
ordained againft God's Word. Whosoever through his private judgement, willingly and purposely doth openly break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church, which be not repugnant to the Word of God, and be ordained and approved by common authority, ought to be rebuked openly (that others may fear to do the like) as he that offendeth against the common order of the Church, and hurreth the authority of the Magiftrate, and woundeth the confciences of the weak brethren.

Every particular or national Church hath authority to ordain, change, and abolish ceremonies or rites of the Church, ordained only by man's authority, so that all things be done to edifying.

Tradition and Ceremonies.] If a necessity were laid upon the Church of God, to observe the same Tradition and Ceremonies at all times and Places, then the ceremonies, &c. of the Old Law had remained, and not been abolished; but we find the Apostles themselves gave precedents of altering them as place or conveniency did fuit. Acts vi. 14, 46. Gal. xi. 3. Aas xiii. 14, 17." Rights and Ceremonies are matters indif" ferent in themselves; but when they are established by autho"rity of the Church, they ought to be observed by all, upon "the account of the reverence due to that authority, which is " derived from God; who hath commanded us to obey them, who " have the rule over us, &c.” Heb. xiii, 17. ("He who acts " otherwise, is a Schifmatick.") Archdeacon Welchman. And fuch ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear. For though great is the privilege of the Church and people of God, as touching rights and ceremonies; yet the Church notwithstanding, and every member thereof in his place, is bound by law of confcience to observe all those ceremonies which are lawful, and not repugnant to the word of God, Let all things be done decently and in order, and to the use of edifying. 1 Cor. xiv. 40. And follow after the things that make for peace. Rom. xiv. 19. I Pet. ii. 13.

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* ART. XXXV. Of the Homilies. HE second Book of Homilies, the several titles whereof we have joined under this Article, doth contain a godly and wholsome doctrine, and necessary for these times, as doth the former Book of Homilies, which were set forth in the time of Edward the Sixth; and therefore we judge them to be read in Churches by the Ministers, diligently and distinctly, that they may be understanded of the people.


Of the Names of the Homilies.

F the right Ufe
of the Church,

2 Against Peril of Ido-

3 Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches.

3 Of good works: First, of Fafting.

4 Against Gluttony and Drunkenness.

6 Against Excess of Apparel.

7 Of Prayer.

8 Of the Place and Time of Prayer.

9 That Common Prayer and Sacraments ought to be miniftered in a

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13 Ofthe Paffion of Christ. 14 Of the Refurrection of Chrift.

15 Of the worthy receiveing the Sacrament.

16 Of the Gift of the
Holy Ghoft.

17 Of Rogation Days.
18 Of Matrimony.
19 Of Repentance.
20 Against Idleness.
21 Against Rebellion.

* As touching this Article, it is not whether these Homilies contain found and wholesome Doctrine, but whether they may be read in the open Church.



Second Book of Homilies, &c.] In this article, the doctrine contained in the Books of the Homilies is asserted in oppofition to the Romanists, who have condemned them as heretical; and the reading them in Churches is approved of, in oppofition to the Puritans, who have contended that nothing ought to be publickly read in Churches besides the holy scriptures, which is an error easily to be confuted, witness St. Paul's Epistles; fee Rom. i. 15.-x. 8. See also Whitgift's Defence.

If nothing but the plain scriptures were to be read in Churches, there would be an end at once of all fermon preaching both written and extempore: except a minister expounds as well as preaches, he would very little edify his hearers.

" I cannot but magnify the goodness of God for all good " means to bring us unto Faith, and so unto Salvation; but " especially for the written-labours of holy and learned men, " whose writings in all ages not only have been approved of, " but likewise used and read in the most sacred assemblies. In "the primitive Church were publickly read the Epistles of Cle" mentus Hermes, Calvin's Sermons, the Homilies of the fathers, " and many other godly books, St. Paul preached the gospel " as well by his writings as his speaking; and he encourages "his Son Timothy to do the same." I Tim. iv. 6.-16. The Doctrine contained in the Homilies is not only found, but they greatly confirm the testimonies of the Fathers. Tho. Rogers, Archdeacon Welchman.

ART. XXXVI. Of the Confecration of Bishops and Ministers.


HE Book of Confecration of Archbishops and Bishops, and Ordering of Priefts and Deacons, lately set forth in the time of Edward VI. and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parliament, doth contain all things necessary to fuch Confecration and Ordering; neither hath it any thing that of itself is fuperftitious and un. godly. And therefore whosoever are confecrated

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or ordered according to the rites of that book, fince the second year of the forenamed King Edward, unto this time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same rites, we decree all fuch to be rightly, orderly, and law. fully confecrated and ordered.

Confecration of Bishopt, &c.] Is agreeable to the word of God, and practice of the primitive Church; that there should be Archbishops, Bishops, Presbyters, and such like differences and inequalities of Ecclefiaftical Minifters was begun by, and established in the Apostles days, who themselves were in dignity above the Evangelists, and the 70 disciples (sent out to preach the Gofpel); and held the authority in and over the Churches as the 12 Patriarchs, who also established ecclefiaftical Hierarchy. So we find that James was Bishop of Jerufalem; Peter, of Antioch; John, of the Afiatic Churches; Mark, of Alexandria; Timothy, of Ephesus and all Afia; Titus, of Crete, of Philippi; Ephaphroditus, of Corinth and Achaia; Apollos, of Athens; Dionyfius, of France; and Crefcens, of Britain. Thus in those early and purer times succeeding the Apostles, so approved was the administration of the Church affairs by such kind of men as they ordained.

They ratified the decrees of ecclefiaftical supremacies at the first, by the most famous Council of Nice, says Bafil. And they gloried much that they had received the Apostles doctrine, by fucceffion of Bishops, in the room of the Apostles after their decease; as their goodly monuments, worthy labours and books yet extant, do sufficiently testify, viz. Irenæus was bishop of Lyons; Ignatius was bishop of Antioch; St. Cyprian, of Carthage; Cyrill, of Jerufalem; Athanafius, of Alexandria; Bafil, of CeJarea, of all Thracia, Afia and Pontus; St. Chryfoftome, Hilary, &c. Auguftine, of Hippo; St. Ambrose. All most noble inftruments for the advancement of God's honor and glory in those days. See Beza's Epistle,

The manner of confecrating Bishops, &c. we find described by St. Paul. Whom they fet before the Apostles, and when they bad prayed, they laid their hands on them. See Acts xiii. 3. 1 Tim.

1 Tim. iv. 14. and 2 Tim. i. 6. See Hooker's Eccl. Pol. B. v. Field of the Church, &c. B. v. ch. 56.

ART. XXXVII. Of the Civil Magistrates.

T HE King's Majesty hath the chief power in this Realm of England, and other the dominions, unto whom the chief goverment of all eftates of this realm, whether they be Ecclefiaftical or Civil, in all causes doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be fubject to any foreign jurif diction.

Whereas we attribute to the King's Majesty the chief government, by which title we understand the minds of fome slanderous folks to be offended; We give not to our Prince the ministring either of God's Word, or the Sacraments, the which thing the Injunctions also lately fet forth by Elizabeth our Queen, do most plainly testify: but that only prerogative which we fee to have been given always to all godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God himself, that is, that they should rule all estates and degrees committed to their charge by God, whether they be Ecclefiacal or temporal, and restrain with the civil sword the stubborn and evil-doors.

The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this realm of England.

The laws of the realm may punish Christian men with death, for heinous and grievous offences.


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