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436. STYLE, &c. To accomplish your ob- | ject, study the true meaning and character of the subject, so as to express the whole, in such a way as to be perfectly understood and felt thus, you will transport your hearers to the scene you describe, and your earnestness raise them on the tiptoe of expectation, and your just arguments sweep everything

Maxims. 1. Revenge, however sweet, is dearly bought. 2. Life is half spent, before we know what it is to live. 3. The world is a workshop, and the teise only know how to use its tools 4. A man is valued, as he makes himself valuable. 5. Heaven is not to be had, merely by wishing for it. 6. As often as we do good, we sacrifice. 7. Be careful to keep your word, even in the most trifling matter. 8. Hearts may agree, tho' heads may dif fer. 9. Honest men are easily bound; but you can never bind a knave. 10. Experience keeps a dear school; but fools will learn in no other.

Anecdote. Curious Patriotism. Some years ago, one of the convicts at Botany Bay, wrote a FARCE, which was acted with much applause in some of the theatres. Barring ton, the notorious pick-pocket, wrote the prologue; which ended with these lines:

before them like a MOUNTAIN torrent: to excile, to agitate, and delight, are among the most powerful arts of persuasion: but the impressions must be enforced on the mind by a command of all the sensibilities and sympathies of the soul. That your course may be ever upward and onward, remember, none but a GOOD man can be a perfect orator; uncorrupted and incorruptible integrity is one of the most powerful engines of persuasion. Truc patriots we; for, be it understood, 437. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. 1. Is any We left our country-for our country's good. government-as important as the principles Ignorance-Willfulness. The ignor it should protect and extend? 2. Should we ant-oppose without discrimination. Harremain passive, when our country, or politi-vey, for asserting the circulation of the blood, cal rights are invaded? 3. Are banks beneficial! 4. Have the crusaders been the cause of more evil than good? 5. Was the war waged against the Seminoles of Florida, just? 6. Which is the more important acquisition, wealth, or knowledge? 7. Is there any neutral ground between good and evil, truth and falsehood? 8. Which should we fear most, the commission of a crime, or the fear of punishment? 9. By binding the understanding, and forcing the judgment, can we mend the heart? 10. When proud people meet together, are they not always unhappy? 11. Is not common sense a very rare and valuable article? 12. What is the use of a body, with out a soul?

438. MANNER AND MATTER. The secret of success in Music, as well as in Elocution, is, to adapt the manner perfectly to the matter: if the subject be simple, such must be the manner: if it be gay and lively, or solemn and dignified, such, or such must be the manner in addition to which, the performer must forget himself, or rather lose himself in the subject, body and soul, and show his regard to his audience, by devoting himself to the subject: and hence he must never try to show himself off: but hide behind the thought and feeling, and depend upon them to produce the effect: if there is any affectation, the hold on the heart is in that proportion relinquished. Oh, when shall we take our appropriate place and regard USE as the grand object!

But suure-to foreign climes—we need not range,
Nor search the ancient records of our race,
To learn-the dire effect of time-and change,
Which, in ourselves, alas! we daily trace;
Yet, at the darkened eye, the withered face,
Or heary hair--1 never will repine;

But spare, O Time! whate'er of mental grace,
Of candor, love, or rympathy divine;

❤hats'er of fancy's ray, or friendship's flame is mine.


was styled a vagabond, a quack; and persecuted, through life, by the medical profession. In the time of Francis I., Ambrose Pare-introduced the ligament, to staunch the blood of an amputated limb, instead of boiling hot pitch, in which the bleeding stump had formerly been dipped; and he was persecuted, with the most relentless rancour, by the Faculty, who ridiculed the idea-of risking a man's life upon a thread, when boiling pitch had stood the test for centuries. Medicines have been proscribed as poison, and then prescribed in great quantities; the proscriptions and prescriptions being both adopted with equal ignorance and credulity. There is no hope for man, but a thorough and correct education in the school of truth and goodness.

Varieties. 1. Does the nature of things depend on the matter, of which they are formed; or on the laws of constitution, by which matter is arranged? 2. Is not regetable matter formed from oxygen and hydrogen; and animal matter from these two and carbon? But what are their constituent parts? Were their essences created, or are they eternal? 3. What large portions of the world there are of which we know compara. tively nothing! and although we are familiar with our bodies, externally, yet how little of their internals do even the best physiologists know? 4. How much is really known of the nature of mind? and yet there is presumption enough in some, to decide at once, upon all the phenomena of the mind, and prescribe its limits. 5. Thus, man clothes himself with his fanciful knowledge, and plays such insane tricks before the world, as make the angels weep.

The fisher-is out on the sunny sea,

And the reindeer-bounds o'er the pasture free;
And the pine-has a fringe of a softer green,

And the mors-looks bright, where my foot hath been

what never dies,—mutual love. 7. If you will not hear reason, she will rap you over your knuria les. 8. Open rebuke is better than secret love. 9. Good counsel is thrown away on the arrogant and self-conceited. 10. He, who resolves to amend has God, and all good beings on his side.

439. EFFECTIVE STYLE. The more your Maxims. 1. Happiness is the shadow of reading and speaking partake of the freedom contentment, and rests, or moves forever with its 2. A drop of wisdom is worth a tun of and ease of common discourse, (provided original you sustain the object and life of the compo- riches. 3. Whatever does not stand with credis, sition) the more just, natural, and effective will not stand long. 4. Business must be attend ed to, at the expense of every thing else of less imwill be your style of delivery: hence the necessity of studying nature, of avoiding all portance. 5. Our states of mind differ as much as our spirits and temper. 6. Death-cannot kill affectation, and of never attempting that in public, which is beyond your ability. Some mar, or spoil what they are going to say, by making so much ado over it, thinking they must do some great thing; when it isal most as simple as-wash and be clean: whatever is not natural is not agreeable or persuasive. 440. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. 1. Were any beings ever created angels? 2. Is it right ever to do wrong? 3. Why was a revelation necessary? 4. May we not protect our person and character from assault? 5. Does civilization increase happiness? Which excites more curiosity, the works of nature, or the works of art? 7. Ought a witness to be questioned with regard to his religious opinions, or belief? 8. Was the general bankrupt law a benefit to the country? 9. Why are we disposed to laugh, even when our best friend falls down? 10. Which is the greatest, faith, hope, or charity? 11. Should controversy interrupt our friendship and esteem for each other? 12. Have christians any right to persecute each other for their opinions?


Anecdote. Vanity Reprored. "I am very thankful, that my mouth has been opened to preach without any learning," said an illiterate preacher, in speaking against educating ministers, to preach the gospel. A gentleman present replied, “Sir, a similar event took place in Baalum's time."

Education should give us command of every faculty of body, and mind-call out all our powers of observation and reflection, change the creatures of impulse, prejudice and passion, to thinking, reasoning, and lov ing beings; lead to objects of pursuits, and habits of conduct, favorable to the happiness of every individual, and to the whole world, and multiply all the means of enjoyment, and diminish every temptation to vice and sensuality; and true education will do all this.

Varieties. 1. What is moral virtue? 2.

The greatest danger to public liberty, is from vice and idleness. 3. He, that showeth merCy, shall receive mercy. 4. Never attempt anything more, than there is a prospect of accomplishing. 5. Should not beasts-as

441. It is much to be regretted, that our tachers are so illy qualified to instruct their pupils even in the first rudiments of reading: and they are all so much inclined to fall into bad habits, and the imitation of faulty speak ers, that it requires constant watchfulness to well as men, be treated with kindness? 6. keep clear of the influences of a wrong bias, Rational liberty- diametrically opposed and false, and merely arbitrary rules. We never can succeed in this important art, until to the wildness of anarchy. 7. We should we take elementary instruction out of the never ascribe bad motives, when we can suphands of ignoramuses, and insist upon hav-pose good ones. 8. Nothing is more preju ing persons fully competent to take charge of the cause. Away then with the idea, that any one can teach reading and speaking, merely because he can call the letters, and speak the words so as to be understood.

Operating Circumstances. We are too apt, in estimating a law, passed at a remote period, to combine in our consideration, all the subsequent events, which have had an influence upon it; instead of conforming ourselves, as we ought, to the circumstances, existing at the time of its passage.

So live, that, when thy summons comes to join
The innumeral le caravan, that moves

To the pale realms of shade, where each shall take
His chamber-in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave, at night,
Scourged to his dungeon; but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
Like oue, who wraps the drapery of his couch
About Lam, and lies down-to plasant dreams.

dicial-to the great interests of a nation,
than uncertain and varying policy. 9. Is
it lawful-to contend with others, on any oc
casion? 10. Prefer the evident interests of
the community, to the suggestions of the
pride of consistency. 10. Cleanliness-is
next to godliness.

Why have those banished and forbidden legs
Dared once to touch a dust of England's ground>
But more than why-Why have they dared to march
So many miles upon her peaceful bosom;
Frightening her pale-faced villagers with war,
And ostentation of despised arms?

Comest thou because the anointed king is hence?
Why, foolish boy, the king is left behind,
And in my loyal bosom lies his power.
Were I but now the lord of such hot youth
As when brave Gaunt, thy father, and myself,
Resezed the Black Prince, that young Mars of men,
From forth the racks of many thousand French;
Oh, then, how quickly should this arm of mine,
Now prisoner to the palsy, chastise thee,
And minister correction to thy fault!

learned every time a book is opened. 3. A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of the child. 4. The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man-perfected, without adversity. 5

ger. 6. When thought is agitated, truth rises. 7. A child requires books, as much as the merchant does goods. 8. Learn by the vices of others, how detestable your own are. 9. Judge not of men or things, at first sight. 10. Reprove thy friend pri cately, and commend him publicly.

442. ELOQUENCE. What were all the Maxims. 1. Old age and faded flowers, no attributes of man, his personal accomplish-remedies can revive. 2. Something should be ments, and his boasted reason, without the faculty of SPEECH? To excel in its use is the highest of human arts. It enables man to govern whole nations, and to enchant, while he governs. The aristocracy of Elo-The full stomach cannot realize the evils of hunquence is supreme, and, in a free country, can never be subdued. It is the pride of pace, and the glory of war: it rides upon the zephyr's wings, or thunders in the storm. but there is in eloquence, in painting, the life of the canvas, which breathes, moves, speaks, and is full of action: so is there in the dance, the poetry and music of motion, attorneys overtaking a wagoner, with two Anecdote. Sharp Reply. Two country the eloquence of action; whose power consists in the wonderful adaptation of the gra- his expense, asked him, "How it happened, span of horses, and, thinking to be witty at ces of the body to the harmonies of mind. that his forward horses were so fat, and the There is eloquence in every object of taste, both in art and nature; in sculpture, garing them, answered, "That his fore span rear ones so lean?" The wagoner, knowdening, architecture, poetry and music; all of which come within the scope and plan of the orator, that he may comprehend that intellectual relation, that secret clause in the liberal professions, which, connecting one with another, combines the influence of all. Virtue, alone, ennobles human kind,

were lawyers, and the other-clients."

Selfishness-seems to be the complex of all vices. The love of self, when predominant, excludes all goodness, and perverts all truth. It is the great enemy of individuals, societies, and communities. It is the cause of all irritation, the source of all evil. Peo

And power-should on her glorious footsteps wait.ple, who are always thinking of themselves, Wisdom-finds tongues-in trees; books-in runang streams; sermons-in stones, and GOOD-in verything.

You pride you-on your golden hue;


Know-the poor glow-worn-hath its brightness
When men of judgment-feel, and creep their way,
The positive-pronounce-without delay.

Tis good, and lovely, to be kind;
But charity-should not be blind.

A little learning-is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep-or taste not the Pierian spring:
There, shallow draughts-intoxicate the brain,
But, drinking largely, sobers us again.
An me! the laureled wreath, that murder wears,
Blood-nursed and watered with the widow's tears,
Seems not so foul,-so tainted,-and so dead,
As waves the night-shade round the sceptic's bed.
443. MUSIC-is the oral language of the
afections; as words are the natural language
of the thoughts. The notes of a tune are
analogous to letters; the measures-to words;
the strains-to sentences; and the tune, or
musical piece, to a discourse, oration, or po-
em. As there is a great variety of affections,
and states of affection in the human mind,
so there is a great variety of tunes, through
the medium of which these affections, and
states of affection are manifested. There
are three grand divisions of music, which,
for the sake of distinction, may be denomin.
ated the upper, or that which relates to the
Supreme Being; the middle, or that relating
to created, rational beings, or social music;
and the lower, or what appertains to that
part of creation below man-called descrip-

tere music.

Ambition-is like lore,-impatient-
Both of delays, and rivals.

have no time to be concerned about others; their own pleasure or profit, is the pivot, on which everything turns. They cannot even conceive of disinterestedness, and will laugh to scorn all, who appear to love others, as well as themselves. Selfishness-is the very essence of the first original sin, and it must be corrected, or we are lost.

Varieties. 1. The wind, the falling of water, humming of bees, a sweet voice reading monotonously, tend to produce sleep; this is not so much the case with musical tones. 2. The trilling and quivering of the voice, which please so much, correspond to the glittering of light: as the moonbeams playing on the waves. 3. Falling from a discord to a concord, which produces so much sweetness in music, correspond to the affections, when brought out of a state of dislike; and also with the taste; which is soon cloyed with what is sweet alone. 4. Music has great effect on mind and body, making us warlike or the reverse, soft and effeminate, grave and light, gentle, kind and pitiful, &c., according to its nature, and perform ance, the reason is, because hearing is more closely associated with feeling or spirits, than the other senses. Observe the effect of Yankee Doodle, God save the King, Marseilles Hymn, &c. 5. When music speaks to the affection, affection obeys; as when a ture speaks, nature replies.

Let gratitude-in acts of goodness flow;
Our love to God, in love to man below.
Be this our joy-to calm the troul led breast,
Support the weak, and succor the distress'd ·
Direct the wand'rer, dry the widow's tear;
The orphan guard, the sinking spirit cheer:
Tho' small our power to act, tho' small our skill,
God-sees the heart; he judges-by the

5. A man

of falsehood. 2. Pay as you go, and keep from small scores. 3. He, that has his heart in his learning, will soon have his learning in his heart 4. The empty stomach has no ears. may talk like a wise man, and yet act like a fool. 6. Rather improve by the errors of others, than find fault with them. 7. The devil turus his back, when he finds the door shut against him. with abundance. 9. The value of things, is never 8. Better be upright, with poverty, than depraved so strongly realized, as when we are deprived of them. 10. None are so deaf as those who will not hear.

444. There are also three great divisions] Maxims. 1. Want of punctuality is a species in POETRY, which is closely allied to music; and both of them originate in the WILL, or affections: and hence, the words of the psalm, hymn, poem, and the music in which they are sung, chanted, or played, constitute the forms, or mediums, through which the affections and sentiments are bodied forth. Is not genuine music from heaven? and does it not lead there if not perverted? May not the same be said of poetry? Woe betide the person, that converts them into occasions of evil! How blind is pride; what eagles are we still In matters that belong to other men ; What beetles-in our own.

Who fights With passions, and overcomes them, is endued With the best virtue.

Nature-to each-allots his proper sphere;
But-that forsaken, we like comets are; [broke,
Tossed thro' the void; by some rude shock we're
And all our boasted fire-is lost in smoke.
Thick waters-show no images of things;
Friends-are each others' mirrors, and should be
Clearer than crystal, or the mountain springs,
And free from cloud, design, or flattery.
"Tis virtue, that they want; and wanting its
Honor-no garments to their backs can fit.

445. THE USES OF ELOQUENCE. In every situation, in all the pursuits of life, may be seen the usefulness and benefits of eloquence. In whatever light we view this subject, it is evident that oratory is not a mere castle in the air: a fairy palace of frost-work; destitute of substance and support. It is like a magnificent temple of Parian marble, exhibiting the most exact and admirable symmetry, and combining all the orders, varieties, and beauties of architecture.

Habits of Industry. It is highly important, that children should be taught to acquire habits of industry; for whatever be their habits while young, such, for the most part, must they continue to be in after life. Children-are apt to think it a great hardship, to be obliged to devote so much time to occupations, at present perhaps, disagreeable to them; but they ought to be made to believe, that their tasks are not only intended for the informing of their minds, but for the bending of their wills. Good habits are as easily acquired as bad ones; with the great advantage of being the only true way to prosperity and happiness.

Anecdote. Conciseness. Louis XIV. who loved a concise style, one day met a priest on the round, whom he asked hastily-"Whence come you? where are you going? what do you want ?" The other immediately replied, "From Bruges,-To Paris,-A Benefice." "You shall have it," replied the king. Servile doubt

Argues an impotence of mind, that says,-
We fear because we dare not meet misfortune.

Reform. He, that looks back to the his tory of mankind, will often see, that in politics, jurisprudence, religion, and all the great concerns of society, reform-has usu ally been the work of reason, slowly awakering from the lethargy of ignorance, gradually acquiring confidence in her own strength, and ultimately triumphing over the dominion of prejudice and custom.

Varieties. 1. What is mercy and its uses? 2. Individuals and nations, fail in nothing they boldly attempt, when sustained by virtuous purpose, and determined resolu tion. 3. Some persons' heads are like beehives: not because they are all in a buzz, but that they have separate cells for every kind of store. 4. What nature offers, with a smiling face, fruit, herb, and grain-are just what man's pure instinct would choose for food. 5. The majority-ought never to trample on the feelings, or violate the just rights-of the minority; they should not triumph over the fallen, nor make any but temperate and equitable use of their power 6. Death is the enacted penalty of nature's violated laws. 7. Was it causeless, that washing-was introduced, as a religious rite, seeing that its observance is so essential to the preservation of health?

And when the soul-is fullest, the hushed tongue,
Voicelessly trembles-like a lute unstrung.

There's beauty-in the deep;
The wave-is bluer than the sky;
And tho' the light--shine bright on high,
More softly do the sea-gems glow,
That sparkle in the depths below;
The rainbow's tints-are only made
When on the waters they are laid,
And sun and moon-most sweetly shine
Upon the ocean's level brine:
There's beauty in the deep.
There's music-in the deep:

It is not in the surf's rough roar,
Nor in the whispering, shelly shore-
They are but earthly sounds, that tell
How little of the sea-nymph's shell,
That sends its loud, clear note abroad,
Or winds its softness through the food,
Echoes through groves-with coral gay,
And dies, on spongy banks, away:
There's music in the deep!

even in a peasant. 3. Prefer loss-to unjust gain,
and solid sense-to wit. 4. He, that would be
well spoken of himself, must speak well of others.
be mended. 6. A sound mind is not to be shaken
5. If every one would mend himself, we should all

divine light, is to put out our own
with popular applause. 7. The best way to see
8. Some
blame themselves for the purpose of being praised.
9. Nothing needs a trick, but a trick; sincerity
loathes one. 10. As virtue has its own reward, so
vice has its own punishment.

446. OUR FIELD. The orator's field is the Maxims. 1. Poverty of mind is often conuniverse of mind and matter, and his sub-cealed under the garb of splendor. 2. Vice-is in jects, all that is known of God and man. famous, even in a prince; and virtue, honorable, Study the principles of things, and never rest satisfied with the results and applications. All distinguished speakers, whether they ever paid any systematic attention to the principles of elocution or not, in their most successful efforts, conform to them; and their imperfections are the results of deviations from these principles. Think correctly-rather than finely; sound conclusions are much better than beautiful conceptions. Be useful, rather than showy; and speak to the purpose, or not speak at all. Persons become eminen!, by the force of mind-the power of thinking comprehensively, deeply, closely, usefully. Rest more on the thought, feeling, and expression, than on the style; for language is like the atmosphere-a medium of vision, intended not to be seen itself, but to make other objects seen; the more transparent however, the better.

Hast thou. in feverish, and unquiet sleep.-
Dreamt-th't some merciless DEMON of the air,
Rais'd thee aloft-and held thee by the hair,
Over the brow-of a down-looking steep,
Gaping, below, into a CHASM-so deep,
Th't, by the utmost straining of thine eye,
Thou canst no resting place descry;

What is Worth? The spirit of the age says, "Worth-means wealth; and wisDOM-the art of getting it." To be rich is considered, by most persons-a merit; to be poor, an offence. By this false standard, it is not so important to be wise and good, as to be rich in worldly wealth; thus it is, every thing, as well as every person, has its price, and may be bought or sold; and thus-do we coin our hearts into gold, and exchange our souls for earthly gain. Hence, it is said, "a man is worth so much;"-i. e. worth just as much as his property or money, amount to, and no more. Thus, wealth, worth, or gain, is not applied to science, to knowledge. virtue, or happiness; but to pecuniary acquisition; as if nothing but gold were gain,

Not e'en a bush—to save thee, shouldst thon sweep and everything else were dross. Thus the
Adown the black descent; that then, the hand
Suddenly parted thee, and left thee there,
Holding-but by finger-tips, the bare

And jagged ridge above, that seems as sand,
To crumble 'neath thy touck?--If so, I deem
Th't thou hast had rather an ugly dream.

447. VOCAL MUSIC. In vocal music, there is a union of music and language-the language of affection and thought; which includes the whole man. Poetry and music are sister arts; their relationship being one of heaven-like intimacy. The essence of poetry consists in fine perceptions, and vivid expressions, of that subtle and mysterious analogy, that exists between the physical and moral world; and it derives its power from the correspondence of natural things with spiritual. Its effect is to elevate the thoughts and affections toward a higher state of ex


Anecdote. A powerful Stimulous. When Lord Erskine made his debut, at the bar, his agitation almost overcame him, and he was just about to sit down. "At that moment," said he, "I thought I felt my little children tugging at my gown, and the idea roused me to an exertion, of which I did not think myself capable."

Tis not enough—your counsel still be true;
Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do.
Men must be taught as if you taught them not,
And Pings unknow-propos'd as things forgot.
With good-breading, truth is disapprov'd;
That, only, makes superior sense-belar'd.

body-is Dives, clothed in purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day; while the mind-is Lazarus, lying in rugs at the gute, and fed with the crumbs, that fall from the tables of Time and Sense

Varieties. 1. Instead of dividing mankind into the wise and foolish, the good and wicked, would it not be better to divide them into more or less wise and foolish, more or less good or wicked? 2. It was a proof of low origin, among the ancient Romans, to make mistakes in pronouncing words; for it indicated that one had not been instructed by a nursury maid: what is the inference ? That those maids were well educated; particularly, in the pronunciation of the Latin language, and were treated by families as favorites. How many nursery maids of our day enjoy such a reputation, and exert such an influence? Indeed, how many mothers occupy such a pre-eminence? Let wisdom and affection answer, and furnish the remedy. 3. The purest and best of precepts and examples should be exhibited to our youth, in the development of their minds, and the for mation of their characters.

The seas are quiet, when the reinds are o'er;
Se, calm are we, when passions are no more;
For then, we know how rain it was-to boast
of fleeting things, so certain to be lost.
Clouds of affliction—from our younger eyes,
Conceal that emptiness, that age descries:
The soul's dark cottage, batter'd an! dieny'd,
Lete in moto light, through churuke, that tene has matda,

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