view its inha bitants with a discriminating eye, and enter into the minutiæ of topographical investigation.

It is, therefore, fortunate for us, in regard to the Magna Britannia, that the very high reputation of its learned and ingenious authors, must preclude all such responsibilities; leaving little more for us, than the easy process of giving some account of their immediate predecessors in topography-of stating the principal contents of the volume-and of transcribing a few passages; which, in point of amusement, may possibly make some amends for so dry an enumeration.

It was the opinion of many, we understand, in his native county, when Mr. Polwhele undertook the task of writing of the Ancient History of Cornwall, that Dr. Borlase had, in "the Antiquities," exhausted the subject; and that nothing of moment remained to be done, by their present historian. His volumes, however, (as far as lie has proceeded) seem to prove it a mistaken opinion.

But, in the work now under our inspection, we think the Lysons's peculiarly

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peculiarly happy. Its title is, "A Concise Topographical Account:" this, we must, in justice to its authors, keep always in view. Here, then, the only printed topographical account of Cornwall, &c. worthy notice, is Carew's "Survey." It was written in the reign of Elizabeth, and first published in 1602. A new edition of Carew was published, in 1811, by Lord De Dunstanville, with the notes of Thomas Tonkin, Esq. of Trevaunance, from a MS. in his Lordship's possession. Norden's topographical description, contemporary almost with Carew's "Survey," though not printed till 1728, is (as Tonkin expresses it) but "a mean performance and full of egregious mistakes, though it hath several things hardly to be met with elsewhere." About the year 1685, Mr. William Hals began to make collections for a parochial History of Cornwall, which he continued for at least half a century. A part of these collections was printed by Brice, in 1750, in ten folio numbers.

Contemporary with Hals was Tonkin; who began to write his Parochial History, in 1702. His collection were brought down to 1736; but were none of them printed till Mr. Polwhele's "Cornwall," which contains the most interesting part of them.

In compiling their "Topographical Account," our authors (in addition to the Inquisitiones Post Mortem and other records in the Tower) made use of Hals and of Tonkin; and in their endeavours to continue the descent of landed property from the time when Hals and Tonkin finished their collections, they were indebted for assistance to Dr. Taunton, M. D. of Truro, whose intelligence and acuteness of research well qualified him for the task; to Charles Rashleigh, Esq. of Duporth, near St. Austell, whose name would confer distinction on any work; to the Wallis's, of Bodmin, men eminent for their professional abilities; to inany others of distinguished talents, particularly the Rev. R. G. Grylls, of Helston; and the Rev. John Rogers, of Mawnan, near Falmouth; and lastly to the present Historian of Cornwall. But that our authors should have brought forward at this moment, their "Topographical Account," compiled chiefly from the MSS. of Hals and Tonkin, (already specified) was a circumstance, we repeat, on which they may justly felicitate themselves. For we find, from what he has already published, that those identical MSS had all been in Mr. Polwhele's possession; and that he had copied them all, and formed from these materials chiefly, his chorographical and genealogical history—still intended for the press.

The contents of this volume, are

"General History of Cornwall. Etymology. Ancient Inhabitants, Language, and Government. Historical Events. Ancient



and Modern Division of the Country. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Division of the County. Table of Parishes, Monasteries, Col. leges and Hospitals, Market and Borough Towns, Fairs, Population, Longevity. Division of Property at the Time of the Domesday-survey. Principal Landholders at various Periods. Nobility of the County. Earldom of Cornwall. Cornish Families which have been ennobled. Extinct Peers and Baronial Families. No. blemens' Seats. Mansions of extinct Peers. Baronets of Cornwall. Extinct Baronets. Baronet's Seats. Cornish Gentry. Extinct Families. Gentlemens' Seats. Deer Parks. Geographical and Geological Description of the County, Boundaries, Extent, Soils and Strata. Surface and Scenery. Rivers, Lakes, Navigable Canals. Roads. Natural History. Fossils and Mine rals. Indigenous Plants. Birds. Mineral Waters and Remark. able Wells. Produce. Manufactures. Trade and Ports. Antiquities. British and British Roman Antiquities. Circles of Stone. Rounds. Barrows. Cromlechs. Celts. Caves. Coins. Inscribed Stones. Roman Antiquities. Roman Roads and Stations. Ancient Church Architecture. Ancient Painted Glass. Roodloft's Screens, &c. Fonts. Ancient Sepulchral Monuments. Remains of Monastic Buildings. Castles and Sites of Castles. Ancient Mansion-Houses. Ancient Crosses. Well-Chapels. Camps and Earth works. Miscellaneous Antiquities. Customs and Supersti tions, &c. Parochial History. Scilly Islands."

In the General History, much novelty was not to be expected. We have no scruple, indeed, in declaring our opinion, that some parts of it should have been omitted. Slight notices, where volumes have been already written, are by no means satisfactory. They are unworthy of the name of Lysons; which, wherever it occurs, seems to promise us new stores of entertainment and information, from curious investigation and original discoveries, The division of property at the time of the Domesday-survey; the principal landholders at varicus periods; the nobility of the county; Cornish families which have been ennobled; noble blemen's seats; mansions of extinct peers; baronets; Cornish gentry; these are subjects properly introductory to the "Concise Topographical Account," (for we must not forget the titlepage.) But, if the sketch of Natural History (where the Cornish chough is the only native bird mentioned) were too excellent to be suppresed; we cannot but think, that the British and Roman antiquities might have been spared. In the circles of stones, the rounds, the barrows, the cromlechs, the celts, the caves, the coins, the Roman roads and Roman stations, we have no acquisition.

In their notices of ancient church architecture, of sepulchral monuments, of monastic buildings and castles, and of mansionhouses, these writers always command a respectful attention. Of well-chapels they say:


"Small chapels or oratories, erected over wells or springs of water, to which extraordinary virtues have been ascribed, abound. in most parts of Cornwall, the greater part of them in ruins. That of Menacuddle, near St. Austell, remains pretty entire-a small Gothic building, nine feet by five feet six inches within the walls, having a groined roof, neatly moulded doorways on the north and south sides, with pointed arches, and a small window on the westside. The well is on the east-side, one foot two inches in width. Over St. Agnes well, in Chapel-comb, in the parish of St. Agnes, is a plain Gothic building of stone, about eight feet wide in the front, where is an opening with an obtuse arch." P. 246.

We now come to the Topographical Account. It is alphabetical, and (as the title-page announces) sufficiently "concise. But it is every where perspicuous. Perhaps, no author has the power of expressing so much in so few words. This is a most. valuable talent. And it is "beyond all price" in a topogra phical writer. As specimens of the style and manner, our readers will accept the following:

"The manor of Talverne came into the family of Arundell, by the marriage of Sir John Arundell with the heiress of Ralph Soor or Lee Sore. Sir John Arundell gave Tolverne to his younger son Thomas, whose posterity were settled there from the reign of Richard II. to that of Charles I. King Henry VIII. when he went into Cornwall for the purpose of fortifying St. Mawes and Pendennis Castle, is said to have been entertained by his kinsman Sir John Arundell, at Tolverne. Sir Thomas Arundell having injured his fortune, as it is said, by an attempt to discover an imaginary island in America, called old Brazil, sold this manor and barton, and removed his residence to Truthore in Sithney. The manor became the property of the Seymours, from whom it passed by successive female heirs to the Tredenhams, Scobels, and Hawkins's. It is now the property of Sir Christopher Hawkins, Bart. The barton which was sold to the Boscawens is now the property of Lord Falmouth the site of the ancient mansion is occupied by a farm-house." P. 106.


"A considerable portion of the parishes of Gwithian and Phillack is covered with sand-hills, supposed to have been originally brought from the sea-side by hurricanes probably at a remote period; and we are informed, that among the Arundell papers there is mention of such an event having happened in the twelfth century. The disproportionately high valuation of the rectory of Gurthian, in the old Valors, when compared with that of other parishes, which were then rated much lower, though now of very superior value, affords a probable conjecture that much land has been lost by the influx of the sand. It is known by oral tradition that whole farms have been overwhelmed at a period not very remote. We have been informed by Mr. Hockin, the rector, who has obligingly favoured us with a communication on this subject,


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