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before them, he should say nothing. He would discuss it at the proper time, with a sincere desire for its adoption.—The Earl of Aberdeen offered some remarks on Portuguese affairs, observing that the injuries of which complaint had been preferred resulted from the state of public excitement, and adding that the Ministers of the Five Powers had no right to dictate to the King of the Netherlands, as it appeared they had done, in forcing him, under the bane of their high displeasure, to conform to the decision of the Conference.-The Duke of Buckingham declared that, though he was last Session vehemently opposed to the measure then introduced, he was, as well as the Government, most anxious for the speedy and satisfactory settlement of the question, on which depended the quiet of the country and the security of the State: he would, therefore, when it came before the House, consider it with a view to the feelings of the people with a view to that spread of education and knowledge among them which had rendered them both more alive to political matters, and more competent to understand them; but he would so consider it always subject to the principles of the Constitution.-The Earl of Eldon, in a short speech, alluded to the infamous falsehoods propagated in a paper called "The Black List,' a production which he deprecated as highly revolutionary; he considered that Ministers ought to institute a prosecution against the publishers of such a work. The Noble Earl, in allusion to the vote he had given last Session on the Reform Bill, candidly declared his willingness to revise that vote, and if he found that he had really taken a false step, to retrace it.-Earl Grey, in addressing the House, observed, in reference to the question of Reform, "" any measure passed by me must be on the same principles, and equally efficient as the last." He hoped when Noble Lords came to discuss that question, they would come unfettered, and have a full latitude for the expression of their opinions, so as they might conscientiously do their duty; and he claimed the same advantages for himself, determined to do his duty, as was, in his opinion, most conducive to the best interests of the State and the permanent security of the country. His Lordship having briefly commented upon the several other topics introduced into his Majesty's Speech, the Address was agreed to.

Dec. 7.-The House met at one o'clock, for the purpose of proceeding to St. James's with the Address, and shortly afterwards the Lord Chancellor, the Mover and Seconder of the Address, the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and other Peers, carried up the Address to the Sovereign.

Dec. 8. The Lord Chancellor read his Majesty's Answer to the Address, which

was ordered to be entered on the Journals of the House.-Lord Ellenborough, in moving for returns relative to the Charter and the affairs of the East India Company, expressed his surprise at the total silence of the King's Speech on that important subject, and stated that a leading point of inquiry would be to ascertain how far the Government of India could be conducted without reliance for its expenditure on any other quarter. - Earl Grey said he could not object to the motion, and that he should be ready to discuss the question when it came regularly before the House; but, as the question of the revival of the Charter was not likely to be brought forward this Session, its mention was not introduced into the King's Speech.-The Marquis of Salisbury asked whether Government intended to bring forward any Bill relative to the Poor Laws?-The Lord Chancellor replied, that if no other Noble Lord did, he should propose a measure upon that subject.-The Earl of Aberdeen intimated, he should hereafter bring forward a motion respecting the arrangements between Holland and Belgium, if a Noble Duke (Wellington), who had taken great interest in the proceedings connected with those arrangements, declined to do so.-Earl Grey said, that a copy of the Conference would have been laid on the table if it had been ratified. The Earl of Winchelsea inquired whether it was the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to bring forward any specific measure for the purpose of putting down the Political Unions?— Earl Grey said it was not; adding that Government was already armed with sufficient powers to stop any illegal associations.

Dec. 9. Lord Teynham, after alluding to the fires which had taken place in different parts of the country, and strongly urging the necessity of interference on the part of Government, gave notice that after the Christmas recess he should move for leave to bring in a Bill for the purpose of preventing incendiary fires.

Dec. 13. Lord Ellenborough moved for copies of all Correspondence relative to the recent differences between the Factory and the Local Authorities at Canton. His Lordship spoke at some length upon the importance and advantages of our trade with China. He lamented that the Select Committee and Merchants at Canton had acted in such a way as to give offence to the Chinese Government.-Earl Grey replied, that Government were aware of the importance of the subject-that no step would be taken rashly-that the business was more immediately under the control of the East India Company-and that no objection would be made to the production of the Papers when they were ready, and when Government and the Company had received all the necessary intelligence which they

had not yet had upon the subject. The Motion was withdrawn.

consider the Speech to be very manly and straightforward; nor did he view it as very Dec. 15. Lord Melbourne moved that a explicit. They had yet to learn, whether Select Committee be appointed to inquire the Reform Bill about to be brought forward respecting the collection and payment of was to be another and a more moderate Bill, Tithes in Ireland. His Lordship, after al- or the same Bill. As to the "systematic luding to the various disturbances which opposition to the payment of tithes in Irehad taken place in that country, said, it land, if that remedy were adopted which he would be recollected that similar disturb- thought was hinted at (an alteration of the ances in 1822 gave rise to the introduction tithe system), it would shake the foundation of the Tithe Composition Act, which was at of all property, and should have his most the time satisfactory to a large proportion of decided opposition. Mr. Stanley stated, in the people. The present disturbances, he regard to Ireland, that it was intended to believed, arose from inherent defects in the move for a Select Committee on the subject; system; the mode of collecting Tithes, and and that the views of the Government would the imperfect and partial operation of the be submitted to such Committee. It was Tithe Composition Act. The Tithe of agist- not contemplated to affect property: it was ment, and the power which was left to the only sought, as in the case of Reform, to seDiocesan of refusing his assent to the Com- cure property and strengthen existing instiposition which might be agreed upon be- tutions.-Sir C. Wetherell entered at some tween the incumbent and parishioners, were length into explanations of the Bristol affair circumstances which caused the Tithe Com--attacking the Unions and the newspapers position Act to act partially, and the sound parts of Ireland to be infected by the unsound portions. His Lordship stated, that a great hardship was inflicted on the poor man, by the numerous calls which were made on him. The bishop, rector, vicar, archdeacon, prebendary, and vicars choral all had a right to call for their Tithes separately, which was harassing to the poor man, though the total amount was but trifling. None but low persons were employed in the collection of Tithes, who were disposed to take every advantage, and were of course in many instances guilty of the utmost exaction. The motion, after a few remarks from the Earl of Wicklow, Lord Ellenborough, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Earl Grey, was agreed to, and a Committee appointed.

Dec. 16. In answer to a question by the Earl of Aberdeen,-Earl Grey said, it was the determination of Government to enforce the Foreign Enlistment Bill, and to take no part in the dispute between Don Pedro and Don Miguel. Some vessels, which had been engaged for the service of Don Pedro, had been detained in the river, and the case referred to the Law Officers of the Crown, who decided that the law had not been violated, and they were in consequence released. On the Motion of Earl Grey, the House adjourned to the 17th of January.


Dec. 6. The Speaker entered the House shortly after one o'clock, and at half-past two the House was summoned to the Lords. On their return, the House adjourned during pleasure; and at four the Speaker again took the Chair. His Majesty's Speech having been read by the Speaker-Lord Cavendish rose to move the usual Address; which was seconded by Sir Francis Vincent. Mr. Croker observed, that he did not

with unmingled and indiscriminating cen-
sure-inquiring why, if danger were appre-
hended, the Bristol Gaol Delivery had not
been postponed; and asking what would
have been said of him by the " many-
mouthed and venomous Press" if he had
not gone there? The Hon. Gentleman com-
plained that the names of the Recorder and
the Bristol Magistrates were omitted in the
Commission recently appointed. He had
put in his claim to be included in it, as a
matter of right, to the Secretary for the Home
Department, and he had also submitted it
in writing to the Lord Chancellor.- Mr.
Lamb stated that the postponement of the
gaol delivery had never been asked. He
would, however, abstain from further com-
ments, on the ground that inquiries were
proceeding in Bristol.-Sir Robert Peel
having commented upon several of the topics
alluded to in his Majesty's Speech, on the
subject of Reform, said :-

"When the new measure of Reform shall come under discussion, I, for one, promise to give it the most calm and dispassionate attention. I wish that I could anticipate from its success the same tranquillizing and satisfactory results which are anticipated by the King's Government. I wish that I could believe that the spirit of impatience against all restraint, and the reluctance to submit to any control, which at present pervade and convulse the land, were attributable to such causes as the opposition which we have given to the progress of Reform; and that the triumpb, if triumph should betide, over our opposition, would bring back the halcyon days of peace and contentment, and restore that spirit of obedience which, under Tory Governments at least, existed to the laws. It is in a spirit of calmness and impartiality that I shall discuss the Bill which the Noble Lord opposite me is about to introduce. I trust that it will be

founded on more moderate principles than the last; but be it founded on what principles it may, I owe it as a duty to the people of England,-I claim it as a right inherent in me as one of their

Representatives-to deliver my opinions honestly and boldly upon it; and as the King, in the gracious Speech which we have this day heard delivered from the Throne, admits the rights of his subjects, even in confederated unions, publicly to declare their opinions and to make known their

grievances, so I, a loyal subject of the King, shall expect protection in return for my allegiance, if I should incur odium and unpopularity by protecting that which in my judgment I believe to be the real interests of the people of England against their wishes and temporary delusion." --The Chancellor of the Exchequer thought that Government, considering the present state of the country, had exercised a sound discretion in calling Parliament together at this unusual season, notwithstanding the public and private inconvenience which individuals might feel from now attending it. With respect to the omissions complained of in the Speech, the subjects alluded to must be necessarily brought under the discussion of Parliament, and it did not appear necessary to mention them. A Committee would be appointed on the subject of the renewal of the Bank Charter; one had been already appointed to consider of the renewal of the Charter of the East India Company. With respect to the plan of Reform to be submitted to the House, his Lordship had reason to hope that it would be such as would effectually calm and set at rest the excitement which existed in the public mind, and would give full satisfaction to the great majority of the people of England.-Mr. Hunt blamed Ministers for not having adopted adequate precautions for securing the public peace of Bristol; and ascribed the present distress to the withdrawal of the paper currency, and the evils of free trade. The Hon. Member moved an amendment to the Address, embodying the latter propositions, and suggesting that the Houses should adjourn, to give time for Ministers to prepare a suitable Address. No Member seconded the Motion, and it of course fell to the ground. After a few remarks from Mr. Robinson, Mr. Leader, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Weyland, Mr. Shiel, Sir J. M. Doyle, and Sir C. Forbes, the Address was agreed


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Dec. 7. The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented a Petition from Yorkshire, signed by upwards of 140,000 persons, praying for Reform.-Lord Morpeth, in supporting the prayer of the petition, observed that this was the answer of Yorkshire to the allegation that there was action on the subject of Parliamentary Reform. The immense number of signatures to the petition were obtained in the short space of six days.-Mr. Hume, on presenting a petition from the Western Political Union, praying the House to adopt measures for the diffusion of knowledge, by the removal of many taxes that prevented its extension,

inquired of the Noble Lord (Althorp) whether Government contemplated any proposition on this subject during the present Session. The Chancellor of the Exchequer protested against questions being put to him at this period as to what he might be inclined to do with respect to the removal of taxation; because, to give satisfactory answers to such questions would be to pledge himself at a period when he should be extremely sorry to give any pledge whatever. He should therefore decline giving any answer as to the nature of any financial measures that might be under the consideration of the Government.-The Report on the Address was brought up, and, after a discussion, in which Mr. Hume, Lord Palmerston, Mr. G. Dawson, Mr. C. Ferguson, Lord Sandon, Sir F. Burdett, and Sir R. Peel took part, was agreed to and ordered to be presented to the King.

Dec. 8. The House met pro forma at two o'clock. The Speaker, Lord Cavendish, Sir F. Vincent, and several other Members, then proceeded to St. James's Palace, to present the Address to the King.

Dec. 9. Mr. Hume desired to know whether there was an intention on the part of Government to take any step towards reducing the increased expenditure incurred during the current year, amounting to nearly a million, in keeping up an extra military as well as naval force. For his own part, he was not aware of the necessity of keeping up such establishments.-Lord Althorp considered it extremely inconvenient to have questions upon the rate of estimates which Government was about to submit to the House, put to him at this period. He certainly did not consider it the proper time to put such questions, and if they were put in due'time, in due time would he answer them.

He would, however, state that it was the intention of Government to propose the Estimates with the strictest view to economy.

-On the motion of Lord Duncannon, the House resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, and at the recommendation of the Committee, 78,750l. was granted out of the Crown Revenues for repairs of Buckingham Palace.-Mr. Hume wished to know whether that supply extended to the furniture. — Lord Duncannon said the furniture was not included, but there was a large quantity of furniture in store, which was likely to be appropriated to that purpose.

Dec. 12. Lord John Russell introduced the Reform Bill. The Noble Lord, having commented upon the necessity of a Reform in the existing system of representation, the state and prospects of the country, and the pledges given by Ministers to effect such a change as appeared to them necessary, proceeded to explain the principle upon which the Bill had been drawn up, and the various

Political Events.

details embraced by it. The present was, he considered, much superior to the former, inasmuch as it had less cumbrous machinery to work with, and far more conciseness and simplicity of plan. On the subject of the amendments proposed to be made as regards schedules A and B, his Lordship observed, that some of the boroughs which formerly escaped disfranchisement in consequence of the population of their parishes being large, though the boroughs themselves were inconsiderable, would now be placed in schedule A, whilst others would be rased out of it, and placed in schedule B. The boroughs which would be placed in schedule A, in consequence of this change, were Aldborough, Amersham, East Grinstead, Oakhampton, Saltash, and Ashburton. Supposing Ashburton to be one of the 56, then the boroughs rased out of schedule A into schedule B were Midhurst, Petersfield, Eye, Wareham, Woodstock, and Lostwithiel. Another part of the disfranchising clauses of the Bill related to the boroughs inserted in schedule B. The boroughs in schedule A were disfranchised because they could have no free election; but the boroughs in schedule B were placed there from an idea of the propriety of not giving to the smaller boroughs such a large share in the representation as they possessed at present, from each returning two Members, and with a view of diminishing the numbers of the House. The opinion of the framers of this Bill as to the first of these points, namely, the propriety of diminishing the share which the boroughs had in the representation, remains unchanged. With regard to the propriety of filling up the numbers of the House, it had been matter of serious consideration with them, whether, as the vacancies occasioned by the disfranchisement of the boroughs had been filled up so far as to give to the House only twenty-three Members less than those which now constituted it, it might not be of greater advantage to leave its Members undiminished, especially as those who objected to the diminution of the House might be conciliated without sacrificing any of the principles of the Bill. The only way left to do this was, by giving an additional Member to a certain number of the boroughs. It was proposed, that of the twenty-three Members who must be provided to fill up the numbers of the House, ten should be given to the most considerable towns in schedule B, that one should be given to Chatham, so as to render that town quite independent of Rochester, and that another should be given to the county of Monmouth. The consequence was, that there would only be thirty boroughs in schedule B, instead of forty-one; and thus in schedule C, instead of twelve Members, there would be twenty-two. Instead of

Jan. 1,

there being sixty-nine places, as by the old Bill, there would only be forty-nine places returning one representative each. According to the scale now founded on the joint sessed taxes, the thirty boroughs which test of the number of houses and the aswould come into schedule B would be Eye, Lostwithiel, Westbury, Wareham, Wilton, Midhurst, Woodstock, Malmsbury, Launceston, Droitwich, Liskeard, Hythe, LymeRegis, Horsham, Dartmouth, Thirsk, Totnes, Great Grimsby, Arundel, St. Ives, Rye, Morpeth, Northallerton, Reigate, Clithero, Helston, Calne, Christchurch, Petersfield, Shaftesbury. In schedule D, Brighton, Bradford, Blackburn, Macclestwo Members would be given to Bolton, field, Stockport, Stoke-upon-Trent, Halifax, and Stroud. By these amendments, it will be seen, that the disfranchising portion of the Bill has been curtailed; that schedule A, which before contained fifty-six boroughs, will now only contain fifty-one; and that schedule B, which contained forty-one boroughs, will now contain no more than thirty.

Lordship in future proposes to take houses With respect to the census, his instead of persons, as the test of population ject of qualification, little or no alteration is cannot be so strictly relied on. to be made in the spirit of the 101. franchise, On the subthough as regards freemen-and this part of the new Bill is certainly no improvementthe franchise is to be continued to them for ever, provided also they reside within the city, or borough, or within seven miles of arrangement, namely, the proposed apthe place of voting. Another part of the portionment of the limits and bounds of cities, boroughs, and districts by commissioners, would be the subject of a distinct Bill would afford the opponents of the last Bill. Sir Robert Peel said, that the new Bill the most triumphant refutation of the gross calumnies and false charges made against them for the part they had taken. tained had been before ineffectually made All the suggestions which the new Bill connied that the alterations in the Bill originat his side of the House.-Lord Althorp defrom Sir R. Peel's side of the House. ated from suggestions and proposals coming During the recess, Government had not only applied themselves to improve the Bill, but had, wherever objections had been made which did not seem to involve points of any material consequence, adopted them in the spirit of conciliation. The Noble Lord concluded by maintaining, that the principles of the Bill were the same as those contained in the rejected Bill.-Mr. Croker contended, after instancing Aldborough, Northallerton, Calne, and other places, that there was not a single point, as far as schedules A and B were concerned, that was brought

to a division in the Committee, which was not now conceded in the present Bill.-The Marquis of Chandos wished that more conciliation were shown on both sides, knowing that in other quarters the question was likely to meet with a different reception. He still hoped the Bill might pass both Houses of Parliament in such a shape as to give satisfaction to the country at large, and not as now solely advocated by one party, although he admitted it to be a large one. He held himself called upon to make these observations, because he felt that they were deliberating at a moment when there were other Houses of Parliament assembled in the country, having a power which none but the Commons of England ought to possess. -Mr. Hunt disapproved of the Bill, as it would exclude nine-tenths of the male adult population of the country from any share in the representation.-Sir C. Forbes disapproved of the Bill as much as the last. Lord Ebrington thought the Bill, to every good purpose, epual to the last. Mr. Baring hoped that a spirit of conciliation would pervade all parties. Such excitement had been caused by the expectations held out by Ministers, that it was their duty to look at the existing state of things, to take the wishes and opinions of the people into consideration, instead of only considering what was abstractedly due to the Constitution, and what would abstractedly be the best for the country.-Mr. Shiel complained that the number of Irish Members had not been increased when so numerous an addition of Members had been made to England. According as he understood the principle of the Bill, all those who had votes in corporations now, whether derived from freedom or servitude, were to be preserved in perpetuity. If that provision were to be extended to Ireland, and the freemen were to be preserved, he wished to know if the 40s. freeholders were to be also preserved in towns?-Lord Clive had heard Lord John Russell's speech with great satisfaction. The alterations in the Bill would certainly make it more acceptable than before. He trusted that the conciliatory spirit evinced by the Noble Lord would be met by a corresponding disposition. Mr. Portman was glad to observe that the Bill was generally received by the late Opposition in a spirit of conciliation. He congratulated the House and the country at the prospect of a speedy settlement of the question.-Sir Charles Wetherell, though not slow in expressing gratitude, saw nothing in the new Bill which should excite great satisfaction in his mind. The great point was, that there was to be no disfranchisement of freemen; or, in other words, such corporations as were to be spared by the disfranchising clause were also to be allowed to retain

their rights of voting. The Bill conceded that the freedom of those boroughs which were not placed in schedule A, should reserve those rights perpetually which they had held since ever Parliament was established. He had before said that he knew two places, namely, Oxford and Bristol, where this disfranchisement was regarded as most odious, and he had stated that this part of the Bill was not understood.—Mr. Shaw observed, that with respect to Dublin, the number of voters at present was about 4000, and according to the present measure, they would be increased to about 50,000, the greater part of whom were Roman Catholics. He could see no ground, therefore, for the objection of Mr. Shiel.Mr. Labouchere was rather surprised, when such a great alteration was to be made in the Constitution, that something more was not done for the satisfaction of Ireland.Mr. Hume was happy to express his approbation of the principle of the measure proposed by the Government; but he must join with the Member for Louth, and the other Members for Ireland, in regretting that some measures had not been adopted to put an end to the complaints of the people of that country. He feared much, indeed, that the passing by the claims of Ireland to an enlarged representation, would give inveterate offence to the people. - Lord John Russell having briefly replied, leave was given to bring in the Bill, which was also read a first time.

Dec. 15. Mr. Stanley moved for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the state of the law respecting Tithes in Ireland. The motion, after a few remarks from Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Leader, &c. was agreed to, and a committee appointed.-Mr. Warburton obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the regulation of Schools of Anatomy. He said that it instituted certain inspectors of the schools of anatomy, to be appointed by the Home Secretary, and to make reports to him from time to time on any objectionable matters that might come under their view. He likewise stated that, with respect to the mode in which the schools were to be supplied, his measure would apply both to the rich and poor.

Dec. 16. Lord Althorp moved the second reading of the Reform Bill.-Lord Porchester said, in the present circumstances of the country he should not oppose a measure of Reform, by which a compromise could be effected between the opponents and the friends of a change in the representative system; but Ministers had done nothing to enable the mildest of their opponents to return his sword to its scabbard.—Sir E. B. Sugden considered the present Bill more democratic in principle than the former.

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