THE BLIND. Their Condition and the Work being Done for Them in the United States. By Harry Best, Ph.D. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1919. The attitude of society towards the blind has hitherto been chiefly one of compassion; and because of this they have largely been thought of in a sen. timental way. As we proceed to inquire into the provisions that have been made for the blind in the past, we find that in the main these have been limited to two forms-the supplying of the means of education for blind children and the more or less indiscriminate giving of alms or similar doles to such of the blind as have crossed our paths. The measures for the instruction of blind children have as a general thing been the sole organized proceeding attempted for the blind. Direct public care has mostly been limited to the creation and maintenance of schools, and attention has not often advanced further. This is an excellent survey of the subject from the standpoint of social economics, and is remarkably complete for a volume of 763 pages. You will find it interesting. Furthermore, it is well suited for use as waiting-room literature. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICIANS HOME FROM GOV- Allen, Charles Lewis, 718 Brockman Bldg. Alexander, C. B., 31 W. Main St., Alhambra, Cal. Anderson, C. W., 710 Brockman Bldg. Armstrong, Maurice M., 900 Investment Bldg. Avery, L. Gorton, 621 S. Vermont St. Baker, C. D., 4695 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal. Biggs, Elmer L., 827 Title Insurance Bldg. Bishop, Frank C., 1008 Bdwy. Cent. Bldg. Boller, Phil, 523 Investment Bldg. Bonthius, Andrew, 303 Dodsworth Bldg., Pasadena. Boyd, Geo. T., 211 C. E. Toberman Bldg. Bowman, Wm. B., 818 Brockman Bldg. Brown, Geo. W., 1005 Merch. Nat. Bank Bldg. Brownfield, W. H., 809 Haas Bldg. Byrnes, R. L., 605 Investment Bldg. Clark, W. T., cor. Washington and Wil ton Place. Cleeves, Montague, 1276 Boynton St., Tropico, Cal. Cochran, Guy, 515 Pacific Electric Bldg. Coffey, Titian, 514 Marsh-Strong Bldg. Coller, Frederick A., 1221 Brockman Bldg. Condit, Joseph D., 205 St. Louis Block, Pasadena. Cook, C. W., 402 Story Bldg. Cook, E. J., 430 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Cowan, J. Ray, 1501 S. Figueroa St. Crispen, E. C., 608 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Crispen, E. L., 2880 W. 8th St. Crossan, John W., 1008 Bdwy. Cent. Bldg. Dale, Harry M., 320 Cons. Realty Bldg. Daniels, Wm. H., 67792 Hollywood Blvd. Davies, Bertram C., 1113 Investment Bldg. Deering, Walter E., 641811⁄2 Hollywood Blvd, Derrick, J. S., 2939 E. 4th St. Dickson, A. R., California Hospital. Dieterle, Karl L., 717 Wright & Callender Bldg. Dirks, Chas., 509 Brockman Bldg. Dodge, Wm., 1204 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Freese, Benj. M., 510 Merch. Natl. Bank Frick, Donald, 711 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg. Gage, C. E., 302 Brockman Bldg. Hanson, Chas. O., 601 Merritt Bldg. Hastings, Hill, 924 Trust & Savings Bldg. Holgate, Chas. E., 288-91 I. W. Hellman Bldg. Hubbard, Clinton D., 917 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Humfreville, L., 436 Security Bldg. Hutchinson, Wm. W., 288-91 I. W. Hellman Bldg. Ide, Clarence E., no address, transferred to San Diego. Janes, John Ely, 625 S. Pasadena Ave., Pasadena. Jeffs, Milton D. W., 422 Investment Bldg. Johnson, Clarence A., 1115 Magnolia Ave. Johnson, P. V. K., 1120 Brockman Bldg. Johnson, Walter S., 502 Brockman Bldg. Jones, A. Halden, 222 Bradbury Bldg. Jones, I. W., 812 Haas Bldg. Josephs, Louis, 719-20 Marsh-Strong Bldg. Kelly, J. W., 618 Ferguson Bldg. Kittle, Walter F., 510 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Kyle, John J., 702 Title Insurance Bldg. Linhart, Lawrence R., 1848 W. 21st St. MacKenzie, W. W., 718 Brockman Bldg. MacLeish, A. C., 1104 Brockman Bldg. Marxmiller, H. G., 1020 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Mattison, E. G., 707 Citizens Sav. Bank Bldg., Pasadena. McClish, C. L., 715 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. McKenna, Wm. J., 506 Exchange Bldg. McNab, Thos. R., Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Metcalf, F. C., South Pasadena. Mikels, Frank M., 630 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Long Beach. Miller, Frank W., 1020 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Misch, Herman B., 324 S. Fresno St. Mixsell, Raymond, 428 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Pasadena. Moore, Albert W., 917 Brockman Bldg. Moore, E. C., 1005 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Moore, J. Ross, 718 Brockman Bldg. Myers, T. Chalmers, 1501 S. Figueroa St. Newcomb, Arthur T., 44 Marengo Ave., Pasadena. Olds, W. H., 308 Cons. Realty Bldg. Pallette, Edward M., 1501 S. Figueroa St. Pomeroy, J. L., 1005 Hall of Records. Phillips, C. E., 403 S. Hobart Blvd. Reeves, J. Walter, 1113 L. A. Inv. Bldg. Remington, Lewis D., 208 Monrovia Sav. Bank Bldg., Monrovia. Reynolds, C. E., 1127 Orange St. Richardson, W. W., 311 Brockman Bldg. Reed, J. Ross, 1-3 Reed Blk., Covina, Cal. Rogers, Alfred R., 212 Hamburger Bldg. Roen, Paul B., 6422 Hollywood Blvd. Rosenberger, Homer G., 1100 Brack Shops. Roth, Leon J., 1207 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Rothwell, Wm. T., 1318 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Sands, R. A., 2041 W. 31st St. Scherfee, James F., 2650 W. Pico St. Sherk, H. H., 807 Central Bldg., Pasadena. Sherrard, E. E., 1124 Investment Bldg. Skeel, Donald W., 1234 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Smalley, C. A., 506 Wright & Callender Bldg. Smith, R. L., 8-9 State Bank Bldg., Pomona, Cal. Smith, Rea, 510 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Toland, Clarence G., 1010 Baker-Detwiler Trewhella, J. S., Montebello Hospital, Montebello, Cal. Waller, Geo. P., Jr., 624 Trust & Savings. Walters, C. M. C., Bimini Hot Springs. Warmer, C. A., 111 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario, Cal. Wheat, J. E., 201 N. Maclay St., San Francisco, Cal. Whiting, Sanford, 1102 Citizens Nat. Bank Bldg. Wiley, E. H., 910 Hollingsworth Bldg. Williams, Edwards H., 512 Brockman Bldg. Wilson, John C., 1210 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Wilson, L. E., 430 Cons. Realty Bldg. Woodward, Frank A., 248812 W. Pico St. Young, Chas. L., 411 Cons. Realty Bldg. Zerfing, Chas, E., 319 Hollingsworth Bldg. Southern California PRACTITIONER $1.00 PER YEAR 1414 S. Hope St. Los Angeles society towards the been chiefly one of because of this they thought of in a sen. As we proceed to inprovisions that have e blind in the past, we me main these have wo forms-the supplyof education for blind more or less indisof alms or similar as a general thing been the sole organized proceeding attempted for the blind. Direct public care has mostly been limited to the creation and maintenance of schools, and attention has not often advanced further. This is an excellent survey of the subject from the standpoint of social economics, and is remarkably complete for a volume of 763 pages. You will find it interesting. Furthermore, it is well suited for use as waiting-room literature. MISCELLANEOUS HOME FROM GOV- vis, 718 Brockman Bldg. 31 W. Main St., Alham 710 Brockman Bldg. ice M., 900 Investment 621 S. Vermont St. Hollywood Blvd., Holly 327 Title Insurance Bldg. 1008 Bdwy. Cent. Bldg. nvestment Bldg. v, 303 Dodsworth Bldg., 1 C. E. Toberman Bldg. ., 818 Brockman Bldg. 1005 Merch. Nat. Bank [., 809 Haas Bldg. W., 74242 Sunset Blvd. C., 600 Merritt Bldg. Grant Bldg. 5 Investment Bldg. Whittier, Cal. r. Washington and Wil ue, 1276 Boynton St., 5 Pacific Electric Bldg. 14 Marsh-Strong Bldg. A., 1221 Brockman Bldg. D., 205 St. Louis Block, Story Bldg. H. W. Hellman Bldg. 501 S. Figueroa St. 608 Merch. Natl. Bank 880 W. 8th St. Crossan, John W., 1008 Bdwy. Cent. Bldg. Dale, Harry M., 320 Cons. Realty Bldg. Daniels, Wm. H., 67792 Hollywood Blvd. Davies, Bertram C., 1113 Investment Bldg. Deering, Walter E., 64181⁄2 Hollywood Blvd. Derrick, J. S., 2939 E. 4th St. Dickson, A. R., California Hospital. Dieterle, Karl L., 717 Wright & Callender Bldg. Dirks, Chas., 509 Brockman Bldg. Dodge, Wm., 1204 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. Freese, Benj. M., 510 Merch. Natl. Bank Frick, Donald, 711 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg. Gage, C. E., 302 Brockman Bldg. Hanson, Chas. O., 601 Merritt Bldg. Hastings, Hill, 924 Trust & Savings Bldg. Holgate, Chas. E., 288-91 I. W. Hellman Bldg. Bldg. I. W. Hell transferred adena Ave., tment Bldg. agnolia Ave. man Bldg. man Bldg. ry Bldg. Strong Bldg. 1g. xer-Detwiler ance Bldg. 724 H. W. . 21st St. Bldg. itizens Sav. Dil Bldg. . man Bldg. 3 Crenshaw nan Bldg. ker-Detwiler Sav. Bank etwiler Bldg. nge Bldg. Hotel, San ena. Natl. Bank - Natl. Bank esno St. ber of Com man Bldg. Bldg. St. man Bldg. Covina, Cal. arger Bldg. d Blvd. Brack Shops. etwiler Bldg. Bldg. Sands, R. A., 2041 W. 31st St. Scherfee, James F., 2650 W. Pico St. Sherk, H. H., 807 Central Bldg., Pasadena. Smalley, C. A., 506 Wright & Callender Smith, R. L., 8-9 State Bank Bldg., Po- Smith, Rea, 510 Merch. Natl. Bank Bldg. Toland, Clarence G., 1010 Baker-Detwiler Trewhella, J. S., Montebello Hospital, Waller, Geo. P., Jr., 624 Trust & Savings. Wheat, J. E., 201 N. Maclay St., San Whiting, Sanford, 1102 Citizens Nat. Bank Wiley, E. H., 910 Hollingsworth Bldg. Wilson, John C., 1210 Baker-Detwiler Wilson, L. E., 430 Cons. Realty Bldg. BY REX DUNCAN, M.I) It gives me great pleasure to with your request for a brief regarding the "Radium and On Institute, which will occupy i home, located at Sixth street and avenue, Los Angeles, about Sep 15th. This building, construct clusively for this institution, is ern fireproof structure of ab and distinctive type of Spanish tecture, comprising two stories large basement, approximating ten thousand square feet of floo The second floor will contain rooms, baths, wards, supply surgery and kitchen. rooms, several with baths, and The are so constructed and equippe afford the most modern hospita ties, and will provide for about beds. Bed cases will be limit ever, to those requiring radiu apy, and other facilities of the tion, while post-operative caser treated in the various hospita city, where general surgery All cases will be treated, howe the closest co-operation of the cian. A thoroughly equipped has been provided for minor a Vol. XXXIV. LOS ANGELES, AUGUST, 1919 Editor, DR. GEO. E. MALSBARY. No. 8 Dr. Walter Lindley, Dr. W. W. Watkins, Dr. Ross Moore, Dr. George L. Cole, BY REX DUNCAN, M.D., MEDICAL DIRECTOR, LOS ANGELES. It gives me great pleasure to comply with your request for a brief article regarding the “Radium and Oncologic Institute" which will occupy its new home, located at Sixth street and Lucas avenue, Los Angeles, about September 15th. This building, constructed exclusively for this institution, is a modern fireproof structure of a beautiful and distinctive type of Spanish architecture, comprising two stories and a large basement, approximating in all ten thousand square feet of floor space. The second floor will contain private rooms, baths, wards, supply rooms, surgery and kitchen. The private rooms, several with baths, and wards, are so constructed and equipped as to afford the most modern hospital facilities, and will provide for about twenty beds. Bed cases will be limited, however, to those requiring radium therapy, and other facilities of the institution, while post-operative cases will be treated in the various hospitals of the city, where general surgery is done. All cases will be treated, however, with the closest co-operation of their physician. A thoroughly equipped surgery has been provided for minor and emer gency work, or that essential for the proper administration of radium therapy in cases indicated. On the first floor there will be offices, library, reception rooms, three perfectly equipped examining rooms, supply and sterilizing rooms, treatment rooms for ambulatory cases, and the laboratories. In the construction of the building, ample and well arranged space is provided for a most modern X-ray laboratory, which will be completely equipped for diagnostic and therapeutic work. On this floor also are large and perfectly equipped laboratories for clinical and research work. The radium laboratory was designed in consultation with Prof. Duane, Research Professor of Physics, Harvard University, and recognized as one of the greatest authorities on radio-active substances. This room contains a specially constructed vault, in which is stored the radium, nearly one gram in amount, and valued at approximately $120,000.00. The emanation apparatus, measuring instruments, and other necessary equipment, are being installed under the personal direction of Prof. Duane, whom we are so fortunate as to |