

A MEDICAL, CLIMATOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE. This journal endeavors to mirror the progress of the profession of California

and Arizona.

Established in 1886 by Walter Lindley, M.D., LL.D. DR. GEORGE E. MALSBARY, Editor and Publisher.

Associate Editors,

Dr. Walter Lindley, Dr. W. W. Watkins, Dr. Ross Moore, Dr. George L. Cole,
Dr. Cecil E. Reynolds, Dr. William A. Edwards, Dr. Andrew W. Morton,
Dr. H. D'Arcy Power, Dr. B. J. O'Neill, Dr. C. G. Stivers,
Dr. Olga McNeile, Dr. W. H. Dudley, Dr. J. M. Mathews.

Address all communications and manuscripts to

EDITOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRACTITIONER, Suubscription Price, per annum, $1.00.

1414 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal.


Southwest Medicine of El Paso says grew to enormous proportions; four El editorially:

"The illegal traffic in narcotic drugs in El Paso received its final blow at the recent term of the Federal Court in that city; four physicians received penitentiary sentences at the hands of Hon. W. R. Smith, Federal Judge, and, be it said to the credit of the medical fraternity in El Paso, there were only four doctors in that city who prostituted their profession by catering to the cravings of drug addicts.

"For years El Paso has been the Mecca of drug fiends; they flocked here, largely because of the proximity to the Mexican border, and the ease with which drugs could be obtained across the river. However, the passport regulations of the past few years, incident to the war, made visits to Mexico next to impossible, and as a result, the demand for 'prescriptions' for morphine

Paso doctors, who had thrived for years upon writing such prescriptions, availed of the increased demand, and when the Internal Revenue Inspector visited the various drug stores of El Paso he gathered in some 10,000 prescriptions, in three drug stores alone, for morphine in quantities from 5 grains to 30 grains each; when the prescriptions were 'classified' according to names, they showed that, in most instances, the addict has obtained a prescription daily, covering a period of months, usually for 15 grains of morphine sulphate.

"Vigorous prosecutions were immediately instituted by the United States District Attorney's office, with the result that at but one term of the Federal Court a complete clean-up was effected, and the offending physicians put behind the bars."


Dr. William Talbott, formerly of Los Angeles, has located in Lompoc.

Dr. H. G. Palmer, formerly of Bakersfield, has located in Compton.

Dr. H. P. Sherman, recently of Los Angeles, has located in Santa Barbara.

Dr. Ralph W. Avery, Captain in the American Army in France, has decided to move from Oxnard and locate in Los Angeles.

Dr. B. F. Miller, who has been in service as Captain in France, has re turned to his home and practice in Whittier.

Dr. L. M. Coy has been released from the Army and selected as Superintendent of the General Hospital at San Bernardino.

Dr. Raymond T. Francis, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, has located in Oxnard.

Dr. E. F. Tholen has been released from service and has offices in the Brockman Building.

Dr. Robert L. Crum has returned from overseas and has his offices in the Brockman Building.

Dr. Carl W. Rand has returned from the service and resumed his practice in the Brockman Building.

Dr. C. A. Jersen of Ventura has been spending some time with the Mayo Brothers at Rochester, Minn.

The United States in 1914 shipped to Europe 6,030,000 pounds of beef; in 1918 the amount shipped increased to 540,000,000 pounds.

Dr. John Y. Oldham has returned from the army and resumed his practice with offices in the Merchants National Bank Building.

Dr. H. R. Beck, who was Lieutenant in the Army, has received his release

and opened offices in the Brockman Building, Los Angeles.

Dr. H. Wallace Murray of Pasadena, who was in the service as Captain, has since his return home received his commission as Major.

Dr. Ulysses Grant Miller, who was Captain in the Army Medical Corps in France, has been released and resumed practice in Los Angeles.

Major W. H. Roberts, the wellknown specialist of Pasadena, has returned from service overseas and reopened his Pasadena offices.

Dr. Lasher Hart, after a strenuous experience overseas, has been released from service and reopened his offices 518 Title Insurance Building.

Drs. G. R. Owen and Thomas McHugh, formerly of San Bernardino, have removed to Los Angeles with offices in the Van Nuys Building.

The California State Board of Health reports that upon examining 53,462 babies, 46.6% had physical defects, principally abnormal tonsils and adenoids.

Dr. Ellen Woodruff of Santa Monica, who has been in service near the front in France almost continuously since the war began, was at last reports very ill in Paris.

Dr. W. M. Reynolds Severson died in Los Angeles June 16th at the age of 43 years. He was a Captain in the Army during the war and was also a Knight Templar.

Dr. A. J. Scott of Los Angeles was recently appointed by Governor Stephens as a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, succeeding Dr. H. B. Brown.

Dr. John P. Gilmer, formerly Police Surgeon of Los Angeles, has recently been made Senior Medical Officer on the



GICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE. to mirror the progress of the profession of California

in 1886 by Walter Lindley, M.D., LL.D.

E E. MALSBARY, Editor and Publisher.

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arcotic drugs al blow at the ral Court in received penhe hands of 1 Judge, and, =the medical re were only who prosti- catering to cts.

El Paso says grew to enormous proportions; four El Paso doctors, who had thrived for years upon writing such prescriptions, availed of the increased demand, and when the Internal Revenue Inspector visited the various drug stores of El Paso he gathered in some 10,000 prescriptions, in three drug stores alone, for morphine in quantities from 5 grains to 30 grains each; when the prescriptions were classified' according to names, they showed that, in most instances, the addict has obtained a prescription daily, covering a period of months, usually for 15 grains of morphine sulphate.

as been the flocked here, ximity to the e ease with Cained across assport reguears, incident Mexico next esult, the defor morphine

"Vigorous prosecutions were immediately instituted by the United States District Attorney's office, with the result that at but one term of the Federal Court a complete clean-up was effected, and the offending physicians put behind the bars."

Dr. William Talbott, formerly of Angeles, has located in Lompoc. Dr. H. G. Palmer, formerly of kersfield, has located in Compton.

Dr. H. P. Sherman, recently of Angeles, has located in Santa Bar

Dr. Ralph W. Avery, Captain in American Army in France, has de to move from Oxnard and locate in Angeles.

Dr. B. F. Miller, who has be service as Captain in France, ha turned to his home and practi Whittier.

Dr. L. M. Coy has been release the Army and selected as Super ent of the General Hospital at Sa nardino.

Dr. Raymond T. Francis, a g of the University of Pennsylva located in Oxnard.

Dr. E. F. Tholen has been from service and has offices Brockman Building.

Dr. Robert L. Crum has from overseas and has his offic Brockman Building.

Dr. Carl W. Rand has retur
the service and resumed his pr
the Brockman Building.

Dr. C. A. Jersen of Ventura
spending some
Brothers at Rochester, Minn.
time with


The United States in 1914 Europe 6,030,000 pounds of 1918 the amount shipped in 540,000,000 pounds.

Dr. John Y. Oldham has from the army and resume tice with offices in the Mer tional Bank Building.

Dr. H. R. Beck, who was in the Army, has received

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Building, Los Angeles.

Dr. H. Wallace Murray of Pasadena, who was in the service as Captain, has since his return home received his commission as Major.

Dr. Ulysses Grant Miller, who was Captain in the Army Medical Corps in France, has been released and resumed practice in Los Angeles.

Major W. H. Roberts, the wellknown specialist of Pasadena, has returned from service overseas and reopened his Pasadena offices.

Dr. Lasher Hart, after a strenuous experience overseas, has been released from service and reopened his offices 518 Title Insurance Building.

Drs. G. R. Owen and Thomas McHugh, formerly of San Bernardino, have removed to Los Angeles with offices in the Van Nuys Building.

The California State Board of Health reports that upon examining 53,462 babies, 46.6% had physical defects, principally abnormal tonsils and adenoids.

Dr. Ellen Woodruff of Santa Monica, who has been in service near the front in France almost continuously since the war began, was at last reports very ill in Paris.

Dr. W. M. Reynolds Severson died in Los Angeles June 16th at the age of 43 years. He was a Captain in the Army during the war and was also a Knight Templar.

Dr. A. J. Scott of Los Angeles was recently appointed by Governor Stephens as a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, succeeding Dr. H. B. Brown.

Dr. John P. Gilmer, formerly Police Surgeon of Los Angeles, has recently been made Senior Medical Officer on the



OGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE. to mirror the progress of the profession of California

in 1886 by Walter Lindley, M.D., LL.D.

E E. MALSBARY, Editor and Publisher.

[blocks in formation]

El Paso says

arcotic drugs

al blow at the eral Court in received penThe hands of 1 Judge, and, f the medical ere were only - who prosti- catering to cts.

has been the - flocked here, ximity to the e ease with tained across assport reguears, incident Mexico next esult, the defor morphine

grew to enormous proportions; four El
Paso doctors, who had thrived for
years upon writing such prescriptions,
availed of the increased demand, and
when the Internal Revenue Inspector
visited the various drug stores of El
Paso he gathered in some 10,000 pre-
scriptions, in three drug stores alone,
for morphine in quantities from 5
grains to 30 grains each; when the pre-
scriptions were classified' according to
names, they showed that, in most in-
stances, the addict has obtained a pre-
scription daily, covering a period of
months, usually for 15 grains of mor-
phine sulphate.

"Vigorous prosecutions were imme-
diately instituted by the United States
District Attorney's office, with the re-
sult that at but one term of the Fed-
eral Court a complete clean-up was ef-
fected, and the offending physicians put
behind the bars."


Dr. William Talbott, formerly of
Angeles, has located in Lompoc.
Dr. H. G. Palmer, formerly of
kersfield, has located in Compton.
Dr. H. P. Sherman, recently of
Angeles, has located in Santa Bar

Dr. Ralph W. Avery, Captain i
American Army in France, has de
to move from Oxnard and locate in

Dr. B. F. Miller, who has be
service as Captain in France, ha
turned to his home and practi

Dr. L. M. Coy has been released the Army and selected as Superi ent of the General Hospital at Sa nardino.

Dr. Raymond T. Francis, a gra of the University of Pennsylvani located in Oxnard.

Dr. E. F. Tholen has been re from service and has offices Brockman Building.

Dr. Robert L. Crum has re from overseas and has his offices Brockman Building.

Dr. Carl W. Rand has returne the service and resumed his pra the Brockman Building.

Dr. C. A. Jersen of Ventura h spending some time with the Brothers at Rochester, Minn.

The United States in 1914 shi Europe 6,030,000 pounds of k 1918 the amount shipped incre 540,000,000 pounds.

Dr. John Y. Oldham has from the army and resumed 1 tice with cffices in the Mercha tional Bank Building.

Dr. H. R. Beck, who was Li in the Army, has received hi

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