페이지 이미지




Imagination, 166: Inadequacy of Language, 85; |
Independence Forever, 104 1.2; Indian Virtue,
235, injuring Others, 205, Inflections, 19, 125,
169; Inducing Disease. 127. Influence 79 160.
Importance of Observation. 85. Inconsistency,
145. Industry, 99, 164; Innocent and Guilty, 2,
In the ruth, 48; Interrogation 89. Intellectual,
71; Intentions, 71; Intuition, 157; Inval ds, 122.
Involuntary forts, 99 Investigation of Thought,
190, Irresolution, 172, 217; It looked so Pretty,
J-its Sounds, 44 58: Jaw Breakers, 61, and
from 17-62; Jealousy, 214 224; Joy, 173: Jolly
Laughter, 174. Judging, 215 Jury and the Lar,
12) Justice, 52. Just Aristides, 134.


Orator's Field 165-bow they are made 68; Ori-
gin of Language, 66; Ora orica, and Poet cal
Act ons and Gestures, 11. 12, 13, 14 15, 16; and
from 172 onwards; Orthography, 64-44-7, 8;
One Thing at a Time, 11: Ortho py, 1. Ou,
26: On and Ow, 32; Ossets of Bony System, 7.
Our Country, 161 Our Food, ol Our Book, 237 ;
| Ourselves aid others, 43; Our Sig: 1, 154.

K-is Sound. 37; Keel Hauling 75: Keeping
Time from Eternity, 4K og and his Feol, 21217; Peter Pricker Prangle. 52; bilosophy of
Kinis of Poetry. 99. King of Poland in France,
207; King's vil,1; K ngly Dinner, 151; Kings
and their Trade. 153. Kirwan, 27; Known by the
Fruits, 77 Kosciusko, 96.

P-52 Parenthesis. 91; Party Spirit, 5; Pa-
tience and Perseverance, 42; Patrick Henry's
Treason, 143. Passions and Actions 170–1, 206,
212. Pardoning, 217; Patience won't have ine,
66; Par sa Clerk and the Banns, 81; Painting,
203. Painter and the King. 92; Patrios, 15;
Pelayo, 156. Pauses. 55, &c. Pe.jod. 88; Perse-
verance. 146 Perplexity, 217; Peter th - Great
Mind, 98 123. &c.: Philosopher Outdone 195;
Philosophy, 121; Physiological Ignorance. 203;
Phrenology 228. Philosophy and Love 57; Play
on Words. 174; Perspiration, &c.. 8; Pitch 12,
142-4-7; Pitt, 1. &; Pù, 42-3; Peasures of
Piety, 2.7: Plato, 17; Play on X's. 56 Poor
Priest and the King at Prayer. *0×: Poli.jeal
Economy, III; Position of Body, 17. Polyglot of
Body and Mund 230. Poisone i Cup and Cyrus;
18; 1 ioneers, 150. Position in Fed: 79; Polite-
Fund, 200; Point of Law 132; Pope and the 1,
159. Pots and all gone. 173 Princ ples of E o
cution, rom 17-27; Prejud ce, 140; Precept
and Example. 141: Precipitancy, 62, Pride 154,
21, 219 Prize of Inniortality, 14, Treceding
Frinciples, 125, &c.. Fosition of Fee and Bands,
11: Progress of Society, 119: Frayer to the Con-
gregation, 39. I rovers on every page. From-
ises 124; Fromi-ing, 219; 1 rincipal and Inter-
est, 59. Fowerful Simu us 145: Parning, 172;

L-48 Labor, 72; Language (two kinds). 21:
Laconics, often; Law,109: Last words of Mar-
mion, 15. i afay te, 94 Language of Feeling,
222; Laughing Scientifically, 77; Lawyer's at,
22. Lawyers Mistake, 29; Lawyer and Physi-
cian, 90 Lawyer and Chent 167, 176. Learning,
148; Legendary Tales. 106. Listening, 187 Liv-ness, 142, Polycarp and his Lord. 153: Poor
ing Ten-ples, 89: Lis, ing, 36: Logic, 156: Loins
of the Mind. 62; Look at Home 175: Lost Purs",
205 Long Enough 42; Lord Thurlow's Speech
from the Woolsack, 200: Love, 176. 187, 1-9, 27:
Love of Justic, 186; Love and Liberty, 149; |
Love and Alcohol, 125: Love on the Scaffold,
232: Love and the Stars. 109 Lovely Qualifies,
233; Luxury, 171; Lying, 155; Lycurgus, 51:
Lye ums. 148.

ronnciation 81, 84: Frovincialisms. 3; Fro-
longation o! Som d. 70 73 Providence, 1 7: Pi-
ty 177, 225, $3: 1 ublic Speakers should ive long-
est, 149: Par uit of Knowledge, 1 8; Pupil and
Apprentice 46; 1 ulpit and Theatres 132, June-
tual Heaters. 139. Punishments, 218; I ulpit
Flattery, 19. Fungent i reachồng, 212.

Queen's Reprimand to her Daughter. 24:
Queen Elizabeth and her Ladies, 195: Quinc-
tillinn, 29.

M-49: Managment of the Breath, 97; Man
a Microcosm, 28 23: Making Resolutions, 203;
Madness, 231; Making Game of a Lady, 113.
Material of all Sounds 47; Means of Ha: piness,
95; Mahomet and the Hill 112: Malice 216:
Matter and Manner, 50, 131. 158, 161: Mathe-
maties, 54 Mark to Hit, 13: Means of getting
a Liing, 105; Mediums. 20-1 Male and Female
Voices, 47: Maxims, everywhere; Mercy 177: Q 7 Quack, 82: Qua if cations of Teach-
Mathematical Honor 6s: Matrimony. 56: Mel- ers, 20: Q aber resens, 19: Qualiti s. 12:
ancholy, 16 Means to le u-ed. 19; Men and Quantity, 70: Qual ties of Voice, 140, 142: Qua-
Brates. 8 Merchants and Pigeons, 111: Men-ker and So dier, 12-: Question Jirect. 9:
tal Violence, 57 Mediocrity. 17: Melody, 135-6:
Miser, 87 Mineralogy, 91: Marth. 174: Minor
Passions, 199. Minis ry of Angels. 171; Mock
Trial of K ng, 25: Moon Eclipsed. 93 Mono R-6-1: Reinhow. 175 : Ranges of Voice,
tone. 11
Mourn rs. 187: Movement of Voice, 124: Raising Rent. 70: Rage, 10: Rapture 17:
13 Medular on, 142-4; Modes of Spelling, 67; Reading :, 57 13, 120; Reading Rooms, 46:
Mother's Injunction an) Bi le. 82 Mouting, Range of Knowledge, 65: Railery, 192, 29)-
116: Vother perishing in a Snow Storm 111; Reasoning, 22: Recitations 160 fr. m 2 7-16:
Mother and a ghter in Prison, 1 5: Modesty, Rer pients, 12: Re: ding by towel so nds 31:
212 223 Youth 229: Mr. Psalter 36: Music Religious Fersecu ions 17: Reading Iisco. rs-
101, 13-1-5; Mummy 23: Muscle Breakers. 43, es. 71 Remrs 181 220 : Refusing 219 : Rea-
62, and among the Letters; My Mother 210; son, 121, 22: Reprosch, 182: Regroving, 221:
Musical Fun. 4 Muscular System 7: Muscular Revision, 117 Refinement, 13: Rhetoric 16:
Action 9, and el ewhere; Vutual istake, 9. Rhetorical Fans, 12, 18: Rhetorical Action,
N-70-1: Natur always True, 159 05; Nat-24 Reforms 11: Riches and Talent, 1:2:
ural Thology, 90. Nature and Art 11 Natu- Right Vews, Rythin, 96: Rhynetry and
ralis's and Ra ists 137 Narrow Escape. 25; the Queen. 12 ha's Address to the Peru-
Nat ral Plo eso he 25. Natural Death 42 Natvians, 19 Rhyme 17: Rose, 72: Revenge,
ural and Siriwal 18; Natural History 85; Na 11-1: Ruined Debtor's sati faction, 179: Rom and
Forture's Wheel, 167 Niagara Falls 167 New Grave Sones, 11: Rouge 18: Ron es, 216
Character 99 New Field (8; Norves of Or-
ganic Lif, 5-of Motion and Sense, 6-of Rs-
piration. 6 Ng. 51 Nobleman and Beggar Boy.
191: Newton end his Peg. 225; Nothing True
but Haven, 18); Nothing from Nothing. 167;
Ammar : Nure r. 39.

$-6-8-9, 42-46: Srdness ad Sorrow, 1-6:
S fe now. 992: Satan's Speech, 169, Seving
Fuel, 20
(omntees Fre5 Slot
and Highwayman 111: Sen i-colon, 8: Science,
111: Scientific Enthusiasm. I 1 Servie Imita-
tion, 12: Seasons 2 Se fahress. 128, 103:
O 25-6-7 19-21-9 20 57: Obeving Orders Searn. 10 222 Seeing Right, 220. Seeing a
11 Observe, 25: Oi and Oy,:1 Old and New Wind 22: Self-love, 7: Sea 1 wyrs. 77:
Methos of Spelling, 67-6-7- Old Habits, 124; Serse covers. 19: sheridan, 117 Shouting,
On y way to teach Read ng. 19; Only Naura' 150 scool Tar be re 10: Sight Re: dire,
Sound 1-; and Notes on, 47; Ore Tongue Stips and Sides 167: Shame, 2-3, Schoolmas
enough 8 Opening the Mouth, 110. Operating ter and Puri's, 43, Shirp Reply, 163: Slander,
Croust nres, 12; Oratory, 27, 4, 10, 156;159: Slender Voice, 155: Snking in the Sto


mach, 92; Sounds, 22; Simple Laughter, 192; Simple Bodily Pain,
195, Speculion like a Colf Bah, 144, Strong Prints, 106, Stand
ing, 22; Starry Firmament (Addison), 46; Strength of Voice, 145;
Sony owes all a Living, 63; Sources of Faults, 235, Socrates
and the Tyrans, 102, Speaking the Gauntlet, 116; Student's Fue-
try, 116; Somten 11a af the Bishop, 138; Standard of Speaking,
152; se ling Integrity, 154 Style, 148, 151-9, 160-1-2; Stress,
67; Sul find v and Pathos, 22, Striking out Beauties, 177; Stage
Regulator, 178, Sowing and Raping, 150; Suggestions, 154, 35;
Surtis, 215, Suspicion, 224; stupidy, 30; Stretch of Thought,
231; uses, 34; Successful Spraker, 128; Swiss Retort, 127;
Swan, Ki, 103; Santing, 22; Swea: ing, 167; Surprise, 188,
223, SA siro, ess, 170

T-3, 41; alet, 120; Tale of Wonder, 26; Tallow and
They, Bo; Toling Stories, 78; To teach Children, 109; Tele-
scope. ; le or, 13 225, 231; Temperance, 158; Teaching,
22; 1, 19; Tenterey of our Language, 157; Thatres,
174; 1), 175; Thought an ! Feeling, 114; Tha s, 49, This-
the wife, 60, Free Wisom, 34; Triphthongs, 32: Three Essen-
tals in all things, 51: Th, 60-1, True Euire, 76: Three De-
gre of Starch, 112: Toree moles of Existence, 121: Thorax,
9: Tih 19, 9: Thies are my Jewels, 16: Time in Mau,
106: Truth, 171, 12. True Haporess, 172: This Worl1, 202:
A fleeting six, 189, True El quence, 209: To act a Passion, 212:
Too Comun, 21: True Modesty, 1: To and The, 57: Tough
Animal, 79: Truths nt Ficors, 170: Too hard, 142: Truth and
Natur, 130 To prevent Suicile, 108: Turn Bread into Stones,
202: Tvrd se Sms, 234: Tracsition, 146. True Fhil wo by, 135:
To accocel, 16. Trenor of Vice, 156: Try again, 156: Tran-


quillity, 172: Tweedledum and Tweelelee, 228: The F-4, 174:
Twilight Dews, 153: Thou art, O God, 188: The Row, 72: 10
Union, 55.

-2x-9, 30, 22, 24, 55, 58: Uzly Dreams, 165 Unaccented
Vowels, 75: Uncertain quantity of Wine, 62: Unwelcome Visitor,
74. Use of spelling, 68.

V-43: Vanity Reproved, 162: Vain Mother, 58 Varisties on
every page: Veeration, 189, 226: Ven'ril qusu, 60. Vilemence
of Action, 32: Views of Truth, 211. Virtue the test Treat, 2/2
Virtue before Riches, 160: Virtur us Frienship, 37: Vexation,
227: Voice, 166, Vocal Organs, 11; Vocal Gymnastics, 23.
Warren's Address at the Battle of Bunker Hill,
paraphrased, 57; War and Tru'b, 50; Washington and M ther,
194; and W. and the U. S., 100; Wh, 62; What is Ours, 61; Wet
Muister, 18; What a Bug 226; Waves or Circun fixes, 130-3
Wojing Emperor, 218; Wha' the Youth had lean, 15; Who
is wrong in the Arguulent, 122; What for? 150, We Ive them
so, 60, Who rules: 63; Whithi id Rain! ling, 30. Wm. Penn, 37;
Wirt, 150, Wudp.pe, &c, 11; Wide, 153, Will Gas, 19, Win
ter Evenings, 62; Wis! m of our Ancestors, 129, Weepin,, 194
William and Lucy, 194: Word Painting, 95, 139, 142: Whipped
for making Rhymes, 191: Words, 20: Worth, 60: Wenan, 75,
133, 136, 152: Wonder, 18, 226: Womar as sh. sbull be, 32:
Working a Fassage, 9: Wrong Choice, 47: Writtes Language,
53-4: World not all a fiecting show, 85: Writen Page, 230.
X-Fages 36, 57, 63, 64, 65, and 38.
Y-Fages 35, 22, 23, 24, 29, 63, 61.
Z-ages 38, 46 63, 67: Zoology, 7, 104.


A-A Bale Fiel1, 242; Abuse of Authority, 269; nity of Human Nature, 305; Discoveries, 304,
Action in War. 232; Accompásaed Young Lady, Dire eTee's of Time, 161: Disappointel Ambition,
231; Aduas and Jefferson, 273: Address to Death,24; Domestic Love and Happiness, 201; Doctor
213; Areas to the Ocean, 262; Adherence to an1 Pupit, 203: Douglas' Account of Himself. 214;
Truth, 270, Advantages of Knowle Ige, 241; Affee- Du es of American Citizens, 311; Dying Christian
tation in Ministers, 185; A fowning Publican, 215; to als Soul. 1.3.
Aguns the American War, 243; Alexander's Fest, --Earn has been all alive. 281; Early Rising
315; Alexander Selkirk, 295; Ali Lohbor equally and Priver, 261; Education, 278; Effects of Gen-
honorabe, 3.3; All the Worl's a Stage, 154: A tleness, 243; Eloquence, wor 1 of fire, 222; Fm-
Mother's ni Iness, 257; A Mo her's Love, 233, | me 's Betro ae1, 75; Emme's Vin hea ion in fail,
Americ(poe ry),277; America (prose), 25); Amer- | 305: Eulogi tn on Kosinsko, 233; Eulogium on
ican big 5: Anthony's Orion over Cæsar, 253;|the Sou a. 254; Ealogium on the Nor h. 251; LT
Aaron Car and Biennerhasse, 268; A Tale of
Worter, 216, A Rainy Day, 230; Aspirations of
Yours, 24: A hei and Acorn, 250; Austrian
Sanders and Hungarian Bravery, 315; Autumn
Evening. To

buice of happiness equal, 230; Baron's
La Be 29; Basque Gir, 313: Battie Field,
25; Beeves Hear's Apos ie, 13), Beauty,
Wr, and God. 142; Beautiful Clou 1, 131: Be cu-
ties of Niure, 302; Benefi's of Agricolure, 285;
Bezzar's Poison, 275; Beware the first approach
of Cin, *; Beware of Ava ice, 26; Bex of
Wives, 314: Bitter Wan, 212; Book of Na ure,
23; Burof M rai Beauv. 131; Brutus Harangue,
231, Barisi of Sir John Moore, 142

C-Cilies of Hangary at 1 her Sympathi
zeTM, 315, ca sius agtius Cæsar. 142; Carelessness
of Wrongs, 220; Ca o`s Sena e 273, Cato × 80-40-
yaning, forever Ua in ging, 45; Casuges
of Va d. 256, Changing an1 Une ranging, co',
Charms of Youth, 202, Cvari, (8 Pado, 201.
Charicer of woman, 245; Chirac er of Cas~!»,

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racer of Pr2, 2907; Charac er of Bona-
pire, &; Curie'er of a good Parson, 315, Cave
(29.0' eerfulness in re'i vent, 1,2, Ches -
nut 24, Chile Hole, Caris sing
the Te** 30, Cicero's Oriann, Verres, 3;
Cnr 1: A jon, 1:2; Colamerte, Ar, and
Relize 35; vom for in D.ing. Lin, Concevi
Love, 255, bei 5 lence no to be placed in Man, 135;
Veinan, 195, Converse with Gol,
Cord Grove, 2690; Copier. Punisue 1, 283,
Curi si 11. Curran's Daagi er, 765; Cure for

Piza Seene, 193; Daily Self Examination,
81. Dar e s. 28, Dax of Trul o A 1,14. Di
Vir Farel love. Ab dom, 255, bean of a Heat

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ropean Freedom. V. NB; Evening Beils, 27; Eve's
Love for Alvm. 294; Eve's Lumen on leaving Par
alse, 137; Exile of Erin, 273: Expressive Sience!
muse His praise, 13; Ex ior.ation to be courag ous,

-Falls of Niagara, 167: Famine in Irelan 1. 378;
Fincici Infsibi iv, 238; Fatal Remembrance, id;
Fear of Dean, 185. Fem de Civer, 265, Fever
Dream, 245; Fircle, 29; Faça of Liu, 252;
Faga of Xerxes, 241; Flowers at. I Precipice, 511;
Fortune Teer. 181. Fooseps of Antis, 27;
Four à of . a. .3.3. Free Dom's Hot 2. 2014; F-
don's Vo us, 25. Frene m naris »,281.
G-Gabā ", 13, Gumole. « wife, 257, Gic>-
tees, 7, 66, 267; Getuie Taste, 2574
Ginevra, 462; 6aviga Pauza er in Marris 219,
no tongée, 11; Got in Nure,


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Free Discussion, 256; Rise with the Lark, 227;
Rolla's Address to the Peruvians, 153.

233; Immortal Mind. 257; Improvement of Mind, | Right of England to tax America, 373; Right of
without Display, 243; Industry and Eloquence.
301; Indian Names, 248; Infant Sleeping in a
Garden, 233; Influence of Gold 280; Influence of
the Wife and Good, 309; Invocation to Mirth, 174.
-Joy expected, 173; Judgment on Adam, 179;
Judging according to strict Law, 215.

K-Knapp's Trial, 251.

-Languishing Love, 176; Land of Rest, 278;
Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 311; Last linger-
ing Look, 290; Last Account 'twixt Heaven and
Earth, 184; Liberty and Union, 255; Life of a
Drunkard, 253; Life is Real, 305; Lily of the Vale,
73; Lochinvar, 297; Lo! the poor Indian, 167;
Lord Ullin's Daughter, 290; Lord Thurlow's Speech,
200; Love described, 176; Lost Bride, 272; Loss of
National Character, 282; Loving is Living, 288;
Love of Praise in every Heart, 145; Love's Sacrifice,
813; Lucius Speech. 276; Lucy, 397.

-Madness, 213; Maid of Mallahide, 267;
Majesty of the Law, 293; Man is dear to Man, 70;
Man made to face the Storm, 152; Maniac, 270;
Marco Bozzarris, 267; Maria De Torquenioda, 314;
Marseilles Hymn of Liberty, 292; Maternal Affec-
tion, 303; Meek-eyed Morn appears, 170; Merchant
and Scholar, 371; Merchants and Shipmasters, 378;
Midnight's holy Hour, 45: Military Despotism and
Insubordination, 281; Milton, 119; Ministering
Spirits, 47 Ministry of Angels, 171; Mirth and
Melancholy, 174; Misspent Time, 217; Modulation,
284; Modern Republics, 271; Moloch's Oration for
War, 308; Moral Truth intelligible to All, 244;
Moonlight and a Battle Field, 255; Mortal Coldness
of the Soul, 179; Moral effects of Intemperance,
240; Mother's Injunction. 82; Mother perishing in
the Snow Storm, 111; Music the Food of Love,
187; Music! thou rest of Life, 173; Muse of Inspi-
ration, 235; My Birth Day, 71; My Mother's Voice,
125; My Country, 250; My Native Land, 151.

N-Nature always True, 206; Nature and Gar-
rick. 224; Nature of Eloquence, 286; Nature's
Wants are few, 284; Nature's Universal Joy, 127;
Nature's Visible Works, 144; National Glory, 241;
National Union, 250; Natural History of Love, 274;
Needle, 272; New England and the Union, 377;
Night Scene in Turkey, 246; Nobility of Labor,
266; No Excellence without Labor, 305; Nose and
the Man, 265.

0-Ode on the Passions, 249; Old Age honora-
ble, 228; Old Hat, 296; Old Oaken Bucket, 256;
O Sacred Solitude, 181; One good Turn deserves
another, 375: One fatal Remembrance, 229; Orator
Puff, 315; Ossian's Address to the Moon, 241; Os-
sian's Address to the Sun, 244; Othello's Apology,
292; Our Country. 240; Our thoughts are Bound-
les, 235; Our Toils and their Reward, 238; Our
Exit. 287.

P-Parrhasius and the Captive, 274; Pardoning
a cruel Persecution, 217; Patriotic Triumph. 263;
Partings and Meetings, 299; Parts of the Whole,
238; Patrick Henry's Speech, 277; Patriots of the
Revolution, 55: Passing away of the Indians, 114;
Passion's Language, 183; Passage of the Red Sea,
286; Patriots have toiled, 133; Peace and War con-
trasted, 257; Pelayo, 186; Perry's Victory, 260;
Perfect Orator, 279; Pilgrims and their Destiny,
312: Physical Education, 284; Playing the Fool, 192;
Pleasures of Piety, 217; Player's Profession, 222;
Play-Place of Early Days, 276; Pompeii, 275; Po-
litical Corruption, 310; Power of Eloquence, 280;
Power of Imagination, 166: Press On (prose), 246 ;
Press On (poetry), 279; Presence of God, 182; Pri-
mal Duties. 160; Progress of Life. 110; Progress of
Liberty, 256; Progress of Government, 290; Public
Faith, 309.

Q-Quality of Mercy, 177; Qualities surpassing
Loveliness, 233; Queen Mab, 289;

B-Raptures. 175; Razor Seller, 271; Recita-
tion, 282; Recitations instead of Theaters, 264;
Reproaching for want of Courage, 183; Resolve, be
Men, 150; Respect to Old Age, 282; Resurrection
of the Lord, 294; Revolutions in Nature, 232;
Rich and Poor Man, 269; Richard the Third, 304;

S-Sacrifices to Liberty, 229; Saintly Chastity.
235; Sailor Boy's Dream, 262; Satan's Decisive
Speech, 190; Satan's Farewell to Heaven, 182; Sa
tan's Speech to his Legions, 160; School Friendships
often Illusive, 91; Serpents of the Still, 253; Ser-
pents in Social Life, 149; Sempronius' Speech, 276;
Shakspeare, 289; Shakspeare's Apothecary, 69;
Shylock's Revenge, 181; She walks in Beauty, 23;
Ship sailing, 241; Sin and death, 101; Slander, 244
Slander, 260; Something beyond this World. 309;
Sonnet-Enfranchised Bird, 218; Soul forms the
Body, 290; Soul's Defiance, 286; Soul's glimpses of
Immortality, 377; Speech of Belial, dissuading
War, 275; Spectacles, 377: Speech of Ca'aline be
fore the Roman Senate, 293; Specimen of Indian
Language, 292; Spirits of the Departed, 137; Spirit
of Human Liberty, 377; Star of Bethlehem. 204;
Stream of Life, 296; Sublimity of Mountain Scenery,
250; Submission to Heaven, 201; Sunset Cloud,
83; Surprise at unexpected Events, 223; Suppose i
Speech of John Adams, on adopting the Declara
tion, 245: Sure Rewards for Virtue, 305.

T-Talent always Ascendant. 269; Temperance
in Food and Drink, 309; The Alps, 270; The Bea-
con (James), 89; The Butterfly, 117; The Bible
worthy of all Acceptation, 128; The Day of Life,
84; There's beauty in the Deep, 164; The Epitaph,
129; The Devil's Soliloquy, 190; The Drunkard,
113; The Fisherman, 115; The Freeman (Cowper),
301; The Hermit, 249; Thanatopsis (Bryant), 287;
The Murderer (Webster), 251; The Invalid abroad,
252; The Quiet Hour of Feeling, 90; The Plow,
379; The Rainbow of Omnipotence, 175; The Re-
jected. 304; The Rose had been washed, 72; The
Whiskers, 243; They know not my Heart, 176;
Three black Crows, 259; Time flies, 259; Time-
New Year. 279; Time's softening lower, 291; Tran-
quility, 190; Tit for Tat, 263; This World's not a
fleeting Show, 85; Tis Midnight deep, 227; Thun-
der Storm on the Alps, 803; To Mary in Heaven,
302; To-day and To-morrow, 301; Tranquil Medi-
tations, 89; Tribute to Washington, 289: Tribute
to William Penn, 312; True Elocution, 244; True
and False Liberty, 168; True Love, 189; True Pui-
losophy, 168; True happiness has no localities. 172;
True Friendship, 260; True Pleasure defined, 255;
Twilight Dews, 193; Turkey, England, and United
States, 800.

U-Universal Emancipation (Gratton), 271.
V-Vanity, 308; Victim Bride and Miser (Harri-
son), 291; Village Blacksmith (Longfellow), 299;
Virtue the best Treasure, 222; Virtue the Guardian
of Youth. 244; Virtuous Friendship, 238; Voice of
Infant Freedom (weep not), 78; Voice of Nature,
205: Vulture and Captive Infant, 247.

W-Warren's Address (paraphrased). at the Bat-
tle of Bunker Hill, 57; Washington a man of Genius,
376: Water for me, 371; Waterloo-the Ball and
Battle, 264, Way to be Happy, 278; What Com-
merce has done. 378; What Eloquence is, 156:
What's Fame, 262; What the wise Man does, 233 ;
Wife, Children, and Friends (Spencer), 279; Wil
derness of Mind, 258; Wirt's Introductory, 150,
Wisdom's Harp, 132; Wise Men's Course, 223; Wol-
sey's Soliloquy on Ambition, 312; Woman's Prayer,
297; Work enough for All, 380; Works of the Sian-
derer, 811; World to Come, 280; World at a Dis
tance, 253; Worship, 188; Worship! God is pass-
ing by, 102; Worship and Rejoice, 183.

Y-You Cloud is Bright, 96; Youth and Age, 283.


Ancient and Modern Virtue, 308; City Finishing (F. F. D.), 3001
Dandy (FFD), 357; Debating Club (FF D), 344. Dress and Amaradev, (▼
FI,336, English Traveler (F F D 350, Female hajuste, a
(FFD), 337; 11 Try; or, Yanker Marksman (FFD 353 lxjer
aure of Literature, 312; Julius Cesar (Kuowles), 319; Max best as be
1= {FFD), 360, Pedantry (F FD), XV, Pedigree F F D 250, Thre
nelogy, a dost nasion (F_F_D), 25); Preseness (F_F_DV, 241; Quarter
Day FF D,582; School Committee F F D 354; 8: perir value of
d. Are malishinei ts, 309; Temperance Dialogne
deal my
Teht 107, Tortue (F FD), 162; Vanity punished (FF D), 561; Vik

lage school, (F F D 341; William Tell, 374.

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