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increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes, and I was directed to transmit this information to you, together with the urgent request that you use your best efforts toward the early passage of said bill.

This is a matter of vital interest, not only to the people of the abovementioned districts but to a large number in other sections of southern California as well, and we sincerely hope the project will receive favorable consideration.

Yours, very truly,

F. M. RENFRO, Secretary.

REDLANDS, CALIF., July 14, 1919.

Congressman JOHN E. RAKER,

Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: Attached please find copy of a resolution passed by the Redlands Chamber of Commerce.

We respectfully call your attention to this matter as something vitally important to the State of California especially, and we trust that it will be possible for you to use your utmost influence in seeing that the resolution embodied in House bill 6044 is passed at the earliest possible time.

Yours, very sincerely,

A. E. ISHAM, Secretary.

Resolution adopted by the executive committee of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce and approved by the board of directors July 10, 1919:

Whereas the Imperial Valley is one of the greatest assets of the Nation as a food-producing section and vitally important to the welfare of the Nation;


Whereas millions of dollars have been spent in the Imperial Valley to subdue the desert and bring hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land under cultivation, making this one of the garden spots and wealth-producing sections of the world; and

Whereas through almost infinite work and sacrifice the present achievements have been obtained and over a million and a half acres of fertile soil available for agricultural purposes; and

Whereas this great valley, its irrigation works, its production, its growth, its people, and its safety are vital to the United States: It is hereby

Resolved, That the protection of this valley from flood danger, water shortage and international complication is properly the function of the national Government; and it is further

Resolved, That the Redlands Chamber of Commerce, Redlands, Calif., indorses the passage by the Government of the United States at the earliest possible time of House bill 6044, a bill to assist in increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes; it is also

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to our Representatives in Congress and to county boards of supervisors and to chambers of commerce urging immediate active support of this very necessary measure.

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Attest: This is an exact copy of a resolution passed by the executive committee of the Redlands Chamber of Commerce and approved by the board of directors July 10, 1919.

A. E. ISHAM, Secretary.


SANTA ANA, CALIF., July 10, 1919.

House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

DEAR MR. KETTNER: At at recent meeting of the board of directors of the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce the inclosed self-explanatory resolution was adopted.

Will you kindly give this matter your earnest consideration and very much oblige,

Yours. very truly,


Whereas a bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives of the United States of America by William Kettner, Member of Congress from this district, entitled "A bill to assist in increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes"; and

Whereas the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, by its board of directors, believe that the reclamation of arid lands in the United States will be of inestimable benefit to all the people thereof, and will furnish a large area of land upon which food products can be raised; and

Whereas the lands in the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, in the State of California, are very rich and productive if water is supplied thereto for irrigation purposes: Now, therefore, the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, at its regular meeting held on the 2d day of July, 1919, does hereby

Resolve, That it gives its hearty approval to said bill and strongly urges and recommends its passage; be it further

Resolved, That while this land is not adjacent to Santa Ana and is not located in Orange County, in which Santa Ana is situated, yet we believe that it will be for the general good to have said land reclaimed by supplying thereto water for irrigation purposes. We know from experience and observation that when desert land such as this is reclaimed as proposed by this bill, progressive and thriving communities soon grow up in such districts and the land becomes intensively cultivated; be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to Hon. William Kettner, at the House of Representatives, Washington City, D. C., and that the secretary of this chamber furnish copies to any other persons or publications that he deems best for the purpose of disseminating the same.



Monrovia, Calif., July 3, 1919.

House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: This organization takes pleasure in giving its indorsement to your efforts to secure an all-American canal to supply the Imperial Valley. Our observation is that scarcely any proposed legislation is so universally indorsedoutside of the location it directly benefits as is this bill.



Washington, D. C.

C. H. ANSON, Secretary.

COVINA, CALIF., July 3, 1919.

DEAR SIR: The Covina Chamber of Commerce heartily indorse the bill introduced by Mr. Kettner, to assist in increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes, and urge that you give it your support.

Very respectfully, yours,

H. DAMEREL, President.


Washington, D. C.

Riverside, Calif., July 18, 1919.

MY DEAR MR. KETTNER: The inclosed resolution was unanimously adopted at the regular meeting of the directors of the Riverside Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday evening, July 16, 1919. This resolution, as you will observe, is an amplification of a telegram sent you on Monday, July 14. The matter dealt with is one of utmost interest to all this southwest region, and no doubt you will agree in that interest, and will do whatever you can to see that this bill becomes a law.

Yours, truly,

Managing Secretary.

Whereas a bill (H. R. 6044) entitled "A bill to assist in increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes," was introduced in the House of Representatives (66th Cong., 1st sess.) June 17, 1919; and

Whereas the agricultural development of the Imperial Valley and Coachella Valley demonstrated that wealth and food production of great national importance depends upon the irrigation of the farm lands; and

Whereas thousands of acres of good land await a more comprehensive irrigation system, beyond the financial ability of the settlers; and

Whereas it is desirable to build an irrigation system wholly within the United States and to cease dependence upon a system passing through Mexico for several miles; and

Whereas great improvement in headgate and intake conditions is assured by the proposed "all-American canal," as set forth in House bill 6044: Therefore, be it

Resolved, That the board of directors of the Riverside Chamber of Commerce indorse the plan as set forth in House bill 6044, and urge the passage of the bill.

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DEAR SIR: I beg to call your attention to House bill 6044, now pending in the Legislature, with which you are doubtless familiar.

This bill is well styled "All-American," since that great valley produces so great a variety of fruits and vegetables for the entire country at a time of year when few of such commodities are produced elsewhere in the United States, and the fact of the success of this project will reclaim 400,000 acres of productive land is sufficient argument for the completion of this great canal.

I speak not only for this community but for this whole southland when I say that your best efforts toward the success of this undertaking will be greatly appreciated.

Very truly,

F. B. HOLDER, Secretary.


San Diego, Calif., July 23, 1919.

San Diego, Calif.

DEAR SIR: I am inclosing herewith a copy of a resolution adopted by the board of supervisors dated July 21, indorsing your bill No. 6044. in regard to increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, etc.

Respectfully, yours,

J. B. MCLEES, Clerk. By B. ALLEN, Deputy.

In the matter of indorsing a bill presented in the House of Representatives No. 6044.

Upon motion duly seconded and carried it is hereby resolved that this board does indorse and urge the passage of a bill introduced by Congressman William Kettner in the House of Representatives June 17, 1919, No. 6044, to assist in increasing the productive agricultural area of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, Calif., and for other purposes, and it is hereby ordered that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Hon. William Kettner and to the directors of the Imperial Valley irrigation district, El Centro, Calif.


Resolved, That this board of directors of the Imperial irrigation district approve and do by this resolution most heartily indorse that certain bill H. R. 6044 introduced in the House of Representatives by the Hon William Kettner on the 17th day of June, 1919. The passage of said bill would enable the financing of the construction of an all-American canal to convey water from the Colorado River for agricultural, domestic, and industrial purposes to 900,000 acres of land, all in the United States of America, dependent entirely on a supply of water from said source. Of this area there is now in cultivation 412,000 acres in the United States obtaining a supply of water taken from the Colorado River in the United States and conveyed thence through the Republic of Mexico and back into the Imperial Valley, Calif., the control of said water while in transit being entirely subject to the control of a foreign country. The foreign territory through which said canal passes when developed by diverting this water while in transit if said line of conveyance is continued will consume so great a portion of the water diverted from the Colorado River in the United States that there will be left insufficient water for the irrigation of the 412,000 acres now in cultivation in the United States. The canal now contemplated by the contract between the Secretary of the Interior acting for and on behalf of the United States of America and the Imperial irrigation district under date of October 23, 1918, to be financed under said bill H. R. 6044 is a canal which from its diversion to its ultimate destination on the lands of American farmers will be entirely on American soil and can be administered under American laws with the result that said 412,000 acres of land will continue to have a supply of water and the entire 900,000 acres, of which approximately 400,000 acres in unreclaimed Government land, can ultimately be placed under cultivation. Be it further

Resolved, That the secretary of this district send a certified copy of this resolution to the heads of departments interested in said project and to the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives with the view of obtaining the support of each and all of them for the passage of said bill.

As secretary of the board of directors of Imperial irrigation district, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said board and appearing on the minutes of July 8, 1919. F. H. McIVER, Secretary.


Whereas Imperial Water Co. No. 5 is a mutual water company furnishing water for the irrigation of 103,000 acres of land within the exterior boundaries of the Imperial irrigation district, and is dependent entirely for its supply of water from the Colorado River, at the present time carried from the Colorado River in the United States, thence conveyed through the Republic of Mexico; thence back into the United States and delivered to land dependent entirely on said supply of water, delivered by Imperial Water Co. No. 5, and other mutual water companies in the United States; and Whereas while in transit in Mexico the waters are being appropriated for use of lands in Mexico to such an extent that the lands in the United States will soon be deprived of the present supply of waters needed, and the present irrigated land and new land subject to irrigation will be deprived of a water supply; and

Whereas to prevent such an occurrence and to enable the development of 400,000 additional acres of United States Government land, a contract has been

entered into by and between the honorable Secretary of the Interior, acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, and the Imperial irrigation district for the construction of an all-American canal, entirely on American soil and under the control of the laws of the State of California; and Whereas the Hon. William Kettner has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives when passed will enable the Imperial irrigation district to finance the said building of said all-American canal, under the terms of said contract: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That this board of directors of Imperial Water Co. No. 5, indorse said bill H. R. 6044, and most heartily urge its passage; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution, certified by the secretary of this company, be sent the heads of departments at Washington and the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.

As secretary of Imperial Water Co. No. 5, I hereby certify that the following is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the board of directors of Imperial Water Co. No. 5, and appearing on the minutes of meeting of July 9, 1919. E. G. WILLIAMS, Secretary.


Whereas in the opinion of the board of trustees of the city of El Centro, Calif., the financing of the construction of an all-American canal to convey water from the Colorado River to the lands embraced in Imperial irrigation district in the county of Imperial, State of California, for agricultural, domestic, and industrial purposes, as provided by bill numbered H. R. 6044, introduced in the House of Representatives by the Hon. William Kettner on the 17th day of June, 1919, is for the best interests of the city of El Centro, and of the whole county of Imperial: Now, therefore, it is hereby

Resolved, That said board of trustees most heartily approve and indorse said bill and urge the passage of the same: Be it further

Resolved, That certified copies of this resolution be furnished to the heads of departments interested in the project provided for by said bill, and to the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.

I, W. E. Van Way, city clerk of the city of El Centro, Calif., hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by unanimous vote of the board of trustees of said city, at a meeting of said board held on the 14th day of July, 1919.

Witness my hand and the seal of said city this 14th day of July, 1919.
W. E. VAN WAY, City Clerk.


Whereas Imperial Water Co. No. 2 is a mutual water company furnishing water for the irrigation of 7,000 acres of land within the exterior boundaries of the Imperial irrigation district, and is dependent entirely for its supply of water from the Colorado River, at the present time carried from the Colorado River in the United States, thence conveyed through the Republic of Mexico; thence back into the United States and delivered to land dependent entirely on said supply of water, delivered by Imperial Water Co. No. 2 and other mutual water companies in the United States; and Whereas while in transit in Mexico the waters are being appropriated for use of lands in Mexico to such an extent that the lands in the United States will soon be deprived of the present supply of waters needed, and the present irrigated land and new land subject to irrigation will be deprived of a water supply; and

Whereas to prevent such an occurrence and to enable the development of 400,000 additional acres of United States Government land, a contract has been entered into by and between the honorable Secretary of the Interior, acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, and the Imperial irrigation district for the construction of an all-American canal, entirely on American soil and under the control of the laws of the State of California; and

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