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From R. C. Knight, Esq., dated Kotah, 23rd August last, acknowledging the receipt of Dr. Buist's letter, No. 55, dated 15th July last, and requesting that the instruments mentioned in his letter might, with the exception of the Sympiesometer, be ordered for and transmitted to him through Mr. Hewett's Agency.

From Mr. Mayes, dated Seerah Island, 27th August last, forwarding his observations for Shum Shum for the month of July last, and the Anemometer papers for Seerah and Shum Shum; intimating at the same time that he has reduced the direction in the Azimuth and the pressure into pounds and decimals of a pound.

From J. S. Law, Esq., dated Tanna, 7th instant, enclosing a cheque for Rs. 15, on account of his annual subscription to the Society for the year 1850-51.

From W. E. Frere, Esq., dated Dharwar, 4th instant, intimating that he has remitted, through the Civil Pay office, the sum of Rs. 15, on account of his annual subscription for the year 1850-51.

From Captain E. Whichelo, Deputy Commissary General, No 4894, dated 20th August last, intimating that the Marine Barometers forwarded to him for inspection, with the Society's letter No. 70, had been approved of and accepted by the Medical Storekeeper, and requesting to be furnished with the hooks appertaining thereto.

From J. G. Lumsden, Esq., Secretary to Government in the Marine Department, No. 878, dated 2nd Sept., acknowledging the receipt of the Society's letter No. 64, dated 29th July last, and stating that the Society can use its discretion with regard to the arrangements proposed in the three first paragraphs thereof, and also intimating that the Society's recommendation in favour of Mr. Leech will be referred for the sanction of the Government of India.

From J. G. Lumsden, Esq, Secretary to Government in the General Department, No. 3635, dated 16th September, transmitting for presentation to the Society, a copy of the Journal of the Indian Archipelago, and Eastern Asia, for the months of May and June last. From R. K. Pringle, Esquire, dated Kurrachee, 12th September, inclosing a cheque on the Bank of Bombay in payment of his subscription, Rs. 15, to the Society for the year 1850-51.

From Dr. Alexander Gibson, dated 12th September, requesting to be furnished with a copy of the number of the Society's Transactions just published, on payment.

From Lieutenant A. Aytoun at Malligaum, an extract from the list of Remittance from Pay Abstract for the month of August 1850, for Rupees (7) seven, on account of the Admiralty Manual forwarded to him.

Commander J. Stephens, I. N., was elected a Member of the Society. He was proposed by Commander Jenkins, I. N., seconded by J. Smith, Esq.-Dr. Shaw, Secretary Royal Geographical Society of London, will at next meeting be proposed as an honorary member of the Society.

It was moved by Major Holland, seconded by Dr. Buist, and agreed to unanimously, that the Regulations of the Society, as now revised, should be printed for their future guidance.

It was moved by Major Holland, seconded by Mr. Patton, and agreed to unanimously, that Dr. Ford should be written to, thanking him for his goodness in sending his Atmometer for their inspection; and requesting that he would allow the Society to purchase it from him, with the view of its being retained in their rooms for exhibition and for use.

The meeting then broke up.

THE ordinary monthly meeting of the Bombay Geographical Society took place on the 24th October 1850, at 3 o'clock-The Honorable J. P. Willoughby, Esq., President, in the Chair. Present: Colonel Campbell; Commander G. Jenkins; Captain French; Lieut. Taylor, I. N.; Lieut. Pollexfen; Ali Mahomed Khan; Venayekrao Jagonathjee, Esq., and Dr. G. Buist, Secretary.-The minutes of last meeting were read and approved of. The paper on the Aneroid, by Mr. Patton, was not presented, that gentleman being absent from the Presidency.-A letter from Mr. Lumsden, under the Marine department, in reference to the Instruments borrowed by the Society from Government, was laid on the table, with a draft of a reply. The Secretary was directed to state in reference to the instruments received from Government on loan, that the Society were ready to restore them when wanted, provided they were not considered by Government to be already fulfilling the objects in view for them they were in use at Sawunt Warree, Aden, Porebunder, and Kurrachee,-stations Government had agreed to provide with instruments. In reference to the instruments in the possession of the Society, it was directed to be explained that these were on sale merely, and had been provided for the service of those desirous of purchasing and employing them. That the Society had at no time contemplated their use on its own account, or incurring further risk regarding them than what might arise from those which might be broken, or left on their hands unsold. No allowance for either of these contingencies had been made-the instruments were charged exactly at the prices paid for them, including freight there had luckily been no breakages on the way.-The following Motions were unanimously agreed to :


That the following be added to the Regulations :

"That the Society shall present copies of its Transactions to the principal Public Libraries in India, Europe, and America, and exchange them with Societies and with such Authors or Publishers as are disposed to bestow works of equivalent value, or nearly so, on the Library of the Society."

The Committee on Physical Research has hitherto consisted of the Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Navy, the Deputy Quarter-Master-General, and the Officer in charge of the Observatory. The two parties last named are not at present members of the Society,— and it is proposed

"That the Committee shall hereafter consist of Captain J. Hawkins, Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Navy; Major J. Holland, Quarter-Master-General; Captain H. J. Barr, Paymaster-General; Lieutenant Taylor, I. N.; John Ritchie, Esq.; and the Secretaries."

Dr. Shaw, Secretary to the Royal Geographical Society of London, was admitted an honorary member, and Captain J. Willoughby an ordinary member.-It was proposed by the Hon'ble Mr. Willoughby, seconded by Commander Jenkins, and agreed to unanimously "That His Excellency Rear Admiral De Tromelin be admitted an honorary member of the Society." As the Admiral was stated to be on the eve of his departure, the usual notice required to be given was dispensed with.-Colonel Campbell proposed that Lieutenant Wray should be balloted for as a member at next ordinary meeting.--No other business appearing before the Society, the meeting broke up.



From Captain S. B. Haines, dated Aden 13th September last, forwarding an order on Messrs. Remington & Co., on account of his annual subscription for 1850.

From Captain R. Ethersey, dated Kurrachee 21st September last, enclosing an order on the Bombay Bank for Rs. 62, being the amount due by him to the Society on account of Instruments. From J. G. Lumsden, Esq., Secretary to Government in the Marine Department, No. 979, dated 21st September last, requesting the Society to communicate with the Military Board on the subject of the concluding para of the Society's letter No. 50, dated 19th June, 1850. From Henry J. Carter, Esq., Secretary to the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, No. 161, dated 30th September last, informing that the best thanks of the members were voted to the Geographical Society for the present of a copy of its transactions.

From A. Matheson, Esq., Acting Collector of Vizagapatam, dated 7th ultimo, recommending Mr. Juggarow as an accurate observer, who has an observatory of his own, and takes much interest in Meteorological Researches, and informing that he has kindly undertaken to furnish returns of the description required by the Society.

From G. V. Juggarow, Esq., dated Vizagapatam 21st September last, requesting to be supplied with a certain number of instruments to keep a regular Meteorological Register, and enclosing an Accountant General's Bill for Rupees (400) four hundred, in favour of Messrs. Line & Co. From Messrs Smith, Elder & Co., dated London 19th August last, enclosing an account, for dispatches to the Society during the past half year, amounting to £5. 9s. 6d.

From Walter Elliot, Esq., Revenue Commissioner, dated Vizagapatam 12th ultimo, strongly recommending Mr. Juggarow as an accurate observer, and a great lover of Meteorological investigations.

From Captain E. Whichelo, Deputy Commissary General, No. 5790, dated 2nd October, requesting to be informed if the Society would be able to supply certain Instruments enumerated by him.

From Captain W. Strange, Nizam's Cavalry, dated Gulburgee 9th instant, acknowledging the receipt of the Secretary's letter of the 29th July last, enclosing a hoondee for the sum of Rs. 44, and requesting that the Aneroid Barometer, selected for him, should have a thermometer attached to it. From J. G. Lumsden, Esquire, Secretary to Government, General Department, No. 3933, dated 5th October last, requesting the Society's acceptance of a copy of Brigg's Cities of Guzerastra. From C. Hathway, Esquire, Civil Surgeon at Lahore, No 118 dated 27th September 1850, stating in reply to the applications for Meteorological observations to be kept at Lahore, made by the President of the Board of Administration at the request of Dr. Buist, that he shall be most happy to register the readings of any Instruments that the Geographical Society can place at his disposal for the purpose therein required.

From A. Freere, Esquire, Collector of Chingleput, dated Pulle Carny 19th September last, sug. gesting that if the Meteorological Observations be entrusted to men of Education, whose occupations enabled them to remain at one station, the returns will be much more correct and useful, and the object the Society has in view will be more readily attained, and informing that the Civil Surgeons at Poonamalee, and Chingleput have expressed their willingness to undertake the observations in question, if supplied with the requisite Instruments.

From Captain C. Birdwood, Assistant Commissary General, dated 7th instant, No. 5878, requesting to be informed whether the Society can supply him with an Anemometer.

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From Commander Charles. W. Montriou, I. N., Superintendent of the Colaba Observatory, dated 14th instant, No. 56 of 1850, forwarding, by direction of the Right Honorable the Governor in Council for presentation to the Society, one copy of Part 1st of the Observations made at the Colaba Observatory during the year 1847, containing the Meteorological Observations.

From G. V. Juggarow, Esquire, dated 7th instant, forwarding a memorandum of the Rain measured at Vizaga patam, and stating that part of which from 1830 to 1838 was kept by his uncle, and the rest by himself, also informing that he has commenced from the 1st instant to keep a regular registry of the Meteorological Observations, according to the printed form circulated by the Madras Government and recommended by the Medical Board, and stating that he shall be most happy to attend to any suggestions that may be hereafter offered.

From Mr Mayes, dated A den 27th September last, offering his services to reduce the Observations now in hand, and promising to reduce them before they have been dispatched from Aden in future.

From Dr C. G. E. Ford, acknowledging the receipt of the Secretary's letter of the 3rd instant, and stating that it was his intention, when forwarded, to have the Anemometer presented to the Society, and now begging to express that the Instrument is quite at the service of the Society.


Meteorological Abstract taken for the month of August, at Trevandrum.

[blocks in formation]



Ditto. of August, at Cuddalore and Coconada.
Ditto. of September, at Aden.

Ditto. of July, August, and September, taken

at Kolapoor.


[blocks in formation]

taken for the month of April, May, and June, at Bushire; accompa

nied by remarks by Dr. McAlister Residency Surgeon at the Persian Gulf.


Ditto. state of the Thermometers in the shade taken at Neemuch for the month of September last, accompanied by remarks from Dr J. P. Malcolmson, Surgeon 3rd Regiment Light Cavalry.

"Brigg's Cities of Guzurastra."

5th October 1850.


Presented by Government with a letter No. 3933 dated

Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Part XIII. vol. III. January 1850. Presented by the Society.

Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia for the month of July and August last, Presented by Government.

Bombay Magnetical Observations, Part I. for 1847. Montriou.

With a letter from Commander C. W.

I. N. Superintendent of the Colaba Observatory.


Atmometer, presented by Dr C. G. E. Ford, at Hushingabad, with a letter dated 12th October,


THE ordinary monthly meeting of the Bombay Geographical Society was held in its rooms, on Thursday the 21st November 1850. Present. The Hon'ble J. P. Willoughby, Esq., President, in the chair; Henry Young, Esq.; Captain H. J. Barr ; Norman Oliver, Esq.; Commander G. Jenkins, I. N.; B. A. Bremner, Esq.; Lieutenant-Colonel J. Holland; Venaikrow Jugonathjee, Esq.; Dhunjeebhoy Framjee, Esq.; Manockjee Cursetjee, Esq.; S. S. Dickinson, Esq.; Lieutenant J. J. Pollexfen; Commander G. B. Kempthorn, I. N. ; and Professor J. Patton, Joint Secretary.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read and approved of, a letter was laid before the Society from Mr Goldsmid, Secretary to Government, forwarding an interesting account of the Storm that occurred in Kattiawar in July last. The paper was referred to the Committee on papers for publication.-The Secretary brought forward the recommendation of the Commiitee on Physical Research in reference to the employment of Mr Mayes. The Committee having decided that the observations already taken at Aden were quite sufficient for all scientific purposes, it was determined a year since to withdraw Mr Mayes from Aden, and employ him in establishing Observatories at Suez, the Persian Gulf, and Zanzibar. No answer has as yet been received from the government of Egypt, whose permission was necessary previous to establishing the observatory at Suez, and the Committee therefore recommend that Mr Mayes should be detained for the present at the presidency, for the purpose of arranging, reducing, and passing through the press, the whole of the Aden observations, and that should he have any time, he might be employed in superintending local observations. The draft of a letter to Government on the subject was then approved of.-Professor Patton read the following paper on the Aneroid Barometer, which the Society directed to be printed for immediate circulation, and also to be published in the next volume of the Society's Transactions :


Considerable discussion has of late arisen on the subject of the Aneroid Barometer, and great uncertainty still exists in reference to its utility. A letter from the eminent instrument-maker, Mr Adie, read before a late meeting of this Society, has tended very much to increase previously existing doubts of its usefulness in ascertaining high altitudes, for which its portability and cheapness would have made it particularly suitable. This Society also having ordered a supply from England, it is of great importance not only to have those doubts set at rest, but also to have some means of testing their correctness in order to inform purchasers of the limits within which they can be trusted. In order to do so, I obtained two Aneroids, one belonging to Mr Treacher, graduated to 27.5 inches, and one belonging to the Society, graduated to 23 inches, and subjected them to the following experiment. In the neck of a flask containing a small quantity of mercury, I inserted a small bent tube, and when the flask was inverted, the mercury of course stood at the same level in the flask and in the tube.

The flask was properly supported on a small retort stand, and the Aneroids were then placed under the receiver of an air-pump, and a few strokes given to the pump. When the air became a little rarified in the receiver, the elastic force of the air in the flask pressed down the mercury, and the degree of exhaustion was measured by the altitude to which the mercury rose in the tube. Therefore, neglecting for the present the diminution of the elastic force of the air in the flask, arising from the increase of volume, and neglecting also the temperature under the receiver, the rise of mercury in the tube should be exactly

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