페이지 이미지


Extraterritorial rights-Continued.
Provisions of proposed treatles, dis-
cussions and draft texts-Con.
Shipping, 784, 799, 801, 807, 822,
851, 900

Special chambers, 736, 749, 752,
764, 765, 770, 773, 806, 807,
813, 814, 815-816, 825-826, 851,
859, 864, 870-871, 894, 904
Taxation, 720, 721, 726, 727, 742,
745, 755, 764, 765-766, 773,
780, 783, 807, 819-820, 862,
898, 912, 996, 1002–1003
Transfer of jurisdiction, includ-
ing criminal jurisdiction, 719,
721, 722, 723-724, 725, 726, 727,
733, 735, 741-742, 743-744, 744,
746, 748, 751, 752, 753, 755,
757, 760, 761, 764, 769, 770, 771,
772,776, 777, 778-779, 782, 784,
785, 787-788, 792, 795, 796, 800,
802-803, 807, 811, 814, 815,
888-889, 894

Treaties, existing, 729, 807, 813,
825, 831, 851, 855, 857, 861,
871, 903

Signature of treaties, question of,
808, 809-810, 827, 835

Texts, draft, of proposed treaties.

See United States: Texts, infra.
Unilateral action of China terminat-
ing extraterritorial rights:
Discussions and statements con-

cerning possibility of, 731,
790-791, 792, 803, 804-805, 828,
833-834, 836, 837


May 4: Issuance, 839, 845; post-

ponement of entry into ef-
fect by mandate of Dec. 29,
931; proposed enforcement
of, and attitude of Great
Britain and the United
States, 837, 858, 860, 921,
922-923, 923-924, 926-931,
932, 965

Dec. 29, mandate postponing en-
forcement of May 4 man-
date, text, 931

Yunnan Province, question of as-

suming jurisdiction over ex-
traterritorial foreigners, 740,
748-749, 754-755, 759, 922-923
United States:
Discussions at Nanking, instruc-

tions and reports, 733, 743-
744, 751-753, 757, 758, 759,
761-762, 771-772, 776, 786,
791-793, 802-803, 805-806, 808,
809-810, 811-812, 839-841,
845-848, 850-852, 853-854,
869-870, 879-881, 882, 883-
884, 887-888, 908-909, 914,
915-916, 919-920, 924-925

Extraterritorial rights-Continued.
United States Continued.

Exchange of views with other ex-
traterritorial powers.

Exchange of views under
France, Great Britain, and
Japan, supra.

Instructions to consular officers to
refrain from discussing ex-
traterritoriality with local
authorities, 749, 755, 759
Negotiations in Washington, 726-
731, 733-736, 739-740, 749-
751, 776-777, 787, 789, 794, 810,
813-827, 831-832, 835-836,
837-838, 866, 870-873, 873-
874, 884-885, 886-887, 888-
890; question of transfer to
Nanking, 738-740, 743n, 745,
751-753, 758, 758-759, 761-
762, 770, 877-880

Relation of negotiations to U. S.
discussions concerning Chi-
nese jurisdiction over Ameri-
can physicians in China, 907,
1010-1012; municipal taxa-
tion questions, 996, 1002-
1003; protection of mission-
ary property, 965; retention
of U. S. Army forces at Tien-
tsin, 1013-1016

Signature of treaty, question of
time and place, 808, 809-810,

Texts, draft, of proposed treaty:

Apr. 27, U. S. revised draft,
including exchange of notes,
815-827; July 14, U. S. revised
draft, including declarations
and exchanges of notes, 893-

Treaty of 1903, expiration in 1934,
804, 847, 848

Flood relief, Chinese refusal of Japa-
nese offer of, 41

Foreign powers (see also under Sino-
Japanese dispute):

Arms and munitions shipments to
China. See Arms and muni-
tions, supra.
Concessions (see also Extraterrito-
rial rights: Provisions: Ex-
cluded areas, supra, and Shang-
hai International Settlement,
infra), question of rendition of
British concessions at Canton,
Hankow, and Tientsin, 805, 828,

Evacuation of Americans and other
foreigners. See Evacuation,

Extraterritorial rights. See Extra-
territorial rights, supra.



Foreign powers-Continued.
France (see also under Sino-Japa-
nese dispute: Foreign powers:
Efforts to preserve peace), ex-
change of views with the United
States regarding extraterrito-
rial rights, 804, 835

Germany. See under Sino-Japanese
dispute: Foreign powers: Ef-
forts to preserve peace.
Great Britain (see also under Sino-
Japanese dispute: Foreign pow-
ers: Efforts to preserve peace;
also under Extraterritorial
rights, supra): Concessions at
Canton, Hankow, and Tientsin,
question of rendition, 805, 828,
865; naval vessels in China, 241,
961, 962; policy and procedure
concerning arms and munitions
shipments to Canton faction via
Hong Kong, 1018, 1019–1020,
1021, 1022-1023, 1026-1028; tax-
ation questions, attitude, 989,
1001, 1007

Italy. See under Sino-Japanese dis-
pute: Foreign powers: Efforts
to preserve peace.

Japan (see also Sino-Japanese dis-
pute; also under Extraterrito-
rial rights, supra): Assistance
to Canton faction, 8; attitude
toward taxation questions, 986-
987, 1001

Netherlands, exchange of notes with

China, Apr. 23, for relinquish-
ment of extraterritoriality upon
relinquishment by great powers,


Norway: Exchange of notes with

China, Apr. 23, for relinquish-
ment of extraterritoriality upon
relinquishment by great powers,
737, 809; Kellogg-Briand Pact
appeal to China and Japan re-
garding Manchurian dispute,
229, 341

Panama, Kellogg-Briand Pact ap-

peal to China and Japan re-
garding Manchurian dispute,
Peru. See under Sino-Japanese dis-

pute: Foreign powers: Efforts
to preserve peace.
Portugal, Kellogg-Briand Pact ap-
peal to China and Japan re-
garding Manchurian dispute,

Protection of American and other
foreign lives and property. See
Protection, infra.

Russia. See under Sino-Japanese
dispute: Foreign powers.


Foreign powers-Continued.
Spain, Kellogg-Briand Pact appeal
to China and Japan regarding
Manchurian dispute, 224, 230,
241, 341

Taxation. See Taxation, infra.
Treaties and agreements regarding
China. See Treaties, infra.
Turkey, Kellogg-Briand Pact ap-
peal to China and Japan re-
garding Manchurian dispute,
United States. See under Sino-
Japanese dispute; also, Arms
and munitions, Claims, Deeds,
Evacuation, and Extraterri-
torial rights, supra; Jurisdic-
tion, Protection, Taxation, U. S.
citizens, U. S. commercial in-
terests, U. S. military and
naval forces, and U. S. policy,

Yugoslavia, Kellogg-Briand Pact
appeal to China and Japan re-
garding Manchurian dispute,

Frazar, Federal, Inc., 121
Gale Co., L. E.: Demonstration air-
plane at Mukden, detention by
Japanese military, 122-123, 542;
interest in airplane sales to South
China, 1019, 1020, 1022, 1026
Halverstadt, Harriet, kidnapping by
bandits, 979-981
Hoggard-Sigler, 981-982
Johnson, Nelson T. (U. S. Minister),
arrangements for presence at
Nanking and Shanghai, 136-137,
329, 331, 332

Jurisdiction over U. S. citizens in
China (see also Extraterritorial
rights, supra), application of
Chinese jurisdiction to American
missionary, educational, and
medical enterprises and person-
nel, 1010-1013

Kidnapping of American missionaries.

See under Protection: Missionar-
ies, infra.

Koo, V. K. Wellington: Proposal for
neutral zone at Chinchow (Man-
churia) and Sino-Japanese con-
troversy concerning, 558, 564-565,
570, 572, 579-580, 589-592, 597,
605-606, 608-609, 613, 614, 618,
620, 621, 629, 641-642, 649, 651-
652, 657-660, 663-667, 668-669,
671, 679-680, 681; resignation as
Foreign Minister and plans for
departure from China, 684, 702,

Kuomintang, National People's Con-
vention (May 5), 744, 791, 794-
795, 803, 813, 827, 834, 836, 838-
839, 853, 858



Lockheed Aircraft Co., 1020-1021, 1025
Manchurian incident. See Sino-Jap-

anese dispute.

Mandates (see also under Extraterri-

torial rights: Unilateral action
of China, supra): Nov. 16, nonrec-
ognition of acts of illegal author-
ities in Manchuria, 472; Nov. 17,
appointment of Gen. Ma Chan-
shan as Chairman of Heilung-
kiang, 472

McDonnell and Gorman, 123
Missionaries and mission property

(see also under Protection,
infra): Application of Chinese
Jurisdiction to American mission-
ary, educational, and medical en-
terprises and personnel, 1010-
1013; exemption of property
from house tax at Tsinanfu, 992-
993; Japanese interference with
banking arrangements in Man-
churia, 124

National City Bank of New York, 20,

26, 124-125, 133, 681

Nelson, Rev. Bert N., kidnapping by
bandits, 934, 936-937, 938-945, 953,
959, 960-961, 962, 963, 975-977
Nichols Superyarn and Carpets, Fed-
eral, Inc., 981-982

Nordlund, Esther, kidnapping by ban-
dits, 957-958

Open-door principle, 441, 461, 483, 491,

Patents and copyrights, provisions of
proposed Sino-foreign treaties for
relinquishment of extraterritori-
ality, 881-882, 885, 890, 908-909
Political situation:

Chiang Kai-shek: Resignation from

presidency, and arrangements
for future duties, 133, 354-357,
684, 686, 702, 714, 922, 925;
U. S. attitude, 355-356, 922, 925
Communist activity in South China,
805, 883

Conflict between National Govern-

ment at Nanking and Canton
government: Japanese assist-
ance to Canton, 8; military op-
erations, 962, 963, 974-975; set-
tlement of difficulties, and order
for dissolution of Canton gov-
ernment, 133, 219, 329, 354-357,
507, 711, 919, 921, 922
Foreign Minister C. T. Wang: As-
sault by students, U. S. expres-
sion of sympathy on occasion
of, 84; resignation, 94
Internal difficulties of National Gov-
ernment, 859

Japanese assistance to Canton fac-
tion, 8; concern over political
growth of China, 87


Political situation-Continued.
National People's Convention of
Kuomintang (May 5), 744, 791,
794-795, 803, 813, 827, 834, 836,
838-839, 853, 858

Public sentiment: Attitude toward
the United States, 673; general,
55, 67, 84, 105, 113, 126, 133, 134,
145, 146, 170, 264, 265, 337, 451-
452, 496, 507, 573, 620, 622, 642,
647-648, 669-670, 684-685, 702
Reorganization of National Govern-
ment, 329, 560-561, 684-685, 686,
701-702, 713-714, 922, 923, 924,
925-926, 929

Student activities, 84, 532, 570, 642,
670, 684-685, 686-687

U. S. policy of noninvolvement in
Chinese domestic politics, 355-

Claims for damages.

Damages, supra.

See Claims:

Mission property. See Missionaries
and mission property, supra.
Patents and copyrights, provisions
of proposed treaties regarding
relinquishment of extraterri-
toriality, 881-882, 885, 890, 908-
Protection. See Protection, infra.
Rights in immovable property, pro-
visions of proposed Sino-for-
eign treaties regarding relin-
quishment of extraterritorial-
ity, 721, 726, 728, 745, 748, 755,
756, 757, 760, 764, 766–767, 772,
773–774, 777, 781, 783, 797, 801,
807, 814, 821, 826, 829-830, 889-
890, 899, 906, 912, 913, 965,
1028-1029, 1031

Title deeds to real property of Amer-
icans, U. S. protection, 1028-

Protection of American and other for-

eign lives and property (see also
under Sino-Japanese dispute),

American merchant vessels:

Boarding and search by Chinese
authorities, and U. S. atti-
tude, 935-936, 956, 964, 970-
971, 978, 979

Firing upon vessels in Yangtze

by bandits and communists,
934, 937, 938, 952-958, 954,

Forced transport of Chinese mili-
tary, U. S. protest, 957
Incidents involving clashes be-

tween American vessels and
Chinese military search par-
ties: Chi Ta incident, 964;


Protection of American and other for-

eign lives and property-Con.
American merchant vessels-Con.
Incidents involving clashes be-
tween American vessels and
Chinese military search par-
ties Continued.


Ifung incident, 978,
Iping incident and U. S.-Chi-
nese correspondence concern-
ing, 954-955, 955-957, 959,

U. S. naval armed guards, 954-955
British naval vessels, 961, 962
Claims for damages to missionary
property, U. S. reservation of
rights concerning, 971-974
Evacuation of Americans from

places of danger: Advice of
U. S. diplomatic officers, 961,
978-979; conflicting views of
missionaries and Department
of State, 965-969
Missionaries and mission property

(see also Evacuation, supra):
Kidnapping of American mis-

sionaries by bandits and
communists, and U. S. repre-
sentations to National Gov-
ernment and local authori-
ties to secure release, case of
Harriet J. Halverstadt, 979-
981; Rev. Bert N. Nelson,
934, 936-937, 938-945, 953,
959, 960-961, 962, 963, 975–
977; Esther Nordlund, 957-

Murder of Rev. J. W. Vinson, 978
Occupation of missionary prop-

erty by Chinese military, and
U. S. representations and res-
ervation of right to claim
damages, 945-951, 953-954,
967, 971-974

U. S. naval forces: Armed guards
aboard merchant vessels, 954-
955; dispatch of naval vessels
to places of danger, 962-963,
975; firing upon naval vessels
by bandits and communists,
934, 937, 937-938

U. S. representations concerning—
Chinese responsibility, under
treaties, for protection of
Americans, 933-934
Interference with American mer-

chant vessels: Firing upon
vessels by Chinese military
search parties, 964; forced
transport of Chinese military,
957; regulations regarding
boarding and search, U. S.
attitude, 935-936, 971


Protection of American and other for-
eign lives and property-Con.
U. S. representations concerning-

Kidnapping of American mission-

aries, 936-937, 938-939, 940,
941-942, 943, 944, 945, 953,
957-958, 963, 975, 977, 979-
980, 980-981
Occupation of American mission
property, 945-946, 947, 948,
949, 952, 953-954, 971-973
Radio Corporation of America, inter-
ruption of service through Japa-
nese closure of Mukden radio sta-
tion, and U. S. representations to
Japan, 56, 92, 101, 102-103, 107,
114, 121-122, 133, 135, 153, 162,
186-187, 240, 262, 331-332, 364,
382, 435, 475-476, 617
Railways. See under Sino-Japanese

Salt funds. See under Sino-Japanese

Shanghai International Settlement

(see also Taxation: Imposition:
Tobacco tax, infra):
Extra-Settlement roads and other
problems, question of negotia-
tions concerning, 837, 840, 847-
848, 865, 866

Extraterritoriality. See Extrater-
ritorial rights: Provisions: Ex-
cluded areas, supra.

Sino-Japanese difficulties in Shang-
hai. See Sino-Japanese dis-
pute: General situation:
China: Shanghai.

Title deeds to property owned by
Americans, U. S. protection,
1028-1029, 1029–1030, 1033
Shantung settlement of 1922, cited,

105, 176-177, 194-195, 369, 370,
405, 410-411, 425, 427, 444, 457,
464, 553

Shipping. See Protection: American
merchant vessels, supra; also un-
der Extraterritorial rights: Pro-
visions, supra.

Smith Co., Werner G., 994

Soong, T. V., 43, 66, 73, 133, 686, 702,
713, 714

Soviet relations with China. See
Sino-Japanese dispute: Foreign
powers: Russia.
Standard Oil Co.: Foreshore permit

fee, Chinese effort to collect, 1005,
1006-1007; property endangered
by Sino-Japanese conflict in Man-
churia, 121; shipping, firing upon
by bandits and communists, 934,
938, 974; taxation, imposition of
military surtax on certain im-



Standard Oil Co.-Continued.

ports of company into Kwangsi
Province, U. S. protest and ulti-
mate discontinuance of, 985, 987

British attitude, 989, 1001, 1007
Imposition of taxes considered un-
fair to American trade, 981-
Business tax, Chinese efforts to

impose, and U. S. reserva-
tion of attitude pending con-
clusion of extraterritoriality
negotiations, 986-987, 989-
990, 993, 1001-1004
Customs duties and surtaxes:

Double collection of duties
by de facto authorities at
Tientsin and National au-
thorities at Shanghai, U. S.
efforts to obtain refund of
Shanghai duties paid by
American firms, 981-982, 991-
992; military surtax on cer-
tain imports into Kwangsi
Province, U. S. protest on
behalf of Standard Oil Co.,
and ultimate discontinuance
of tax, 985, 987; provincial
surtaxes, U. S. protests
against imposition of, 993-
995, 998-1000, 1005-1006, 1009
Forced levies by Honan authori-
ties on Chinese agents of
American company, question
of U. S. protest, 982–983
Foreshore property regulations
imposed by Shanghai munici-
pal authorities, U. S. protest
and question of compliance
with revised regulations,
995-996, 1000-1001, 1004-
1005, 1006-1008
Plumbing contractors' licenses in

Chinese municipality at
Shanghai, question of U. S.
protest against excessive
cost, 983-985

Tobacco tax, agreement of Shang-

hai consular body for appli-
cation to Chinese in Inter-
national Settlement,
question of extension to non-
extraterritorial foreign resi-
dents, 988, 997-998, 1000
Japanese attitude, 986-987, 1001
Principle regarding taxes and cus-
toms paid to de facto authori-
ties, 991-992

Provisions of proposed Sino-foreign

treaties regarding relinquish-
ment of extraterritoriality, 720,
721, 726, 727, 742, 745, 755, 764,
765-766, 773, 780, 783, 807, 819-
820, 862, 898, 912, 996, 1002-1003

[blocks in formation]

Claims commission convention,
U. S. proposal for negotiation
of, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038-
1040, 1042; text of draft con-
vention, 1043-1046

Commercial relations treaty
(1903), expiration in 1934,
804, 847, 848

Consular convention, question of
negotiating, 848, 857

Validity of existing Sino-foreign
treaties, provisions of proposed
treaties regarding relinquish-
ment of extraterritoriality, 729,
807, 813, 825, 831, 851, 855, 857,
861, 871, 903

U. S. citizens. See Extraterritorial
rights, Jurisdiction over U. S. cit-
izens, and Protection, supra.
U. S. commercial interests (see also
under Sino-Japanese dispute;
also, supra, Extraterritorial
rights: Provisions: Companies;
Protection: American merchant
vessels; Taxation: Imposition):
Curtiss-Wright Co., 1016

Dollar Co., Robert, 1006-1007
Douglas Aircraft Co., 1024-1025
Hoggard-Sigler, 981-982

Lockheed Aircraft Co., 1020-1021,

Nichols Superyarn and Carpets,
Federal, Inc., 981-982
Standard Oil Co. See Standard Oil
Co., supra.

Vought Corsair Airplane Co., 1025
Yangtze Rapid Steamship Co.


Yangtze Rapid Steamship Co.,

U. S. military and naval forces (see
also Protection: U. S. naval
forces, supra); U. S. Army forces
at Tientsin, proposed reduction
in strength, 1013-1016; naval
vessels in China, number of, 241
U. S. policy (see also Sino-Japanese
dispute: United States: Policy),
noninvolvement in Chinese poli-
tics, 355-356

Vinson, Rev. J. W., murder by ban-
dits, 978

Vought Corsair Airplane Co., 1025


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