
Nonscheduled (irregular) air carriers; civil air regulations. See Civil Aeronautics Board.

Non-utility subsidiaries of public utility holding companies; exemption under Public

Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, 17 §§ 250.49, 250.201

Noodles and macaroni; definitions and standards of identity, 21 Part 16
Noodles, macaroni, and related products industry; trade prac

16 Part 132

practice conference rules,

North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement; procedural provisions respect

ing. See Federal Communications Commission.

North Atlantic routes for passenger vessels; regulations respecting, 33 Part 105
North Dakota; exchanges of lands for benefit of State, 43 §§ 152.1-152.12

Northern Ireland. See Ireland, Northern.

Northern Pacific Railroad, grant of lands to; claims respecting, 43 §§ 273.31-273.53 Norway; income taxation pursuant to treaties or tax conventions with, 26 §§ 7.100

7.109; 26 (1954) Part 510

Notarial services, performed by Foreign Service officers; Foreign Service regulations

respecting, 22 Part 136

Fees for, 22 § 103.1 (Items 24-47)


Advances on, collection of, etc., by Federal Reserve Banks, 12 Parts 201, 205, 207, 224

Circulation of banks and bankers; excise tax regulations, 26 Part 160 Registration of securities; exemption of notes secured by first liens on family dwellings from registration under Securities Act of 1933, 17 § 230.230 Treasury notes:

Acceptance of, in payment of income, estate, and gift taxes; administrative

provisions respecting, 26 Part 471 Offering of. See Treasury Department.

United States notes and other public debt securities. See United States Government obligations.

Notices and other documents of Executive agencies, preparation and publication in
Federal Register. See Administrative Committee of Federal Register.

Nuclear materials; export control, 15 §§ 368.1, 370.4 (d), 373.55
Numbering of undocumented vessels, 46 § 2.30, Part 172

Nursery stock:

See also Plants and plant products.
Mailing of, 39 §§ 15.4 (a), 24.1, 24.2, 24.4, 24.8, 25.3, 25.5, 53.3 (e), 132.2 (d)


Imports by mail, 39 Part 162

Army or Navy nurses, regulations respecting:

Army Nurse Corps; appointments, qualifications, etc., 32 §§ 570.1-570.4, 573.1-573.6, 573.10

Claims for veterans' benefits by nurses serving with Army or Navy, 38 §§ 3.1 (f), (i), 3.1010

Naval Nurse Corps; regulations governing termination of commissions, 32 § 714.1

Attendance of veterans by; allowance for, 38 §§ 3.176, 3.178, 3.237, 3.1080

Nuts, tree (almonds, filberts, pecans, walnuts, etc.):

See also Peanuts; and Tung nuts.

Inspection and certification:

Processed nuts and products, 7 Part 52, note

Raw nuts, 7 Part 51, note

Marketing orders, for various nuts:

Almonds, grown in California, 7 Part 909

Filberts, grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 Part 997

Pecans, grown in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and South

Carolina, 7 Part 994

Walnuts, grown in California, Oregon, and Washington, 7 Part 984

Parity prices, for almonds, filberts, pecans, and walnuts, 7 Part 5
Quarantine notices, for imports of acorn and chestnuts, 7 §§ 319.56-2a, 319.56-2b


In the shell, 7 §§ 51.2075-51.2090

Shelled, 7 §§ 51.2105-51.2132

Filberts, in the shell, 7 §§ 51.1995-51.2010


Page 775

Nuts, tree (almonds, filberts, pecans, walnuts, etc.) -Continued



In the shell, 7 §§ 51.1400-51.1416

Shelled, 7 §§ 51.1430-51.1453

Walnuts, English; shelled, 7 §§ 51.2275-51.2295

Warehouses for, 7 Part 107

Nylon textiles, etc.:

See also Textiles.

Parachutes, nylon cloth for, 15 § 399.1 (Group 3)

Trade practice conference rules; nylon, rayon, and silk converting industry,

16 Part 180


Aliens, oaths of allegiance for; nationality regulations, 8 Part 337
Tax returns:

Income tax returns:

Authority to administer oath, 26 § 39.3632

Declarations in lieu of oath, 26 § 39.3809

Verification of tax returns by declaration in lieu of oath, 26 Part 475

Oats. See Grains.

Obligations, United States Government (bills, bonds, certificates of indebtedness, notes, or other public debt securities). See United States Government obligations.

Obscene or immoral articles or matter:

Customs entry; prohibitions, seizure, etc., 19 §§ 12.40, 12.41
Mailing of, prohibited, 39 § 14.3

Ocean transportation:

See also Vessels.

Citizen or subject of enemy nation or ally-of-enemy nation; license for trans

portation under Trading with Enemy Act, 22 Part 80

Foreign relief supplies, ocean shipments of, by voluntary nonprofit relief agen

cies, 22 Parts 202, 203; 46 Part 243

Freight forwarders; registration, routes, etc. See Maritime Administration. Mail; handling, transportation, etc., 39 Part 95

Occupation, men deferred because of; Selective Service classification (Class II), 32 §§ 1622.20-1622.25

Occupational analysis and testing; policies of United States Employment Service

respecting, 20 §§ 602.4, 604.10, 604.18

Occupational therapy aides; appointment in Women's Medical Specialist Corps,

Army, 32 §§ 570.21-570.24, 573.1-573.6, 573.10

Ocmulgee National Monument:

Admission fee, 36 § 13.13 (f)

Speed of vehicles, 36 § 20.32 (a)

Odorous materials, mailing of, 39 §§ 14.2, 113.1 (f)

Offering unfair, improper or deceptive inducements to purchase or deal; cease and desist orders to various firms engaged in unfair trade practices. See Federal Trade Commission.

Offering sheet, in connection with sale of fractional undivided interests in oil or gas rights; regulations under Securities Act of 1933, 17§§ 230.320-230.356

Office furniture, equipment and supplies:

British Token Import Plan, export to United Kingdom under, 15 § 361.13 Excise tax on sales of office machines by manufacturers, 26§§ 316.140, 316.141 Metal business furniture and storage equipment; minimum wage determinations

for persons employed on public contracts, 41 § 202.50 Procurement for Government; filing cabinets, furniture, IBM control panels, 44 § 53.5 (c), (e), (g)

Steel office furniture industry; minimum wage determinations for persons employed on public contracts, 41 § 202.27

Office machine marketing industry; trade practice conference rules, 16 Part 175


Directors and officers of certain companies, carriers, etc. See Directors and



Merchant marine officers. See Coast Guard; and Maritime Administration. Military officers. See Air Force Department; Army Department; Coast Guard; Defense Department; National Guard; and Navy Department.

Selective Service officers. See Selective Service System.

Officials of foreign governments. See Foreign countries, governments.
Officials, government:

Government officials excluded from coverage of Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, list of, 5 Part 30, Appendix A

Officials deferred by law (State Governors, members of Congress, etc.); Selec

tive Service classification (Class IV-B), 32 § 1622.41

Oil appliances; excise tax on sales by manufacturers, 26 §§ 316.110, 316.111
Oil and gas companies, industries. See Petroleum companies, dealers, etc.
Oil and Gas Division, Interior Department:

Federal Petroleum Board, designation to administer regulations, 30 § 302.2 Petroleum and petroleum products; reports and inspections of facilities and agencies for production, processing, etc., of petroleum and petroleum products in Louisiana and certain areas of New Mexico and Texas, 30 Part 302 Records:

Confidential records, 30 § 302.20

Record inspection; availability of measurement records, diagrams, way bills,

etc., 30 §§ 302.4, 302.5, 302.8, 302.9b

Record retention requirements for producers, purchasers, refiners, etc., 30 §§ 302.5, 302.6

Oil and gas leases, rights, etc., on public lands. See Land Management Bureau. Oil and gas mining, oil wells, etc. See Petroleum companies; and Petroleum and products.

Oil and gas pipe lines and pumping plant sites; rights-of-way through public lands

and reservations for, 43 §§ 244.60-244.66

Oil and gas properties; income tax regulations respecting depletion, development, etc., 26 §§ 39.23 (m)-1-39.23 (m)-28, 39.105-1

Oil heating industry (New England States); trade practice conference rules, 16 Part 183

Oil pollution of coastal and navigable waters; reporting of, by customs officer, 19 § 23.32

Oilfield equipment, supplies, etc.; contract carriers by water engaged in leasing or chartering of vessels for transporting of, in Gulf States marshlands, exempt from regulations respecting water carriers, 49 § 315.1

Oils, petroleum. See Petroleum and products.
Oils, vegetable:

Commodity exchanges; limits on position and daily trading for future delivery:

Cottonseed oil, 17 § 150.6

Soybean oil, 17 § 150.7

Customs entry of certain oils (linseed oil, rapeseed oil, and vegetable oils), 19

§§ 10.56, 10.100, 13.10, 22.1, 22.5, 22.6 (c)

Excise tax on processing of certain oils (coconut, sesame, palm and sunflower oils), 26 Part 306

Inspection and standards; olive oil, 7 §§ 52.1-52.87, 52.1531-52.1541
Parity prices, for peppermint and spearmint, oils, 7 Part 5
Trading in cottonseed and soybean oil on commodity exchanges; regulations


respecting reports, etc., 17 Parts 10, 11

Limits on position and daily trading for future delivery, 17 §§ 150.6, 150.7

See also Cottonseed; Flaxseed; Peanuts, Soybeans; and Tung nuts.
Inspection and certification; general provisions, 7 Part 68
Loan and purchase (price support) programs, 6 Part 443

Parity prices, 7 Part 5

Oklahoma Historical Society, transfer of records of Oklahoma Indian tribes to; reg

ulations respecting, 25 Part 246

Okra. See Vegetables.

Old Age and Survivors Insurance Bureau:

Account numbers, employees'; procedures respecting, 20 § 422.1 (a) (1) Annuities, monthly benefits. See Federal old-age and survivors insurance.

Old Age and Survivors Insurance Bureau-Continued

Appeals Council, Office of; procedures respecting appeals from determinations

of Bureau, 20 § 422.6

Claims; procedure respecting, 20 § 422.1 (c)

Federal old-age and survivors insurance:

1940-1950, 20 Part 403

Application for benefits, filing of; procedures, 20 §§ 403.701-403.704

Benefits and lump-sum payments:

Basic computation of, 20 §§ 403.301-403.304

Benefit payments, 20 §§ 403.401-403.409

Homicide, felonious, effect of, 20 § 403.409
Insurance benefits:

Child's, 20 § 403.404

Parents, 20 § 403.407

Primary, 20 § 403.402

Widow's, 20 §§ 403.405, 403.406

Wife's, 20 § 403.403

Lump-sum death payments, 20 § 403.408

Deductions from amount of benefits. See Modification in amount

of benefits.

Increases in amount of benefits. See Modification in amount of

Lump-sum death payments, 20 § 403.408
Modification in amount of benefits and lump-sum payments; reduc-
tions, increases, deductions, etc., 20§§ 403.501-403.505
Overpayments and underpayments, 20 §§ 403.601-403.603
Reduction of benefits. See Modification of amount of benefits.
Veterans, deceased, benefits in case of, 20 §§ 403.1001-403.1007

Relation of social security payments to Veterans' Administra-
tion benefits, 20 § 403.1005

Supporting evidence as to right to receive benefits and lump sums, 20 § 403.1007

Time of death of veteran as affecting application for and payment of benefits and lump sums, 20 § 403.1006 Bonneville Power Administrator; hearing and review in cases involving certain services constituting employment, 20 § 403.711a

Definitions, 20 §§ 403.801-403.835

Employment, various types, 20 §§ 403.802-403.826a
Family relationships (wife, child, parent, etc.), 20 §§ 403.829-


Wages, 20 §§ 403.827-403.828

Insured status, 20 §§ 403.201-403.203
Lump-sum payments. See Benefits and lump-sum payments.
Maritime services in employ of United States; determination as to
whether they constitute employment, 20 § 403.706 (6), 403.711a

Payments. See Benefits and lump-sum payments.
Procedures respecting filing of applications, wage records, hearings,

See also Procedures, below.

etc., 20 §§ 403.701-403.713


Reopening determinations and decisions; policy, 20 § 403.706,

Railroad retirement program; interrelationship with old-age and sur-
vivors insurance program, 20 §§ 403.1101-403.1104

Scope of regulations, 20 §§ 403.101-403.102
Statutes and regulations; chronological description, 20 § 403.1
Veterans, World War II, deceased:

Benefits in case of. See Benefits and lump-sum payments.
Veterans Administration benefits, relation of, to social security
payments to survivors of deceased World War II veterans,
20 § 403.1005

Wage records, maintenance, etc.; procedures, 20 § 403.703 1950-; regulations effective after August 1950, 20 Part 404 Applications and other forms, filing of, 20 §§ 404.601-404.615

Old Age and Survivors Insurance Bureau-Continued

Federal old-age and survivors insurance-Continued

1950-; regulations effective after August 1950; 20 Part 404-Continued

Benefits and lump sums:

Basic computation, 20 §§ 404.201-404.278

Effect of Social Security Amendments of 1954, 20 §§ 404.230404.244

Recomputation of benefits, 20 §§ 404.260-404.278

Overpayments, underpayments, etc., 20 §§ 404.501-404.514

Payment of benef benefits, 20 § 404.901

Reduction and increase, 20 §§ 404.401-404.430

Types of benefits, etc., 20 §§ 404.301-404.345

Amount of payments, 20 § 404.302

Child's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.312-404.318, 404.331,

404.332, 404.334

Deportation, effect of, 20 § 404.345

Homicide, felonious, effect of, 20 § 404.344

Husband's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.309-404.311
Lump-sum death payments, 20 §§ 404.338-404.343

Minimum benefits, survivors' or dependents', 20 § 404.333a
Mother's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.325-404.327

Old-age benefits, 20 §§ 404.303-404.305

Parent's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.328-404.330
Simultaneous entitlement, 20 §§ 404.334, 404.335
Widower's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.322-404.324
Widow's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.319-404.321
Wife's insurance benefits, 20 §§ 404.306-404.308, 404.333

Definitions, 20 §§ 404.1001–404.1057

Employees of State and local governments, coverage of, 20 §§ 404.1201


Evidence as to various facts (age, relationship, death, marriage, wages,

etc.), 20 §§ 404.701-404.727

Family relationships:

Definitions, 20 §§ 404.1101-404.1111

Evidence, 20 §§ 404.706-404.726

Filing of applications and other forms, 20 §§ 404.601-404.615
Insured status, 20 §§ 404.107-404.109

Procedures, payment of benefits, and representation of parties, 20

§ 404.901

Quarters of coverage, 20 §§ 404.101-404.106

Railroad Retirement Program, interrelationship with, 20 §§ 404.1401


Records of wages and self-employment income, maintenance and re

vision of, 20 §§ 404.801-404.813

Representation of parties, 20 § 404.901
Scope, 20 §§ 404.1, 404.2

Veterans; benefits in case of veterans of World War II and of service

after, 20 §§ 404.1301-404.1362

Identification numbers, employers'; procedure respecting, 20 § 422.1 (a) (2) Information and official records:

Disclosure of, 20 Part 401

Inspection of records; procedures, 20 §§ 422.2, 422.7

Payments for information, 20 §§ 401.5, 401.6

Wage records, 20 § 422.1 (b)

Procedures of Bureau and of Appeals Council, statements of, 20 Part 422

[blocks in formation]

Account numbers, employees, 20 § 422.1 (a) (1)

Applications for old-age and survivors insurance, filing of. See Federal

old-age and survivors insurance.

Claims procedures, 20 § 422.1 (c)

Identification numbers, employers', 20 § 422.1 (a) (2)

Inspection of records, 20 § 422.2

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