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I. & J.

Indigestion, a Treatise on, and its conse-
quences, &c. referred to, 208, 240.
Johnson, Dr. James, his Essay on morbid
sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels,
&c. referred to, 208-remarks on the
prevalence of dyspepsia in England,
219-his observations on some of the
causes of dyspepsia, ib.-recommends
travelling to the dyspeptic, 234.
Jurisdiction, Hoffman's remarks on, 62.
Jussieu, Anthony L. de, his Genera Plan-
tarum, &c referred to, 488, 490.
Jussieu, Bernard de, made known his ar-
rangement of the sexual system, 485-
his views and arrangements published
by his nephew, 488 - first distributed
all plants into seven classes, 489.


Keymis, sent by Raleigh in search of gold
mines, 447-despatched by Raleigh on
a second expedition to Guiana, 448—
goes with Raleigh on another expe-
dition to Guiana, 460-attacks a Span-
ish town, and loses young Raleigh, ib.
-reproached by Raleigh, and com-
mits suicide, ib.

Klaproth, Julius Von, his edition of the
Travels of the Russian Mission through
Mongolia to China, referred to, 176--
his statement of the number of the
Chinese army, 194-his account of the
failure of the last English embassy to
China, 205.


Legal Outlines, reviewed, 47---quoted, 48,
49-51, 52-62, 63.

Letters from Cuba, referred to, 123-ex-
tracts from, 124, 126–136.

Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, the, 433--466.
Linnæus, his Systema Naturæ, referred

to, 474-his works, 484--on the sexual
system of, in plants, 488.
Literature, influence of chivalry upon,


Maio, Angelo, his M. Tvllii Ciceronis de
Repvblica, &c., referred to, 136- -dis-
covered the fragment of the manu-
script in the monastery of Gobio, 146.
McCartney, Lord, his embassy to China,
referred to, 178---curious incident rela-
tive to, 207.
Mongolia, description of, and its inhabi-
tants, 182---on the customs of the inha-
bitants of, ib.---brick tea extensively
used in, 184--has considerable trade
with China in the article of wood, ib.
-on the religion of the inhabitants of,
186-on the obos or altars erected on
the elevated places of, 189---on the Ro-
binia Pygmæa of, 190---on the desert of
Gobi in, ib.---a description of the terri-

[blocks in formation]

Natural history, on the study of, 468---on
the early systems of, 470-- on language
and terms in relation to the study of,
476--of the vegetable kingdom, 480.
Niebuhr, his Summary to Roman Histo-
ry, referred to, 35.

North America, Hall's Travels in, re-
viewed, 321--369.

Novels,--National, of, Fielding's, 371--
Richardson's, 376---Smollet's, 379---
Vicar of Wakefield, 381--- The Gothic or
Chivalrous Romance, Walpole's Castle
of Otranto, 382--Mrs. Radcliffe's, 383---
The Historical. Sir Walter Scott's, 383
--The Miscellaneous, Robinson Crusoe,
384---Sterne's, 385---Johnson's Rasse-
las, ib.---Johnstone's Chrysal, ib --M'-
Kenzie's, ib----Goodwin's, ib.----Hol--
croft's, ib. Miss Burney's, ib.---Miss
Edgeworth's, ib.---the more modern,
386--Pelham, Disowned and Devereux,
ib. --of the Waverly, 518-of Cooper's,


Old Age, on diet, in relation to the at-
tainment of, 224.

Ourga, a description of, 186---looked up-
on with reverence by the Mongols, ib.
stations established by the Russians
from, to China, 187.


Paris, Dr. J.A.his Treatise on Diet, &c. re-
ferred to, 208---his definition of dyspep-
sia, 215-his remarks on the difference
of food, 224 --his opinion of wine and
spirits as regards dyspeptics, 227.
Paylaye, M. de la Carne de Sainte, see
Sainte Paylaye.

Pekin, description of, 197-on the mar-
kets of, 199-climate of, 200.
Philip, Dr. A. P. W., his Treatise on
Indigestion referred to, 208-remarks
on a proper quantity of food to he ta
ken, 223 states a singular case of dys⚫
pepsia, 226-his opinion of wine, &c.
as regards dyspeptics, 227.
Pictures, on the purchase of old, 84.
Plants, on the classification of, 466-ar-
rangement and distribution of, 469-on
the fundamental principles of Can-
dolle's classification of, 493-difference
between classifications of, 496--ou the
natural orders of, 497.

Plautus, Monologue in the Pœnulus of,
Poetry, on ancient, 406-chivalric, 409
---Provençal, 420---the pastoral of the

Troubadours, 424--the decay of the
Provençal, 429.

Political Economy, Sismondi's, 262-285.
Politics of Antiquity, 165---on the excel-
lence of the Roman polity, ib.---the
democrat of the ancients similar to the
jacobin of the moderns, 167---on unmit-
igated democracy, 169--Roman polity
of an aristocratic spirit and character,

Porta, his doctrine of analogy between

plants and animals, 480, note.
Preaching, on the ends of, 244.
Provençals, so styled on account of their
language, 420---on the airs of the, ib.
note--on the language of the, 421-- on
the pastoral poetry of, 424-the names
of the poetical institutions of, 425, note
-the cours d'amours of the, 427---on
the poetical essays of the, 428--the de-
cline of the poetry of the, 430.
Prussia, on the elementary schools of,91
---on the gymnasia of, 95---libraries of,

Puffendorf, his de Officio Hominis et Ci-
vis, referred to, 57.

Punic Monologue, the, as corrected by
Bochart, 37-- from Mocenigus' edition
of Plautus, 38--Bochart's Hebrew ver-
sion of, 39-another version of, ib.---
Chaldee version of, 40---Latin versions
of, 41---Samaritan version of 42---Val-
lancey's version of, 43-O'Connor's
Irish version of the first five lines of,


Raleigh, Sir Walter, Cayley's Life of,
referred to, 433-the origin of the
North-American Provinces may be
traced to his genius, ib.-of an ancient
family, 434-served in a company of
volunteers sent to the aid of the Huge-
nots, ib.-served under the Prince of
Orange, 435-an incident turns his at-
tention to the naval service, ib.-in
Ireland with a commission in the ar-
my, ib.-anecdotes of, displaying his
courage, 436-gallantry to Queen Eliz-
abeth, ib.-accompanies the Duke of
Anjou to the Netherlands, ib--unites
himself with Sir H. Gilbert in a voy-
age to Newfoundland, 436-obtains a
patent from Queen Elizabeth for ma-
king discoveries, 437-despatches two
vessels for North-America, ib.-the
honor of knighthood conferred on him,
438-fits out a second expedition to
Virginia, ib.-introduces the use of to-
bacco into England, 439-fits out a
fourth expedition to Virginia, 440—
disposes of his patent, ib.-the monop-
oly for vending wines granted him, 441

-plans a voyage for the discovery of
the North-West passage, ib.-nomina-
ted one of the Council of War to pre-
pare for the Spanish Armada, ib.-had
command on shore but joins the Eng-
lish fleet, ib.-obtains an augmentation
of his wine patent, 442-renews his
friendship with Spenser, 443-carries
Spenser to Court, and persuades him
to the publication of the Fairy Queen,
ib.-himself a poet, ib.-offends the
Queen by an affair of gallantry with
one of her maids of honor, 444—sails
for Trinidad, 445-arrives at the Pro-
vince of Aromia, 446—his faith in the
existence of the Amazons, ib.-on his
return to England publishes an account
of the countries he had visited, 447—
despatches Keymis to Guiana, 448-
joins Howard and Essex, second in
command, in an expedition against
Cadiz, ib.-his important services in
the attack on the enemy, 449-disap-
pointed in the reward for his services,
450-after his return from Cadiz des-
patches another ship to Guiana, ib.—
successfully attacks Fayal, 451-ob-
tains the confidence of Elizabeth, ib.
-his conduct in relation to the fall of
Essex, ib.-James prejudiced against,
ib.-associates himself with Cobham,
452-his defence on his trial, ib.-con-
fined to the Tower, 455-his estates
confiscated, ib.-his "great cordial,"
ib.-Prince Henry's affection for him,
ib.-composes his History of the
World, 456-his opinion of the site of
Paradise, 457-of his religious opin-
ions, 458-his opinion of slavery, ib.-
released from prison, fitted out a fleet
for Guiana, 459-at Trinidad seized
with a fever, 460-loses his son, ib.
-on his return to England was ar-
rested, ib.-tried on the old charge of
treason, 463-condemned, 465-dis-
claims having attended the execution
of Essex from any malignant feeling,
ib.-his execution, 466.

Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale, re-
ferred to, 466, 491---on the plan of the
work, 493.

Republic of Cicero, the, 136-164.
Richardson, one of the earlier reformers
of the British novel, 377 --character of
his novels, ib.--criticism on the leading
characters introduced into his novels,

Robinson Crusoe, referred to, 384-the
author of, left other works, scarcely
now remembered, ib.
Romance, the ancient, 412.

Russell, John, his Tour in Germany, &c.
referred to, 86---visited Germany with
the usual prejudices of his countrymen,
87---remarks on the German profes-
sors, 107---notices the carousals, &c. of
the German students, 114.

Sagra, D. Ramon de la, his Anales de
Ciencias, Agricultura, Comercio y
Artes, referred to, 285, 292.
Sainte Palaye, M. de la Curne de, his
Memoires sur l'Ancienne Chevalerie,
referred to, 405-devoted his life to the
study of the Provençal literature, 432,


Scott, Sir Walter, his series of Novels re-
ferred to, 383---his Anne of Geierstein
reviewed, 498---his talent for dramati-
zing, 518.

Sermons, Bishop Heber's, reviewed, 241
---composed for extraordinary occa-
sions, 243-extracts from, 250-260.
Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de, his Poli-
tical Economy referred to, 261--the
arrangement of his discussions, 262---
considers, with Adam Smith, that la-
bour is the sole origin of wealth, 263---
disagrees with Say and Ricardo, on
the doctrine of production creating de-
mand, 278--his opinion in unison with
that of Malthus, on the same subject,
ib.---opposed to Malthus on the subject
of population, 283-remarks on a pas-
sage of his, relative to the United
States, 284.

Slavery, on the change of opinion in re-
ference to, 352---Capt. Hall's opinion
of, 354---does not extinguish affection
between the slave and his master, 358
---on the evils of, 360--the condemners
of, apt to forget the share they contri-
bute towards the permanence of, 361
---on the right of the slave-holding
States to maintain, 365.

Smollet, in his novels, the painter of
three kingdoms, 379- emphatically na-
tional, ib.---of his Roderick Random,
ib.--on the general character of his
novels, 380.

South-Carolina, Abbot's remarks on, 124.
Sterne, on the writings of, 385.
Stuart, Gilbert, the painter, referred to,


Sugar, on the cultivation of, in Cuba,
305---quantity of, exported from differ-
ent territories compared with the area
of the same, 306---on the distribution of
the exports of. 307---on the profits of
the cultivation of, 308-on the manu-
facture of, 311--on a new mode of ap-
plying heat in the refining of, 312.

Sydenham, his opinion on the importance
of exercise in the cure and prevention
of gout, stated, 233 --singular cure of
his, by sending a patient to an imagi-
nary doctor in Inverness, related, 236.

Tatooing, various versions of the word,

Timkowski, George, his Travels through
Mongolia to China, referred to, 176-
appointed to conduct a new mission
from Kiakhta to the Chinese capital,
181---describes the manufacture of
brick tea, 184 detained on his jour-
ney, on account of the death of the
Emperor of China, 185-enters China,
193 his observations on the great
wall, ib.--and on Chinese agriculture,
195--notices the willows of China, 196

-arrives at Pekin, ib.--his description
of Pekin, 197-- formed an unfavourable
opinion of the Chinese, 200---returns to
Kiakhta, 204.

Tobacco, on the cultivation of, in Cuba,
313--on the export of, from Cuba, 314
----its first introduction into Europe,

Tour in Germany, a, referred to, 86---ex-
tracts from, 107-109.

Travels in China, 176--207.
Travels in North-America, referred to,
321-extracts from, 322, 326, 349, 354,

Travels in the North of Germany, referred
to, 86-extracts from, 91--98, 104--107,
109-111, 118.

Troubadours, so styled on account of
their inventions, 420----the reign of the
Berengers, the most brilliant era of the,
423-on the pastoral poetry of the,
424-the rewards of the, 427----the
cours d'amours of the, ib.---the poetical
essays of the, 428--the decay of the,
429--the religious novels or romances
of the, ib. note-the biography of the,


United States, the, on elections in, 326----
the people of the mother country ig-
norant of the real condition and his-
tory of, 329-on the free government
of, 333 --government not a mere expe-
riment, 336---on the will of the people
of, as regards candidates for high offi-
ces in the government of, 338---on the
judiciary of, 340---on the rage for inno-
vation in politics in, 344---on the state
of education in, 345-on the southern
institutions of, 352.

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