CONTENTS. 264 On living in a particular Way- Character of Irus-Letters from Estcourt-from Sir Roger.... STEELE STEELE ADDISON .......... the Scornful Lady 271 Letters from Tom Trippit, com- plaining of a Greek Quotation- STEELE ADDISON chiefmaking old Maid-from E. STEELE L 284 Affectation of Negligence of Bu- siness-Letter from the Parish STEELE BUDGELL Clerk on Evergreens.......... STEELE 285 Criticism on Paradise Lost 286 False Delicacy-Defence of the 287 On the Civil Constitution of Great 289 Reflections on Bills of Mortality- ..... 290 Tragedy of the Distressed Mother ADDISON UNKNOWN ADDISON ADDISON ... STEELE ........ .. ADDISON 291 Criticism on Paradise Lost 296 Letters on Greek Mottos-the Use ADDISON STEELE ADDISON NUMB. vice - Lampoons - Good Man- ners-Dancing .... ...... 297 Criticism on Paradise Lost have of the Fair Sex.... STEELE ADDISON STEELE ried to a Woman of Quality.... ADDISON 300 Indelicate Conversation-Conversa- stancy of Friendship - Criti- 301 Letter to Chloe from her Lover, STEELE with an Account of his Dreams BUDGELL 302 Character of Emilia 303 Criticism on Paradise Lost DR. BROME .. ADDISON. 304 Letter from a silent Lover-Petition of Anthony Titlepage-of Barth. ..... 305 Project of the new French Political Academy 306 Letter from a Beauty destroyed by the Small Pox ... 307 On the Education of Children ... 308 On the better regulating of Matches 1 STEELE ADDISON HUGHES STEELE BUDGELL STEELE 1309 Criticism on Paradise Lost....... ADDISON 310 Letters from various Lovers-on Tale-bearers-Petition from the Readers of the Spectator .... STEELE |