페이지 이미지

Spado. "And, (continued he) Spado, I appoint you my trusty spy in this Don Scipio's family; to cover our designs, let it be a secret that you belong to me, and I shan't seem even to know you-You'll easily get a footing in the family, (says he) by imposing some lie or other, upon a foolish woman, I'm told, is in the castle, Dame Isabel I think they call her.

Isab. He shall find I am not so easily imposed


Spado. I said so, madam; says I, a lady of Dame Isabel's wisdom must soon find me out, was I to tell her a lie.

Isab. Ay, that I should, sir.


Vas. Oh, madam! my master is returned, and Don Fernando de Zelva with him. [Exit VASQUEZ. Isab. Don Fernando! Oh, then, this is the rascally valet, but I'll give him a welcome with a vengeance!

Spado. Hold, madam! Suppose for a little sport, you seem to humour the deceit, only to see how the fellow acts his part, he'll play the gentleman very well, I'll warrant; the dog is an excellent mimic, for, you must know, ma'am, this Pedrillo's mother was a gipsy, his father a merry Andrew to a mountebank, and he himself five years trumpeter to a company of strolling players.

Isab. So, I was likely to bave a hopeful son-in law! Good sir, we are eternally indebted to you for this timely notice of the imposition.

Spado. Madam, I've done the common duties of an honest man I have been long in the family, and can't see my master making such a fool of himself, without endeavouring to prevent any mischance in consequence.

Isab. Dear sir, I beseech you be at home under this roof, pray be free, and want for nothing the house affords.


Spado. [Bows.] Good madam! I'll want for nothing I can lay my fingers on. [Aside.-Exit SPADO.

Isab. Heavens! what an honest soul it is! what a lucky discovery! Oh, here comes my darling girl!

Enter LORENZA, magnificently dressed.

Lor. Oh, cara Madre! See, behold!-Can I fail of captivating Don Fernando? Don't I look charms ing?

Isab. Why, Lorenza, I must say the toilet has done it's duty, I'm glad to see you in such spirits, my dear child!

Lor. Spirits! ever gay, ever sprightly, cheerful as a lark-but how shall I forget my Florence lover, my dear Ramirez?

Isab. I request, my dear, you'll not think of this Ramirez-even from your own account of him, he must be a person of most dissolute principles-fortu nately he knows you only by your name of Lorenza. I hope he won't find you out here.

Lor. Then farewell, beloved Ramirez! In obedience to your commands, madam, I shall accept of this Don Fernando; and as a husband, I will love him if I can—


Love! gay illusion!
Pleasing delusion,
With sweet intrusion,
Possesses the mind.

Love with love meeting,
Passion is fleeting;

Vows in repeating

We trust to the wind.

Faith to faith plighted,
Love may be blighted;
Hearts often slighted

Will cease to be kind.


Vas. Madam-my master and Don Fernando.
Isab. Has Don Fernando a servant with him?
Vas. No, madam.

Isab. Oh, when he comes, take notice of him.


Don Scipio. Oh, my darling dame, and my delicate daughter, bless your stars that you see poor old Scipio alive again-Behold my son-in-law and the preserver of my life-Don Fernando, there's your spouse, and this is Donna Isabella, a lady of vast merit, of which my heart is sensible.

Don Fer. Madam!

Isab. What an impudent fellow!

[Salutes. [Aside.

Don Scipio. Dear Fernando, you are as welcome to this castle as flattery to a lady, but there she is— bill and coo-embrace-caress her.

[FERDINAND salutes LORENZA. Lor. If I had never seen Ramirez, I should think the man tolerable enough!


Dan Scipio. Ha! ha! this shall be the happy night -Eh, Dame Isabel, by our agreement, before the lark sings, I take possession of this noble tenement.

Don Fer. Don Scipio, I hop'd to have the honour of seeing your son.

Don Scipio. My son! Who, Cæsar? Oh, lord! He's-He was a-turned out a profligate-Sent him to Italy got into bad company-don't know what's become of him--My dear friend, if you would not offend me, never mention Don Cæsar in my hearing,

Egad-Eh, my dainty dame, is not Don Fernando a find fellow?

Isab. Yes, he's well enough for a trumpeter.

Don Scipio. Trumpeter! [With Surprise.] what the devil do you mean by that? Oh, because I sound his praise; but, madam, he's a cavalier of noble birth, title, fortune, and valour

Isab. Don Scipio, a word if you please.

[Takes him aside. Lor. [To FERNANDO.] Si-Signor, our castle here is rather a gloomy mansion, when compared to the beautiful cassinos, on the banks of the Arno.

Don Fer. Arno! true, Don Scipio said in his letter, that his daughter had been bred at Florence.

Lor. You have had an unpleasant journey, signor. Don Fer. I have encountered some difficulties by the way, it is true, madam; but am amply repaid by the honour and happiness I now enjoy. [Bows. Lor. Sir!-I swear he's a polite cavalier! [Aside.] Won't you please to sit, sir? I fancy you must be somewhat weary. [Sits.

Don Scipio. What the devil! Eh, sure-what this fellow only Don Fernando's footman! how! it can't be!

Isab. A fact; and presently you'll see Don Fernando himself in livery.

Don Scipio. Look at the impudent son of a gipsy -Sat himself down-Zounds! I'll

Isab. Hold let him play off a few of his airs.

Don Scipio. A footman! Ay, this accounts for his behaviour in the forest-Don Fernando would never have accepted my purse-[Taps his Shoulder.]--Hey, what, you've got there!

Don Fer. Will you please to sit, sir? [Rises. Don Scipio. Yes, he looks like a trumpeter. [Aside.] [With Contempt.

You may sit down, friend.

Don Fer. A strange old gentleman!


Vas. Sir, your servant Pedrillo, is arrived.


[Exit VASQUEZ. Isab. Servant Pedrillo! Ay, this is Fernando him[Apart, joyfully to SCIPIO. Don Fer. Oh, then the fellow has found his way at last. Don Scipio-Ladies-excuse me a moment. [Exit FERNANDO,

Lor. What a charming fellow!
Don Scipio. What an impudent rascal!
Ped. [Without.] Is my master this way ?
Don Scipio. Master! ay, this is Fernando.

Enter PEDRILLO, with a Portmanteau.

Ped. Oh dear! I've got among the gentlefolks--I ask pardon.

Isab. How well he does look and act the servant! Don Scipio. Admirable; yet I perceive the gran

dee under the livery.

Isab. Please to sit sir.

[With great Respect.

Lor. A livery servant sit down by me!

Don Scipio. Pray sit down, sir.

[Ceremoniously. Ped. Sit down! [Sits.] Oh, these must be the upper servants of the family-her ladyship here is the housekeeper, I suppose the young tawdry tit, lady's maid (Hey, her mistress throws off good clothes.) and old whiskers, Don Scipio's butler. [Aside.

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Don Fer. Pedrillo! how! seated? what means this disrespect?

Ped. Sir. [Rises to him.] Old Whiskers the butler there, asked me to sit down by Signora the waiting maid here.

Don Fer. Sirrah!

Ped. Yes, sir.

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