soyers, Thomas T EXPLICATION OF THЕ FAITH and DOCTRINE OF THE Church of England: AS ESTABLISHED IN HER THIRTY-NINE ARTICLES and CREEDS. Illustrated and Confirmed, By many Texts of Scripture, with the Testi monies of all the Primitive Fathers, &c. Abstracted from a very Scriptural Commentary, on the 39 Articles, Written by the Rev. THO. ROGERS, B. A. Chaplain to his Grace RICHARD, Abp. of CANTERBURY, in the Reign of K. JAMES I. Alfo many other valuable Notes selected from Archdeacon WELCHMAN, Bishop BEVERIDGE, &C. IN WHICH All the Scripture References are carefully examined and revised, feveral Errors discovered and corrected. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE CHRISTIAN'S MEMORANDUM-BOOK, &c. Hold fast the form of Sound Words, 2 Tim. i. 13. LONDON: Printed by M. LEWIS, in Paternoster-Row, for the EDITOR; M.DCC.LXXVI. [PRICE NINE-PENCE.] ADVERTISEMENT. NOTWITHSTANDING the utmost care has been taken to render this little performance as accurate as poffible, yet a few literal errors, have through the hurry of the Printer, escaped notice, particular in the Preface, by omitting two or three words: These overfights, and being too brief in the abstract from Mr. ROGERS's Notes on some particular Articles, viz. Xth, XIIth, and XVIIth, has excited the remarks of a very fevere Critick, a Gospel Minister, who nevertheless most generously acknowledges that the whole of this performance, appears, says he, "to be drawn 66 up and published, with an exceeding good design: "And that, (notwithstanding its defectiveness) it "contains many valuable passages, and may be not all" together unufeful." * * Several of these literal errors the Editor has corrected with his pen, and others with more accuracy. Also an appendex to fupply the deficientcy above noticed, with fome other additions, will be speedy added, which may be had fingly. ( R THE EDITOR M TO THE EADER. : ANY attempts having been made by men of corrupt minds (particularly Arians, Socinians, &c.) to fubvert and overthrow the found Doctrine of our Church of England, as contained in her Articles and Creeds; it is therefore incumbent upon every true Minister and Member of our Church to use their utmost endeavour, and the ability which God has given them, to oppose, and, if possible, confute the errors of such men, but more especially to strengthen and support the Truth, by the authority of the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit. A Commentary, or Notes on the 39 Articles, with many rare citations, both from God's Word, and the teftimonies of the Primitive Fathers (written by the Rev. Tho. Rogers, Minister of Hornenger, near Bury, Suffolk, and first published by him in the reign of K. James), having fallen into my hands, I have perused it thoroughly and attentively, comparing scripture with icripture, to my own great fatisfaction and comfort: and by the advice and defire of fome spiritual friends, zealous for God's cause and glory, an abstract has been, a (iv) been, with great accuracy, drawn from it; carefully compared with the holy scriptures, and some late commentaries on the 39 Articles: which the Editor humbly hopes will meet with a kind receрtion among the well wishers to our (now sinking) Church, and her most excellent doctrine; in opposition to her numerous and inveterate enemies, who are striving all they can to sap and overthrow it. Indeed much has been faid already on this head, and much more may yet be advanced by men of learning: but my chief design in this undertaking, is, (that it may come at an easy price to common people) to say no more than what is barely fufficient to explain each part of the Articles; and then more fully to prove the doctrine they maintain, by the Word of God, the holy Scripture, together with the authority of the primitive Fathers, &c. (many of whom sealed the truth with their own blood), Chiefly for the use of such as take pleasure in reading and fearching the holy Scriptures, to the edifying of their Souls, and the increase of their Faith in Christ Jesus; a most profitable exercise, in which we are frequently recommended, by an eminent Gospel minister of this City, to invoke the assistance of the holy Spirit, to enlighten and open the eyes of our undestanding, that we may understand the Scripture by the inspiration of Him, who is the best and only interpreter thereof. Mr. Rogers, in his Introduction, has taken notice of the indefatigable labours of fome of our most worthy and learned Archbithops, Bithops, and other bold Champions for God, and the cause of our holy Religion, who spared no pains nor labour to bring about and establish the fame on a strong and ture foundation, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail. Amongst which learned ! : |