Types .... 455 to 472 Righteousness 472 to 481 PRAISE TO CHRIST 481 to 496 THE HOLY SPIRIT 496 to 503 THE TRINITY 503 to 507 THE SCRIPTURES 507 to 512 THE CHURCH OF GOD 512 to 522 THE BLESSINGS AND INVITATIONS OF THE GOSPEL 522 to 540 HEAVEN 540 to 555 THE CHRISTIAN 555 to 675 MISCELLANEOUS DOXOLOGIES AND DISMISSIONS.. 675 to 717 717 to 730 A. A CHARGE to keep I have Adam our father and our head All hail the power of Jesu's name Almighty Maker God Almighty God, have we not heard And art thou, gracious Master, gone And must this body die And will the Judge descend And does the kind Redeemer stoop And can it be that I should gain Angels, roll the stone away Hymn. 636 462 582 306 ....... 437 676 404 178 491 14 408 16 36 .... 183 Awake, our drowsy souls 49 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays 163 Awake, my heart, arise, my tongue 472 Awake, and sing the song Awake, our souls, away, our fears 486 619 705 553 B. Backward, with humble shame, we look Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme .......... 468 Behold, the last great day is come .......... 675 Behold, what condescending love .......... 77 ........ 475 ............ 571 ....... 633 .......... 610 ... .......... 681 203 Blest be the dear uniting love Blest is the man, whose bowels move C. Can I view the pleasing season Christ and his cross is all our theme Come, Holy Ghost, descend from high Come, Holy Spirit, calm my mind Come, Holy Spirit, come 704 Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove Come, let us anew Come, thou Almighty King .... 506 Come, thou desire of all thy saints Come, thou long expected Jesus Come, we that love the Lord Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched Come, ye that know and fear the Lord Companions of thy little flock D Daughters of Zion, come behold E. Early, my God, without delay Elijah's example declares ... Ere the blue heav'ns were stretch'd abroad Eternal God, in whom we live Eternal source of ev'ry joy Eternal wisdom, thee we praise Eternity is just at hand Exalted high at God's right hand F. ........ ..... ..... ..... ........ .......... Far as thy name is known ..... .... .. Нути. 43 355 62 369 498 702 547 From heaven the loud, th' angelic song began.... 677 Give glory to God, ye children of men Glory be to God on high Glory, honour, praise, and pow'r |