페이지 이미지


Ouseley, which I have before me, I find the name of a Raja Luchmun Deva, who, it would appear, fell in battle with some hill chief he had gone to attack. The lines which are so much worn, appear to read"Son of Koomar Raja." The date of this inscription is 1297, or 199 years earlier, which allowing an average of 22 years to each reign for the nine chiefs intervening, renders it not improbable that the two persons are one and the same, for the titles Pala and Deva, are of the same value; but these are mere suppositions which I offer as hints to other labourers in the same field, with which I must take leave of the present subject.


ॐ नमोनारायणाय ॥ तस्मै नमोस्तु हरये कमलाकटाक्षपीयूषसिक्त वपुषे परुषेतराक्षाम्॥ यश्चात्थिताञ्जलनिधेरवलोक्य लक्ष्यीं लक्ष्यीचकार नमुरा न सुरान्विमुग्धः ॥ १ ॥ उमङ्गा नगरी गरीयसिगिरौगीर्वाणवृन्दारकैः प्रासादेषु निवेशितैरतितरां धर्म्यन्दधद्भिर्धुरम्॥ तत्तत्सोमकुलोद्भवार्ज्जिततमैः पुण्यैरगण्यैर्गुणै: प्रत्यष्ठात्प्रतिवासरं प्रतिदिशं पूर्णाद्भुतैर्भूरिभिः || २ || तस्यामस्यांविराजन्नयवतिरजनीनाथवंशेऽव तंसेराजन्यानामरीणां नयविनयगुणैर्दुर्दमाभूमिपालः ।। चञ्चद्दोर्दण्डलीलावलयितविनमच्चण्डको दण्डकारण्डेरानचीयं रिपूणां रणशिरसि शिवां खण्डितैर्य्यशिरोभिः ॥ ३ ॥ कुमारपालः क्षिति पस्ततोऽभूत्कुमारतुल्यः प्रथितैकशक्तिः॥ यवाप्ययं चारुगुणैररीणामुवास लोलापि चिरं नृपश्रीः॥४। जातस्ततोजगति लक्ष्मणपालनामा कामं कुमारकमनीयतनुर्महैौजाः॥ क्षोणीं चकार चिरमुद्रितचित्र चित्रां यश्चार्थिस्वार्थरहितां महितां न्टवीर्यैः ||५|| कलङ्केन विना चंद्रश्चंद्रपालस्ततोऽभवत् ॥ यस्योदयेऽरिवनिता चक्रवाकीव सीदति ॥ ६ ॥ तस्मादभृन्नयनपालइति प्रसिद्भः सिद्धाङ्गनास्खयमुपेत्य पतिं चकार ॥ यं कान्तिकीर्त्तिपरिनिर्जितकामदेवं देवान्विहाय विरहार्त्तिभयप्रणुन्ना ||७|| तादायनिःसमभवद्भविस७पालः खण्डत्वमापुररयोभुवितेजसोऽस्य || यश्चाजिसीमनि विभावसुवासवादीं स्तत्तत्प्रभावनिचयैस्सदृशो चकार ॥ ८ ॥ अभयदेवइति प्रथितैौजसां प्रथम एव वभूव तदात्मजः ॥ समभिशासति यत्र न्टपेभयं

I avail myself of this opportunity of acknowledging Mr. Robert Neave's disclaimer which appeared in the Calcutta Star, of having taken any part in the defacing the Cufic inscriptions in the Temple of Oomga; it appears that the act was that of the Raja of Deo, at the suggestion of other parties.-M. K.

रिपुकुले वसतिस्म सतोऽभयम् ॥ ९ ॥ अभवद मलकोर्त्तिर्मल्लदेवोऽस्य सूनुः क्षितिपतिरतिशक्तित्रीड़ितानेकवीरः || जगतिविजययात्राभ्यर्जिता यस्य भूयोगुणगरिमनिगोणी कर्णकीर्त्तिः प्रकीर्णा ||१०|| तादस्ततो नृपवरः किलकेशिराजेो जज्ञे विजित्य विजयी सकलान् क्षितीशान् ॥ पञ्चामरद्रुममुदारतरं विधाय धातान्य दाटरचनाविमुवबभूव ॥ ११|| तस्मादजायत नृपोवर सिंहदेवः सेवावनम्रधरणीपति मौलिरनैः ॥ भाखद्भिरर्चितपदस्य गुणातिरेकैरेकैव यस्य भुवि राजति कीर्त्तिवल्ली ॥ १२ || भानुदेवस्ततोजातः कराक्रान्तमहीतलः ॥ भानुमानिव विध्वस्त तमस्स्तोमःशुचिक्रियः ॥ १३ ॥ तस्माद्दभूवभवदत्तमनामनीषी सोमेश्वरः क्षितिपतिः प्रथितः ष्टथिव्याम्॥ यद्दीरवैरिवनिता विभवादधीरा दोस्तेजसः प्रतिदिशं सकलावभूवुः || १४ || जित्वाजन्येसगर्वत्र जमकृतधरां विप्रसाज्जामदग्न्यस्तामेतामस्य कीर्त्ति क्रसयितुमखिला मानिनीषुः प्रतिष्ठाम्॥ त्रैलोक्याधारमेकं प्रथितष्टथुयशाः पार्थिवान् प्रीणयित्वा ब्रह्माण्डंभूरिखण्डं व्यदितवसुमतीनाथ सोमेश्वरोयः ।। १५ ।। तस्यात्मजो जगति जङ्गमपारिजातः श्रीभैरवेंद्र नृपतिर्विजितारिवर्गः ॥ यस्य प्रतापतपनांशुभिराशुशोषमायान्ति बुद्धिसरितः प्रसभं रिपूणाम् । १६ || सोमान्वये महतिभूरिगुणावदाताः क्षोणीभुजः कतिकतीहनवावभूवुः ।। व्याचारचारचरितैस्तुकुलं सुधांशोः श्रीभैरवेंद्रनृपतिर्विमलीकरोति||१७|| औदार्येण मुरद्रुमः स्थिर तथा हेमाचलोवारिधि गाम्भीर्येण च सून्नृतेन वचसा वाचस्पतिर्मन्नथः । सौन्दर्येण मतो वधैः शुचितया ज्येष्ठा वशिष्ठादपि प्रायोयशुशुभकीर्त्तनो विजयते श्रीभैरवेंद्रोन्नृपः || १८ || बहुवितरणशीलः क्ष्मातलेय्वेकवीरः कलिदुरित निहन्ता नीतिशास्त्राधिगन्ता || मदनमधुरमूर्त्तिर्लेीकविख्यातकीर्त्तिः खकुलजलधिचंद्रा राजते भैरवेंद्रः ॥ १६ ॥ जगन्नाथः सुभद्राच वलरामः सुरत्रयम्॥ भैरवेंद्रो महीपालः प्रतिष्ठापितवानिति || २० ॥ जातेतर्क ६ नवा ' म्बुधी ४ न्दुगुणिते सम्बत्सवैक्र में वैशाखेगुरुवासरे सिततरे पक्षेटतीय तिथैौ ॥ रोहिण्यां पुरुषोत्तमं चलभ्टतं भद्रां मुभद्रा न्तथा प्रत्यष्ठापयदेकदैकविधिना श्रीभैरवेंद्रोन्टपः ॥ २१ ॥ गीर्वाण वृन्दनवमेहतड़ागयूपकूपैर्धरामु ललितासमकारि येन || वंशावलीविरचनं कृतमेतदास्तामास्तां सभैरवन्ट पोपिसमाः सहस्रम् ||२२|| कृत्वा पि पातकं घोरं ब्रह्महृत्याधिकं नरः || कारयित्वा हरेधीमधूतपापोदिवं

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व्रजेत् || २३ || तोर्थेचायतने पुण्येसिद्धक्षेत्रे तथाश्रमे || कर्त्तुरायतनं विष्णोर्यथेाक्तात्त्रिगुणं फलम् || २४ || फलं शतगुणं शैले यथेोक्तात्परि कीर्त्तितम् ॥ सहखगुणितं पूटङ्गे कर्त्तर्देवालयस्यच || २५ || इष्टका निचितं तिष्ठेद्यावदायतनं हरेः । कर्त्ताच सकुलस्तावद्दिष्णुलोके महीयते ॥ २६|| समतीतं भविष्यच्च कुलानामयुतं नरः ॥ विष्णुलोकं नयत्याशु कारयित्वाहरेर्गृहम् ॥ २७॥ यङ्गतोपिविक्रमाब्दाः ।। १४६६ ।। वैशाखमुदि तृतीयागुरो । भैरवेंद्रप्रसादाप्तमहिम्नागमवेदिना ॥ जनार्दनेन कृतिनाप्रतिष्ठाकारिता हरेः ॥ २८ ॥

*1.—Salutation be to that Hari, whose body is imbued with the ambrosia of Kamala's glance, and who, bewildered at the sight of the ocean-sprung Lakshmi with her love-beaming eyes, looks not (eren) at Devatás and Ashuras.

2.-The city of Umangá flourished on the top of a high mountain, Its houses were crowded with (the images of) mighty (1) gods; and it was ever adorned with the unprecedented virtues of the Soma dynasty. 3.—Here lived the wise king Durdama, of the moral race of the moon. He was a jewel among his rivals. Foremost in the field, he gratified jackals with the heads of his enemies, severed by the arrows of his strong and well-bent ( 2 ) bow.

4.-After him came Kumárapála, who was as powerful as Kártika. The unstable royalty of his rivals found in his merits a permanent habitation.

5.—After him, like another Kártika, came the mighty Laksh manapála. He made the earth bear the stamp of his power, and freed

it from indigence. 6.—Next, like a spotless moon, came Chandrapála, whose appearance caused the wives of his enemies to grieve like Chakravákies. (3)

7. He was succeeded by Nayanapála, who surpassed Kámadeva in beauty. To avoid mourning for an absent lover, a demi-goddess, forsaking divine beings took him for a husband.

8. * * * Sandhapála was born. He rendered his strength equal to that of Indra and the sun, and his majesty destroyed his enemies.

We have substituted the present English version of the inscription, made by our talented young friend Babú Rajendralál Mittra, for that in Hindui, furnished by Capl Kittoe. -- Ep.

(1) Lit. “ able to support heavy weights." (2) Lit. “ bent like an armlet."

(3) Brahminy ducks.

Wherever he

9. His first born, Abhayadeva succeeded him. reigned, he made fear take refuge in the family of his enemy, and confidence in that of the good.

10. Of stainless deed was his son, king Malladeva. His excessive vigour shamed many a hero, and his renown surpassed the fame of Karna earned by many a victorious expedition.

11.—After him, king Kásirája, having conquered all the kings of the earth, became invincible. Brahma created in him a culpaturu, (4) and never attempted the like again.

12. He was succeeded by his son Barasinha Deva. Ilis feet glowed with the light of the crowned heads that were bent before them in submission, and his deeds were unrivalled.

13. Next, Bhanudeva was born. He held the earth in his hands, and dispelled darkness like the sun.

14. Next flourished the wise king Shomeshwara. Ilis heart was given to Shiva, and the might of his arms bereaved the wives of his enemies of rest.

15.-With a view to establish his own reputation and eclipse that of Jamadagni, who destroying even unborn Kshetriyas, gave away the earth to brahmanas, Shomeshwara the supporter of the world, satisfied the kings of the earth and (yet) gave away whole countries to bráhmanas.

16. His son, king Bhairavendra was a conqueror of his enemies, and a parijáta (4) endowed with motion. The rays of his solar majesty dried up the understanding of his foes like water.

17. Though many a king of untainted merit has appeared in the Soma dynasty, it is king Bhairavendra who has exalted it by his precepts and example.

18. In charity he is deemed a culpataru, (4) in moral firmness the mountain Himalaya, in profoundness of thought the ocean; in veracity like Váchaspati; (5) like Kámadeva in beauty, and superior to Vasistha in piety—so reigns the renowned king Bhairavendra.

19. The most charitable-the only hero on the face of the earththe destroyer of the vices of the Kali yuga-the profound moralistthe Kámadeva-like beautiful-the illustrious-the jewel of his raceBhairavendra reigns supreme.

(4) A fabulous tree; one granting every thing desired.
(5) A divine sage.

20. The king Bhairavendra established the images of three gods, Jagannátha, Balaráma and Subhadrá.

21.-On Wednesday the third day of the dark lunation in the month of Vaisakha, in the year of Vicramáditya 1496, he established here, by one ritual, the images of Jagannátha, Balaráma and Subhadrá.

& pillows.

22. He beautified the face of the earth by establishing images of gods, raising new buildings, and sinking tanks and wells.-May this genealogy last long! and long live (6) the good king Bhairavendra!

23.—Whosoever buildeth a temple to Vishnu, expatiates all sins, even the greatest of all, that of killing brahmanas ; and is translated to heaven. 24. But whosoever buildeth a temple to Vishnu at a holy place, a place of pilgrimage, a sanctified spot, or an hermitage, acquires three times as much fruition.

25.-Building a temple to Vishnu on a hill secures a hundred times as much good, and on a high peak, a thousand.

26.-As long as a brick built temple of Vishnu lasts so long do the builder thereof and his family live in the heaven of Vishnu.

27.--Whosoever buildeth a temple to Hari translates five thousand of his generations past and to come to the heaven of Vishnu.

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28.-On Wednesday, the third day of the dark lunation of Vaishakha, in the year of Vicramáditya 1496, Janárdana, who owed his greatness to Bhairavendra and was acquainted with the Vedas, officiated in the establishment of Hari.

Prashnotaramálá, or Catechetical Dialogue of Sook.-Translated by J. CHRISTIAN, Esq., of Monghyr.

The reason for my translating this Catechism is, its preservation. There is nothing uncommon in it which would entitle it to regard. It contains (as almost all the writings of the Hindoos do) a mixture of mystic theology, and practical morality. It appears to be a work of modern date. Although ascribed to Sook, who was the son of the famous Byás, it is not sectarial, as reverence and worship in it is enjoined to the three hypostasis of the IIindoo trinity. The style of this little tract is uncommonly laconic. The date when it was compos ed is not known. It was given to me by Luchhmináth, (a famous

(6) Lit. a thousand years."

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