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References have been made to the following works, in the progress of this


1. Allen,

2. Ambuhl,

3. Ambuhl,

4. Angell,

5. Angell and 6. Arnold,

7. v. Babo,

8. Bachmeyer, 9. Ballard,

10. Barbot,

11. Behrens, 12. Bell,

13. Birnbaum,

14. Blythe,

15. Blythe.

16. Blythe,

17. Boudet.

The Analyst, 6, 1881, 102.

Repertorium der Analytischen Chemie, 1, 1881, 171.
Chemisches Centralblatt, 12, 1880, 475.

Archiv für Pharmacie (3) 18, 293.

Proceedings of Society of Public Analysts, 1, 1876, 122. Hehner, Butter, its analysis and adulteration (2d ed.), 1878. Mott, Brief History of the Megé Discovery, etc.

Landwirth. Correspondenzblatt, Grossherzogthum Baden,
1853, 65.

Martiny, Die Milch; ihr Wesen und ihre Verwerthung, 1871.
II. 195.

Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal, 226, 1877, 103.
Chemical News, 4, 1861, 283, 322.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 2, 1863, 100.
Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.

Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.

Journal of Royal Agricultural Society, 13, 1877, 181.

Einfache Methoden zur Prüfung wichtiger Lebensmittel auf
Verfalschung, 1877.

Manual of Practical Chemistry. The Analysis of Foods and
the Detection of Poisons, 1879.

The Analyst, 5, 1880, 76.

The Analyst, 3, 1878, 112.

Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.
Chemical News, 28, 1873, 39.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 628.

18. Brown,

19. Buignet.

Journal de Pharmacie (3), 40, 326.

20. Cailletet,

21. Cailletet,

22. Calvert,

Guide pratique de l'essai des huiles.

Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 42, 1854, 482.

Philosophical Magazine (4), 7, 101. Journal für Praktische Chemie, 61, 1854, 354. Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. 4. Ure's Dictionary, vol. 3.

23. Chamber of Commerce of Nice, Annales de Génie Civil, 8, 1869, 146.

24. Chateau,

25. Coleman,

26. Crauf, 27. Crook,

28. Dietzell and

29. Dietzsch,

30. Dissel,

31. Donny,

32. Donny,

Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 16, 1869, 308.

Traité complet des Corps gras industriels.

Chemical News, 29, 1874, 139.

Kopp's Jahresbericht, 1874, 1038.

The Analyst, 4, 1879, 111. Dingler's Pol. Jour., 239, 1880, 150. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19, 1880, 369.

Kressner, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 83.

Die wichtigsten Nahrungsmittel und Getränke; deren Verun-
reinigungen und Verfälschungen, 1879.

Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.
Journal d'Agriculture, Jan. 24, 1880.
1880, 99.

Milch-Zeitung, 9,

Payen. Précis théorique et pratique des Substances alimentaires, 1865. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 3, 1864, 513.

33. Dragendorff, Archiv der Pharmacie (3), 12, 1881, 289.

[blocks in formation]

Proceedings Society of Public Analysts, 1, 1876, 168.
Chemical News, 32, 1875, 27.

Hirsch, Die wichtigsten Lebensbedürfnisse und ihre Aecht-
heit und Güte; ihre zufälligen Verunreinigungen und ihre
absichtlichen Verfälschungen auf chemischem Wege
erläutert, 1842. Martiny, Die Milch, ihr Wesen und Ver-
werthung. II. 197.

Traité de Chimie, 1830.
The Analyst, 1, 1876-7, 114.

The Analyst, 1, 1876-7, 89.

39. Elsner,

Die Praxis des Nahrungsmittel-Chemikers, 1880.

40. English Public Analysts, Proceedings of Society of, 1, 1876, 185.

41. Estcourt,

42. Fehling,

Chemical News, 35, 1876, 254.

Dingler's Pol. Journal, 129, 1853, 53.

43. Fenner Committee, Testimony taken before Assembly Committee on Public Health in the matter of investigation into the subject of the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine butter and lard cheese, Hon. M. M. Fenner, chairman, 1881.

44. Filsinger,

45. Filsinger,

Pharmaceutische Centralhalle, 19, 260. Fresenius' Zeit schrift, 19, 1880, 236.

Chemiker Zeitung, 1878, Juni.

46. Fleischmann, Das Molkereiwesen, 1879.

47. Fleischmann and Vieth, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 17, 1878, 287. 48. Flueckiger, Chemisches Centralblatt, 2, 1871, 55.

49. Fresenius,

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 111.

50. Gatehouse, Chemical News, 32, 1875, 296.

51. Grandeau,

52. Griessmayer,

52a. Gruber,

53. Hager,

54. Hager,

55. Hallwachs,

56. Hassell,

Traité d'Analyse des Matières agricoles, 1877.

Die Verfälschung der wichtigsten Nahrungs und Genussmittel, 1880.

Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 14, 1881, 2290. Zeitschrift für Biologie, 16, 195.

Pharmaceutische Centralhalle, 18, 413. Biedermann's Centralblatt für Agrikultur-Chemie, 5, 1876, 235. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19, 1880, 238.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 10, 1871, 234.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 4, 1865, 252. Dingler's Pol. Journal, 174, 1864, 232.

Food, its adulterations, and the methods for their detection, 1876.

57. Hauchecore, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 2, 1863, 443.

58. Hehner,

59. Hehner,

The Analyst, 4, 1879, 43.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 16, 1877, 149.

60. Hehner and Angell, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 16, 1877, 145.

News, 32, 1875, 69.


61. Heydenreich, Wurtz, Dictionnaire, tome 2. Ure's Dictionary, vol. 2. Watt's

[blocks in formation]

74. Jones,

75. Kellner,

Dictionary, vol. 4,

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 17, 1878, 160.

Proceedings, Society of Public Analysts, 1, 1876, 125.

Maandblatt, 1870, 16. Chemisches Centralblatt, 2, 1871, 149 Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 11, 1872, 334.

Chemical News, 4, 1861, 309, 322.

Chemical News, 4, 1861, 230. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 2, 1863, 100.

What we eat; an account of the most common adulterations
of food and drink, 1861.

Handbuch der Toxicologie, 1862, und supplement, 1867.
Le lait, la crême, et le beurre, 1878.

Comptes-Rendus, 85, 1877, 718. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19,
1880, 236.

Journal d'Agriculture pratique, 43, 1879, 466.

Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift für Russland, 20, 399. Chemisches Centralblatt, 12, 1881, 655.

The Analyst, 1, 1876-7, 19.

The Analyst, 4, 1879, 39.

The Analyst, 2, 1877-8, 19.

Die landwirthschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 25, 1880, 45.
Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19, 1880, 133.

75a. Kletzinsky, Dingler's Pol. Journal, 153, 1859, 407. Bulletin Société

Chimique, 6, 1866, 427. Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 1.

76. König,

77. Köttstorfer,

78. Kopp, 79.


80. Kuleschoff, 81. Kunstman, 82. Lailler,

83. Lang,

83a. Langlies,

84. Lechartier,

85. Lefebre,

Industrie-Blätter, 1878, 15. Milch-Zeitung, 1879, 63. Chemisches Centralblatt, 10, 1879, 127. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 619.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 199, 431.

Kopp's Jahresbericht, 1875, 971.

Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 10, 1877, 2091.
Bulletin Societé Chimique, 29, 1878, 371.
Chemisches Centralblatt, 8, 1877, 319.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 4, 1865, 255.

Die Fabrikation der Kunstbutter, Sparbutter und Butterine, 1878.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 9, 1870, 534.

Annales Agronomique, 1, 1875, 456. Biedermann's Centralblatt, 6, 1877, 146.

Wurtz, Dictionnaire deChimie, tome 2.

86. Leune and Harbulot, Journal d'Agriculture pratique, 1881, 85. Dingler's Pol. Journal, 240, 1881, 383.

86a. Liebermann, Anleitung zur Chemischen Untersuchung auf dem Gebiete der Medicinaplolizei, Hygiene und forensischen Praxis, 1877.

87. Macagno, 88. Mailho,

89. Maumené,

90. Mayer,

91. Medicus,

Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 12, 1879, 1584.
Comptes Rendus, 40, 1855, 1218.

Comptes Rendus, 35, 1852, 572. Journal für praktische
Chemie, 58, 1853, 26. Dingler's Pol. Jour., 126, 1852, 204.
Milch-Zeitung, 10, 1881, 149. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 20,
1881, 376.

Gerichtlich-chemische Prüfung von Nahrungs und Genuss
mitteln, 1881.

92. Medicus and Scherer, Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19, 1880, 159.
Dingler's Pol. Journal, 233, 1879, 329.
New York Times, 1878, June 27th.

93. Meissl,

94. Michell,

95. Moser,

[blocks in formation]

Schleissche landwirthschaftliche Zeitung, 1875, 221. Biedermann's Centralblatt, 5, 1876, 478.

Brief History of the Mege Discovery. Oleomargarine Butter,
or Butterine, 1880.

Dingler's Pol. Journal, 198, 1870, 529.
The Analyst, 2, 1877-8, 25.

The Analyst, 1, 1876–7, 7.

Correspondenz-Blatt des Vereins Analyt. Chemiker, 1, 1878,
34. Archiv der Pharmacie, 14, 1879, 69. Chemisches
Centralblatt, 10, 1879, 558. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18,
1879, 111.

Bulletin, Société Indust. de Mulhouse, 36, 88. Dingler's Pol.
Journal, 180, 1866, 392.

Chemical News, 42, 1880, 1077.

Precis théorique et pratique des substances alimentaires, 1865
Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.

Journal Chemical Society, 1879, 1070.

19, 1880, 238.

Fresenius' Zeitschrift,

Biedermann's Centralblatt fuer Agrikultur-Chemie, 7, 1878,


Western Rural, 1880, Feb. 14th.

Chicago Tribune, 1880, April 14th.

Dumas, Chimie, T., 6, Wurtz, Dictionnaire, tome 2.

108. Piper,

109. Pontet,

110. Redwood,

The Analyst, 1, 1876–7, 51.

111, Reichert,

113. Renard,

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 17, 1878,


Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 18, 1879, 68.

112. Reichard, Archiv der Pharmacie, 13, 1878, heft 2.

Comptes Rendus, 73, 1871, 1330. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, 15, 48. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 12, 1873, 231.

114. Reynolds,

115. Roster,

116. Roth, 117. Rubner,

118. Ruedorff,

119. Sacchse,

120. Scheibe,

121. Schneider,

122. Sestini,

123. Smart,

Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 5, 1866, 252.

Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 13, 1880, 580. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 19, 1880, 477.

Kopp's Jahresbericht, 1865, 741.

Zeitschrift fuer Biologie, 15, 1879, 115. Biedermann's Cen.
tralblatt, 10, 1881, 394.

Poggendorf's Annalen, 145, 1872, 279.
Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 17, 1878, 151.
Pharm. Zeitschrift für Russland, 1881,

Centralblatt, 12, 1881, 703.

Polytechnisches Centralblatt, 1861, 1229.

431. Chemisches

Chemisches Cen

tralblatt, 6, 1861, 750. Kopp's Jahresbericht, 1861, 875. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 6, 1867, 362.

Bulletin, National Board of Health, supplement No. 11.
Chemical News, 44,

124. de la Souchere, Moniteur Scientifique, 1881, 790,

125. Stillurell,

126. Storch,

127. Taylor,

128. Taylor,

129. Tomlinson,

130. Tripe,

1881, 216.

Chemisches Centralblatt, 4, 1873, 799.
Ukeskrift for Landmaend, 1881, 20.
1881, 609.

Milch Zeitung, 10,

American Quarterly Microscopical Journal, 1, 1879, 294.
Scientific American, 38, 1878, 374.

The Engineer (London), 1864, 138. Zeitschrift der Archi-
tecten-und Ingenieur-Vereins fuer Hannover, 12, 1866, 150.
Proceedings Society Public Analysts, 1, 1876, 119.

131. Van der Burg, Fresenins' Zeitschrift, 4, 1865, 276.

131a. Voelcker, Journal of Royal Agricultural Society, 23, 1862, 346. 132. Walz,

American Chemist, 4, 1873, 169.

133. West-Knight, The Analyst, 5, 1880, 155. Fresenius' Zeitschrift, 20, 1881,

[blocks in formation]

Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 12, 1879, 1585.
The Analyst, 1, 1876-7, 145

Poggendorff's Annalen, 133, 1868, 121. Dingler's Pol.
Journal, 188, 1868, 421.

Poggensdorff's Annalen, 142, 1871, 471. Dingler's Pol
Journal, 200, 1871, 494.

Milch-Zeitung, 8, 1871, 67. Fleischmann, Das Molkerei


Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, 14, 1881, 1125. Repertorium der Analyt. Chemie, 1, 1881, 172.

Dictionnaire de Chimie, tome 2.




Prof. C. F. CHANDLER, Ph. D.,

Chairman Sanitary Committee:

My Dear Sir:- I take pleasure in submitting to you herewith my report, as one of the chemists under the Food and Drug Act, on Canned Meats and Animal Foods.

Yours very respectfully,


Professor of Chemistry.

CLINTON, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1881.

The use of animal food is so closely connected with physical force that it is a matter of vital importance to the welfare of any nation that its people should be supplied with cheap and wholesome meat. There can be no question that the physical superiority of the English over Continential nations is due in great part to the roast beef and mutton that have been so freely consumed in Great Britain, While life may be sustained and much work accomplished without any animal food at all, yet it is an acknowledged fact that severe bodily exertion cannot be sustained without it. This is recognized in the difference made in the diet of prisoners, depending on whether they are at hard labor or not. It is found that while milk, butter and cheese will be great additions to an otherwise purely vegetable diet, meat is the great work-producing agent. We are very fortunate here in this respect, and the poorest of our people can have meat every day of their lives and still a surplus be left to be sent abroad to feed people who would otherwise have to do without it. American lard, pork, and hams are supplied in all the European markets, and beef from this country is used to a large extent in Great Britain, all being sold cheaper than the home products. The great value of our exports of this class of food to some of the countries of Europe is shown by the following extract from a speech of M. Graux, the Belgian Minister of Finance. He is arguing against the imposition of a duty on meat preserves, and says:

"To stop these importations would be to devote the working classes (of Belgium) to misery, if not to death; to obstruct their entry by means of customs-duties would be to impose on the masses prices which would only benefit the land-owners. It is thus that some amongst us, in order to protect the agricultural interests of the country and prevent the owners of agricultural lands from suffering that reduction of their rents which the common and universal law of supply and demand imposes, would have us, by stopping these importations, make a compact with famine and deliver our industrial and laboring classes to misery, decline and ruin."

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