
The Portuguese Government have acknowledged receipt of the said notice, and the Treaty will consequently terminate on the 14th January, 1892.

The Convention signed at Panjim on the 20th January, and at Calcutta on the 30th January, 1880,* for the extradition of criminals will terminate at the same time.

Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Lisbon also gave notice, on the 4th February last,† of the termination of the Convention signed at Calcutta the 18th March, 1880, and at Panjim the 12th April, 1880, respecting moneys, weights, and measures. The Portuguese Government have acknowledged receipt of this notice, and the Convention will consequently terminate on the 4th February, 1892.

PORTUGUESE DENUNCIATION of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Portugal of July 3, 1842,§ and of the Supplementary Convention of May 22, 1882.-London, June 22, 1891.


M. de Soveral to the Marquess of Salisbury.

London, June 22, 1891. As my Government are desirous of placing on a new basis their commercial relations with foreign countries, they have taken steps to free themselves from the Treaties of Commerce which have already passed the term beyond which either of the Contracting Parties are allowed to denounce them.

I am consequently instructed by my Government to denounce to your Lordship the Treaty of the 3rd July, 1842,§ and the Supplementary Convention of the 22nd May, 1882.||

The Marquess of Salisbury.

I avail, &c.,


In consequence of this note the following Notification was inserted in the "London Gazette" of June 30, 1891:

Foreign Office, June 29, 1891. THE Portuguese Minister in London has addressed a note, dated the 22nd instant, to the Marquess of Salisbury, Her Majesty's

* Vol. LXXI, page 229.

+ Page 511.
§ Vol. XXX, page 367.

Vol. LXXI, page 282.
| Vol. LXXIII, page 49.

Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, giving notice on the part of the Portuguese Government to terminate the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Portugal of the 3rd July, 1842, and the Supplementary Convention of the 22nd May, 1882.

The above-mentioned Treaty and Convention will accordingly expire on the 22nd June, 1892.


UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION concluded between Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bolivia,* Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile,* Republic of Colombia, Congo Free State, Republic of Costa Rica,* Denmark and Danish Colonies, Dominican Republic,* Egypt, Equator,* France and French Colonies, Germany and the German Protectorates, Great Britain and various British Colonies, British Colonies of Australasia, Canada,* British India, Greece, Guatemala, Kingdom of Hawaii, Republic of Hayti,* Republic of Hon duras, Italy, Japan, Republic of Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands and Dutch Colonies, Nicaragua,* Norway, Paraguay,* Persia, Peru, Portugal and Portuguese Colonies, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Kingdom of Siam, South African Republic,* Spain and Spanish Colonies, Sweden, Switzerland, Regency of Tunis, Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela.-Signed at Vienna, July 4, 1891.


LES Soussignés, Plénipotentiaires des Gouvernements des pays ci-dessus énumérés, s'étant réunis en Congrès à Vienne, en vertu de l'Article XIX de la Convention Postale Universelle conclue à Paris le 1er Juin, 1878,† ont, d'un commun accord et sous réserve de ratification, revisé la dite Convention, ainsi que l'Acte Additionnel y relatif conclue à

THE Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the above-named countries, being assembled in Congress at Vienna, by virtue of Article XIX of the Universal Postal Convention concluded at Paris on the 1st June, 1878, have, by common consent and subject to ratification, revised the said Convention, as well as the Additional Act

These States did not sign the Convention, but all subsequently acceded thereto, with the exception of Honduras and Paraguay, who nevertheless

[blocks in formation]

Lisbonne le 21 Mars, 1885,* conformément aux dispositions suivantes :

ART. I. Les pays entre lesquels est conclue la présente Convention, ainsi que ceux qui y adhéreront ultérieurement, forment, sous la dénomination "d'Union Postale Universelle," un seul territoire postal pour l'échange réciproque des correspondances entre leurs Bureaux de Poste.

II. Les dispositions de cette Convention s'étendent aux lettres, aux cartes postales simples et avec réponse payée, aux imprimés de toute nature, aux papiers d'affaires et aux échantillons de marchandises, originaires de l'un des pays de l'Union et à destination d'un autre de ces pays. Elles s'appliquent également à l'échange postal des objets cidessus entre les pays de l'Union et les pays étrangers à l'Union, toutes les fois que cet échange emprunte les services de deux des Parties Contractantes, au moins.

III. 1. Les Administrations des Postes des pays limitrophes ou aptes à correspondre directement entre eux sans emprunter l'intermédiaire des services d'une tierce Administration déterminent, d'un commun accord, les conditions du transport de leurs dépêches réciproques à travers la frontière ou d'une frontière à l'autre.

2. A moins d'arrangement contraire, on considère comme services tiers les transports mari

relative thereto concluded at Lisbon on the 21st March,* 1885, in conformity with the following stipulations:

ART. I. The countries between which the present Convention is concluded, as well as those which may adhere to it hereafter, form, under the title of "Universal Postal Union," a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of correspondence between their Post Offices.

II. The stipulations of this Convention extend to letters, post-cards, both single and with reply paid, printed papers of every kind, commercial papers and samples of merchandize, originating in one of the countries of the Union and intended for another of those countries. They also apply to the exchange by post of the articles above mentioned between the countries of the Union and countries foreign to the Union, whenever the services of two of the Contracting Parties at least are used for that exchange.

III.-1. The Postal Administrations of neighbouring countries or countries able to correspond directly with each other, without availing themselves of the services of a third Adminis tration, determine, by common consent, the conditions of the conveyance of the mails which they exchange, across the frontier, or from one frontier to the other.

2. In the absence of any contrary arrangement, the direct sea conveyance between two coun * Vol. LXXVI, page 21.

times effectués directement entre deux pays, au moyen de paquebots ou bâtiments dépendant de l'un d'eux, et ces transports, de même que ceux effectués entre deux Bureaux d'un même pays, par l'intermédiaire de services maritimes ou territoriaux dépendant d'un autre pays, sont régis par les dispositions de

l'Article suivant.

IV.-1. La liberté du transit est garantie dans le territoire entier de l'Union.

2. En conséquence, les diverses Administrations Postales de l'Union peuvent s'expédier réciproquement, par l'intermédiaire d'une ou de plusieurs d'entre elles, tant des dépêches closes que des correspondances à découvert, suivant les besoins du trafic et les convenances du service postal.

3. Les correspondances échangées, soit à découvert, soit en dépêches closes, entre deux Administrations de l'Union, au moyen des services d'une ou de plusieurs autres Administrations de l'Union, sont soumises, au profit de chacun des pays traversés ou dont les services participent au transport, aux frais de transit suivants, savoir :

(1.) Pour les parcours territoriaux, 2 fr. par kilog. de lettres ou cartes postales, et 25 centimes par kilog. d'autres objets ;

(2.) Pour les parcours maritimes, 15 fr. par kilog. de lettres ou cartes postales, et 1 fr. par kilog. d'autres objets.

4. Il est toutefois entendu(1.) Que partout où le transit est déjà actuellement gratuit ou

tries by means of packets or vessels depending upon one of them shall be considered as a third service; and this conveyance, as well as any performed between two Offices of the same country, by the medium of sea or territorial services maintained by another country, is regulated by the stipulations of the following Article.

IV.-1. The right of transit is guaranteed throughout the entire territory of the Union.

2. Consequently, the several Postal Administrations of the Union may send reciprocally through the medium of one or of several of them, either closed mails or correspondence à découvert, according to the needs of the traffic and the requirements of the postal service.

3. Correspondence exchanged, whether à découvert or in closed mails, between two Administrations of the Union, by means of the services of one or of several other Administrations of the Union, is subject to the following transit charges, to be paid to each of the countries traversed, or whose services participate in the conveyance, viz. :—

(1.) For territorial transits, 2 fr. per kilog. of letters or postcards, and 25 centimes per kilog. of other articles;

(2.) For sea transits, 15 fr. per kilog. of letters or post-cards, and 1 fr. per kilog. of other articles.

4. It is, however, understood(1.) That in all cases where the transit is already gratuitous

soumis à des conditions plus avantageuses, ce régime est est maintenu, sauf dans le cas prévu au chiffre (3) ci-après;

(2.) Que partout où les frais. de transit maritime sont fixés actuellement à 5 fr. par kilog. de lettres ou de cartes postales, et à 50 centimes par kilog. d'autres objets, ces prix sont


(3.) Que tout parcours maritime n'excédant pas 300 milles marins est gratuit, si l'Administration intéressée a déjà droit, du chef des dépêches ou correspondances bénéficiant de ce parcours, à la rémunération afférente au transit territorial; dans le cas contraire, il est rétribué à raison de 2 fr. par kilog. de lettres ou cartes postales et de 25 centimes par kilog. d'autres objets;

(4.) Que, en cas de transport maritime effectué par deux ou plusieurs Administrations, les frais du parcours total ne peuvent dépasser 15 fr. par kilog. de lettres ou cartes postales et 1 fr. par kilog. d'autres objets; ces frais, le cas échéant, sont répartis entre ces Administrations au prorata des distances parcourues, sans préjudice des arrangements différents entre les parties intéressées.

(5.) Que les prix spécifiés au présent Article ne s'appliquent, ni aux transports au moyen de services dépendant d'Administrations étrangères à l'Union, ni aux transports dans l'Union au moyen de services extraordinaires

at present, or subject to more advantageous conditions, such state of things is maintained, except in the case provided for in paragraph (3) following;

(2.) That in all cases where the sea transit charges are fixed at present at 5 fr. per kilog. of letters or post-cards, and at 50 centimes per kilog. of other articles, those rates are maintained;

(3.) That every sea transit not exceeding 300 nautical miles is gratuitous if the Administration concerned is already entitled, on account of mails or correspondence benefiting by this transit, to the remuneration applicable to territorial transit; in the contrary case, payment is made at the rate of 2 fr. per kilog. of letters or post-cards and 25 centimes. per kilog, of other articles:

(4.) That, in the case of sea conveyance effected by two or more Administrations, the charges payable for the entire transit cannot exceed 15 fr. per kilog. of letters or post-cards, and 1 fr. per kilog. of other articles; the charges in question are, in such case, shared between those Administrations in proportion to the distances traversed, without prejudice to other arrangements between the parties. interested;

(5.) That the rates specified in the present Article do not apply either to conveyance by means of services depending upon Administrations foreign to the Union, or to conveyance within the Union by means of extra

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