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Rationalism, (German), As an Antecedent of Modern German Theology, XV, 202.

Rationalist, Autobiography of a, (J. Blanco White), reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., IV, 238.

Reading, Duty in Regard to, Article, by Tertius S. Clarke, X, 188. Realism Revived, Article, by Thomas H. Skinner, Jr., XIII, 509. Realistic Theology, Prof. Shedd's Theo. ry of the, Explained and Criticised, XIV, 371.

Reason, The Use of, Legitimate in Theological Inquiry, XIX, 332. Reason, Truths of Pure, Article, by Miss C. M. Beecher, II, 359. Rebellion of 1861, Duties to their Country in the Present Crisis, of those who Remain at Home during the, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, XIX, 674.

Rebellion of 1861, Lessons of our National Conflict during the, Article, by J. M. Sturtevant, XIX, 894. Recreations of a Country Parson, reviewed, by W. E. Boies, XIX, 882. Redemption, as Related to the Fall of the Angels, Article, by I. M. Ely, XI, 375.

Reeder, (A. H.), Character of, as Governor of Kansas, sketched, by Leonard Bacon, XV, 676.

Reform, Philosophy of, Article, by
William Clark, XIII, 28.
Reform and Reformers, Article, by S.
W. S. Dutton, VIII, 507.
Reformation, The, in Italy, as Illustra-
ted by the Life of Olimpia Morata,
Article, by J. W. DeForest, XIII,

Reforms, as Dependent upon Christianity, Article, by Samuel Harris, V, 448.

Regeneration, (Baptismal), Article, by Bennet Tyler, II, 397.

Reid as a Metaphysician, characterized, Article, by W. A. Larned,XVIII, 168. Religion, Morell's Philosophy of, reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., VII,566. Religion, Its Claims upon the State,

Article, by I. E. Dwinell, XII, 525. Religious Affairs, January, 1843, I, 145. Religious Affairs, July, 1843, I, 440. Religious Controversy, Ethics of, by Edward R. Tyler, VI, 534. Representative, Is a, bound by the Will of his Constituents? Article, by T. D. Woolsey, I, 193.

Represensative Men, R. W. Emerson on, reviewed, by D. March, VIII, 186. Repudiation, Article on, by William T. Dwight, I, 534.

Rest, The Philosophy of, Article, by Joseph P. Thompson, XIII, 353. Resurrection, The Fact and the Doctrine of, Article, by W. DeLoss Love, XV, 185.

Reviews, American, characterized, by Leonard Bacon, I, 4.

Revision of the English Bible, Article, by Edward W. Gilman, XVII,


Revival, The, of 1858, Article, by H. Loomis, Jr., XVI, 646.

Revivals of Religion, Article, by Wm. De Loss Love, XIII, 90. Revivals of Religion, Theodore Parker on, reviewed, by I. N. Tarbox, XVI, 575.

Revolution, Right of, discussed, by Leonard Bacon, XV, 474.

Revolution, The Italian, in 1848, Article, by H. M. Field, VII, 72. Revolutionary Spirit in Europe, (1848),

Article, by Ray Palmer, VIII, 329. Revolutions, Defense of the Necessity of, Article, by William A. Larned, VII, 153.

Rhetoric, Natural, Distinguished from Artificial, Professor Shedd on, referred to, XIV, 367.

Rhode Island Rebellion, (1842), Article, by William A. Larned, I, 85. Ritter, Humboldt and the New Geography, Article, by Daniel C. Gilman, XVIII, 277.

Ritual, The Puritan, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XIII, 450.

Rivers, Navigable, Provisions of the
Treaty of Paris Respecting the use
of the, examined, by T. D. Woolsey,
XIV, 560.

Roads, Plank, Article, by William A.
Larned, IX, 290.
Robertson's, (F. W.), Sermons, Lectures
and Memoirs, reviewed, by W. I.
Budington, XVII, 858.

Robinson, (John), Life and Works of, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, XI, 136.

Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, Account of, VI, 457.

Roman Catholic Church, The, as Related to Infidelity, Article, by Noah Porter, Jr., IV, 238,

Roman Catholic Church, The American,

Article, by Edward R. Tyler, V, 136.


Roman Catholic Complaints Against Sailor's Home in New York, Letter the Early Protestant Versions of from J. Spaulding Respecting, IV, the Scriptures, Article, by J. W. Gibbs, X, 300. Roman Catholic

Contributions and Missions, Article, by Henry C. Kingsley, XVII, 93.

Roman Catholic Errors Traced to their Origin in Human Nature, Review of Whately on, by S. W. S. Dutton, X,


Roman Catholic Faith, Article, by Joseph P. Thompson, II, 414, 568; III, 125, 172. Roman Catholicism, Opposition to the, in Germany, by Ronge and Czerski, by Joseph P. Thompson, V, 277. Roman State, The, Article, by Guglielmo Gajani, XVI, 271.

Romanic Languages, Origin of, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, V, 183. Romanism, Tendencies to, in the Episcopal Church, Article, by D. L. Ogden, XIII, 363.

Romanists and the Roman Catholic Controversy, T. Brainerd's Sermon Respecting, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, II, 233.

Ronge, (Johannes), and the German Anti-Papal Movement of 1847, account of, by Joseph P. Thompson, V, 277.

Ronge, (Johannes), Schism from the German Roman Catholic Church, Instituted by, referred to, by Edward R. Tyler, V, 136. Rousseau's Assaults upon Christianity, characterized, by James Murdock, I, 179.

Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture, reviewed, by N. H. Eggleston, VIII,

Russia as it is, Review of Gurowski on,
by W. A. Larned, XII, 424.
Russians in Caucasus before 1850, Arti-
cle, by T. D. Woolsey, IX, 88.
Russian Acquisitions upon the Amoor,
Article, by Burdett Hart, XIX, 352.
Sabbath, The, Anti-Mosaic Origin of,
Article, by J. W. Gibbs, XVI, 691.
Sabbath, Evidence of Divine Origin
of, XIX, 596.

Sabbath, The, its Divine Origin, Arti-
cle, by C. W. Clapp, X, 207.
Sabbath Schools, Influence of, Article,
V, 162.

Sacraments, Article, VIII, 117.
Sacraments, Nature of the Christian,
Article, by L. H. Atwater, III, 325.


Saltonstall, (Gurdon), Sketch of the Life of, by James L. Kingsley, II,


Sandwich Island Notes, reviewed, by W. A. Larned, XIII, 1.

Sanitary Surveys, Report of Joint Committee of Massachusetts Legislature upon, reviewed, by W. A. Larned, VII, 310.

Sawyer's, (L. A.), Translation of the New Testament, criticised, by E. W. Gilman, XVII, 144.

Criticised, by J. W. Gibbs, XVII, 522. Saxons in England, J. M. Kemble's History of the, reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, VII, 547.

Saybrook Impost, Palfrey's Account of, examined, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII,


Saybrook Platform, referred to, IV, 266. Scepticism, Modern, Article, by Noah Porter, Jr., XI, 277:

Schaff's, (Philip), Church History, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, XII, 237. Schaff's, (Philip), Views Respecting Religion in America, criticised, by J. M. Sturtevant, XV, 537.

Schism in the Church, High-Churchism
the Cause of, Article, IV, 333.
Schlegel, (Augustus W.), Memoirs of,
Article, II, 185.

Scholarship, Classical, as Influenced by
the use of Translations, Article, by
T. A. Thacher, XVI, 762.
School, Norwich Free, Account of, by
Worthington Hooker, XV, 428.
School, Common, System of Massachu-
setts, Article, by B. G. Northrop,
XIII, 43.

Schools, Common, of Connecticut, Arti-
cle, by J. A. Root, IV, 522.
Schools, Common, and the English
Language, Article, by J. W. Gibbs,
XVIII, 429.

Schools, Common, and their Relation to
Higher Seminaries, Article, by Charles
Hammond, VI, 313.

Schools, High, The Policy of Massachusetts Concerning, Article, by W. Barrows, XVI, 854.

Schools of the Highest Order, Unfitness of Political or Ecclesiastical Bodies to Control them, XVIII, 71.

Schools, Physiology in, Article, by J.
P. Gulliver, XIII, 276.
Schools, The Proposed Substitution of

Sectarian, for Public, examined and condemned, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, VI, 230, 299. Science and Art in their Relation to Christian Civilization, Article, IX,


Science, Changes in the Earth consequent upon the Progress of, Article, by Leonard Bacon, VII, 1. Science, Harmonies of, with the Bible, XIX, 585.

Science, Influence of Modern, upon Theology, Article, by Edward A. Walker, XIX, 323.

Science, Does it Tend to Materialism? Article, by Joseph P. Thompson, XIX, 84.

Science, An Apology for Physical, Article, IV, 542.

Science, Natural, its Harmony with
Theology, Article, by Samuel Harris,
X, 1.

Scotland, The Bards of, reviewed, by Wm.
A. Larned, XII, 151.
Scotland, The Lives of the Haldanes, as
Illustrating the Rise of Congrega-
tionalism in, Article, by Archibald
Geikie, XIX, 269.

Scriptural Allusions and Quotations,
their Value in the Pulpit, Article, by
Edward Strong, XII, 44.
Scriptures, Catholic Complaints against
the Early Protestant Versions of the,
reviewed, by J. W. Gibbs, X, 300.
Seamen, Claims of, Article, by L. Gros-
venor, III, 481.

Search, The Right of, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XVI, 594.

Secession, The Southern Apology for, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XIX, 731.

Sects and Hierarchies, vs. Christ's Chartered Church, J. B. Turner on, reviewed, by Edward R. Tyler, V, 592. "Sect System," A Logical Result of Centralized Church Government, XV, 546.

Sectarian Control of Colleges Tends to make them Feeble, XVIII, 86. Sectarianism, Cause and Cure of, Article, by Samuel Harris, V, 78. Seeds, Means by which they are Diffused, VIII, 561.

Self-Love, N. W. Taylor's Theory respecting, presented, by Joseph P. Thompson, XVI, 390.

Self-Love, N. W. Taylor's Views respecting, defended, by B. N. Martin, XVII, 920.

Separatists of Eastern Connecticut, Arti-
cle, by R. C. Learned, XI, 195.
Sepoy Mutiny, The, Article, by J. H.
Jones, XVII, 357.

Sermons, Exaggeration in, V, 95.
Sermons, Formality in, V, 96.
Sermons, The Permanent Interest of, V,

Sermons, Written and Unwritten, com-
pared, the latter recommended, ad-
vantages, methods, examples, Article,
by O. E. Daggett, XVI, 47.
Seven, The Number, Article, by James
Hadley, XVI, 742.

Shady-Side Literature, reviewed, by L. Sabine, XII, 54.

Shannon, (Wilson), Character of, as Governor of Kansas, noticed, by Leonard Bacon, XV, 677.

Shedd's, (W. G. T.), Discourses and Essays, reviewed, by G. P. Fisher, XIV, 363.

Shedd's, (W. G. T.), Nature and Influ

ence of the Historic Spirit, reviewed, by Thomas H. Skinner, Jr., XIII, 509.

Sherman, (Roger Minott), Sketch of the
Life of, by L. H. Atwater, IV, 1.
Sick, Lying to the, I, 190.
Sick, Truth in our intercourse with the,
Article, by Worthington Hooker, III,

Sickness, Influence of the Body upon
the Mind during, Article, by Wor-
thington Hooker, III, 493.
Sickness, A case of Optical Illusion in,
explained, Article, III, 192.
Silliman's, (Benjamin, Sr.), Visit to Eu-
rope in 1851, reviewed, by Denison
Olmsted, XII, 24.

Sin, Effects of, upon the Elements, Article, by J. G. Hall, IV, 40. Sin, Review of J. F. Clarke on the Forgiveness of, Article, XI, 24.

Sin indispensable to the Highest Happiness of the Universe, as held by Bellamy, Hopkins, Stephen West, Wesley, and others, XVII, 942.

Sin of Man, Anticipated in Nature, Arti

cle, by James D. Dana, XVII, 293. Sin, The Origin of, The Methodist Quarterly Review on Wesley's views respecting, reviewed, by B. N. Martin, XVIII, 473, XIX, 621.

Sin, Original, Various Theories of, historically considered, Article, by G. P. Fisher, XVIII, 694.

Sin as made Tributary to the Highest General Good of God's Government,


Dr. Tyler's view of, presented, by E. | Slaves, The Compromises of the Con

A. Lawrence, XVII, 766.
Sin, H. W. Bellows's view of the Rela-
tion of, to the Moral Government of
God, criticised, by B. N. Martin, VI,

Sin, O. Dewey upon, criticised, by B.
N. Martin, VI, 75.
Sin, Prof. Park's Interpretation of Em-
mons's Theory with regard to the In-
troduction of, into the World, con-
sidered, by G. P. Fisher, XIX, 719.
Sin, God not the Author of, N. W.
Taylor's view, presented, by Joseph
P. Thompson, XVI, 396.
Sin, N. W. Taylor's vindication of the
Divine Character in view of the exist-
ence of Evil, commented upon, by B.
N. Martin, XVII, 930.
Sin, Dr. Tyler's views respecting the
Origin of, presented, by E. A. Law-
rence, XVII, 764.

Skepticism of the Church with regard
to the results of Missions, Article, by
Burdett Hart, IX, 207.
Skinner, (Aaron N.), Public Spirit in

the Private Citizen, Article, by George
B. Bacon, XVII, 726.

Slave Compromise of 1850, Daniel
Webster's Speech upon, reviewed, by
Leonard Bacon, VIII, 299.

Slave, Fugitive, rescued at Wellington,
Ohio, Article, by Henry C. Kingsley,
XVII, 687.
Slave Law, The Fugitive, Article, by
Joseph P. Thompson, VIII, 615.
Slave Law, Fugitive, Judge Daniel's
Decision in the case of Dred Scott,
reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XV,

Slave Law, Fugitive, The Relation of
the Personal Liberty Bill of Connec-
ticut, (1854), to the, stated, by Henry
Dutton, XII, 453.

Slave Owners, The Rights of, Dr. Thorn-
well's Sermon on, reviewed, by Leon-
ard Bacon, XII, 93.

Slave Trade, The Reopening of the
African, Article, by Wm. De Loss
Love, XVIII, 90.
Slave Trade, African, Dr. Stiles's Theory
that it is "peradventure the most Phi-
losophical and Sublime Missionary
Movement under Heaven," commented
upon, by Wm. DeLoss Love, XVIII,

Slave Trade in Newport, as represented by Mrs. Stowe, commented upon, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII, 153.

stitution with regard to the delivery of, Article, by W. A. Larned, VII,


Slaves, Foreign, by the Laws of Moses not Manumitted at the Jubilee, XVIII, 378.

Slaves, Religious Instruction of the, Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, IV, 45. Slavery, Political Agitation of the question of, the result of the Mexican war, Article, by Leonard Bacon, VI, 292. Slavery and the Bible, Joseph P. Thompson upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 102.

Slavery in the Cherokee and Choctaw Missions, Report of S. B. Treat respecting, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, VII, 273.

Slavery and the Church, Albert Barnes upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 102.

Slavery, Relations of the Federal Con-
stitution to, discussed, by James G.
Birney, Jr., III, 591, 595.

Slavery, Effects of, upon the Property,
Intelligence, and Morals of the Whites,
Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, XIV,


Slavery, Shall it be Extended, Article, by G. I. Wood, VIII, 292.

Slavery, Albert Barnes on God's Esti-
mate of, IV, 384.

Slavery among the Hebrews, Article, by
J. B. Bittinger, XVIII, 352.
Slavery and Infidelity, W. W. Patton
upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton,
XV, 102.

Slavery, Illegality of Legalizing, by the
Nebraska Bill, XII, 304.

Slavery, The Literature of, Article, by
Leonard Bacon, X, 588.
Slavery and Oppression, God's Opposi-
tion to, Article, by L. Perrin, XIV,


Slavery, Shall we Vote to Perpetuate it? Article, by Wm. A. Larned, II, 589.

Slavery, The Pulpit and its duty toward,

Article, by Leonard Bacon, XIX, 140. Slavery, The National Sin of, with its Retribution, Article, by S. W. Magill, XIV, 527.

Slavery and the Slave Trade to Cuba,

Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XVI, 594. Slavery, Apostasy of the Southern

States in regard to the wrongfulness of, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XII,


Slavery, Southern Writers upon, Arti- | Society, The best, is a Christian Home, cle, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 634. Article, by George I. Wood, V, 192. Slavery, as it Affects the Right of Suf- Society and Manners, Article, by Mrs. frage, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII, 466.

Slavery, The Exclusion of, from the Northwest Teritory, Article, by E. B. Andrews, XII, 384.

Slavery, The Extension of, aimed at by the Government in the Annexation of Texas, Article, by Wm. A. Larned, II, 453.

Slavery, The Theory of, Opposed to that of Christianity, Article, by T D. Woolsey, XV, 603.

Slavery, The American Tract Society's Duty to Publish on the Moral Evils Arising out of, Article, XVI, 612, XVII, 618.

Slavery, The Proposed Abolition of, in
Western Virginia, Article, by Edward
R. Tyler, VI, 357.

Slavery, Nehemiah Adams's South-Side
View of, reviewed, by A. P. Marvin,
XIII, 61; XIII, 485.
Slavery, Albert Barnes's "Scriptural
Views" of, reviewed, by S. W. S.
Dutton, IV, 384.

Slavery, Dr. Lord's Letter upon, reviewed, by S. W. McKeen, XIII, 397. Slavery, Mrs. Stowe's exhibition of, in "Dred," examined, by G. P. Fisher, XIV, 515.

Slavery, M. Stuart's Vindication of the Speech upon, by Daniel Webster, 1850, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon, VIII, 472.

Slavery, Dr. Thornwell upon, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XII, 93. Slavery, (Southern), Review of Gov. Hammond's Letters to Thomas Clarkson on, by S. W. S. Dutton, III, 567.

Smith, (Hugh), on Ordination of Arthur
Carey, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon,
I, 586.

Smith's, (John Cotton), Address at the
Meeting of the Alumni of Yale Col-
lege, (1845), III, 624.
Smith, (Sidney), notice of, II, 257.
Social Compact, Theory of the, Article,
by Joseph P. Thompson, VII, 534.
Social Reforms, Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, VIII, 264, 452.

Socialism, examined, Article, VIII, 264,


Societies, Responsibility in the management of, Article, by Leonard Bacon, V, 28.

Sarah Allen, I, 365.

Society, A Religious Reformation of, necessary, Article, by Joseph P. Thompson, VIII, 264, 452. Somnambulism, discussed, by J. Knight, IV, 433.

Sonship of Christ, The, Article, by H. M. Goodwin, XVIII, 851. South Carolina and Massachusetts, Controversy between, respecting the rights of free persons of color, Article, by J. G. E. Larned, III, 411, 606; IV, 195.

South-Side View of Slavery, by Nehemiah Adams, reviewed, by A. P. Marvin, XIII, 61, 485.

Southern Apology for Secession, Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XIX, 731. Southern Churches on the subject of the wrongfulness of Slavery, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XII, 627. Southern Views of the Compromises of the Constitution, examined, Article, by Wm. A. Larned, VII, 329. Southgate, (Horatio), Representations of the Policy of American Missionaries, discussed, by Noah Porter, Jr., III,


Sovereignty, Nature of State, Article, by Wm. A. Larned, I, 85. Sovereignty, Dr. Tyler's views on Divine, presented, by E. A. Lawrence, XVII, 769.

Species unable to spread beyond a natu-
ral barrier, VIII, 564.

Species of America, Distinct from those
of Europe, VIII, 565.
Species, Darwin on the origin of, criti-
cised, XIX, 345.

Spelling Book, Classical, A. B. Chapin's,
reviewed, by H. N. Day, II, 350.
Spiritual Development, The First Duty
of Man, Article, XI, 46.
Spiritualism, Article, by C. L. Hequem-
bourg, XII, 33.

Spiritualism, The various explanations
of it unsatisfactory, XVI, 686.
Spiritualism, The Literature of, review-
ed, by C. S. Lyman, XVI, 666.
Spiritualism as a new religion, XVI,


Spiritualism, Are the Phenomena of,
Supernatural? Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, XVIII, 381.
Spiritualism Tested by Christianity,
Article, by I. E. Dwinell, XV, 553.

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