페이지 이미지

Officers, provisions relating to, 59, 63, 64, 92, 107, 227, 228; not allowed to accept
foreign patronage, 62, 63, 92, 227; the President, 65, 92, 260–281; impeachment of,
57, 58, 66, 92, 93, 228; Federal, to be commissioned by the President, 66, 103, 281.
Original and appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, 67, 105, 291–295.


Pardons, the President has the power of granting, except in cases of impeachment,
65, 102, 274; definition of, 274.

Patent rights, 61, 85, 178, 180; method of procuring, 180.

Penalties, either house of Congress may inflict, 68, 83, 151, 152.

Pennsylvania, settled, 13; original government of, 15; ratifies the Constitution,


People, Constitution framed by the, 55, 78, 109; right of to peaceably assemble, and
petition for a redress of grievances, 70, 91, 222, 224.

Personal rights as to domicile, 71, 97, 249, 250; as to security of person, house,
papers, and effects, 71, 97, 249, 250; judicial, 71, 98, 250-252; as to criminal trials,
71, 72, 98, 252-254; as to civil actions, right of trial by jury, 72, 99, 256, 257; as to
charges of treason, 67, 68, 99, 257-259; as to arrest, freedom of speech and debate,
59, 99, 259, 260.

Piracies, power of Congress to define and punish, 61, 85, 173–175; definition of, by
common law, 173, 174.

Philadelphia, Constitutional Convention met at, 27.

Pierce, Franklin, President of the United States, 298.

Polk, James K., President of the United States, 298.

Population, progress of in the United States, 126.

Postmasters, appointment of, 176.

Post-Offices and post-roads, 61, 85, 175–178.

Preamble to the Constitution, 55, 78, 109; exposition of the, 109-114.

Presents to persons in office forbidden, 62, 63, 92, 227.

President of the Senate, Vice-President of the United States, 57, 81, 137, 139–141.
President of the Senate pro tempore, not Vice-President of the United States,


President of the United States, impeachment and trial of, 66, 101, 271; cannot
pardon in cases of impeachment, 65, 102, 274; power of to approve and negative
bills, 59, 60, 88, 89, 207, 209-211; commander-in-chief of the army and navy, 65, 102,
272, 273; his power to call out the militia, 187, 273; tenure of office of the, 63, 99,
261, 262; mode of electing the, 72, 73, 100, 101, 263-267; qualifications for, 64,
100, 262, 263; provision for vacancy of the office of the, 65, 87, 201; compensation
of the, 65, 101, 272; oath taken by the, 65, 101, 271; powers of the, 65, 66, 102,
103, 272; may require the opinion of the heads of the Departments, 65, 102, 273;
power of, to grant reprieves and pardons, 65, 102, 274; to make treaties, 65, 102,
274, 275; power of, to make appointments to office, 65, 66, 102, 275–277; to give
information to Congress, 66, 102, 278, 279; to convene and adjourn Congress, 66,
102, 103, 279; to receive ambassadors and other public ministers, 66, 103, 279, 280;
shall see that the laws are faithfully executed, 66, 103, 280, 281; shall commission
all officers of the United States, 66, 103, 281; may be re-elected, 263.
Presidents of the United States, table of, 295; of the Senate pro tempore, list or


Press, liberty of the, 70, 91, 223.

Private property, on taking for public use, 71, 98, 252.
Privilege from arrest, 59, 99, 259, 260.

Privileges of citizens, 68, 93, 106, 230.

Prohibitions, habeas corpus, 62, 90, 211-213; with regard to taxes, 62, 90, 213;
respecting export duties, 62, 90, 213, 214; inter-State commerce, 62, 90, 214; public
money, 61, 62, 90, 214, 215; titles of nobility, 62, 90, 215, 216; penalties, 62, 68, 90,
91, 216, 217; foreign slave-trade, 62, 69, 91, 217-221, 246-248; repudiation, 69, 70,
91, 107, 108, 21, 222; civil freedom, 70, 91, 222, 223; religious freedom, 70, 91, 222,
224, 225.

Proprietary governments, 14, 15.

Provincial governments, 14, 15.

Public lands, 160-163; concessions of, by several States, 196.

Qualifications for electors of representatives, 56, 79, 123, 124; for representa
tives, 56, 79, 119, 120; for senators, 57, 80, 130-132; for President and Vice-Presi
dent, 64, 100, 103, 262, 281.

Quartering soldiers in private houses forbidden, 71, 97, 249.

uorum, in either house of Congress, 58, 83, 149; in the House of Representatives,
to elect a President, 73, 101, 267, 268; to elect a Vice-President by the Senate, 73.
103, 282.


Ratification of the Constitution by all the States, 31.

Receipts of public money, account of, to be published, 62, 90, 214, 215.
Religion, freedom of, 70, 91, 222, 224, 225.

Religious establishments forbidden, 70, 91, 222, 224.
Religious tests for office, prohibited, 70, 91, 224, 225.
Representation, ratio of, in the House of Representatives, 56, 78, 114-116, 229.
Representatives, House of, in Congress, 55; proportion, 56, 78, 114-116; appor
tionment of, 56, 79, 106, 107, 116-119; eligibility to membership of, 56, 79, 119-121;
term of, 56, 79, 121, 122; by whom elected, 56, 79, 123, 124; qualifications of elect-
ors of, 56, 79, 123, 124; vacancies in, how filled, 56, 80, 124; powers of House of,
55, 56, 59, 80, 126-129; apportionment of, in 1860, 229.

Reprisal, letters of marque and, 61, 85, 183.

Reprieves and pardons by the President, 65, 102; definition of, 274.

Republican form of government guaranteed to the States, 69, 94, 232, 233.

Resources, national, 84, 157.

Rhode Island settled, 13; its original form of government, 16; ratifies the Con-
stitution, 31.

Rules, each house of Congress may determine its own, 58, 83, 151; Congress may
make, concerning captures, 61, 85, 181, 184; Congress may make, for the govern.
ment of the land and naval forces, 61, 85, 181, 186.

Salary, of members of Congress, 59, 84, 154-156; of the Federal judges, 67, 105, 289:
of members of the cabinet, 312; of the President of the United States, 65, 101, 272.

Seat of Government, power of Congress over, 61, 86, 192, 193; places where i
has been located, 194.

Second trial forbidden, 251.

Senate, United-States, how composed, 57, 80, 129, 130; eligibility to membership
of, 57, 59, 80, 130-132; vacancies in the, how filled, 57, 81, 136, 137; presiding offi-
cer of, 57, 81, 137-141; powers of the, 55, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 73, 81, 82, 141-147; Pres-
ident pro tempore of, not Vice-President of the United States, 139–141.
Senators, how chosen, 57, 81, 133; mode of choosing, 134; their term of service, 57,
80, 132, 133; how classed, 57, 81, 135, 136; qualifications of, 57, 59, 80, 130–132.
Settlement of the North-American Colonies, 13.

Shays, Daniel, leader of insurrection in Massachusetts, 26.

Ships of war, not to be kept by States in time of peace, 63, 96, 244, 245.

Slavery, its abolition, 74, 97, 203, 204; prohibited in North-west Territory, 248.
Slave-trade, foreign, not to be prohibited by Congress prior to 1808, 62, 74, 91,
204; brief history of, 217-221.

South Carolina settled, 13; original government of, 15; ratifies the Constitution,
31; concession of territory by, 196.

Speakers of the House of Representatives, 312.

Standard of weights and measures, power of Congress to fix the, 60, 85, 170.
States, ratification of the Constitution by the, 31; voting by, under the Confedera-
tion, 20, 47; apportionment of direct taxes among the, 56, 84, 90, 157; apportion-
ment of representatives among the, 56, 79, 106, 116-119; not to engage in war, 63,
96, 244; rights of, as to citizenship, 68, 93, 106, 230; the faith and credit to be given
to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of, 68, 93, 230; admission of
new, into the Union, 68, 62, 23, 195-197; the return of fugitive criminals by the, 68,
94, 233, 234; the return of fugitive slaves by, 68, 94, 234; prohibitions as to trea-
ties, alliances, and confederations, 63, 96, 240, 241; prohibitions as to war-powers,
63, 96, 244; as to commercial powers, 63, 96, 241-244; as to penalties, 63, 96, 216,
217; as to granting titles of nobility, 63, 90, 96, 215, 216; voting by, in the choice
of President, 73, 101, 267, 268; privileges and immunities of citizens of, 68, 93, 106,
230; guaranty of a republican form of government to the, 69, 94, 232, 233; power
of Congress over the elections of, 58, 86, 197, 198.

State Prohibitions, as to State relations, 63, 96, 240, 241; relating to commerce,
63, 96, 241-243; as to war-powers, 63, 96, 244, 245; as to penalties, 63, 96, 245; as to
granting titles of nobility, 63, 96, 245; as to exacting duties of tonnage, 63, 97, 245,
246; as to slavery, 74, 97, 246-248.

State Subordination, origin of, 69, 70, 95, 96, 236–238.

Supreme Court, judicial power vested in, 66, 67, 104, 284.


Taxation, Great Britain claimed the right of, over the Colonies, 17.

Taxes, definition of, 157; Congress had no power to lay and collect, under the Con-
federation, 22; apportionment of direct, 56, 90, 157; power of Congress to lay and
collect, 60, 84, 157; on imported slaves, 62, 88, 203 298.

Taylor, Zachary, President of the United States, 298; died while President, 139.
Tender, in payment of debts, 63, 96, 241, 243, 244.

Tenure of office of representatives, 56, 79, 121, 122; of senators, 57, 80, 132, 133; of
the Federal judges, 67, 104, 289; of the President of the United States, 63, 99, 261.
Term, representative, 56, 79, 121, 122; senatorial, 57, 80, 132, 133; Presidential, 63,
99, 261.

Territory, power of Congress to govern, 69, 86, 192; acquisition of, 195, 196;
power of Congress to dispose of, 69, 86, 160–163; each organized to have one rep
resentative, 116.

Tests, religious, forbidden as qualifications for office, 70, 91, 222, 224.

Title to the soil of America claimed by the Indians, 13.

Titles to land, origin of, in this country, 13.

Titles of nobility forbidden, 62, 63, 90, 96, 215, 216, 245.

Tompkins, Daniel D., twice Vice-President of the United States, 297.

Tranquillity, domestic, provisions to insure, 55, 78, 111, 112.

Treason, Congress to declare the punishment of, 68, 85, 175; definition of, 67, 99

257, 258; conviction of, 67, 99, 257, 258.

Treasury, drawing money from, 62, 90, 214, 215.

Treaties, under the Confederation, 49; States forbidden to enter into, 63, 96, 240,
241; power of President and Senate respecting, 65, 82, 141-144, 274, 275; definition
of, 143.

Trial, of impeachment, 57, 58, 82, 145-147; by jury, 71, 98, 256, 257; places for hold-
ing, 71, 86, 98, 188, 189; prohibition of second, 71, 98, 250, 251.

Troops, not to be kept in time of peace, by the States, 63, 96, 244; quartering in time
of peace, in houses, forbidden, 71, 97, 244, 245.

Tyler, John, Vice-President of the United States, 298; succeeds to the Presidency
of the United States on the death of President Harrison, 139; becomes Presi
dent, 298.


Unity of the Colonies, 18; of the Executive, 261.

Uniformity of duties, imposts, and excises, 60, 84, 157, 158.

Union of the States to be perpetual under the Confederation, 18, 45, 54; admissio
of New States into the, 68, 86, 192, 195–197.

Vacancy in House of Representatives. how supplied, 56, 80, 124; in the Senate
57, 81, 136, 137; of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States, 65
87, 201; appointments by the President, to fill, during the recess of the Senate
66, 102, 277, 278.

Van Buren, Martin, Vice-President of the United States, 297; President of the
United States, 298.

Veto, definition of, 209; the President's limited, 209; the sovereign's of Great Bri
tain absolute, 209; restraint upon it by Congress, 59, 60, 89, 207, 209, 210; Dr.
Franklin's views respecting, 210.

Vice-President, qualifications of, 73, 103, 281; how elected, 73, 103, 282; official
oath of, 70, 103; official term of, 63, 104, 283; powers and duties of, 57, 65, 73,
104, 283, 284; vacation of the senatorial chair by the, 139.

Vice-Presidents, list of, 296.

Virginia, settled, 13; original form of government of, 15; takes the lead in form-
ing the Constitution, 23, 25; ratifies the Constitution, 31; concession of publie
lands by, 196.

Vote, each senator has one, 57, 81, 137.


War, power of Congress to declare, 61, 85, 181.

Warrants for search and seizure, 71, 97, 249, 250.

Washington, George, appointed delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 25;

is unanimously chosen president of that convention, 28; is chosen unanimously
first President of the United States, 30; serves two terms, 296.

Weights and measures, power of Congress to fix the standard of, 60, 85, 171.
Welfare, general, provisions for promoting the, 55, 78, 112, 113.

West Virginia, when erected into a State, 231; when admitted into the Union,
197, 231.

Whitney, Eli, invents the cotton-gin, 205.

Witnesses, persous accused not bound to be, against themselves, 71, 98, 254;
accused to have compulsory process for obtaining, 71, 98, 254; party accused to
be confronted by, 71, 98, 254; two necessary to conviction of treason, 67, 68, 99,
254, 257, 258.


Yeas and Nays, shall be taken on demand of one-fifth of the members of either
house of Congress, 58, 83, 150; mode and object of taking the, 150.


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