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O great Sciolto! O my more than father!
Let me not live, but at thy very name,
My eager heart springs up, and leaps with joy.
When I forget the vast, rast debt I owe thee,
(Forget-but 'ts impossible,) then let me
Forget the use and privilege of reason-
Be banish'd from the commerce of mankind,
To wander in the desert, among brutes,
To bear the various fury of the seasons,

The midnight cold, and the noontide scorching heat,

To be the scorn-of earth, and curse of heaven. -521. A man is never the less an artist, for not having his fools about him; or a musician, because he wants his fiddle: nor is he the less brate, because his hands are bound, or the worse pilot, for being upon dry ground. If I only have will to be grateful, I am so. As gratitude is a necessary, and a glorious, so also is it an obvious, a cheap, and an easy vir tue: so obvious, that wherever there is life, there is place for it: so cheap, that the covetous inan may be gratified without expense: and so easy, that the sluggard may be so likewise without labor.

To the generous mind, The heaviest debt--is that of gratitude, When tis not in our power to repay it. Tis the Creator's primary great laro. That links the chain of beings to each other, Joining the greater to the lesser nature. When gratitude-o'erflows the swelling heart, And breathes in free and uncorrupted praise For benefits received. propitious heaven Takes such acknowledgments as fragrant incense, And doubles all its bless ngs.

Anecdote. The bill of indictment, preferred against John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress, &c., was as follows: "John Bunyan hath deri ishly and perniciously ab stained from coming to church, to hear divine service, and is a commoh upholder of several unlawful meetings and conventicles, to the disturbance and distraction of the good subjects of this kingdom, contrary to the laws of eur sovereign lord the king," &c., was convicted, and imprisoned twelve years and six months.

And too fond of the right, to pursue the expedient.

Views of Truth. We see truths through the medium of our own minds, as we see objects around us thro' the atmosphere; and, of course, we see them not as they are in themselves, but as they are modified by the quality of the medium thro' which we view them; and, as the minds of all are different, we must all have different views of any particular truth; which is the reason, that differences of opinion exist, and always will exist: hence, it is no argument against truth, that men have different views of it; and because they must have different views, it is no reason why they should quarrel about their opinions; for good uses, and not matters of opinion, are the touch-stone of fellowship. Thus it is, that the all of religion relates to life, and the life of religion is to do good, from a love of doing good. While we agree, and are united in doing good, we should not fight among ourselves, about mere matters of opinion; still, we must not be indifferent about them; for truth is necessary to give form to goodness; and every good person will naturally desire to know the truth, that he may regulate his conduct by it; and thus, acquire the greatest and highest degree of goodness.

Varieties. 1. The young-are slaves to novelty; the old-to custom. 2. The volume of nature, is the book of knowledge, and he becomes the wisest, who makes the best selections, and uses them properly. The greatest friend of truth-is time; her greatest ene my-prejudice, and her constant companion is humility. 4. The best means of establishing a high reputation is-to speak well, and act better. 5. Be studious, and you will be learned; be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich; be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy; be virtuous, and you will be does more than he, who commands armies. happy. 6. He, who governs his passions, Socrates, being one day offended with his ser vant, said, "I would beat you, if I were not angry. 7. The best mode of gaining a high reputation, is-to be--what you appear to be. Like birds, whose beauties languish, half conceald, Till, mounted on the wing, their glossy plumes, Expanded, shine with azure, green, and gold; How blessings brighten-as they take their fight Deep-as the murmurs of the falling floods; Sweet as the warbles of the vocal woods: The list'n ng passions hear, and sink, and rise, As the rich harmony, or stoells, or dies! The pulse of avarice-forgets to move; A purer rapture-fills the breast of love; Devotion-lifts to heav'n a holier eye, And bleeding pity-heaves a softer sigh. 1, so tary, court The inspiring breeze, and meditate upon the book Of nature, ever open; am ng thence, Warm from the heart, to learn the moral song

A dark, cold calm, which nothing now can break,
Or warm, or brighten-like that Synau lake,
Upon whose surface, morn and rammer shed
Their smiles in vara; for all beneath is dead!
All is nient-twas my fancy!

Stud as the breathless unicreal-between the flash and the


man, in the perfection of vigor and health, and the splendor of reason and intelligence, and are informed that "God created man in his own image, after his own likeness;" we are attracted with tenfold interest to the examination of the

522. To act a Passion properly, we must | Laconics. 1. When we behold a full grown never attempt it, until the imagination, has conceived clearly and distinctly, a strong and vivid idea of it, and we feel its influence in our inmost soul; then, the form, or image of that idea, will be impressed on the appropriate muscles of the face, and communicate, in-object, that is placed before as, and the structure stantly, the same impressions to the muscles of the body; which, whether braced, or relaxed, (the idea being either active or passive,) by impelling, or retarding the flow of the affection, will transmit their own sensation to the voice, and rightly dispose the proper ges-design, his skill and tools would be both inopera




of his mind and body, and the succinct developments of the parts and proportions of each. 2. ▲

workingman without tools, tho' he has the best
designs and most perfect practical skill, can do
do nothing with the best of tools; and without
nothing useful; without skill, his design could

tive thus again, three distinct essentials are
seen to be necessary in every thing.
Mercy! I know it not,-for I am miserable;
I'll give thee misery, for here she dwells,
This is her home, where the sun never dawns.
The bird of night-sits screaming o'er the roof;
Grim spectres-sweep along the horrid gloom;
And naught is heard, but wailing and lamenting.
Hark! something cracks above! it shakes! it totters!
And the nodding ruin falls to crush us!
"Tis fallen! tis here! I felt it on my brain!
A waving flood-of bluish fire swells o'er me!
And now, 'tis out; and I am drowned in blood!
Ha! what art thou? thou horrid, headless trunk!
It is my Hastings:-see! he wafis me on;
Away! 1go: Ifly: I follow thee!

A generous few, the vet'ran hardy gleanings Of many a hapless fight, with Heroic fire, inspirited each other, Resolved on death; disdaining to survive Their dearest country. "If we fall," I cried, "Let us not tamely fall, like passive cowards ; No; let us live, or let us die like MEN; Come on, my friends, to Alfred we will cut Our glorious way; or, as we nobly perish, Will offer, to the genius of our country, Whole hecatombs of Danes.' " As if one soul had moved them all, Around their heads, they flashed Their flaming falchions-"Lead as to those Our country! VENGEANCE!" was the gen'ral cry! Varieties. 1. Can actions be really good, 523. PASSIONS. 1. The passions and desires, Jike the two twists of a rope, mutually mix unless they proceed from good motives? 2. one with the other, and twine inextricably By doubting, we are led to think; or, consider round the heart; producing good, if mode- whether it be so, and to collect reasons, and rately indulged; but certain destruction, if thereby to bring that truth rationally into our suffered to become inordinate. 2. Passion-inds. 3. The effects of music-are prois the great mover and spring of the soul:duced directly upon the affections, without when men's passions are strongest, they may have great and noble effects; but they are then also, apt to lead to the greatest evils. Anecdote. Pungent Preaching. An old man being asked his opinion of a certain sermon, replied, "I liked it very well, except

that there was no pinch to it. I always like

to have a pinch to every sermon."
Want is a bitter and a hateful good,
Because its virtues are not understood.
Yet many things, impossible to thought,
Have been, by need, to full perfection brought.
The daring of the soul proceeds from thence,
Sharpness of wit, and active diligence;
Prudence at once, and fortitude it gives,
And, if in patience taken, mends our lives;
For even that indigence which brings me low,
Makes me myself, and him above, to know;
A good which none would challenge, few would
A fair possession, which mankind refuse. [choose,
If we from wealth to poverty descend,
Want gives to know the flatterer from the friend.
The darts of love, like lightning, wound within,
And, tho' they pierce it, never hurt the skin;
They leave no marks behind them where they fly,
Tho' thro' the tend'rest part of all, the eye.
Darkness-the curtain drops on life's dull scene.

the intervention of thought. 4. What shall we do, to obtain justice, when we are injured? Seek recompense at law, if at all. 5. Suppose a person insults us in such a man

ner, that the law cannot give us redress ?

Then forgive him. 6. In the Lord, are infi-
nite love, infinite wisdom, and infinite power
or authority,-which three essential attri
bules-constitute the only God of heaven
and earth. 7. The New Testament was di-
vided into verses, in 1551, by Robert Stevens,
for the convenience of reference to a Concor
dance and the Old Testament is supposed
to have been divided into verses, about the
same time; those divisions, of course, are of
no authority; nor are the punctuations.
All live by seeming.


The beggar begs with it, the gay courtier
Gains land and title, rank and rule, by seeming:
The clergy scorn it not, and the bold soldier
Will eke with it his service. All admit it,
All practice it, and he, who is content
With showing what he is, shall have small credi
In church, or camp, or state. So wags the world.
What is this world? Thy school, O misery!
Our only lesson, is-to learn to suffer;
And he who knows not that, was born for nothing


521. DESPAIR. Shakspeare has most exqui- | saw a spider climbing up one of the rofters; sitely depicted this passion, where he has drawn the insect fell, but immediately made a second card nal Beaufort, after a most ungodly life, dying in despair, and terrified with the murder of duke attempt to ascend; and the hero saw, with Humphrey, to which he was accessory. The first regret, the spider fall the second time; it then example is Despair, the second, Despair and Re- made a third unsuccessful attempt. With If thou be'st Death, I'll give thee England's treasures, much interest and concern the monarch saw the spider baffled in its aim twelve times; Enough to purchase such another island, but the thirteenth essay was successful; So thou wilt let me live, and feel no pain. Bring me to my trial, when you toill; when the king, starting up, exclaimed, “This Died he not in his bed? where should he die! despicable insect has taught me perseverance Can I make men live, whether they will or no? I will follow its example. Have I not been Oh! torture the no more; I will confess. twelve times defeated by the enemy's supeAlive again? then show me where he is; rior force! On one fight more hangs the inJ'll give a thousand pounds to look upon him. dependence of my country." In a few days, He hath no eyes,—the dust-hath blinded them; his anticipations were realized, by the glori

the defeat of Edward the Second.

Comb down his hair; look! LOOK! it stands upright,ous victory at the battle of Bannockburn, and
Like lime-twigs-to catch my winged soul;
Give me some drink, and bid the apothecary
Bring in the strong poison, that I bought of him.
Henceforth-let no man-trust the first false step
To guilt. It hangs upon a precipice,
Whose deep descent, in fast perdition ends.

Varieties. 1. The bee-rests on natural flowers, never on painted ones, however inimitably the color may be laid on; apply this to all things. 2. The rapidity with which the body may travel by steam, is indicative of

How far-am I plunged down, beyond all thought, the progress which the mind is about to make,

Which I this evening framed!

Consummate horror! guilt-beyond a name?
Dare not my soul repent. In thee, repentance

and improvements in machinery-represent those which are developing in the art of teach

Were second guilt, and 'twere blaspheming heavening. 3. Equal and exact justice to all, of
To hope for mercy. My pain can only cease
When gods want power to punish. Ha! the dawn!
Rise, never more, O! sun! let night prevail.
Eternal darkness-close the world's wide scene:
And hide me-from myself.


whatever state, or persuasim, religious and political. 4. What is matter? and what are its essential properties, and what its primeval form? 5. How much more do we know of the nature of matter, than we do of the essential properties of spirit? 6. What is the origin of the earth, and in what form did it originally exist,-in a gaseous, or igneous form? 7. Everything that exists, is designed to aid in developing and perfecting both body and mind: the universe is our school-house.

DESPAIR makes a despicable figure, and descends from a nesta original. "Tis the offspring of fear, of laziness, and impatience; it argues a defect of spirit and resolution, and oftentimes of homesty too. I would not despair, unless I saw my misfortune recorded in the book of fate, and nigred and sealed by necessity. I am not mad; this hair I tear is mine; My name is Constance; I was Goffrey's wife; Young Arthur-is my son,—and he is lost. I am not mad; I would to heaven I tnere ; For then, 'tis like I should forget myself.

525. GRIEF is disappointment, devoid of hope;
hut muscles braced instantly. imply hope strongly
and a spirited vivacity in the eye, is the effect of
pleasure and elevation. They are inconsistent
with a pass on that depresses, which grief mani-Oh, if I could, what grief-I should forget!
festly does; because depression slackens the
nerves, and unbraced nerves deject the looks and
air, necessarily; therefore, a relaxed mien, and
languid eye, form the truest picture of natural
sorrow. The smaller engraving represents vacant
grief, and the other deep silent grief.
I'll go, and, in the anguish of my heart,
Weep o'er my child,-if he must die, my life
Is wrapt in his; and shall not long survive;
Tis for his sake, that I have suffered life,
Groaned in captivity, and outlived Hector,
Yes, my As-ty-a-nax! we will go together;
TOGETHER-to the realms-of night—we'll go.
Anecdote. Lesson from a Spider. King
Robert Bruce, the restorer of the Scottish
monarchy, being out one day reconnoitering
the army, lay alone in a barn. In the morn-
ing, still reclining on his pillow of straw, he

Preach some philosophy—to make me mad,
And, cardinal, thou shalt be canonized;
For being not mad, but sensible of grief,
My reasonable part produces reason,
That I may be delivered of these woes,
And teaches me to kill, or hang myself;
If I were mad, I should forget my son,
Or madly think a bale of rags were he.
I an. not mad; too well I feel
The diffused plague of each calamity.
Make thy demand on those, who own thy power;
Know, I am still beyond thee; and tho' fortune
Has stripp'd me of this train, this pomp of greatnest,
This outside of a king, yet still—my soul
Fixed high, and on herself alone dependent
Is ever free and royal; and even now,
As at the head cf battle, does defy thee.

526. JEALOUSY is Joubtful anger, strug gling against fath and pty; it is a tenderness resisted by resentment of suspected injury; the nerves braced strong, imply determination of revenge and pun shment; while, at the same time, a sot passive hesitation in the eye, confesses a reluctance at the heart, to part with, or efface a gentle and indulged idea. Again, it is rage at a concluded infidelity; and then, the eye receives and flashes out sparklings of inflamed ideas, while the muscles, contracting the will's volence, from a repressive disposition of the heart, grow slack, and lose their spring, and so disarm and modify the enraged indignation. Now from this unsettled wavering in the balance of the purpose, when the heart and judgment weigh each other, and both scales alternately preponderate, is induced a glowing picture of jealousy.

Anecdote. Lord Gadsby, over the entrance of a beautiful grotto, had caused this inscription to be placed,—“Let nothing enter here but what is good." Dr. Rennel, the master of the temple, who was walking over the ground, with much point asked-"Then where does your lordship enter ?"

Everything Useful. The mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, are designed for the nourishment, clothing, habitation, recreation, delight, protection and preservation of the human race; abuse does not take away use, any more than the falsification of truth destroys the truth; except, with those who do it. Everything which is an object of the senses, is designed to aid in developing the most external faculties of man; and what is of an economical and civil nature, and what is imbibed from parents, teachers, and others, and also from books, and reflections apon them all, is useful for perfecting Who doats, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves! divine truths are designed to perfect the huthe rational faculties of the mind: and all

Oh! what dam-ned minutes tells he o'er,

O jealousy! thou bane of social joy!

Oh! she's a monster, made of contradictions!
Let truth, in all her native charms appear,
And with the voice of harmony itself
Plead the just cause of innocence traduc'd;
Deaf as the adder, blind as upstart greatness,
She sees, nor hears. And yet, let slander whisper,
Rumor has fewer tongues than she has ears;
And Argus' hundrd eyes are dim and slow,
To piercing jealousy's.

527. THE FRUITS. Men, instead of applying the salutary medicines of philosophy and religion to abate the rage, and recover the temper of their vitiated imaginations, cherish the disease in their bosoms, until their increasing appetites, like the hounds of Action, tear into pieces the soul they were intended to enliven and protect.

Jealousy-is like

A polish'd glass, held to the lips, when life's in doubt:
If there be breadth, 'twill catch the damp and show it.
Jealous rage-is but a hasty flame,
That blazes out, when love too fiercely burns.

It is jealousy's peculiar nature,
To swell small things to great; nay, out of nought,
To conjure much, and then to lose its reason
Amid the hideous phantoms it has formed.
Where love reigns, disturbing jealousy
Doth call himself affection's sentinel;
Gives false alarms, suggesteth mutiny,
And, in a peaceful hour, doth cry, kill, kill;
Distempering gentle love with his desire,
As air and water do abate the fire.

How blest am I
In my just censure! in my true opinion!—
Alack for lesser knowledge!-how accurs'd
In being so bless'd! There may be in the cup
A spider steep'd, and one may drink, depart,
And yet partake no venom, for his knowledge
Is not infected; but if one present

The abhorr'd ingredient to his eye, make known
How he hath drunk he cracks his gorge, his sides,
With violent hefts.-I have drunk, and seen the

man mind, and prepare it for receiving a spiritual principle from the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer.

Varieties. 1. A fit Pair. A Dandy is a thing, in pantaloons, with a body and two arms, head without brains, tight boots, a cane, and white handkerchief, two broaches and a ring on his little finger. A Coquette is a young lady, with more beauty than sense, more accomplishments than learning, more charms of person than graces of mind, more admirers than friends, and more fools than wise men for her attendants. 2. The sunshine of prosperity-has attractions for all, who love to bask in its influence, hoping to share in its pleasures. 3. The verdant lawn, the shady grove, the variegated landscape, the beautiful ocean and the starry firmament are contemplated with pleasure, by every one, who has a soul. 4. A man should not be ashamed to own, that he has been in the wrong; which is only saying, in other words, that he is wiser to-day than he was yesterday. 5. The love of truth and goodness, is the best passion we can indulge. 6. A woman's life, is the history of the affec tions; the heart is her world; it is there her ambition strives for empire, and there she seeks for untold treasures. 7. The best and noblest conquest, is that of reason over our passions, and follies.

Those you make friends,
And give your hearts to, when they once perceive
The least rub in your fortunes, fall away
Like water from ye, never found again
But where they mean to sink ye.
Oh jealousy!

Love's eclipse! thou art in thy disease

A wild, mad patient, wondrous hard to please.

528. JUDGING-demands a grave, steady look. with deep attention, the countenance altogether clear from any appearance, either of disgust, or favor: the pronunciation slow, distinct, and emphatical. accompanied with little action, and that

very grave.


If you refuse-to wed Demetrius—
Either inust you die the death, or abjure,
Forever, the society of men.

Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires,
Know of your youth, examine well your blood,
Whether, not yielding to your father's choice,
You can endure the livery of a nun;
For aye-to be in a shady cloister mew'd;
Chaunting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.
Take t me to pause, and, by the next new moon,
(The sealing day betwixt my love and me,
For everlasting bond of fellowship,)
Upon that day, e.ther prepare to die,
For disobedience to your father's will,
Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would,
Or on Diana's altar to protest--
For age--austerity-and single life.

Anecdote. In the early period of the French revolution, when the throne and the altar had been overturned, a Benedictine monastery was entered, by a devastating band, its inmates treated with wanton and unprovoked cruelty, and the work of demolition and plunder going on,-when a large body of the inhabitants rallied, drove the spoilers away, but secured the ringleaders, whom they would have severely punished, had not the abbot, who had received the worst indignities from these very leaders, rushed forward to protect them. "I thank you, my children," said he," for your seasonable interference; let us, however, show the superiority of religion, by displaying our clemency, and suffering them to depart." The ruffians were overpowered by the abbot's humanity, fell at his feet, entreated his benediction and forgiveness. But yonder-comes the powerful king of day, Rejoicing in the east. The less'ning cloud, The kindling azure, and the mountain's brow, Miscellaneous. 1. In opening a cause, Illum'd with fluid gold, his near approach give a general view of the grounds on which Betoken glad. Lo, now, apparent all the charge is made, and of the extent, magni- Asiant the dew-bright earth, and color'd air, tude, tendency, and effect of the crime al-He looks--in boundless majesty abroad; ledged. 2. There is some consolation for dull And sheds the shining day, that, burnish'd, plays authors, that the confectioner may put good On rocks, and hills, and tow'rs, and wand'ring into their books, if they fail to do it themselves. High gleaming from afar. [streams, 3. Uncle Toby's oath: “The accusing spirit, Varieties. 1. Should we be governed by which flew up to heaven's chancery, with the our feelings, or by our judgment? 2. Earths, oath, blushed—as he gave it in; and the re-waters, and atmospheres-are the three gecording angel-dropped a tear upon it, and neral elements, of which all natural things blotted it out forever., 4. Would not many are made. 3. The human body is composed persons be very much surprised, if their ideas of all the essential things which are in the of heavenly joys, should be exhibited here- world of nature. 4. The three periods of our after, to show them their falsity? 5. Beauty development are-infancy, including the first Is given, to remind us, that the soul should be seven years; childhood--the second seven, kept as far and perfect in its proportions, as and youth-the third seven; the close of the temple in which it dwells; the spirit of which,-is the beginning of manhood, 5. beauty flows in, only where these proportions Adolescence-is that state, when man begins are harmonious. 6. Can any one be a lover to think, and act-for himself, and not from of truth, and a searcher after it, and yet turn the instruction, and direction of others. 6. his back on it, when presented, and call for The cerebellum, and consequently, the vo miracles? 7. The aphorism, Know thy-luntary principle of the mind, never sleeps ; self," is soon spoken, but one is a long time but the cerebrum, and of course, the reasonin obeying it; Gracian-was placed among ing faculty—does. 7. Beware of the erronethe seven wise men of Greece, for having ous opinion, that you must be remarkably been the author of the maxim; but never, re-original; and that to speak, and write, unplied the sage, was any one placed there for having performed it.


Who painted Justice blind, did not declare

What mag strates should be, but what they are:
Not so much, 'cause they rich and poor should weigh
In their just scales alke; but, because they,
Now blind with bribes, are grown so weak of sight,
They'll sooner feel a cause, than see it right.
Justice, painted blind,

Infers, his ministers are obl ged to hear
The cause; and truth, the judge, determine of it;
And not sway'd or by favor, or affection,
By a false gloss, or corrected comment, alter
The true intent and letter of the law.

Man's rich with little, were his judgment true.

like anybody else, is a great merit.

Tis certain, greatness, once fallen out with fortune,
Must fall out with men 100: what the declin'd is,
He shall as soon read-'n the eyes of others,
As feel-in his own fall: for men. I ke butterflies,
Show not their mealy wings, but to the summer,
He stood up

Firm in his better strength, and like a tree
Rooted in Lebanon, his frame bent not.
His thin, white hairs-had yiekled to the wind,
And left his broty uncovered; and his face,
Impressed with the stern majesty of grief,
Nerved to a solemn duty, now stood forth
Ike a reut rock submissive, yet subtime,

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