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Emigrants, Christian Colonization of Episcopal Church, Is it Apostolical?

the Territories of the United States, Article, by Eli Thayer, XVI, 847. Emigration, Article, by W. Barrows, XIII, 262.


Emmons, (N.), as Sermonizer, Theolo-
gian and Metaphysician, by E.
Fitch, I, 110.
Emmons, (Nathaniel),

Edwards A.
Park's Memoir of, reviewed, by Geo.
P. Fisher, XIX, 709.
Endor, Case of the Woman of, and the
Raising of Samuel, commented upon,
by Bennet Tyler, II, 221.
Endor, Case of the Woman of, ex-
amined, by E. C. Jones, XIV, 75.
Endor, Case of the Woman of, and the
Raising of Samuel, as it Bears upon
Modern Spiritualism, XVI, 682.
England, Affairs in, (1843,) I, 451.
England and its People, Review of
Hugh Miller upon, by W. A. Larned,
VIII, 237.

England and the United States, Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts in, compared, by Timothy Dwight,VI,281. England, Financial Crisis in, (1847), Article, by Timothy Dwight, VI, 147. England, Two Hundred Years Ago, Article, by L. Bacon, I, 250. English Traits, Emerson's, reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., XIV, 573. English Views of the French Revolution of 1848, Article, by W. A. Larned, VII, 153.

Episcopacy, Evangelical, as Illustrated in Dr. Stone's Memoir of Bishop Griswold, III, 227. Episcopacy in Connecticut, (1844), Bishop Brownell's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, reviewed, by Horace Bushnell, II, 143. Episcopacy, James Milnor an Illustration of the Evangelical Type of, VII,

Episcopacy, Reason for the Early

Growth of, IV, 182.
Episcopacy, The Tendencies of, Toward
Romanism, Article, by D. L. Ogden,
XIII, 363.

Episcopal Catholicism, as Illustrated in
Dr. Stone's Church Universal, Arti-
cle, by S. W. S. Dutton, V, 247.
Episcopal Church, as Related to Pusey-
ism or Tractarianism, Article, by
Albert Barnes, III, 333.
Episcopal Church, Bishop Burgess's
Stranger in, reviewed, by Leonard
Bacon, VII, 143.

Article, by I. M. Ely, IX, 564. Episcopal Church, Liturgy of the, criticised, by D. L. Ogden, I, 469. Episcopal Church, Position of the Evangelical Party in the, Article, by Albert Barnes, II, 113. Episcopal Exclusiveness, I, 390. Episcopal Heresies, XI, 92. Episcopal Missions and Bishop Southgate, III, 244.

Episcopal Recorder's Assault upon the
New Englander, examined, III, 140.
Episcopal Views of Apostolical Succes-
sion,examined, by Wm. Patton, II,273.
Episcopal Views of the Church as the
Body of Christ, I, 545.
Episcopal Views Respecting Baptismal
Regeneration, criticised, by Bennet
Tyler, II, 397.


Episcopalian and Unitarian Affinities, Article, by E. R. Tyler, III, 556. Episcopalianism in Massachusetts, Letter to Edwards A. Park, reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., II, 619. Episcopalianism, Perversions to, Illustrated, VIII, 106.

Europe, C. A. Bartol's Pictures of, Framed in Ideas, reviewed, by W. T. Eustis, XIII, 595.

Europe, Progress of Liberal Principles in, Article, by Ray Palmer, VIII, 329. Evangeline, a Tale of Acadia, by H. W. Longfellow, reviewed, by G. H. Hollister, VI, 548.

Evangelists, Are they now Needed? Article, by Enoch Pond, II, 297. Evangelists, The Testimony of, Examined by the Rules of Evidence, Article, by J. P. Thompson, V, 459. Evangelical Alliance, Account of the Meeting of 1855 at London, Article, by Leonard Bacon, X, 309. Evangelization of the World, What is Needed for the, Article, by Julius M. Sturtevant, II, 194.

Everett's Orations and Speeches, re-
viewed, by W. B. Sprague, IX, 44.
Evidence in Practical Medicine, The
Nature of, XI, 549.

Evidence in Relation to Insanity and
Crime, How Tested, XIV, 32.
Evidence, The Rules of, Applied to the
Testimony of the Evangelists, by
Simon Greenleaf, reviewed, by Joseph
P. Thompson, V, 459.
Evidences of Christianity, President
Hopkins's, reviewed, by Noah Porter,
Jr., IV, 405.

Evidences of Christianity, Relation of
the External to the Internal, XIX, 327.
Exegesis, Influence of Theology upon
Traditional, Article, by Edward A.
Walker, XIX, 323.
Extempore Preaching, Article, by O.
E. Daggett, XVI, 28.
Extempore Preaching, as Illustrated in
Robertson's Sermons, Article, by W.
I. Budington, XVII, 858.
Extempore Preaching, Training for,
Article, by W. I. Budington, XVII,

Franchise, Elective, Should it be Extended to the Free Negro? Article, by E. R. Tyler, V, 522. Freedom, (Moral), Question of, discussed, V, 270.

Freedom of Citizens under Roman Law, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XV, 345. Freedom of the Will, Bledsoe's Examination of Edwards's Inquiry into, reviewed, by B. N. Martin, V, 337. Freedom, Relation of Christianity to, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XV, 603. Freedom, Religious, Prospects of, Article, by A. A. Phelps, III, 392.

Faith, Christian, Importance to the Church of Understanding and Culti-French Literature, Modern, VI, 590. vating, Article, by Gordon Hall, XII, French Revolution of 1848, Aspects of the, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, VI,


Famine, The, in Ireland, by Joseph P. Thompson, VI, 263, 457.

Fanaticism, a Consequence of Incomplete Views of the Christian Life, VII, 375.

Fashion in America, Article, by Mrs. Sarah Allen, I, 365.

Fashion in Religion, Article, by Edward Strong, XI, 171.

Fashion, Taste and, Article, by Horace Bushnell, I, 153.

Fathers not Authoritative Interpreters of the Bible, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, II, 74.

Financial Crisis of Great Britain in 1847, Article, by Timothy Dwight, VI, 147.

Financial Crisis of 1857, Article, by Joseph L. Ropes, XV, 701. Fisher, (Alexander M.), Reminiscences of, Article, by D. Olmsted, I, 457. Fiske, (N. W.), Letter Explanatory of a Case of Optical Illusion in Sickness, III, 199.

Fiske, (Professor Nathan W.), Memoirs of, reviewed, by Samuel Harris, VIII, 67.

Foreign Affairs, July, 1843, I, 451. Foreign Affairs, October, 1843, I, 607. Forgiveness of Sin, Conditions of, Article, XI, 24.

Formalism, a Consequence of Incomplete Views of the Christian Life, VII, 373.

Foster, (John), Life and Correspondence of, reviewed, by A. McWhorter, V, 259.

Foster, (John), On the Punishment of
the Wicked, reviewed, by Samuel
Harris, IX. 186.
Fourierism, Article, by I. N. Tarbox,
IV, 56.


French Revolution of 1848, English Views Concerning the, Article, by W. A. Larned, VII, 153.

Fruit and Fruit Trees of America, Article, by A. C. Baldwin, IV, 229. Fugitive Slave Law, Judge Daniel's Decision in the Case of Dred Scott, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XV, 345.

Fugitive Slave Law, Relation of the
Personal Liberty Bill of Connecticut
(1854) to the, stated, by Henry
Dutton, XII, 453.

Fugitive Slave Law, The, Article, by J.
P. Thompson, VIII, 615.
Fugitive Slave Law, The, and the Ober-
lin-Wellington Rescue, Article, by
Henry C. Kingsley, XVII, 687.
Gallaudet, (Rev. Thomas H.), and Deaf-
Mute Instruction, Article, by S. W.
S. Dutton, X, 415.
Galleries in Churches, XII, 292.
Gangooly on the Life and Religion' of
the Hindus, criticised, by D. 0.
Allen, XIX, 365.
Gardening, Landscape, Article, by D.
G. Mitchell, I, 203.
Gardening, Principles of Landscape,
Article, by H. N. Day, VI, 331.
Geary, (J. W.), Character of, as Govern-
or of Kansas, sketched, by Leonard
Bacon, XV, 679.

General Association of Connecticut,
Confession of Faith of Committee of,
IV, 153.

Genesis, Documentary Origin of, Article, E. A. Walker, XIX, 544. Genesis, Double Narrative of Creation

in, Article, by J. W. Gibbs, XV, 666. Genesis, First Three Chapters of, commented upon, by Enoch Pond, I, 384.

Gentleman, The True, Article, by T.
D. Woolsey, V, 481.
Geography, Physical, in its Relation to
the History of Mankind, Article, by
B. N. Martin, VIII, 365.
Geography, The New, Ritter and Hum-
boldt, Article, by D. C. Gilman,
XVIII, 277.

Geology, its Teachings Concerning the
Creation, Contrasted with the Scrip-
tural Doctrine, IX, 510.
German Churches in America, Account
of, XII, 237.

German Philosophy and Criticism, Influence of, on the Ministry, Article, by Ray Palmer, I, 340, XV, 366. German Theology, (Modern), in the United Evangelical and the New Lutheran Church, Article, by E. A. Lawrence, XV, 202.

German Unbelief, Origin of, XVI, 15. Germany, The American Student in, Article, by Noah Porter, Jr., XV, 574. Gibbs, (J. W.) Discourse Commemorative of, by George P. Fisher, XIX, 605.

Gerard Will, Mr. Webster's Plea in the Case of the, reviewed, by Heman Humphrey, III, 89.

God, Revealed in Christ, Article, by E. F. Burr, XII, 177.

God, The Wisdom of, as Seen in the World of Nature, Article, by Denison Olmsted, VI, 404.

Government Endangered by the Discontented Classes, Article, by Julius S. Clarke, XI, 539.

Government, Human, a Divine Institution, Article, by Burdett Hart, III,


Government, Influence of Traditionary Law upon, Article, by A. Blanchard, IV, 305. Government, Moral, N. W. Taylor on, reviewed, by B. N. Martin, XVII, 903.

Government, Self, and Civil Liberty, Lieber on, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XIV, 329.

Government, The Duty of the Citizen to the, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XV, 462.

Government, The Relation of Christianity to Law and, Article, by Leon-· ard Bacon, XIV, 447. Grace, Growth in, XI, 46. Grace, The Riches of, Or the Blessings of Perfect Love, VIII, 528. Grant, (Dr.), and the Mountain Nestorians, Article, by J. L. Dimon, XI,


Grecian, Ancient, Language and Literature, Article, IX, 161.

Greece, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, V, 1. Greenwood, (John), The Congregational Martyr, XIX, 445.

Gregson Will Case, Account of, Article, by J. L. Kingsley, V, 542.

(Alexander V.), Stone's Memoir of, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, III, 227.

Guarantees, Nature of Political, dis

God's Love of Truth and Beauty, Exem-Griswold, plified in the Material Creation, Arti-| cle, by Denison Olmsted, XVI, 770. Gold Region, The Hand of God in the, Article, by J. Guernsey, VIII, 80. Golden Legend, by H. W. Longfellow, reviewed, by W. A. Larned, X, 90. Goodrich, (C. A.), Discourse Commemorative of, by T. D. Woolsey, XVIII,


Goodrich's (C. A.), Revision of Webster's Dictionary, reviewed, by Royal Rob bins, VI, 24.

Goodyear, (Charles), Discourse Commemorative of, by S. W. S. Dutton, XVIII, 774.

Gospels, Hints Respecting the Apparent Discrepances in the, by J. W. Gibbs, XV, 670.

Government, (Civil), its Right Over Human Life, Article, by Edward R. Tyler, III, 562.

Government, Civil, The Origin and Foundations of, Article, by J. P. Thompson, VII, 530.

cussed, by T. D. Woolsey, XIV, 329. Guizot's General History of Civilization, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XIX, 409, 871.

Guyon, Madame, Upham's Life of, reviewed, by Samuel Harris, VI, 165. Hackett's Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, X, 129.

Haight's (Benjamin I.) Letter Respecting Ordination .of Arthur Carey, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, I, 586. Haldanes, The Lives of the, as Illustrating the Rise of Congregationalism in Scotland, Article, by Archibald Geikie, XIX, 269.

Hale, (David), Memoir of, Article, by
S. W. S. Dutton, VIII, 129.
Hamilton, (William), and his Meta-
physics, Article, by W. A. Larned,
XVIII, 167.

Eldridge, XII, 465.

Holy Spirit, F. D. Huntington upon the Doctrine of the, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, XIV, 429.

Hardenburgh Patent, Tenures by which Holland, Notes of Travel in, by Joseph
Tenants have held under the, Arti-
cle, by S. D. Law, IV, 99.
Harper's Ferry, Moral of, Article, by
Leonard Bacon, XVII, 1066.
Hartford Convention, Action of, no
Precedent for Doctrine of Secession,
XIX, 751.

Harvard College, The Claim of, to Gov. Hopkins's Legacy, examined, by J. L. Kingsley, VII, 140.

Hawthorne, (Nathaniel), and the Marble Faun, Article, by E. W. Robbins, XVIII, 441.

Hawthorne's Marble Faun, Key to the
Allegory of, by Mrs. Martha T. Gale,
XIX, 860.

Hawthorne's Twice Told Tales and
Mosses from an Old Manse, reviewed,
by S. W. S. Dutton, V, 56.
Health and Disease, IX, 223.
Heberton, (M. H.), Trial of Singleton
Mercer for the Murder of, by Joseph
P. Thompson, I, 442.
Hebrew Servitude, Article, by J. B.
Bittinger, XVIII, 352.
Helper and the Impending Crisis, re-
viewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 634.
Herndon's, (Lieut.), Exploration of the
Valley of the Amazon, reviewed, by
W. A. Larned, XII, 362.
Hierarches and Sects vs. Christ s Char-
tered Church, Article, by Edward R.
Tyler, V, 592.

Higher Law, Article, by A. P. Marvin,
XIII, 84.

Higher Law, Doctrine of, Article, by
Jeremiah Day, XI, 161.
Hillhouse, (Augustus L.), A Hymn and
its Author, Article, by Leonard Ba-
con, XVIII, 557.

Hillhouse, (James A.), Sketch of the
Life and Writings of, reviewed, by
H. T. Tuckerman, XVI, 705.
Hill's, (Rowland), Plan of Post-Office
Reform, discussed, by Leonard Bacon,
I, 17.
History, Thoughts Respecting the Study
of Universal, Article, by Andrew D.
White, XV, 398.

Hitchcock, (Edward), Letter Respecting a Case of Optical Illusion in Sickness, III, 192.

Hoar, (Samuel), Expulsion of, the Agent of Massachusetts, from Charleston, S. C., referred to, by Joseph E. Larned, IV, 209. Holland's, (John), Psalmists of Britain, reviewed, by B. N. Martin, IV, 72.

Holy Spirit, Office of the, Since the Ascension of our Saviour, Article, by George I. Wood, IV, 87.

Home Heathen and How to Reach Them, Article, by Leonard W. Bacon, XVIII, 998.

Home Influence of the Christian, as it Respects the Spiritual Conquest of the World, Article, by G. I. Wood, V, 192.

Home Missionary Society, (American), Defended and Sustained against the Attacks of the Presbyterian Church Extension Committee, XVII, 1016. Home Missions, Coöperation of Congregationalists and Presbyterians in, Article, by S., W. S. Dutton, XVII,


Home Missions, The General Assembly and Coöperation in, XVIII, 969. Homeric Poems, Article, by E. D. North, III, 216.

Hopkins, (Gov.), Legacy Secured to Harvard College, The Facts with Reference to, explained, by James L. Kingsley, VII, 140.

Hopkins, (Dr.), Mrs. Stowe's Representation of, criticised, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII, 146.

Hopkins, (Dr.), Professor Park's Sketch of the Life of, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, X, 448.

Hopkins, (Mark), Lectures on the Evi

dences of Christianity, reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., IV, 401. Horticulture, Hints on, by A. C. Baldwin, IV, 229.

Hospitallers, History of, IX, 388. Human Race, Diversity of the Origin of, Article, by B. N. Martin, VIII,


Humboldt, Ritter, and the New Geogra phy, Article, by D. C. Gilman, XVIII, 277.

Hume as a Metaphysician, Characterized, Article, by W. A. Larned, XVIII, 168.

Hume on Miracles, criticised, by Noah
Porter, Jr., IV, 405.
Hume's Argument respecting Miracles,

examined, by James Murdock, I, 172. Hume's Argument respecting Miracles,

criticised, by Bennet Tyler, II, 212. Hume's Assaults upon Christianity


Characterized, by James Murdock. I, India, Account of Roman Catholic Missions in, Article, by H. C. Kingsley, XVII, 99.

Huntington, (F. D.), Dr. Cleaveland's
Misrepresentation respecting the
Theological Opinions of, corrected,
XVII, 175.
Huntington's, (F. D.), Sermons for the
People, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton,
XIV, 420.

India, Ancient and Modern, Article, by

W. Barrows, XV, 39.

India and the Sepoy Mutiny, Article, by
J. H. Jones, XVII, 357.
India, Missions in, Article, by D. O.
Allen, XIX, 365.

Huntington's, (F. D.), Sermons, review- India, The British in, Article, by Wm. ed, by W. I. Budington, XVIII, 190. D. Whitney, XVI, 100. Huntington, (F. D.), The New England- Indians, American, Can they be Civilier's View of his Present Relation zed? Article, by S. P. Riggs, XV, 250. (1856) to the Orthodox Churches, Indians of Connecticut, Article, by Article, by William T. Eustis, XIV, Luzerne Ray, I, 312.

[blocks in formation]

Idyls of the King, by Alfred Tennyson, Article, by George B. Bacon, XVIII, 1.

Ignatius, The Epistles of, Examination of the Genuineness of, by J. Murdock, VII, 501.

Immigration: Its Evils and their Remedies, Article, by Wm. Barrows, XIII, 262.

Immortality of Man only Through
Christ, Z. Campbell on, answered, by
W. A. Larned, IX, 544.
Immortality of the Soul, Article, by
Wm. Bement, XI, 362.
Immortality: The Argument for, from
Nature, Article, by T. M. Post, XIV,

Immortality, The Argument for, from
Scripture, Article, by T. M. Post,
XIV, 161.

In Memoriam, Alfred Tennyson's, reviewed, by I. N. Tarbox, VIII, 598. Inability and Ability, Natural and Moral, Article, by Enoch Pond, XIII, 387.

Individual Influence of Great Men, Article, by J. W. McLane, XI, 247. Inductive Method in Theology and the Nature of Christian Doctrine, Chalmers on, reviewed, by W. I. Budington, VIII. 203.

Infidelity, as Related to Romanism, Anglicanism and Unitarianism. A Review of the Autobiography of J. Blanco White, by Noah Porter, Jr., IV, 238.

Infidelity Caused by Slavery, W. W. Patton upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 102.

Infidelity? Is Protestantism Responsi ble for Modern, Article, by G. P. Fisher, XVI, 1.

Infidelity, its Erroneous Principles of Reasoning, Article, by Samuel Harris, XII, 341.

Infidelity, Modern, as Exhibited in Thorndale, reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., XVII, 652.

Infidelity, The New, Article, by Noah Porter, Jr., XI, 277.

Infinite, Mansel's Doctrine of the Inconceivability of the, examined, by G. P. Fisher, XVII, 601. Inter-Communication, Plank Roads and the Means of, Article, by W. A. Larned, IX, 290.

International Law, Recent Aspects of,

Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XIV, 560. International Law, Wheaton's History of, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XVI, 594.

Intuitive Truths, Article, by Miss C. M. Beecher, II, 359.

Insanity and Crime, The Connection Between, Article, by Worthington Hooker, XIV, 32.

Inspiration, Internal Evidence of, in the Scriptures, XIX, 337. Inspiration of the Scriptures, Tayler

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