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One Dollar per annum; Single Copies, 10 Cents.

C. L. AND M. E. CRAMER, Editors and Publishers.

F. E. CRAMER, Manager.

Telephoné CAPP 2711.

3360 Seventeenth Street, San Francisco, Cal

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How to get it, and how to keep it, by one who has it. True Scientific Living. "I have yet to meet a case in the treatment of which it has not proved helpful. I am convinced that its power to heal has no limit."-JoSEPH F. LAND M.D., 130 West 126th Street, New York.

PUBLISHER'S GUARANTEE:-Any person who purchases this book, and adopts its teaching, and follows it for on e month, and is not entirely satisfied with the improvement in his health, may return the book and the price will be refunded.

REFERENCES TO ABOVE GUARANTEE:F. S. JEROME, V. Pres. ist National Bank, Norwich, Conn.; N. L. BISHOP, Sup't of Schools, Norwich, Conn.

Price in Linen, $1.00. Sent prepaid on receipt of price. Agents Wanted. Mention this Journal.


Norwich, Conn., U.S.A.


Books published by

H. H. SCHROEDER Editor and Publisher of " DAS WORT."

Geistige Nahrung, by P. Militz... Linen $ .75 Leather,.........



Pearls of Wisdom, by P.Militz...paper
Samen koerner am Wege, C. Heydtmann .05
Grund-Gedanken und Behandlung der
Gesundheit durch Wahrheit-by M.

E. Cramer, German translation by
F. W. Becker-cloth.

Vol. I and II, "Das Wort," bound in
cloth, with Siver lettering...............
"Die Bibellehre uber das Heilen," von
Fannie B. James. Broschirt; preis...
"Studien der Gottlichen Wissenchaft,"
von Fannie B. James. In 6 heften;
preis per heft.......
"Die Verklarung Jesu" und "Die
Bibel," von Rev. J. F. Von Vlasselar,
D. T.; preis....

"Krankheiten und deren Kur" und die
"Kraft des Wortes," von H. H.
Schroeder; preis....








"Der Glaube und Gottvertrauen," von H. H. Schroeder; preis........ Christliche oder Gottliche Wissenschaft," von R. S. Hill; pre is........... .15 For sale by H. H. SCHROEDER, 2622 8, 12th Street, St. Louis, Mo.

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Directory of Divine Science Work and Workers

The Home College of Divine Science, 360 Seventeenth St., S. F. M. E. Cramer, President; C. L. Cramer, Vice-President.

The First Divine Science Church of San Francisco, M. E. Cramer, Pastor. 3360 Seventeenth Street between Valencia and Mission. Services Sunday at 11 a. m.

Divine Science Center, Mrs. J. R. Wilson, Teacher and Healer, 1055 Washington Street, Oakland, Cal. Services Sunday evenings at 8 o'clock. Healing Meetings, Thursdays, 2 1.m.; Fridays, 8 p m. Colorado College of Divine Science, 17th Avenue and Clarkson street, Denver, Colo. Alethea B. Small Nona L. Brooks, Louise McN. Brooks, Trustees.

Divine Science Center, Aspen, Colo.

The Massachusetts State Division of I. D. S. A. Mrs. E. L. Parker, President. Meetings every Friday evening at No. 40 Parker Street, New Bedford, Mass.

Divine Science Church, 3003 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Prof. LeRoy Moore, Pastor. Services Sundays II A. M.: 7.45 P. M.

Waterloo Branch of I. D. S. A., 312 E Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa.

and Sunday evenings.

Meeting every Wednesday, Friday

Divine Science Center, 3 Central St., Room 3, Salem, Mass. Mrs. J. L. Darling, Leader. Sundays, 3 p.m. The Society of Practical Christianity holds Sunday services in their church, S. E. cor. Eighteenth and Pestolozzi Sts., S. St. Louis. H. H. Shroeder, Pastor.

Divine Science Meetings, 1116 N. Twelfth St., Kansas City, Kan. Conducted by Mrs. M. A. Graham. Divine Science Center, Suisun. Cal.

Divine Science Meeting held every Wednesday evening, 7.30 o'clock; also, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock Eyre Crescent, Edinburgh, Scotland.

South Side Divine Science Church of Denver.

Rev. Nona L. Brooks, Pastor.

Divine Science Center, conducted by Vintie Root McDonald, 810 Olive Street, Room 804, St. Louis, Mo Silent Worker's Meeting very Friday, at 1 p.m. Public Healing Meeting every Mor day, at 8 p.m Divine Science Church of Christ, corner Tenth Street and Erie Avenue, Sheboygan, Wis. Sunday and week-day services. Rev. F. W. Becker, Pastor.

The West End Church of Divine Science, 3907 West Bell Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, J. D. Perrin, Pastor.

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Field, Mrs. R. J......

Healer and Teacher. Absent Patients....318 Tyler St., Topeka, Kansas.

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Healers. Absent Treatment... 1142 E. Twelfth Street, Los Angeles, Cal.
.Teacher and Healer...
.San Bernardino, Cal.

..Lecturer and Teacher...


Parker, Mrs. E. L............Teaching and Healing....... 40 Parker Street, New Bedford, Mass.

Rippe, John H.


Teacher and Healer in German and English, 1432 Pen St., Kansas City, Mo. ..........310 East Park Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa

Ross, Mrs. Carrie B......... Healer.....

3003 Locust Street, St. Louis

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Wilson, Mrs. J. R..............

.Teaching and Healing............. .2622 S. 12th St., St. Louis, Mo.
.Teacher Mental Science. Columbus, Ohio.

.......Teacher and Healer.

133A O'Farrell Street, San Francisco

..Healing and Teaching..1055 Washington Street, near Eleventh, Oak.

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